Showing Posts For Agricola.2817:
Because as soon as a server loses a match or two half of it will bail because they want to be carried by a winner.
For WVW now though its gone from being useable to almost impossible to land on another player.
Why was Path of Scars changed? It used to be a very simple skill to use in WvW but now its very difficult to actually catch someone with it. The radius is tiny and I have a difficult time actually getting it on target. Was it changed for PVE?
I`m more annoyed that I can no longer build guild siege. I really don`t give a kitten about the hall but why the hell did anet take the ability to make siege away from me and my guild? We worked hard to build the influence to get the upgrades to help out our server in WvW and I was not expecting them to take it away from us.
Why did you take away the ability me and my guildmate ground out in WVW to to make guild siege and banners? I suppose I should be glad that you didn’t wipe out the ones I already have but it seems like a bit of a slap to the face considering the work we put in.
Bad change is bad, T7 NA has basically turned into an EOTM karma train.
You realize this is a game right? TS is not a requirement to enter WvW, you will not get everyone into TS. Best to just accept it and move on.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
There are servers where avoiding voice communication while following a commander is not acceptable. Go do your own thing, stay out of the zerg if you don’t want to follow the commander.
The problem is, the commander is working very hard sometimes long hours for the benefit of the whole group. People who are too lazy to listen and respond wear the commander down, and that impacts the whole server. Just leave if you cant be bothered to listen up. Leave, go do your own thing.
And this right here is the kind of attitude that helps keep people away from TS. Congratulations you’re part of the problem. “Can’t be bothered” “too lazy to listen” just because a person doesn’t want to download TS or has other reasons for staying away from voice comms? Do you say the same things in map chat to the people on your server?
If people blame zerg problems on people not being in TS, then when everyone is in TS then they’d fine new excuses for why their zerg sucks, like zerker builds, or no skill pugs.
You will never get everyone into TS. Raging about it just makes the people not in it want to stay away from it more.
Why do I keep hearing about this legendary 80 man FC zergball of death thing constantly from some people? I’ve never seen 80 FC in the same place in the wvw zone before. :/
While we did beat SF and DH before the leagues started, I think DH was waning at the time due to guild transfers and SF had a really, really, bad match. We didn’t get hit as hard by the bandwagon wars before the league started and carried that momentum into some wins.
We’ve dropped abit no matter why, but I honestly prefer it this way, I enjoy being an underdog and having to fight for every tower a hell of alot more than waiting for somebody to cap something so I can take it back.
The achievements seem designed to encourage offensive play only. If you run in zergs and havoc groups its relatively easy to complete. If you play a more defensive role, then it becomes a much more tedious grind.
Its called having fun, I realize some people may not remember what the word means but it makes the game alot less like work. Try it sometime!
Every server in the game wipes larger zergs, you win some you lose some. But nobody can be everywhere at once. We currently are doing OK in our borderlands but have outnumbered in EB, we don’t have the forces to control our territory both places. If we push EB our borderland is vulnerable and we lose ppt, if we hold our borderlands then EB is vulnerable and we lose ppt. Even 10 or 15 more people at a time is enough to shift the points in favor of a server.
Uhh, numbers still means you can hit targets that the other side can’t defend. It makes it way easier to split your forces, flank, hit multiple targets, etc etc etc. It also means you can put more meaningful forces into other borderlands and EB, stretching the other teams thinner and making their defence weaker.
Whatever the individual skill of players involved, numbers is the number one winner in wvw.
This is probably the saddest thread on the forums right now. Everyone acting like they just threw their favorite toy out of the pram.
Unless you utterly collapse you got this
What exactly is rhetorical about asking what server i’m on?
Can’t think of another server with those initials
Well you will just have to hope your eliteness rubs off on all the people who are ruining your experience by playing the game.
Last Tier…
And why would a competitive guild that has it’s kitten together want to fight anything but other servers that fight like us? Our last matchup was sbi and sos, it was the most boring week of wvw I have ever experienced. Moving down tiers is like the red sox going down to triple a.
