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Suggestion: Subscription Plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alchies.1984


We must understand that Anet is a business and to stay alive needs to make money. How does it do that? Provide services a player wants. For example the diamond subscription: you have a chance to a win for example a chrome school uniform. So many players will say, “I so want this!” and will take their chances with daily diamond scratches.

Dungeons and fractals would have five attempts per week on a free mode (they’d be counted separately so five dungeons and five fractals not three dungeons, two fractals, and you’re done for the week)

“I mean, maybe you just want to kill off WvW and ranked PvP "

No, they are in a serious state of neglect and imbalance respectively. PvP in particular needs drastic rebalancing, new map types (not just point holding and preferably new maps without NPCs something like Voidstar would be fun) and other changes that consider the power creep and all the big new AoE abilities. A subscription would help keep out players who don’t take the mode seriously enough to invest in it. Maybe it’d be better keeping ranked arenas for HoT buyers only with no subscription needed?

Alright, yeah, this post confirms it. This is a clever ruse. We have all been fooled. Let us all take a moment to wallow in chastisement, for we have been “owned” by this “epic troll post.”

Done wallowing?

Good. Now, for one last actual point of discussion: For what it’s worth, I agree that Anet does not need to resort to insane moves like this to enhance their revenue. I mean, they could, and it might work at least long enough to snatch some money and escape the burning building before it collapses in a fiery wreck, and I’m not entirely convinced that they’d be above pulling such a move, but…well. Okay, I don’t know where I was going with that. Jeez, what a negative thing to say.

I “get” it. At least, I hope I get it. There are folks on the forums who will defend literally any brilliant Anet decision that introduces more sinks, of time, gold, resources, and gems, and the modest proposal in the OP serves its purpose: to show the logical conclusion of the path we’re headed down this very moment, to perhaps shock people into awareness. I don’t like it either, but I also don’t know what to do about it. Do you?

Suggestion: Subscription Plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Heh. That’s pretty funny.

Wait. You are joking, right? This is a joke? Just a jape? Having a laugh?

I’m kind of sitting on the fence with regards to GW2 right now, and this suggestion would be, to me, a very firm push off of the GW2 side. First they take away guild features and lock them behind HoT and guildhalls, and now you suggest they take away even more features and lock them behind a subscription?

Seriously, I hope you’re joking. That’s an incredibly, breathtakingly bad idea. Maybe you could dream up some more shiny new features to stick behind this paywall, but walling off existing features is never, ever, ever a good thing. See that bolded text? That means my assertion is extra truthy.

I mean, maybe you just want to kill off WvW and ranked PvP (and maybe raids too), and even though I have no love for those things either, I have no problem with letting people enjoy them if they want. You should find healthier outlets for your feelings.

…But I’m not done yet. Help me, Billy Mays, as I come at you with one last gripe: TP restrictions? Really? What does it mean that a gold user can “use the TP” ten times a day? Does that mean 10 transactions a day? And what about non-subscribers? I have to ask…are you actually aware of the amount of junk loot a person can accumulate in a few hours of playing GW2? Furthermore, what if people just want to buy and sell stuff? We’re just going to restrict their usage of the TP because…¯\(?)/¯.

I’m just going to end this post here, assume you’re joking, and get on with my life, because frankly, it’s hurting my brain to think about this.

Scribing is Utterly Broken

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alchies.1984


one of the component for The Chosen collection is Sheet of Quality paper , which is available from lvl 300 scribe, and God knows what getting a lvl 300 scribe would cost you.

it doesn’t make any sense when you can simply buy The Chosen for 400g.

I have to ask. Has anyone even reached 300 scribing yet?

Please Add a Solo Mode to Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alchies.1984


It’s going to get harder for the average player to find dungeon groups as time goes on. I feel like it’s kind of inevitable that something will be done to facilitate solo/small group play.

Hmm. Actually, let me rephrase. They should do something to facilitate solo/small group play, but I don’t actually know whether the current dungeons will ever get any more updates.

That’s kind of sad. Moment of silence for dungeons, please.

