Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Aluano.1826
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Aluano.1826
I wouldn’t mind the increased difficulty in world 2 if you didn’t have lives and the coins mechanic, but I guess anet have it so they can sell the infinite coin in gemstore for $$.
World 1 was much more fun than this garbage.
Would of been nice if the birthday present worked like it did in GW1, but can’t complain about free stuff I guess..
Agreed, his videos makes me more involved in the story and also makes me more interested in the game overall.
I did it as a guardian, used Hammer of Wisdom to stun the dog then “Save Yourself”and “Stand your Ground” to remove CC. Took me a couple of tries but it’s doable.
They should just automatically resurrect you after you’ve failed.
This is a good idea, but penatly is still too harsh imo – Tickets should be gone or have a low cost.
-Waypoint cost
-Repair cost
-Ticket cost
-2 minutes of walking after every try.
-5 minutes in queue after every try.
Doesn’t this feel a bit too much of a penalty for failing the gauntlet? Agree/Disagree?
Took me around 30 tries as a Guardian, then I used the endurance food and killed it on first try, really helped a lot.
Why the kitten didn’t you make this instanced ArenaNet? Can’t even get any good tries on this boss because i have to wait 10 mins everytime in the queue …..
(edited by Aluano.1826)
Ofcourse she would win… Most people prefer saving gold over RNG crap so everyone voted for Kiel.. Badly done by Anet tbh..
Mad king, SAB and BotFW are my favourites. Great atmosphere in all of them.
We need that fractal for nostalgia!
Kind of dumb that they are limiting the time of gem purchases. I bought $60+ worth of gems since launch and if I didn’t buy any in the last 3 months I wouldn’t have gotten this?
Not dumb at all, really smart move by Anet. More people will buy gems now because of all the free gifts , more $$$ for them!
Run CoF Path 1 over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Very very very few percentage of the people use Linux, what makes you think that they would spend money developing a client for such a small userbase?
Just use Mango Pie if you really can’t beat it!
Well if it’s such a high requirement for one set (9k?!!?) it’s going to be even worse getting both sets, probably would need around 15k or something.. That’s going to take a few years unless they add a kitten ton of new achievements every patch.
What!?! 9000 for the helmet? I thought it was 3000 for the gloves, 4000 for the shoulders and 5000 for the helmet?
I’m liking this update too! The sanctum race is awesome and so is the new achievement system. We need more updates as good as this one!
Welcome to Gw2!
I can’t really tell you if the game is going to be enjoyable to you or not. Just play and see if this game/genre will catch your interest.
There is still loads of people playing, most of us are level 80 by now so the low-level zones might feel a bit empty but should be fine. You can do all the content (except for group content obviously) solo all the way to 80 and beyond.
Your laptop will probably be able to play the game on low settings smoothly.
Feel free to send me a whisper ingame(if you’re from EU) if you got any more questions! Name is: Milary
Have fun playing, and don’t rush it to max level, take your time and enjoy the journey.
(edited by Aluano.1826)
Your first reward chest was for 100 points, not 500.
Stop lurking the forums and enjoy the holiday Colin!
(edited by Aluano.1826)
I want to change my race to Human, make it happend A-net!
Hope the armor isn’t too grindy to get, would like to replace my current armor set (the twilight armor dungeon set) so tired of it!
Yay, required to play on a schedule is coming to GW2. This game just keeps on becoming like every other MMO out there…. In a year they might aswell rename the game to World of Guild Wars.
Agreed, the game needed more difficult content and this was pretty good.
Announcing an cantha expansion and crystal desert would be the best gift for the players!
It’s a troll attempt by arenanet!
Hmm skill points reward from the scavenger hunt? Why would anyone need skill points? I’m sitting on almost 400 of those with no use
Good with some permanent content atleast.
All the new content patches – Even though they are very light on content it’s still a few hours of enjoyment every month.
