Showing Posts For Animatus.6197:

Madly Funny Joke doesn't tell jokes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Animatus.6197


please for the love of us players fix this item

Trait Bug (Causing loss of in-game power)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Animatus.6197


The Guardian Trait “Perfect Inscriptions” (Trait XII in Radiance) is not working at all, I have tested it and have seen no difference when having that trait set. I am level 80 and tested using “Bane Signet.”

25g Challenge (Youtube Fun!)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


This is the First in a series of challenges I will be hosting for the community, to not only give the players some much needed rest from playing but to possibly stir up more excitement for the game as well. So without further ado, heres the challenge:

Your goal is to make a fun and hilarious video of Guild Wars 2 using the hit song “Let’s Have a Kiki.” The closer you get to fitting the music the better. Dance on enemies, make a train with your guild, all that jazz, and remember the better your submission, the better your chance you will have at the 25g.

These are the things I will be looking at in submissions:
-Quality of video
-Does it fit the music?
-Are there more than just you in it?
-Different Game aspects included? (Dungeons/WvW/PvE/PvP)
-Is it original?

To add a little more of a challenge to this, you must include a clip of the Colossus Bowing from the end of the Cliffside Fractal somewhere in your video. Could be in Intro/Outro or part of the song, you decide.

Post all submissions on this forum to be included in judging by January 1st. The result will be posted and the winner awarded January 3rd.
Only 1 submission per user
Your user name must be shown somewhere in the video (either in-game or edited into the video[does not have to be during the song])

This is Ex Animus, representing Lions Arch To Go [CHAT] on Crystal Desert and to whomever makes the best submission I will award their just reward!

My Support Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Now before you go bashing me for saying this, I use Spirit Weapons, however I use them defensively.

My build Is the following:;T4AA2yoEeJhSFlCKKwMgJAzCmDMJYrPGWA

How I play:
I run Hammer as my main weapon simply for the fact of its 3rd hit in the Primary Chain, which grants protection to allies, and with the traits I have, applies vulnerability to enemies. This is an extremely powerful thing to have, and with the extended time and size my entire party has basically constant protection.

I take staff mainly for the 12 stacks of Might, however the speed is also useful. I always keep a scepter and focus in my bag though in case i need more range and, more importantly, single target ranged DPS.


For heal I run Signet of Resolve, my only real reason for this is the condition removal every 10 seconds, which is useful, plus out of the heals, it is the most powerful heal (most healing done)

I always keep the defensive signet on just because with this build I have less Toughness and the 10% damage reduction is very useful.

For spirit weapons I swap around depending on what we are facing:
Defense:Ranged DPS: Shield
Condition DPS: Bow
-For WvW and bosses I usually use both Bow and Shield as they are most useful.
-I rarely use Hammer unless I am up against a swarm and simply need more DPS instead of defense, as the Greatsword has a lot more DPS and lasts much longer.

My Elite is dependent on the group, if it is a group where I might pull aggro a bit more I run Renewed Focus. If it is a good group with another, more tanky, Soldier class, I will pull out my D-Golem (As I am Asura and it is a powerful summon). If the group has another Soldier class but might need some last minute healing I will Use Tome of Courage.

I would like to point out the healing that Command Bow of Truth does. This is a powerful heal that (with only 300-400 HP) does about 80-90 per arrow, and if you stand in the circle the entire time you are usually hit by at least 25-30 arrows, so it is a heal that most people overlook but can be a godsend in tough battles.

Anyways, though I’d share it with you, as I have been running this build about a week now and have yet to have much difficulty with it.

Weapon Swap Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Basically my suggestion if you have an open slot and its possible to do so, could you possibly have it so that if you hit the weapon swap key it swaps positions for your weapons?

Thief with pistol/dagger equipped and nothing in the alternate slot, hit the weapon swap key and it swaps the two weapon’s positions so he is now dagger/pistol

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Participated, fell through the floor during the Ancient fight, ran back from a waypoint, got kicked before I reached the chest…… Do I get one in the mail? because I still have yet to receive one.

Sylvari Head and Phantom Hood

in Sylvari

Posted by: Animatus.6197


1, I doubt race has much to do with the phantom hood shape.
(srsly tho, it looks good like this imho. You could’ve previewed it and not bought it if you didn’t like the point)

On a guy Sylvari your head is a triangle, its really anoying looking.