Because you stacked your server to get easy wins. There are plenty of elite guilds on lower tier servers that dont have to buy guilds to carry them.
Seniority does count when you are the group out there bustin your kitten each week in WvW and people who only come for AP comes in and ruins your organization and hard work. People who don’t want to listen and just wanna take SM and other foolish things. Same people who will be gone after getting there achievements
Again, seniority does not count. If a PVEr presses the button and gets into WvW before you that is exactly how its supposed to work. Whether that person is brand new or a hardened pvper does not matter. They got in they get to play. If you hate their strategy then try and get them to run different ones. If you cant then accept it and move on. If you cant do either of those then complain on the forums i guess. Every server has pveers playing right now.
The fact is, they have the exact same right to hit that button and play wvw as you , seniority doesn’t count. Whether or not you count them as part of your community they still play on your server.
They’re taking keeps, towers, and camps, they’re running supply. Seems like WVW to me.
So what you’re saying is you deserve to WVW but the people on your server who PVE aren’t allowed to try it. Its for you and your special guilds. Community!
For the guy above me, we still manage to pull new people into WvW who have only played PVE their entire time. Think of this as an opporunity to get more of them into playing and maybe getting an interest in it.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
I have no sympathy for you. SoR encouraged guilds to transfer to them. You get what you ask for.
You stack your server you suffer the consequences.
Sicne your in a guild Apath Inc shouldnt you be minding your own business in game and not caring what other ppl do or complain about?
I saw your post before you edited it, you seem really upset about your server stacking.
You’re in tier 1, its going to happen, but I thought you guys would of expected and accepted this along time ago with your constant calls for more numbers. There are plenty of servers that need people if you want lower queues.
The players in T1 do not want to transfer to a server where you fight sometimes and spend most of the time doing pvdoor. If that’s what they wanted they have transferred long ago.
The mega-queues are not due to transfers as the majority of the transfers were done weeks ago.
The mega-queues on t1 servers is largely a result of adding easily obtainable achievements into WvW causing people who had a year to play WvW and didn’t flocking in to get the easy achievements. They couldn’t care about WvW.
Well if you want to blob then accept it. Just think of all those PVEers getting to have their first taste of pressing 1 constantly, you never know they might become regulars and you’ll have even more people.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
I have been on SOR since day one. I have been playing wvw since day one, I took a month or two break december-january. I have been on SOR since Leader Mara was zerging, before TW transferred and CDS was still dominant. We were dead last and rose to tier one and I was there for it. Now I can’t even frigging play wvw at all.
Anet is destroying wvw. gg.
You were never dead last. Also, I’ve been on FC since headstart, I’ve suffered many matches of losing and one 12 week long grind, I’ve watched guilds transfer off and us have 15 ppt, I’ve watched us win matches again. I also get to play wvw anytime I want. Click button, play wvw. Time to transfer to Bronze League complainers!
I have no sympathy for you. SoR encouraged guilds to transfer to them. You get what you ask for.
You stack your server you suffer the consequences.
Sicne your in a guild Apath Inc shouldnt you be minding your own business in game and not caring what other ppl do or complain about?
I saw your post before you edited it, you seem really upset about your server stacking.
You’re in tier 1, its going to happen, but I thought you guys would of expected and accepted this along time ago with your constant calls for more numbers. There are plenty of servers that need people if you want lower queues.
Speaking as a pretty bad player on FC, I’ll have a go at fighting anything up to a point. That point being when the mesmer starts blinking all over the place and kittenting clones, or when the thief starts leaping into his smoke fields like its hurdles day at gym class. Then I say nope and bail because I like a good fun fight, not a boring kitten one.
Though, since I’m playing an uplevel this week, running is the order of the day.
We lost two towers which were already paper.
seriously don’t know how it’s even possible that we lost our whole BL when we had several guilds dedicated to it and at least 40 people.. even with a queued DH we shouldn’t have lost EVERY keep and tower
shoulda been there, was pretty ridiculous
i go towards a camp and get swarmed by 20-40 dh when they were holding everything in the vicinity, AND we had major fights going on elsewhere in the map. wtf were they even doing there? idk. happened several times.
