Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Antares.3984
Yes I did, although I’m not sure why my post isn’t showing up in the thread anymore.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Strekios.6740
My ticket was submitted on the “08/30/2012 at 01:26 PM”.
Reference : 120830-013442
The issue was fixed two weeks ago (“Bad Blood” – Exiting the conversation will no longer arbitrarily lock the player into a choice”) but only for new players.
I’m still stuck in a choice I didn’t made, also my “My Story” tab is bugged. The quest is level 36 and I’m now level 80. I have been waiting for nearly a month to be able to continue my Personal Story. I got only automated replies since the patch. My ticket was closed and I had to re-open it.
I hope you can help me,
Thank you
I’m really not sure what could possible be resolved by posting this info here, but as requested…
Information is in my signature.
Computer Generated Responses: 19
CS Attempts to Close the Issue: 7
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nabaxo.7450
120910-006578: Two days ago, I was contacted from a support-rep who asked me a question, I answered within five minutes and I’ve heard nothing but silence since then.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Antares.3984
It has been 3 weeks and I still haven’t received any assistance for my ticket # 120828-016512
I’ve been patiently waiting for my DDE items and I’m really not in any hurry, but then I see this:
Please note: Some of you are asking for replacement of CE or DDE items that you either received and accidentally deleted or which you never received. Please note that one replacement run has been done. I believe another has been done or will be done very soon.
Replacements are one per customer. If you were on a previous list, you will not be given another set of replacements. If you were not on a replacement list, please be sure your ticket is filed with support and update to say you are still awaiting your items. Please do not file a new ticket."
Doubt this will help but here’s my ticket info:
Ticket # 120825-003481 – 25 day wait
-Date Created: 08/25/2012 (30 minutes after launch)
-Only response was they are looking for a fix
-This ticket was closed without me being told and without it being resolved
-I have been patiently waiting for 25 days, then come on the forums to see people have been getting things sent back!?
-I don’t understand how there has been 2 replacement runs and I wasn’t included
Since I cannot update my closed ticket and I have yet to receive any items:
Ticket # 120908-001695 – 12 day wait
-Date Created 09/07/2012
-Still waiting for items
-It seems replacement runs are not being done by when tickets were submitted about the issue
ETA on next replacement run please? Or acknowledgment that I am on one of these lists please?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: phoenixdot.9760
Reference # 120911-009271
Status : Waiting
Date Created : 09/11/2012
I’m asking for account appeal because i don’t understand why I got banned and I’ve still got no answer for my ticket, i asked them what name of the program ? so i can uninstall it and play again.The others that have same problem like me because you wrongly banned people is already unbanned, I don’t know what I need to do anymore. It’s been a week, and it’s suck waiting without any clear status like this.
My ticket even is not in your update list. Maybe when you wrongly terminate other people account like me, my priority just got to the bottom of the line because my money already on your pocket and there’s nothing i can do about it
Started on : 09/11/2012
Status : Solved
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dizlegion.5630
Have had ticket: 120912-000702 to have a billing person remove a block that was caused by my Bank denying a legitimate charge to NCSoft while attempting to buy gems. At this point the fraud detection system kicked and and I’ve been unable to buy gems through credit cards or paypal. The original ticket was opened on 9/4 and was then closed with no action taken. I opened yet another ticket on 9/11 and not received a response. I’ll be happy to use paypal if necessary to buy gems if credit cards are an issue. I just need someone to remove this block off of the account.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Antares.3984
But i’ll post there again just for good measure.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: definem.2781
Hi, if you could respond to a ticket number 120915-002881
It would be very nice
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: OllieXTrick.9643
A response to either tickets would be nice, please, as I’ve waited almost a month now for the resolution and assurance that my account can and will be safe.
[Incident: 120903-001767]
[Incident: 120824-008715]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: OllieXTrick.9643
I have a similar situation as you. Just made a forum post about it and posted in the 5 day or older thread, hopefully we both get them resolved soon.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lord vB.5639
Created ticket on 9/12. today is 9/18 and still no answer. Granted everyone else has been waiting longer, but my issue is that of a refund and I’m wary of the time frame in which one can be issued.
no reply yet as of today…
Reference #: 120912-006060
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Frupert.7240
Issue: Missing Digital Deluxe Edition Items
Ticket: 120825-004180
The ticket was submitted on 8/25 and i still have not had my problem resolved…
GaileGray, you told me to repost this to the Collectors Edition Items Thread, which I did with no response. What do I need to do to get this problem resolved?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bastion.2457
Have been running a ticket back and forth with support for weeks now, but it’s been over 5 days since the last response. Simply trying to get my Guild Wars 1 account email changed from one that no longer exists, to the one I have on this account so I can merge and claim my rewards.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sathed.1489
My account was hacked on Saturday, the 15th. I received an email on the 16th saying they had re-enabled my account. I replied and asked why the email authentication didn’t work. They didn’t even answer my question. They replied with the exact same response from the first email. I finally reset my password online, according to their instructions, but I still can’t log in.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: alexandrov.8746
am waiting 10 days for account restored
plis help me
120909-006557 Duplicate
120911-007816 Duplicate
120908-007658 Updated
thank you
(edited by alexandrov.8746)
So sorry for the delays and/or mixups. It’s true that multiple tickets can cause confusion on everyone’s part, but we’re really wanting to help!