Im talking about the face

(edited by Animatus.6197)

Sylvari Head and Phantom Hood

in Sylvari

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Can we please fix this, it looks so goofy its impossible to work with, please Devs flush out the top portion of it so it actually looks like a head

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Divine Power: Staff

This staff is a silver staff with gold trim and a diamond at the very top, the staff has no unique features however when the staff is out the wielder has golden transparent wings fixed to their back (much like the Paragon from GW1). The wielder leaves a trail of feathers behind them that shine with golden light.

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


The Warmonger: Hammer

Hammer’s appearance is very rough, looks like someone scrounged up parts to put it together. The hammer causes explosions when it hits a surface (much like grenade explosions). Leaves a trail of “junk” behind the wielder, things like scrap heaps, metal bars, and gears.

(edited by Animatus.6197)

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Typhoon: Shortbow

Bow appearance is a bow made of water. The projectiles are a stream of water from the wielder. Leaves a river behind the wielder as they travel.

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


The Aegis: Shield

Shield appears as a floating diamond, when blocking or hit the “Aegis” appears as a hexagonal field around the wielder. When moving the wielder leaves floating hexagon pads at his/her feet. (this shield has an Asura feel to it)

Alters skills such as Guardians Shield5 to appear as a Hexagonal field.

(edited by Animatus.6197)

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Bow of Light: Longbow

Appear as a bow made of light with a tangible hold and tips, the arrows would be made of yellow light and would actually give off light as they fly
Would leave a trail of light at your feet as you walk lighting the area around the trail for a few seconds.

What Legendary would you make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


So here is the topic, if you could make a “Legendary Weapon,” what would it be and how would it appear? Any effects? Special projectiles? Unique character effects?

Be Detailed and Creative! (You never know when a Dev is looking)

-Bow of Light (Animatus)

-Scarlett Shadowbolt (Robin)
-Typhoon (Animatus)
-Nightwatch (Saydian)

-The Aegis (Animatus)
-Revolution (Aajolea)

-The Warmonger (Animatus)

-The Skrittsticker (Niea)

-Divine Power (Animatus)

-Crystalline Greatblade (AnemoneMeer)
-Deathmourne (Yoshihito)

-Railgun (Slic)

-Dredgenaut (Aajolea)

-Comrade (Aajolea)

(edited by Animatus.6197)

Portal (Gun)? 2 Skills suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I could totally see the Engineer having a portal type ability, to give someone beyond the Mesmer’s a portal.

2 Thoughts on this:

Mobile Gate: (Utility)
Drop a gate at your location that activates when the 2nd gate is dropped (works just like the Mesmer portal ability but looks more Engineer-ish)

Portal Gun: (Kit) (All for fun in the midst of battle)
Replace skill bar with the following skills:

1. Time Jump: Teleport 600 units forward and create a field of havoc dealing moderate damage to any within 250 of your end location (an auto attack with some skill and fun to it) (short cd, maybe around 5 seconds)

2. Dislocation: Teleport your target to a random location within 600 of their current position. Applies 3 stacks of confusion.

3. Boundary: Create a wall at target location that cannot be passed by any projectiles or units, both foe and friend

4. Gateway: Create a zone that works with “Spacial Transfer”

5. Spacial Transfer: Move yourself and neaby friendly units to the previously created “Gateway”
(Unlike the Mesmer, skill 4 can be shot to a location within 900 of the User, however if User is outside of 1200 from 4 they will not connect and 5 will not activate)

Tool Kit Skills:
Wall of Nothing: (For Mobile Gate) Absorb Projectiles for a period of time in a circle around the user.
Swap: (For Portal Gun) Trade places with your target

None of these are set in stone, just what I would see as a possibility.

(edited by Animatus.6197)

Thank you GW2 Team

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Thanks for releasing the reserved names, finally snagged the name Ex Machina for my Engineer

My request for the Lost Shores Update

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Please Devs, either Hammer for Engineers or a real ranged weapon for Guardians. That is my request, one of the two.

Hammer for Engineers because it just sounds awesome, and a real ranged weapon for Guardians because, lets face it, scepter and staff are near worthless in WvW.