BUT GUISE WE HAD SM!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/quote]
idk man EB and FC BL numbers were almost the same. our Zerg in EB wrecked pretty much everything DH and IoJ could throw at us so it gave us more control in the map. by when I was in EB, defending SM was lesser importance than keeping our section. [/quote]
I honestly don’t think we had 40 people in there, we were generally pulling about 20 at the keep defenses, close to 30 when we lost bay. From reset till about 10:30 mountain when I started puking. Unfortunately, the we’d have enough people to hold us on defending a keep from say ioj but DH would be taking our other keeps at the same time, with both still having enough to run around taking camps.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
so.. after reading through the forums.. and seeing how Fc has been saying we have massive zergs on GoM.. and going in and seeing this .. i had to take a screenie… and oh .. this was before we wiped the floor with u guys with half the numbers and u guys even had seige on your side… it was fun though…
Half the numbers? By the end of that fight you had more than us and siege from Stonemist knocking everybody around. Yeah at the start you had less, but the ballista at klovan are still up in your screenshot and they went down long before the fight ended. Then your zerg went and zerged our keep.
Also, you think you don’t have massive gom zergs? Its not a huge deal and its a fact of life in this game, but please accept the fact that you guys actually do have alot of people. Last night for example.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
Fergs thanks for all the loot bags while trying to take your garrison back. Should stop bunching up in that corner when our DDLG zerg keeps coming back.
My personal favorite part was when DR was defending the north inner gate of bay and let us take down the south gate and kill the lord without anyone noticing. Should stop bunching up in that corner with your DDLG zerg without realizing the other doors are under attack.
Lol FC, dat fight for bay. You outnumbered us so badly and yet we still pushed you off and held it for point tally
Now lets see how long it takes you to cap GB
It seemed like a pretty standard siege to me? Treb from the cliff then grind through all the inner courtyard siege?
Good luck on your next server TTA.
We have overflows in Lions Arch when they release events. That’s about it for FC. We have actually been experiencing abit of a PVE renaissance as I saw a whole ten people in Orr yesterday!
As it stands right now according to millenium, if the match ended right now despite winning by 30000 points SF would LOSE 37 rating. This system is silly.
@ ozii, once again a post by a player who has no idea what’s going on. Fantastic that you can look up mos millenium stats for after almost every major wvw guild ET, but when ET hit rock bottom t8 got a pretty good influx from christmas and a few guilds moved over.
Anyone that’s actually played in our tier can tell you we can stand toe to toe with FC but, since you’re not here, and have never played here, and think you apparently know the state of wpvp here, I’ll enlighten you about SF
Who cares what someone will “tell” me that would probably be a opinion.
You have never beaten them FACT you have never placed first in any matchup Fact.
(but hey I’ll just go pretend to a surgeon after reading a surgery book)
Data shows fact not some fiction not some opinion I gave you an objective look at based on your responses and specifically your op you are Biased.
large zergs and a lot of coverage, and now since we’re losing guilds which are leaving one at a time (same with FC) it’s getting much worse – why? because apparently beating someone for over double your score doesn’t move you up. So please justify it all you want after you come here and become more informed.
*Your giving some hearsay and personal experience probably has some validity to some of it I’m sure. I am not discrediting all of it. The data shows the tier 8 servers are were they belong. I can look up FC but I am sure it shows the same thing with your server and SF. They never beat any of the higher tiers in order to justify moving up or staying put. *
You keep saying x server can stand toe to toe with tier 7 but why don’t the scores reflect that?
Also, new players to the game coming into WvW take one step in, get rushed by over 20-30 players, and leave. Do they come back? no. Is it fun for them? no.
We need to look at this tier situation. The math is most certainly not “fine as is.”
