Showing Posts For Ackfu.8407:
Here’s the build Ive been running in PvP for a while
The main idea is to lock an opponent down with M/Sh and then swap to A/M for a 100% crit rate from sigil of intelligence and use eviscerate to hopefully finish them off.
My vote is for the Charr
lol or your weapons have different stats on them
I think it would be cool to have a trait that makes burst ability’s strip boons, maybe have it so each level of adrenalin strips a boon.
I just tested Endure Pain and it still has the effect listed as 5 Seconds in the tooltip and only lasts for 3 seconds when used.
I for one am not really bothered that much by Asura but I do notice a lot more of my attacks land when using one. It is an advantage, I don’t think it’s possible to argue otherwise.
My suggestion for this is more or less a compromise between the stated reasoning
of either side of the argument.Make an option to display all enemies as human. This could be a single model, also reducing the amount of objects loaded (more of a WwW issue but might as well touch on it). You still get you aesthetics, so even if you want to play an Asura but don’t want to deal with others hard to read animations you don’t have to deal with it. I would like to hear an argument against this.
This sounds like a great idea, and I think that this would be the best option to even out pvp for higher ranked play while letting people keep their individuality for all levels of play.
I just want to add here that the FPS problem in Bandithaunt is because the barrels repeatedly spawn on top of each other; it is not a hardware problem.
If you see this bug in a specific area(s), please keep an eye out for any creatures or props that could be causing similar behavior. If you encounter the issue on a regular basis and it is not limited to a particular area, it may be hardware based.
I know its a minor thing but it not the barrels, its actually the bombs that keep spawning on top of each other. I’m sure you knew just wanted to clarify to make sure.
I like to run a Mace/Mace and Sword/Shield build
I try to use sword and shield to catch up and slow people down and then pummel them with the maces.
The Zhaitan fight, Is it going to stay as it is or will it get a much needed revamp?
sPvP d/d ele super build, what do you think about it?
Hit B to open up the scoreboard and you will see a + next to each team, you or your friend can use these to join the others team.
Yeah I just got booted and cant log back in
Yeah, bring back the drawing an map pings. Maybe add some pre-scripted phrases too. Like if you see an enemy and target them, they’ll ping on the map. Maybe add an built in mic system too. Anything that can easy up on the need to stop and type.
You can draw and ping on the map
you just need to party up to be able to see it.
Warrior is a beast (unless in glass-cannon build), so getting Warrior down is a tough thing and should be rewarded. However, traited Vengeance solves this problem.
In PVP, no one can 1v1 you (except haste\stealth Thief killing you where you can’t 2 him down)
If they try to 1v1 you, you simply 2 their face on finisher, 3, kill at least some one and continue fighting.In PVE Vengeance is pretty much worthless vs Elites, so if you go down and you’re being interrupted and there’s no one to heal you… Well, you know.
But in daily PvE, where 2-3 mobs down you you can pretty easily fight back and kill one to get up.
If you go down in a 1v1 as a war and the other player is decent they will either pop a skill for stability, stealth, blind, invulnerability, just block it with a pet or simply get up and stomp you before you can do anything else.
I haven’t tested it out myself but since you spin in a circle half of the hits are infront of you and the other half behind you maybe?
let me know what you think
Hit B to open the scoreboard and use the + icons on either side to switch teams, You can generally get on the same team that way and if not its fun to beat up your friends sometimes too hehe.
Yeah I just got one in the 3rd round of a free tourny
Is this a bug or just not in the patch notes?
Here’s a link to a post I made about my Warrior build
and here’s a link to the build itself
(edited by Ackfu.8407)
I think if anything all of the sharks should be removed
Alright since I don’t think I have seen any other people running Mace/Mace here’s my build, it takes a bit of getting used to but I have been able to use it to great effect.
Its based around CC so that your opponent cant heal or get off key ability’s. You have
2 stuns, a ranged knockdown that can hit multiple targets if lined up, a daze and a nice Immobilize to hold them in place with you do it.
The main fault I have found with it was that it could be kited pretty easily so I tried to balance that out with Restorative strength and gap closing skills like Savage Leap and Tremor.
So I have been trying out some a few new things and I think that this slight change to the traits make for a better combo with mace burst stun and frenzy
Still trying to figure out which sigils are best though
Please tell me what you think, any constructive criticism is welcome.
(edited by Ackfu.8407)
So I saw your other thread and the response.
Gaile GrayNo need for new systems. There already is a solid, reasonable, and secure means to trade in the game. If you choose to go outside that system, well, as the Roman’s say, “Caveat Emptor” or “Let the buyer beware.”
I personally don’t think that was an appropriate or professional way for this situation to be handled by Anet, there is a report function in the game for scamming so I would think it should have been taken seriously.
Also there should ideally be a person to person trade function in the game, many other games with an auction house type function also have a trade function, they are not mutually exclusive.
I saw at least 2 players with 10+ min of the swiftness boon, Is this something that should be able to happen?
I agree that the greatsaw is pretty cool, but have you ever heard of a little game called warhammer 40k?
Traits missing vital informations in tooltips to make informed decisions.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Ackfu.8407
There are a couple reasons why trait/skill descriptions aren’t as accurate as they could be. They were constantly changing up until ship for balance and polish. This means some of the descriptions are just out of date. Also, each time a number is changed within the text, it needs to get localized again. This means it’s more efficient to make them a little more vague to lessen the localization cost and protect ourselves if that number needs to change again. That’s why skills have “facts” instead of baking the numbers into the descriptions. The last reason it’s difficult to keep skills and traits accurate is because of technical and time limitations. Our skills are complicated, and it takes designers a lot of time to make sure the numerous parts are correct. Sometimes we don’t even have the ability to make the facts accurate (summon’s damage was a tricky one).
I don’t understand how having numbers instead of a vague description would be more difficult to localize, my understanding is that numbers are for the most part universal when it comes to languages.
if im lvl 40 I want to show it to all
Then put on your highest PvP title.
So I just beat the story mode for Arah and I have to say that the fight with Zhaitan is
possibly the most disappointing boss fight I have ever done not only in this game but
probably in any game I have ever played.
I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have the normal mobs be 10x more of a problem than the giant death dragon that all it takes to kill is just have people spam the 2 key for 10 minutes until it falls down but this really needs to be changed because as it is now it just isn’t fun and leaves me not even wanting to play the game anymore if this is what they have planed for future content.
I don’t even know what to suggest to change at this point I’m just filled with utter disappointment at how this was done and that they thought it was acceptable.