Skele Rumble

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Just to clarify, I’m talking about the MOBA game that was for halloween where u collect pumpkins and spawn skeletons.

Could you leave this in game please? This is possibly one of my favorite minigames and I hate to see it going away.

Lost Shore Update Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animatus.6197


So basically they are adding a “Torchlight” type dungeon where the farther down you get the harder it gets? Interesting. I must have more info.

chest question

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Animatus.6197


can you recieve anything else from the chest besides the hat?

Scepter fix (idea)

in Guardian

Posted by: Animatus.6197


An Idea I had that would make it feel like Guardians had an actual range weapon would be to ditch the whole tennis ball 1 skill and replace it with something that hits like the Fire Ele 1 skill for scepter, I.E. beam of light from the sky on target instead of a projectile. Just a thought

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Colgin, Please look again, you will see that “I” never said it was a kit, you need to read the posters name as well.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I do not understand why people lack basic comprehension skills, but unless you lost your mind, rocket hammers nor anything you mentioned do not exist in game.

Funny, I haven’t seen any flame pistols, electromagnet shields, throwing axes, or laser swords either, but people still use those from time to time.

What the heck are you talking about? All of the above are in game.

A “rocket-powered hammer.” on the other hand, does not exist. If the original post was referring to a list of skills for the hammer if they allowed engineers to use hammers, then you should say so. Not fly off the handle simply because your not saying what you mean, then get angry at the rest of us if we do not decifer your meaning accordingly.

I said it multiple times, you just dont listen

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


There is no logic in trying to make a weapon for one class alone. As well, we sure do not need another kit.

I dont understand why people cant read, this isnt a “kit” and it uses Hammers, and unless I have lost my mind, hammers already exist in game.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I would personally like to see this or some tech version of the 1h Sword or Mace

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Not a bad idea whatsoever. Especially given that we’ve already seen them implement a melee-oriented weapon as a ranged device on other classes (axe on Necro, greatsword on Mesmer).

Either this or a giant explosion gauntlet.

To those who say “you have kits get over it,” NO! Less weapons means less possible legendaries, and unless a legendary alters my kits I will always ask for this (another weapon).

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Seems like well thought out, fun kit.

I just have a few questions about the kit that will help me see myself using it in combat.

  • What are the distance requirements for each skill (aside from Rocket Swing)?
    Would be mid range, 600 range for 1 and 5, travel 900 with blowback 450 for 3, spiders run up to 900, Flash effects a 300 range radius
  • Is this kit intended to be used primarily within melee, mid-range, or long distance?
    Mid range
  • Do Spider Mines include splash damage upon impact?
  • In the ability Rocket Swing, what do you mean by blow back?
    Blowback is what knockback is called for GW2
  • Does Rocket Swing also include a knockdown or is it simply an Engineers version of Ride The Lightning?
    Answered above
  • Whats Shrapnel Cannon’s range, and does it include splash damage?

Answered Above

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Just a thought, but would love to see another weapon for the Engineer, my thoughts lean towards possibly a “rocket-powered hammer.”

1. Bat’r-up: Hit a spike-ball at your target (like a baseball).
2. Spider Mines: Pound the ground, summoning 3 mechanical spiders that scurry to your target and explode.
3. Rocket Swing: Fire up a rocket on the back of your hammer, travelling up to 900 units to your target then swinging, dealing damaging and causing blowback.
4. Flare: Overcharge the hammer, causing a blinding flash of light from the head, blinding all enemies nearby.
5. Shrapnel Cannon: Hit a ball of parts at your ground-target that explodes on impact, causing bleeding.

Just my thoughts, now discuss.

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Solution: Give the guardian a new elite that summons a cannon (same as the ones during Arah) and lasts until broken or reset by CD like the Engi elite, that would give us useful “range damage”

AC Dungeon Weapons Broken?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Unlucky mate.
Have you got your graphics up high enough to notice the change?

yes, everythings max settings

AC Dungeon Weapons Broken?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Animatus.6197


So I just dropped 300 AC Tears for the Sword so I would have a glowing weapon at night (as they are supposed to become like the Ghost weapons at night, and the weapon doesn’t glow?!?!? I want this fixed or my tokens back as that’s the ONLY reason I got the weapon.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

please enlighten me to this secret of yours, I have magic find gear and just hit 80 and would love to know where you do this

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Nope, my Character sure doesn’t look like a Noob.