Then those players aren’t really into WvW getting rushed over by zergs happens in all tiers not just T8. If you can’t take getting rolled by a zerg then nothing will change how you feel about wvw that goes for every tier.
I gave you an objective look your opinion is obviously biased. What do you think Anet will do if you use common sense?
They will look at the data which will be more detailed then mos millenium they aren’t gonna have the whole dev team log into ET and see how wvw is there.
Lets say for arguments sake they log into your server to see how it is there they will get a FEEL for it. Then go back and do what? Compare with the data.
Actually, FC beat SF in their first week down when they just squeaked out of T7 due to Kaineng destroying tier 8. It was a good close match. So thanks for painting broadly with that brush.
Despite the fact that we won that match by less than 4k points Sorrows Furnace lost 163 points on their rating because we had the misfortune to fight Devona’s Rest and Kaineng when they got transfers. Because there is no other tier for our servers to move to for a better fight the ratings kept dropping deeper. Now our rating is so low, they get basically very few points for even beating us handily so we get even more weeks of our server rating dropping despite having no place to move to.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
I’m at the point where I actually was welcoming facing a Maguuma or Dragonbrand just as a change of pace. One week of that and we’d be back down in better shape, with a different match up much closer to our level.
The problem is that with the way their dumb formula works, the two losing servers in t8 have their ratings drop, but there is no other place to fall to, so instead of a chance to win at a lower tier, the ratings keep dropping. Since the ratings in T8, it takes a server forever to drop down, and forever to go up. Since SF got a free transfer windfall, we’re stuck fighting a T6+ server that needs multiple weeks to pass a bunch of T7 servers that are fighting a stalemate.
We do fine against T7 servers, we won’t win but at least the match will be fun.
Seriously, it’s amazing fighting down in T8 when there is a more or less equal matchup on. The fights are excellent and back and forth. Its just sucks facing a vastly superior server for 4+ weeks because of a rating system designed for chess.
I’ve been on Ferguson’s Crossing since head start, the first servers we faced were Blackgate and Dragonbrand. After that it was a procession of T5 and 6 servers that would stomp us, then we’d go ahead and stomp tier 8 back. Even after that we’d be fighting a mixture of Tier 7 servers. The difference was that we were fighting different servers every week. Now with the ratings getting worse and worse we get to see the same matchup again and again and again, and with the current system that won’t change. Even when SF leaves the next winner still has to spend enough time winning to climb out of our hole.
(edited by Agricola.2817)
Well, they cancelled the reset, so you get the pleasure of beating us up again and again till you climb out of the ratings sink.
Sorrow’s Furnace here to say we’re glad about staying in Tier 8, moving up 22 ranks wouldn’t be very smooth ^.^
You would be, now you get another 2 months of making the other T8 servers ghost towns before you manage to crawl out of the ratings hellhole.
I gotta say, its disturbing just how many Kainengers will now laugh and dance on your corpse when you get killed by their zerg. Used to be better sports than that.
Aww that sucks. When I play probably half of the people I see in WvW have an NP tag. Good luck at your new server.
I kind of wish they could fold FC into another server, as the PVE zones are empty even at primetime. And we’ve lost a good proportion of our wvw players now. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some more guilds leave now that we’ve lost our main one.
My personal fear is that this will start the one server moves up a tier and is dominated, one server moves down a tier and dominates cycle again. The last few weeks have been amazing and I really don’t want to see the action killed by a 1000+ point server dropping on us.
Welcome to DR those that just transfered in. Ignore the “you should come to kain or ferg” posts. DR was perfect choice, hope you have some night shifters!
Kain- u have plenty of Wv3 gamers, just stop zerging
Ferg – granted a little help wouldnt hurt you. But get more folks u have out of PvE and into Wv3. Those that already are are beasts! Only reason you are last place is your chosen strat. Saw you guys yesterday roll into kain with a vengeance and were owning. Red dots replacing blue everywhere.
There’s almost no one in PVE these days, excepting primetime there are not enough people around to run events. Just botters everywhere.