Showing Posts For Ain.7082:
As for too many gimmicks, the map doesn’t have them really, its got a lot of ways around but you need to know them, and as for being to big i believe all maps should be different, that is the challenge adapting to a new environment, using strategies that work and using your resources as it should be used. As for level differences i know commanders that ran their entire zergs to their death over cliffs on Alpine, yup the herd mentality is alive.
I disagree with this statement. The gimmicks revolve around the buffs from the Fire, Air, and Earth keeps. The convoluted design of the desert borderlands is a direct result of these gimmicks. It seems the map was made intentionally annoying to navigate to encourage players to seek out the buffs, but even with them the map was still annoying to navigate. The way the buffs were activated also added no real strategic depth to the gameplay. Just more annoyances.
I am curious what the design objectives were when creating the map. the WvW community asked for larger maps, but the technical limitations of the engine don’t allow for maps any larger than the alpine borderlands, so forcing more vertical navigation gives the illusion of a size increase, and in that sense it worked, but they went overboard.
We also asked for maps where it would be harder to karma train and pvdoor an entire map in 20 minutes. This worked too, but again they went overboard and the terrain too encumbering. This issue could have also been resolved in other ways (More Guard/patrolling NPC’s, More powerful NPC’s, stronger walls and gates, more siege or traps that hinder movement of enemies)
Then we also asked for more objectives for smaller groups. Once again they succeeded, but these objectives proved to be rather boring, and had the aforementioned gimmicks attached to them. For WvW players the objectives needed only two things for us to go after them: 1.) To Exist 2.) To provide pointsto the war score. Personally I would have loved to see some non-static objectives, like powerful patrols with the the NPC’s whose AI more closely resembles the gameplay of a player and require a stomp to kill similar to many we have seen in parts of PvE.
Also the stealth fog. Stealth is already the least fun game mechanic. Why add more?
I am glad to see the Alpine borderlands back. The desert borderlands while aesthetically very beautiful, was overly difficult to navigate, had too many gimmicks, and went too far overboard with elevation changes.
Ideally I would like to see a more even mix between what alpine offers and what the desert bl offers in terms of navigation and terrain. Basically alpine with a few more choke points and elevation changes ( Actually quite similar to what is in the ruins at the center of the alpine borderlands currently.) But none of the gimmicks from the desert BL that proved to be the antithesis of fun.
Maybe give the Desert BL and alpine BL another pass on editing, and create a new borderland to have 4 different maps.
These are the currently some most viable builds for warriors in WvW. Please note there is no equipment determined for players as there is no “Best” equipment set for WvW, however there are certain minimums for a WvW build that are expected of a Warrior. These minimums are as follows:
3000 Armor
3000 Attack
30% Crit chance
20,0000 Health
There is also equipment that is Recommended, but not required and are subject to build/playstyle.
A partial list is as follows:
Superior Runes of Lyssa
Superior Runes of Melandru
Superior Runes of Resistance (Signets)
Superior Runes of the Soldier (Shouts)
Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry Soup
And now without further ado, the builds:
This is a Greatsword/Hammer build that uses signets. Good for both roaming and zerging. Gains crit chance from unused signets.
is a variation of the first Greatsword/Hammer build that uses leg specialist instead of deep strike for better control. Also good for roaming and zerging.
Greatsword/Hammer build that uses healing shouts. Works better for zerging than roaming, but is still roaming capable. Has a lack of stability and fast hands as a weakness.
Greatsword/Hammer variant that replaces Last Stand with Merciless Hammer for added stability.
Sword-Warhorn/Hammer healing shout build. Lacks Fast hands/Stability. Replaces Shrug it off with Quick breathing for additional condition removal and lower cooldowns on warhorn.
Sword-Warhorn/Hammer Healing shout variant with fast hands.
These builds vary in effectiveness based on your role and the builds and composition of any allies you are working with. Invariably these factors also determine what equipment you need to use. The play style of each of these builds varies only marginally and a player could potentially use them all with great effect until they find the one that works most to their favor.
“Berzerker” builds are more a function of gear than actual trait and skill setups.
If I recall correctly, the following build has the highest DPS in the game (It may have changed now):
If you want to be tankier, use more defensive gear.
I would like to see the quoted source where they say they moved the two traits due to no one using burst skills. While I don’t mean to doubt you, as I recall they moved them because those two traits were a bit overpowered for their position in the trait lines and that the vast majority of people going down those trait lines only chose those traits. But I as well can’t find the source for this.
Also, I am pretty sure they know that warrior burst skills suck and need a complete overhaul.
First, I must say I was surprised at how many people took the time to tell me how bad axes are, with some very colorful words about the usefulness of the OH. I want to again thank everyone who tried to “save me” from using axes.