Only 790 Achieve Points?!?!?! your a noob

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I’m not even going for dungeon gear, T3 Heavy Cultural Asura Armor FTW, and it only requires 108G!!! If I was to get an Armor set from dungeons though it would be the Heavy Inquest Gear or Heavy Arah Gear, cause those look awesome on Asuras

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I like the elites honestly, then again I usually don’t need them unless its a “critical” moment for the team or myself. I would love an elite that gives us a Engineer-like kit that summons a long range weapon for us to use (i.e. longbow, rifle, egg throwing yoshi…..something)

Hidden Weapon Skills (HWS) and Weapon/Skill Hunt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I like it however the only thing I would personally use it for would be better damaging skills for my 1 staff skill on my Guardian.

Token costs for weapons are not right

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Animatus.6197


The token costs for a two-handed weapon is 390. For a one-handed weapon it’s 300. I’m a guy that likes to use two axes, but I’m being penalized for dual-wielding over using a two-hander. Colin, Jon, Robert, come on guys. Make one-handed weapons half the cost of a two-handed weapon.

while i sypathize even though i dont use dual wielding, what you are forgetting is you get an entire extra sigil slot over 2h weapons.

Brainstorm: Elite Signet

in Guardian

Posted by: Animatus.6197


That would be a really weak passive for an elite signet, especially since any other class with such a signet passive is in their normal utility and is non-elite

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Whatever the third heavy class will be it must stick with the rules, only casters can be magic based. Others can have magic but not to the same degree and some kind of techno mage would make more sense for the casters.

I’m actually going to fix this and make the class a medium armor wearer, however your saying the heavy armor can’t be a caster did you completely forget what the Guardians are? and what they can do?

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


groan It happens every time, in every game. “Ooo! Ooo! There’s a gap! There’s a great class you could fit into the gap!” Whilst I don’t particularly want to rain on your parade, Anima, did you start from the important question? “Why did Anet release with only 2 Heavies?” They probably DID have a reason, y’know…

If there’s going to be another Heavy class, another class of any description, they’ve probably already got it specced and, equally, have VERY good reasons for not releasing it yet. As for “Technomage”, I’m sorry, but the name & concept are revolting. Technology & magic are opposites in every milieu, with good reason. However well designed your class is (no I haven’t gone through your wall o’ text in detail), I’d vote “No” simply because of the name you’ve picked. What’s next? A Democratic Republican? (No, I’m not American, but you get the idea…)

In order again:
1. It isn’t that there is a gap, I simply wanted to throw out a class Idea, so if you don’t wanna read then don’t, but I will ask you to read that long paragraph above, forums are made for this purpose, to boost ideas to the developers.
2. It isn’t set in stone, it could be another armor type, I actually would see this class as more of a Medium Armor class now that I’ve developed it more.
3. Technomage is a term, technology and magic can go together, if you haven’t I would suggest playing the Asuras, their Golemancy is in their own words in game the combination of technology and magic so your argument there is completely invalid.
4. Again if you don’t like then you don’t like, but it’s merely a suggestion, and not going into all the details makes you ignorant as you don’t fully understand how the class works.

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Agreed with Raedwulf. No offense, but it reads like every other amateur attempt at additive game design and/or fanfiction. It’s clearly intended to be more unique and special than all the “mundane” classes, etc.

I don’t want to sound too offensive or dismissive; it’s all in good fun, certainly, and practice is the only way to improve at anything—design included… but it sounds like you imagine there is a non-zero chance of this idea being adopted in any amount of detail, and that’s just not how it works.

Ideas are the most common resource in the world—and that goes triple for the games industry. Undoubtedly everyone at ArenaNet—be they artists, programmers, sound guys or legal—all have their own ideas for what the next additions to the game will be. If any of the team does see this idea and get inspired by it, it will be in a completely roundabout way. Concepts will be drawn and redrawn, passed around and combined with other ideas until the end result is a nord totem-styled caber-tosser with no resemblance to any of the initial inspirations.

Again, my intent is not to stop or dissuade you—but explain that it would be more productive to talk about ideas and style, inspirations and overarching systems than actual specific abilities.

