Showing Posts For Amaraee.5680:
I saw this video: … Do you really have to wait until level 8 to unlock underwater combat? Wait, what? Did they remove the Skelks near this event? I’m at work so I haven’t seen.
We determined that if you drag him into the red lasers… not the green ones… he definitely goes down quicker.
tl;dr all topic replies
Some weeks ago i put a topic in Suggestions to ask for more things to buy with Karma.
Like Cultural armor and Order armor and weapons.Instead, Karma gain is now nerfed :-(
Yeah, but what they did was too much. I was perfectly happy with the “nerf” regarding boosters not able to work with karma consumables. Fine, even. Nerfing a jug from ~9000 with boosters to 6500 karma flat was ok with me. It still felt good doing dailies, and you could still manage the grind to gear and shards and cultural armor.
Now what am I doing dailies for? 600 karma is the amount you get from a couple of events. Not worth doing dailies for. And essence of luck? I get more killing a couple of champs and salvaging.
Come on Anet? Can we have some kind of response? You rescinded the karma nerf for a little while that was based on the consumables, because you said you didn’t give enough warning, well, you gave NO warning on this 90% karma nerf either!
I noticed tonight that the “ball of light” that appears when casting the Ebon Vanguard scepter does not appear to be where it should be. The magic animation comes out of the player’s hand, rather than at the end of the scepter. For comparison, the Lionguard scepter has the “ball of light” appear at the end, which makes for a larger field of animation (better looking too, in my opinion.) The low level – cheap scepters also have the ball of light appear out of the end. I’ve included a couple of screenshots comparing the Ebon Vanguard and the Lionguard scepters caught in action, so you can see what I mean. This looks like a bug to me.
I have now noticed an annoyance with the item preview… you can no longer preview things that you cannot equip. Why? I really liked this ability because often times I’d get loot drops that I’d like to save for another one of my toons based on looks.
Or, for instance, some of the things that I previewed on my guardian made me start up an engineer, because of the look I liked by previewing medium armor.
Please bring it back?
WebOS GAuth app works a treat! Thanks!
I would like to let everyone know that if you’re running a webOS Palm smartphone, there is an app in the catalog called GAuth. It is free and works great! You might want to think about adding that to the list of supported phones ArenaNet.
(Note: I’m not trying to sound like a spammer, it’s not even my own app. Just trying to point those with other smartphones in the right direction.)
Awesome Izzy! I am a WebOS user. I’ll check this out!
Devs thank you for caring about us Surround users!!!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Amaraee.5680
We are also running Surround, and I can confirm that this has been fixed for the native fullscreen option! Thanks ANET!
Now if only we could move parts of the UI… wherever we’d like them on those three screens… that would be bonus!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Amaraee.5680
For those of you awaiting a replacement of Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition items, I can tell you that a distribution will be made in what I think is the near future. I do not know a date; I do not know that a date is set. So those marked in a form like “In queue, awaiting resolution” are known to use and we will make sure you get your items when that distribution is made.
The dev team is working on some game changes that will make future distributions unnecessary, so they are holding off on the distribution for a bit.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi Gaile, a few days ago you responded to Natebert.8432 – about his items, but I have not seen his tickets (120825-033103 and 120903-008429) appear in your “resolved” or “queued for distribution” lists. Are his tickets in queue for you to look at? Being that his first ticket was made on 8/25… I’d hate for him to have to miss out on this second distribution.
CC Dalmarus – would it be possible to reopen that thread? The loot notification window disappears off the screen when you move the map to the upper right. I could understand if we were asking for improvements to the game, or additional features, but I don’t think the fact that the loot notification window disappears completely off screen was intentional. It smells like a bug to me.
This thread:
I would like the auto follow option implemented, since I am one of those… “wives”. Or even click-to-move. I think the follow option would work best if they were able to set it up so that it was only an option available to members of your party. This way, no random player on the field could follow another.
I have this same issue. I wouldn’t mind if the loot notification area stayed where it was before the map moved. I would love to have my map on the upper right, but I had to resort to keeping it on the lower right because that loot notification is important to me when out in the field to quickly glance at.
When I’m interfacing with the bank with my profession, and I have a consumable that is also a recipe ingredient:
The consumable doesn’t have a place in the ‘Collections’ tab and has to go into the general bank slot, but since it’s also a recipe ingredient you’d think it should have a place on the Collections tab.
If you double-click on it to move it over to the other panel you consume it instead of it moving over, like all of the other items.
These consumable/recipe items have to be manually dragged over and when you’ve got dozens of them, and they don’t behave like the other objects, accidentally consuming it becomes a problem.
I could see how making an extra spot in the Collections tab would be difficult, would it be possible to offer up a confirmation window, such as, “Are you sure you want to consume this?” while interfacing with your bank? Such a window could be an annoyance in the field, but I wasn’t sure if they could define an area of usage, such as having a bank transaction open.
Not so much as a bug as a UI annoyance, maybe.
The panel that you use to modify the background shape for the guild emblem is frustrating. If you pick a dark color, you can’t see the emblem because it’s not highlighted, and the background is not a more neutral color. It makes creating an emblem more difficult than it should be.
Natebert.8432 above, lost his Rytlock pet, and his Chalice of Glory early on in this game when he deleted his first character. He had tried to use his Tomb of Influence on that same character before it was deleted, but it was not applied to the guild. This was when there were problems applying the Tomb back on the first day. The problems with the guild invites and representation early on led to the deletion of this character for troubleshooting reasons.
When he deleted that first character, he had no way of knowing that those items would be bound to ONLY that character, and was given no warning that they would be lost when he was deleting it. He created a ticket for these issues; 120903-008429, and received the response he posted above.
Seeing the replies in this thread about people receiving their items back in the in-game mail, the reply he received above seems unfair. What can we do to make sure he gets his items back? The whole reason we purchased the digital deluxe upgrade was for these items. We would like to have what we paid for.
(edited by Amaraee.5680)
Please enable preview in the trading post! Sure, I know we should be buying armor based on stats, but sometimes, we just like to look at something first!
nVidia Surround UI Placement/Cutscenes/Character Selection
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Amaraee.5680
I am having the same issues as the OP. Sure, I can play in Windowed mode – and the issues go away, but FPS really suffers. Would really like to play this game in native fullscreen mode without the issues! The game is beautiful with a triple monitor setup, I would really like to be able to take full advantage of it without having to deal with these problems.