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Constructive feedback on SoloQue

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


@joni, you gave me another idea. If there are leavers and you lose the match, your rating doesn’t get downgraded too much, and similarly, the winning team doesn’t get the full winning rank points. With respect to afkers, we should have an option to report them if they go afk without warning, and similar to the previous case, the rating in the leader board doesn’t get downgraded as much if you lose.

Constructive feedback on SoloQue

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


SoloQ has been quite a huge success, thanks for listening to the community ANet. If you read the forums, you’ll realize that many people are having some reservations about syncQ, however I think there is another issue to bring to the table.

Although player skill does have a say in a match outcome, GW2 tPvP is heavily dependent on teamwork, strategy and making the right decision at the right time. Because of this, one player by himself cannot carry a team to a win or loss, especially when facing equally skilled players. For this reason, winning or losing is all based on chance, depending on the ability of your randomly assigned teammates and the inability of your randomly assigned opponents. Even if you are the best player in your team and trashing your opponents on your point, if the remaining four teammates are not doing their job on the other points, with the current leaderboard system you don’t get any reward for your effort, because climbing the leaderboard is only concerned with the team winning or losing the match. I think it is crucial for the SoloQ leaderboards to encourage and award good play from skilled players that end up in the losing team. Rather than getting heavily down ranked when losing, these players should be awarded for their effort they put into trying to win the game.

In an ideal world, player performance is assessed individually and given points accordingly, however this is very difficult to achieve in a fair and systematic way. So I had another idea. What if the leaderboard for SoloQ assigns your ranking according to your winning or losing margin? So, if you win a game you get the normal (current system) rating, depending on your opponent leaderboard rankings. However, if you lose a game, you get your rating deducted depending on the margin by which you lose the game. So if you lose by 50 points, your rating goes less down than when you lose by 200 points. I think this system will encourage people to play better, and rewards situations where good players are actually able to win capture points and fights by themselves but their efforts aren’t enough for their team to win. I’m not sure if this idea is already implemented in the formula of the current leaderboard system, however if its not, then it might be a good idea to consider.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


Thumbs up! The game definitely needs this for better SoloQ gameplay! Also I think it doesnt involve a lot of work to be implemented in the game. Just make the keybinds for the commands customizable and it will be a great feature.

TEST Concept - To Kill a Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


Its beyond me how ANET hasn’t yet restricted the stacking of professions per team for tournament play. Nobody would QQ about necro’s being OP that way, and the meta would be much more interesting and easier to balance. This issue is similar to ‘elementalist’ stacking a couple of months ago when they were insanely OP, if you didn’t run double ele it was a liability to your team.

Unfair Finishes

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


As an experienced player myself I think the issue with downed states in teamfights is the rally mechanic. Whenever a player from each team goes into downed state in a teamfight, the winning team is always that which manages to stomp/kill the downed enemy faster than the other, so that it becomes an unfair 4v5 due to the rally mechanic.

I think the rally mechanic doesn’t make sense, cause it makes the meta totally depend on how overpowered the downed state of a particular class is or how strong of an ability you are using to stomp a guy in downed state. As it is, a teamfight turns from a 5v5 to a 4v5 due to the rally mechanic. If rallying was removed, it would turn a team fight from a 5v5 to a 4v4(+1 downed player) once a player from a team is is stomped, rather than turning into a 4v5. This would give each team more strategies to adopt and accustom to.

Forexample, the team with a stomped player can decide to focus the enemy downed player (which doesn’t rally) and make the game even more balanced and fair. On the other hand, the team with a downed player will have to focus on rezzing the downed person because he wouldn’t have rallied after they manage a stomp. This would reduce the QQ about burst in teamfights and will also change the strategy on which targets to focus first in a team fight due to OP downed states or abilities.