The click 150 pinatas, use 100 fireworks and light 50 effigies, kill 300 minions achievements was the best part of this update, so fun and exciting.. Thanks ArenaNet!!
Edit: I forgot the RNG boxes, they were fun too. I love it
Unacceptable. One level 80 character could just change races to get all of the achievements racial stories give. I stillwonder how is it possible that people choose a race, play that same one for days and realize not to like it, only when too high level to be willing to restart.
A solution to that is – Your story would reset when you race change BUT you get no rewards or achievements for doing the story.
Ugh i’m so tired of all the temp content, seriously hope they will add some permanent content soon such as new features / new dungeons,events,story arcs or why not some scavenger hunt out in the open world for cool armor/legendary/titles etc..
Most MMO’s out there has race changes by now, you should release the service aswell ArenaNet. I know for sure a lot of people want this feature badly, including me!
PS: Don’t tell me to make a new character to just change race, I’ve probably spent 500g overall on this character on soulbound items and have around 1000+ hours invested in just this character that I want to change race with.
Cantha was awesome in GW1, now just imagine Cantha in GW2 with these graphics and artwork, oh god it would be so amazing!!
The bonfires should be stay in the game forever… Not sure why ArenaNet is obessed with having timed things in the game all the time >.<
I logged just now to find out that the bonfire was removed which was a requirement for the final achievement for the living story.
I would like to ask Arenanet to consider putting that bonfire back in for a week or put an alternative way in to get the achievement. I haven’t been able to log in the last few days and wasn’t fussed about it since I knew that I had until coming thursday (which was announced a long time ago). Now I finally log in to find out that Arenanet has announced ONE day ago that the 4 day bonfire event has been shortened by two days.
People have complained about short term events before and you should have been aware that removing the bonfire on such short notice is simply not acceptable. I am aware that the achievement itself does not have a big impact but I simply enjoy completing achievements.
Agree, ArenaNet please put bonfires back in the game for a few days more!
I can’t find the bonfire.. I thought they would remove it on the 16th?
These are the kind of activities/mini games that the game needs!
Hope you make it permanent.
Hopefully cantha, tengu and a ton of new skills to each of all the classes, and ofcourse new dungeons and guild missions.
Dontain and Bogotter are other examples of channels that makes a lot of gw2 videos. I’d recommend that you check them out
Unofficial gw2 websites – I guess guildwars2guru or the sub forum over at mmo-champion?
Well that’s kind of funny, why did the OP get infracted?
On topic: I guess it’s just something the devs put into the game when they were bored
(edited by Aluano.1826)
It’s great now that these events drop alot of rares, however I think dungeons should also have some kind of “guaranteed” per run drop, maybe an exotic.
Making the bosses COMPLETELY random and not in a specific route would be much better and more fun, so you don’t have to look at an online map all the time.
Amazing tool Have been using this for a few days now.
One little thing that you could add to the program is some kind of “check box” to each meta event so you can just check the one you completed that day, I keep forgetting which ones I actually completed.
I don’t get why you guys revamped AC. I really don’t think it needed a change (my opinion).
Take a look at the other dungeons, specifically HotW or CoE, most encounters in these dungeons are just mind numbingly boring, and the bosses have way too much HP which makes them boring to do as you just stand there for 5-10 mins spamming your auto attack.
Then we also have underwater combat in HotW which is just annoying and no fun involved at all because of the low amount of damage that you do underwater, so killing trash mobs just takes ages.
Don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy the dungeons but some encounters/bosses are really boring and have no mechanics at all, just a lot of HP.
(edited by Aluano.1826)
I agree with everything you said OP, especially what you said about new skins as incentives instead of statistical increases (ascended gear)
Same issue here, my vision of the mists no longer has any particle effects when it’s unsheathed.
Yeah I really hope it’s not intended after spending 150g on it…
This patch fixed the bug with the weapon, however now it doesn’t glow when unsheathed / stowed , is this intended? Because it looks terrible when it doesn’t glow :/
Works for me now. Restart the client!
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