Please add to the sticky post above and I’ll include in today’s review list.
Thanks for your patience.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xander.5312
Gaile, please could you do something or at least inform us about these “unauthorized access” suspensions as I have got one myself and I really want to get my account back and start playing because this is precious time wasted.
Please Gaile, answer us, it the least you can do.
A friend of mine has been unable to play the game as a result of a hacked/blocked account for over two weeks now.
Account name: Kolibear.8270
ticket# 120906-002403
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nabaxo.7450
Alright, I got an answer today. Hopefully they will be quick with replying this time.
I am posting on behalf of a friend that had his account hacked. He said it has been over a week now and he is still unable to login. He was able to take back his account using an NCsoft trick that I found on reddit but he cannot login as it says his account was terminated due to hacking. He replied to the incident ticket telling them this but he hasn’t heard back.
His incident ticket is 120906-000873?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Free of Fate
Sanctum of Rall
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangel.1604
Ticket# 120904-002200
In the updates thread it says “Linking issue – under review”
What does that actually mean? When am I going to get what I paid for?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
Posting for my cousin for the 4th time
still waiting for response on tickets 120909-004170 or 120909-003417
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Glitterby.8719
Waiting for response to: [Incident: 120913-006801]
Submitted on: 09/13/2012 05:34 PM
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Isabeau.7962
Still waiting for a response on 120826-000572, ftr. (HoM / linkage issues.) I’m not going to ragequit or anything, but I do sorta want the HoM items I worked for
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Whistler.7492
Dear Gaile,
I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that my issue has been resolved. Please accept my thanks and pass my gratitude on to the rest of the Guild Wars/Arenanet support team.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: annielumos.6498
120901-001721 was opened 8/31— support email advised on 9/12 that the ticket was being referred to a senior member of support team (no validation email being sent on 2nd account)
edit: 9/19— recieved another generic email combo from earlier replies, did not appear issue was even looked at
(edited by annielumos.6498)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: annielumos.6498
120914-000042 was opened 9/13— tome of influence problem, nothing since autoresponse which i replied to
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: phoenixdot.9760
Dear GaileGray
My ticket has been solved by support this morning, and i’m glad for this.
Thank you for your support.
Started on : 09/11/2012
Status : Solved
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Caelen Rivers.6721
Ticket# 120913-005753
I am one of the many, many guild leaders with no permissions to manage their guilds. One can imagine how frustrating this can be
Hey GaileGrey,
Hi there i am waiting still for a fix of my account, multiple people told me its a account issue not a bugg.
I even posted it in the section of buggs but no admin or gm are replying to itReview my ticket if can thanks: ticket: 120916-005007
I don’t know who “multiple people” are, but account issues are things like “I can’t log in” or “I was hacked.” If you’re not getting your mail, then that seems like a bug or a technical support issue to me.
Regardless, your ticket is two days old. You can add it back to this thread in three days, if the problem persists.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
Grizzly, I totally understand your frustration, and again, I apologize. I added this to my review list on Sunday, and I believe that two or three agents are helping me with that list today, so I do expect to hear tonight (or tomorrow at the latest). Very sorry for the delay in answering this and a few others extremely old tickets I see in the recent posts from players who have been extremely patient (for which we are extremely grateful!)
Anyway, that is why we have this thread, so please bear with us. (Get it, a little joke, with Grizzly and… ok, I’m outta here for now. runs)
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I submitted ticket# 120828-016512 on launch day (8/28) due to being unable to apply a retail key to the pre-order account I’ve been playing on. I’m now stuck with a blank account and cannot access the characters I created during the 3 day headstart.
Although I acknowledge the monumental task of assisting all the people with hacked accounts, I cannot help but feel extremely disappointed in Arenanet support. I have been extremely patient and have done everything they asked of me i.e. not submitting a second ticket, updating the ticket with relevant information.
Despite all that I have done, they close my ticket, which I promptly reopened, and haven’t heard back from them since then. I have not played the game since launch because I have every intention of keeping my original characters.