Adventures? annoying mini games more like

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alchies.1984


This is the most anti-fun thread I’ve ever read. Seriously, guys, you’re damaging my faith in humanity right now. Not to mention the rank hypocrisy! Adventures are bad and mastery points shouldn’t be tied up in them, huh? Yet if I told you I shouldn’t have to grind masteries or do map completion for collections or whatever, we all know what kind of response I’d get. Why, just the other day, I saw a thread complaining about a timegate in a legendary collection, and the respondents basically told the OP to suck it up and deal with it.

Is maxing out all the masteries really that important to you? If so, suck it up. Deal with it. You want the rewards, you gotta do the content.

Invisible Mushroom Spore Broken?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Just got back from Dragon’s Stand. Killed two invisible mushrooms. Didn’t get credit for any collection achievements (I have several active).

Anet please.


Highly disappointing decorations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alchies.1984


I don’t know what the problem is, guys, I’m having a ton of fun making jump puzzles out of pumpkins! They’re by far the cheapest decoration, so why not just make everything out of pumpkins?!

No but seriously. Our scribe can’t make much in the way of decorations yet, we can only buy basic chairs, tables, baskets, crates, and bare shelves…this sucks. When do you unlock the good stuff, and how expensive is it? I’m eager to replace our pumpkin shrines, pumpkin dinner tables, and other pumpkin fixtures with actual furniture.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alchies.1984


I believe the real problem with snipers is scaling. Well, that and when an elite or champ version spawns in a huge zerg event, but that’s sort of a scaling thing too. The normal version of the mob is already dangerous, so when you add group even scaling, they’re suddenly dispensing instant death charge shots and kicking for over 15k damage. When a mob is that dangerous, and there are several of them in a huge blob with many other players around scaling things up, whether or not it kills you starts to become a matter of probability and statistics rather than player skill.

But really the only place where snipers are really, really lethal is the Pale Reaver event in Verdant Brink. All those snipers in those narrow choke points…it’s a meatgrinder.

Why is Exalted Glider in Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Just keep farming gold like always, right guys? What’s even the best way to get gold anymore? Silverwastes chest farming? God, if I wanted to play a game where all I did was run around in circles for the promise of a reward, I’d go back to Runescape and happily raise my agility to 99.

Of course, the alternatives are there. You could just open your wallet, because who needs to play the game, anyway? You could also play the TP to make your gold, because making gold by playing the actual game content is for suckers. Either way, there’s no need to even set foot outside of Lion’s Arch. Is this an MMORPG or a stock exchange simulator? John Smith, wanna weigh in on this?

Anyway, what I think is a more important point is that the Exalted glider skin breaks a pattern. Exalted weapon skins can be obtained by crafting. That is, they can be obtained by doing stuff in the expansion, instead of just buying it all with one’s filthy lucre. But the glider? No sweat, just buy gems. Or be ridiculously wealthy already. There’s so much I could say about this glider. It’s turning me completely against the gem store and even the Black Lion weapon skins, but that’s a bit outside the scope of this thread, so I’m cutting this post off.

Vengful Hammers is Broken

in Revenant

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Ever used it in fractals? This might happen elsewhere too, but on the wooden platforms in Cliffside, the hammers will fall right through the floor and into the Mists. What ARE these things, in game design terms? Like, it’s just so bizarre. They seem to be some kind of actual entity with collision and all, but it just makes the skill over-complicated from a design standpoint, and reduces its overall usability for the players. Bad choices all around. Personally, I wouldn’t care if the hammers were purely a visual effect and the skill was just a pulsing AOE. It would fix the usability issues nicely.