This made me laugh. It’s not just that offhand axe is bad, it’s that the offhand axe for warrior is so obviously bad that everyone knows it. I, too have fallen victim to the “Maybe if I just setup my character like so…..” in an attempt to make the offhand axe viable on a couple of occasions. It never works. Offhand axe is just bad, really really bad. Just pretend it doesn’t exist and all will be better.
For PvP, greatsword + Axe/Mace is a viable setup. The greatsword allows for excellent mobility, while the axe/mace is good for raw damage and a bit of control. That being said, how you have your traits setup puts your focus on damage with the greatsword, while axe damage will still be superior. Your skill and weapon setup doesn’t allow for hundred blades to hit reliably as the knockdown from tremor doesn’t last long enough. Your focus should be on the axe as your main source of damage, and the greatsword for its utility.
I suggest a traits more akin to this ( I have only adjusted traits, nothing else ):
With these changes the focus becomes the axe, which will provide you a greater amount of damage than the greatsword in PvP situations. The change to burst mastery from mobile strikes also permits you to have a a greater deal of condition removal than previously, despite the longer cooldown on signet of stamina
Even though I created the builds to match your modified criteria, I don’t recommend either of the builds for WvW or PvE.
Th issue is that the shield is frankly just bad weapon for everything except 1v1’s and possibly sPvP, which you claimed to have no interest in. In terms of PvE, bosses aren’t really affected by control effects, so shield 4 becomes near useless. Shield 5 can blocks some attacks in PvE sure, but rarely is there a situation where you are better served using a block than a dodge roll, so shield 5 is nigh useless as well.
For WvW, a 1 second stun on a single target will almost never help in group battles, and if you need to use the block, it’s most likely because you’re escaping a group, and for that there are better options.
In most scenarios for both PvE and WvW the warhorn is actually far better than the shield as your offhand choice. The warhorn is actually better than the shield in terms of damage mitigation. With the shield you have 3 seconds to block all damage on a 30 second cooldown. with the warhorn 5 skill you reduce all damage by half for your entire group for 6 seconds on a 20 second cooldown while also increasing yours and allies abilities to dodge for 13 seconds which again mitigates damage for the whole team even more. This is great for both WvW and PvE. The warhorn also allows for permanent group swiftness as well as breaking snares and immobilzes while untraited. When traied it becomes even more fantastic by turning conditions on you and allies into boons. The warhorn is just flat out better than a shield for what you want.
I actually recommend the following build that is a modification of the first one you preferred as it will actually be for more effective for group play in both WvW and PvE without changing your play style overly much.
Here are 2 decent builds. Using Sword/Shield+Axe/Mace.
1. Improving Class balance
2. Improving itemization
2. Improving player rewards
1. Eliminating WvW Server population imbalance
2. Reworking Bloodlust Buff mechanics
3. Reward disparity between PvE and WvW
4. Improving Commander Utility
5. WXP system overhaul
6. PPT system overhaul
7. Disincentive Zergs
8. Camp/Tower/Keep/Castle Upgrade system overhaul
9. Map improvements
10. Class Balancing
As a warrior, I can solo everything except for keeps. Keeps I have to duo.
Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooo
Paraphrased discussion from last night:
“SBI and JQ are fighting over by X”
“Lets send our zerg over there and kill them all, then we can wait and see how long it takes for someone to get on the forum and complain about a 2v1.”
“Yes, lets!”
In the WvW breakout event, if a player has an amount of supply greater than 10 it is automatically set to 10 if they are participating in the breakout event and any extra supply they had disappears.
Dolyaks move through siege, and all of your suggestions are terrible. Why did you post?
Another here from Sea of Sorrows recommending Isle of Janthir. They’re a good group of kids who need a bump in NA coverage to stay competitive during the NA primetime.
Of course Sea of Sorrows welcomes all cool people as well.
As it stands currently, badges of honor are too luck based, and too easily missable as loot on the ground to make for an effective participation reward in WvW. A new system should be implemented that rewards players points based on how much they have participated in combat and events and is most of all consistent in its rewards.
Examples of this could be a point for every 5% of damage done to a player from their total health. 5 points for downing a player, 5 points for assisting with or finishing a player. 1 point per 30 seconds you’re escorting a dolyak. Points for doing a percentage of damage to doors and walls. Points if the siege equipment you have purchased deals damage to doors and walls.
If you have played WvW for any length of time, you probably have noticed that the repair vendors are not in the most ideal locations for repairs after you have resurrected. To remedy this I would like to see them moved to locations closer to each waypoint so players don’t have to go so far out of their way for repairs every time they die.