What do you think a customer is supposed to do at this point?
I know the question is somewhat rhetorical, but I want to say thank you to you, as well, for your extreme patience. Obviously, this goes on today’s review list and I expect I will have an answer by tomorrow.
Antares, I can sympathize, I’ve have a ticket opened as well since 9/4 that was closed which I also reopened and have yet to receive a human response from anyone at ArenaNet.
I’m highly disappointed with the support being offered. This is the first company that I’ve ever worked with that has left me hanging this long on an issue.
Could I get that 12-digit incident/ticket number? Do I already have it? Just checking — we want to help!
I’m really not sure what could possible be resolved by posting this info here, but as requested…
Information is in my signature.
I’m sorry, I do not see a ticket number in your signature. Could you please provide?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
My ticket was submitted on the “08/30/2012 at 01:26 PM”.
Reference : 120830-013442
The issue was fixed two weeks ago (“Bad Blood” – Exiting the conversation will no longer arbitrarily lock the player into a choice”) but only for new players.
I’m still stuck in a choice I didn’t made, also my “My Story” tab is bugged. The quest is level 36 and I’m now level 80. I have been waiting for nearly a month to be able to continue my Personal Story. I got only automated replies since the patch. My ticket was closed and I had to re-open it.I hope you can help me,
Thank you
As I read this, I thought “This sounds more like a bug than an account issue” and indeed that is the queue in which your ticket resides. I would suggest that you pursue this in the bug forum although I can add it to the review list, it’s just that the crew helping me with these generally is not the same as those working on bug reports.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
A response to either tickets would be nice, please, as I’ve waited almost a month now for the resolution and assurance that my account can and will be safe.
[Incident: 120903-001767]
[Incident: 120824-008715]
I see a response on 9/11 — did you get that? Did you perform the steps outlined? Please let me know as it seems that the agent felt the issue was resolved.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Created ticket on 9/12. today is 9/18 and still no answer. Granted everyone else has been waiting longer, but my issue is that of a refund and I’m wary of the time frame in which one can be issued.
no reply yet as of today…
Reference #: 120912-006060
Looks like that was processed today. Can you please confirm?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
My account was hacked on Saturday, the 15th. I received an email on the 16th saying they had re-enabled my account. I replied and asked why the email authentication didn’t work. They didn’t even answer my question. They replied with the exact same response from the first email. I finally reset my password online, according to their instructions, but I still can’t log in.
Just responded to a couple of hours ago. I think you are good to go, but repost if you still need assistance.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
am waiting 10 days for account restored
plis help me120909-006557 Duplicate
120911-007816 Duplicate
120908-007658 Updatedthank you
Just answered today and I believe you also are set. Please report if needed.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
How come I see tickets that have been resolved in like a day or two when mine has been open for 10 days? it’s just not right.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Yoshiro.4159
Hey GaileGray,
Could u atleast try something with helping me out? Instead of sending me away to another section where i not even getting helped.
ticket: 120916-005007
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: VooDooU.4891
Wish I saw this before I have two tickets that are being ignored or in one.. dealt with in a COMPLETELY wrong manner.
ok well went to get the ticket numbers and found one was just responded to… in a COMPLETELY wrong manner. Please do not give me the “we cant give items back” canned response as I know this is incorrect. Items are being returned to people for other reasons.
120901-001537 8/31 – had two situations where the mystic forge ate my items with nothing given in return, it now says waiting.. you didnt request info you just told me to report bugs in game. I want the items back or at least what the mystic forge would have given me.
120829-009894 8/29 over night 1 gold(give or take 10s) was gone from my character.. very quickly the GM handling it and I figured that this was NOT a hacking to my elation.. but then it gets weird they change my password(back when I couldn’t change it back) to my annoyance. I mean come on YOU try and remember Q93mL9qf…. and of course I have changed it by now. So now its just in limbo.. I am afraid its now too old for you to trace the gold but again I want it back. I didnt spend it, there was nothing I could have spent it on before I logged out or when I logged back in in the morning until I discovered the lost money.
I know you have a lot of issues out there and that I am not a special flower but I would like to be treated fairly and I think I have waited much longer than normal… 3 weeks..
Hey GaileGray,
Could u atleast try something with helping me out? Instead of sending me away to another section where i not even getting helped.
ticket: 120916-005007
Again — please respect the request that this thread be used for issues five days old or older.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wish I saw this before I have two tickets that are being ignored or in one.. dealt with in a COMPLETELY wrong manner.
ok well went to get the ticket numbers and found one was just responded to… in a COMPLETELY wrong manner. Please do not give me the “we cant give items back” canned response as I know this is incorrect. Items are being returned to people for other reasons.