Fixing Medkit: A proposal

in Engineer

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Looks like I’ve got nothing better to do. So, might as well share with the engineer forum an idea I had with regards to medkit. Please tell me if someone had this idea already, because I think that’s entirely possible. But anyway, here goes:

I have mixed feelings on the medkit. I like the effects it provides, but what I absolutely hate is how the skills actually work. I have a feeling a lot of people share this sentiment. So I was thinking…medkit gets this shiny new med blaster thing strapped to your arm, and the only use Anet can come up with for it is to spritz your allies with a really weak healing spray? Come on, guys. So first of all:

Med Blaster
I like the way it works, I guess, but I think it obviously needs some tuning. Lots of tuning, actually. Considering that you have to give up your weapon skills, reducing your damage to effectively zero just to spray people with a mister, the benefits of doing this over staying in a kit that actually does damage and supporting your party through other means just aren’t there. Maybe they never will be, because for this to be strong enough to ever be worth it, it’d probably be too strong.

Oh well. Instead of going into specifics there, I instead have a proposal for a functionality change with the kit. Currently, medkit skills 2-5 drop ground-targeted packages that can be run over for various benefits. This is really awkward, and frankly doesn’t do much in the way of party support. Only one person can benefit from each package, and if you’re trying to use it for yourself, there’s always a chance that someone will nab it before you do, unless you stand perfectly still and drop it right on top of yourself. Like I said, it’s really awkward. Well, using skill 2 as an example, here is my proposed functionality change:

Load your med blaster with a painkilling solution, gaining health and regen, as well as clearing one damaging condition.
Healing: (#)
Regen(5s): (#)
Loaded solution duration: 12 seconds

That’s right, using skill 2-5 now instantly grants you its effects, as well as loading your med blaster with a solution. Once a solution is loaded, skill 1 changes to this:

Solution Spray
Spray your loaded solution from your med blaster, granting its effects to allies in a cone.
Range: 600

Solutions last for one spray, so make the most of it. Additionally, only one can be loaded at a time, and as the painkiller skill fact says, they stay loaded for 12 seconds, just like the current dropped packages.

So that’s it. With this proposed medkit, you can faceroll skills 2-5 to gain their effects, or carefully load them one at a time so you can spray allies with all those lovely effects. Most importantly, you, the engineer, will actually gain the benefits of these skills instantly, without any ground targeting awkwardness, and without having to choose between yourself and your allies. More usability, more support! Win-win!

Thoughts? Too strong maybe? Too sensible to ever be implemented? Too long, didn’t read? Please let me know. Your feedback is very important.

Does GW2 feel unrewarding for anyone else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alchies.1984


however I don’t think the game is build to encourage gems-to-gold conversions.

No? Let’s boil it down. You want some cool item? A precursor, a new skin, the cool new gemstore toy, what have you. What do you have to do, in the vast majority of cases? You either need gems, as with gem store items, or gold to buy from other players off the TP, which can be exchanged with gems. In either case, opening your wallet and buying gems is the fastest way to getting that item.

This is no accident. Anet is absolutely hoping that some people will decide that farming for gold is not worth their time and they’d rather just buy gems and either spend them or convert to gold. When gold is the most valuable and most versatile resource in the game, able to get you almost anything under the sun, it’s no accident that Anet has a shop that players can conveniently use to turn real money into gold.

It’s also a big part of why the game feels unrewarding to some. When everything is obtained with gold, and when the rarest loot you could realistically hope to get is worth only a few gold at most, then it all boils down to gold per hour. Nothing you loot is individually worth a hill of beans, but after you spend a long time collecting lots of beans, finally you can buy that cool, shiny item.

Personally, it reminds me of working a job for a regular wage until one can afford to buy an expensive luxury item. It does not remind me of a game, ostensibly designed to entertain us. I guess I’m lucky that I also have no interest in most of the expensive luxury items the game has to offer. I play when the mood strikes me, or when people want to run stuff with me, and when that loses its charm, I go find something else to do. Shiny loot and rare items don’t even cross my mind, because if they did, I’d have probably gone insane after three years of playing this game, seeing everyone around me getting precursors while the rarest thing I’ve ever looted was a recipe worth a couple hundred gold. shrug

TL;DR farming for gold sucks, but you gotta do it. Or buy gems.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Alchies.1984


Of all the things they could have nerfed, they nerfed this? By 28%? Guess I’ll switch to ele and continue to enjoy as-yet unnerfed burning, because it’s really pretty galling that this still stands while mortar gets the nerf.