Ok gonna rebuttal this in order:
1. Whats wrong with unique (more explained later)
2. Imagination is what makes the world turn ‘round
3. Even if they all have their own ideas, it doesn’t mean they cant look to the community for suggestions and advice(that is what this forum is about right?)
4. None of the abilities are specifics, they are all simply ideas for what I would envision the class doing.

You seem to forget that forums are made for the creation of these such Ideas, they are for the building of new thoughts that when read by a developer may create a spark or a thought that may one day grow and become part of the game, that is what a forum is for. The community is a much bigger part of the game developing world in this age, people don’t make games that people don’t want. I will give an example. Riot Inc. the developers of League of Legends, use their forums as a backboard to make new and better things for their game. They actually created a Champion Concept thread just for this purpose, so the community could create not only new champions, but simply abilities and skins that the developers actually take their time to read, comment on, and even USE. That’s the point, to make something so outstanding, so in-depth, so “unique” that developers look at it and go “I gotta learn more.” That’s where game design is in this day and age, and to think otherwise is simply negligence on your part.

Tyrian Politics & Guildhalls: A Lengthy Proposal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


This would require an entire expansion, I can see it now, Guild Wars 2: Guild Wars!

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


im with you with the 3 heavy options, but technomage? id rather them just release the already considered knight class

1. It’s a suggestion, doesn’t mean they will do it, doesn’t mean everyone will like, example to that is i absolutely hate the ranger class, there’s just nothing I can find that I honestly like about it, not every class is for everyone.
2. They may have a Knight class they are thinking about, but I haven’t heard or seen anything about this, so how am I to know? and also even though they are considering a Knight class doesn’t mean me suggesting a new class is invalid, its still a good possibility as I am sure they will release more than just 8-9 classes.

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Seems interesting, but some skills seem to require other skills.
Example, Overcharge requires the Steam giant skill, what if they have no steam giant.
The off hand pistol would only fit with a main hand pistol.
It would really limit the use of some skills.

The idea is to have different skills that work with each other, if you looked at the example I made, there were all skills that required a Servitor, so if you didn’t have the Servitor up or it was on CD then you would need to switch Gauntlets for a new set of utilities.

And I dont understand what you mean by off hand pistol as there isnt one, there are no off hand weapons for this class as any 1h weapons essentially become a 2h weapon with the Gauntlet

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I would so play this class, but 1 minor suggestion, chance Golemancy to something else, golems are specifically for Asura and the other races can’t comprehend how to construct or operate them.

Someone did say something like that, possibly using the Steam Golems that appear in the Asura Story Line.

Something Like that might be possible, ill work on messing with the skills a little to change this up.

EDIT: I altered the skills to use the Steam Giants instead of the Asura Golems

(edited by Animatus.6197)

A Class of It's Own

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Added a lot more abilities and Weapon Skills, hope I can get some more comments now that there’s more to comment on.

Profession Suggestion: Seer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


By the way i did a edit on my post probably should’ve reposted it.
but, that’s a bit of my thoughts behind the overal look besides the name, because honestly a name isn’t as important to look at at first sight that’s probably my fault.

You can edit the post title you know, go to the very top and under the title there should be an “Edit Post” option that lets you change the post title (changes the title on the board)

Profession Suggestion: Seer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


To be fair, i’m trying to think of one right now. But i find it so incredibly hard with paragon and ritualists sticking exactly where they want . xd
Especially not seeing spirit keepers working. Those are too close towards urns.

It’s not that hard, just think about what you want to see and voila!

Profession Suggestion: Seer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


  • Signets — Seeing as how they all have signets this go around, makes sense for a Seer to have some as well.

you have obviously never played engineer, they have no signets… Its an ok class, but needs more description, a lot more of the class ideas that have been posted have had a lot of thought put into them, this looks more like you just had a random though and just threw it up on the forums for everyone to see

[Profession:] Summoner, a true pet class.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I actually like the idea, but give it a little more lee-way than JUST summons, there is no class in game at the moment that is tailored to anything as specific as that, suggestion would be to look at some of the other class suggestions and open your class a little more to other possible builds.
(I would post my profession suggestion thats on the forum, but thats not why im here)