120901-001537 8/31 – had two situations where the mystic forge ate my items with nothing given in return, it now says waiting.. you didnt request info you just told me to report bugs in game. I want the items back or at least what the mystic forge would have given me.
120829-009894 8/29 over night 1 gold(give or take 10s) was gone from my character.. very quickly the GM handling it and I figured that this was NOT a hacking to my elation.. but then it gets weird they change my password(back when I couldn’t change it back) to my annoyance. I mean come on YOU try and remember Q93mL9qf…. and of course I have changed it by now. So now its just in limbo.. I am afraid its now too old for you to trace the gold but again I want it back. I didnt spend it, there was nothing I could have spent it on before I logged out or when I logged back in in the morning until I discovered the lost money.
I know you have a lot of issues out there and that I am not a special flower but I would like to be treated fairly and I think I have waited much longer than normal… 3 weeks..
You are demanding that we spawn items and give them to you, when we are not able to and will not do that. The comparison between the replacement of Digital Deluxe / Collector’s Edition items and your situation is not at all realistic. I am sorry for what you experienced, but we do not have the tools that would allow us to fulfill your requests. That truly is the end of the matter in relation to both tickets.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120824-003258 Resolved
120824-006234 Resolved
120825-002660 Resolved
120826-000505 Resolved
120829-016223 Resolved
120831-014142 Resolved
120902-008437 Resolved
120903-004086, 120827-002060 Resolved
120903-007670 Resolved
120904-004088 Resolved
120905-000663 Resolved
120905-004000 Resolved
120905-009893 Resolved
120906-000873 Resolved
120906-001074 Resolved
120909-003228 Resolved
120909-003240 Resolved
120909-004170 Resolved
120909-004213 Resolved
120909-004924 Resolved
120909-005316 Resolved
120909-005845 Resolved
120909-007232 Resolved
120910-000452 Resolved
120910-001112 Resolved
120910-001702 Resolved
120910-002635 Resolved
120910-005217 Resolved
120910-005932 Resolved
120910-005991 Resolved
120910-006290 Resolved
120910-008232 Resolved
120910-008247 Resolved
120911-000802 Resolved
120911-001715 Resolved
120911-005956 Resolved
120911-006605 Resolved
120911-007734 Resolved
120911-009271 Resolved
120916-001690 Resolved
120825-004180 Resolved by bug fix
120826-009648 Resolved – linking issue
120911-008713 Resolved — can you confirm?
120909-003690 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120904-010932 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120825-003004 Assigned and awaiting resolution. Apologies for the delay!
120910-008374 Response sent; let us know if you need further help
120902-017847, 120911-005778, 120913-006861 Player appears to have mistyped recipient’s name; we are unable to assist with this one
120904-001142 Item replacement request — unable to fulfill
120909-002932 Item replacement request — unable to fulfill
120909-004321 Information provided
120909-004502 Information provided
120827-007759 In Technical Support queue awaiting resolution
120831-010210 In Technical Support queue awaiting resolution
120826-007493 In queue, awaiting resolution
120903-011046 In queue, awaiting resolution
120903-011456 In queue, awaiting resolution
120904-002200 In queue, awaiting resolution
120905-000910 In queue, awaiting resolution
120910-006129 In queue, awaiting resolution
120825-005264, 120907-008203, 120914-001030 In queue, awaiting distribution
120825-009729 In queue, awaiting distribution
120825-033103 In queue, awaiting distribution
120825-035702 In queue, awaiting distribution
120902-005108 Assigned; awaiting response from player
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hey GaileGray,
I know there is still time left in the day, but if you guys are done supporting tickets, I was hoping that I could get on the queue for tomorrow. I was one of the people on the review list left over from yesterday.
“A few of those on tomorrow’s review list:” – GaileGray
My ticket number is 120912-005302
Hey GaileGray,
I know there is still time left in the day, but if you guys are done supporting tickets, I was hoping that I could get on the queue for tomorrow. I was one of the people on the review list left over from yesterday.
“A few of those on tomorrow’s review list:” – GaileGray
120912-005302My ticket number is 120912-005302
It is on the review list and will be addressed tomorrow, I am sure!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
How come I see tickets that have been resolved in like a day or two when mine has been open for 10 days? it’s just not right.
Resolved today.
If that is not the case, let me know, but it very much appeared so upon review.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: VooDooU.4891
I am not demanding, I am telling you want I think I deserve and know you can do and HAVE done. What really bothers me is that money can go missing and nothing be done about it.. Thats a serious bug and no one will help me. Hell you made things more difficult for me to even get into the game because whoever reset my password didnt bother to read the ticket. So I am out money, items and I get nothing >.< not even someone looking into the issue which is what I originally wanted.