Showing Posts For Apostle.3180:

buyers remorse. sorta

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Its not what you think I don’t want a refund or anything for what I purchased im loving the game / expansion having tons of fun.

Where I messed up is I bought the Crystal Arbiter Appearcnce pack, and well I took the staff thinking its what I wanted but in truth im iching for the greatsword and made a mistake, as I was told you can get all the skins you only get the one you choose.

I know its a long shot but would it be worth my time or a GM’s time for me to put in a ticket to remove the staff skin from my account and get the Greatsword skin.

And if it helps account has been active since beta and I havent once placed a ticket of this kind.


Issue with the Delux HoT.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


its been 3 days O.o

Issue with the Delux HoT.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


So I bought the package for 99 bucks applied it to my account and all that jazz. However I have not recieved the promised 4k gems that comes with it is there something else I have to do ?

Soo my account is comprmised I guess

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Havent played GW2 in I dont know 2-3 months been in the hospital and im laying in bed watching a movie and I get a email at 3am saying some one from China tried to log into my account so I change my Password on both the game and my email.


WTB Sniper kit / weapon skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Apostle.3180


DO IT NOW kinda bad when warriors have better rifle skills then us

Add Duels/Inspect People

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I don’t agree with you, so I’m closed minded? Perhaps you are the one who’s being closed minded. I don’t need a bunch of elitist jerks telling me I’m undergeared, or wearing the wrong color underwear. Neither one of those things is ANYONE’s business but mine.

It’s not that I don’t want “Gearscore” (which is what you are asking for, regardless of what you call it) because it is in WoW. I don’t want it because of the attitudes it fosters.

My attitude (closed mindedness if you will) has been created by nosy, rude individuals who want to “inspect” me. I’m not in the military (anymore), and you are not my CO. Buzz off.

It saves us the time of making you link us yoru gear to see if your are able to run an instance or your not undergeared and want to be carried while we do all the work.

Direct trade system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


You say its a Staple MMO aspect , Anet doesnt want to be just another MMO they are thinking outside of the box and dont want Trading in this game.

I will admit CoD in mail will be benefical to this but as of right now Trading is not needed.

And im sorry but the fact people cant trade wont affect how many people play this game. This game is doing EXTREMELY well and trading is having little if no influence on peoples choice to play the game or not. There is bigger stuff out there that actually matters that anet needs to be working on other than Trade that a small % of the game population claims this is a deal breaker.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


While intentions may be good you have to be careful specially in the MMO industry cause, I know its cliche but “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”

Just sayin, game is working fine atm no reason to change or add anything of this nature.

Direct trade system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Direct Trade is not needed the mail system is perfect you can mail and pick up items from any where in the word, there is a Trade market in which you can post items ANYwhere in the world, there is no need for direct trade, this in fact helps cut down on gold sellers and allows Anet to better track who is buying gold through the mail system. Trade is not needed and there has yet to be a argument that states otherwise.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I have not yet read a single good reason to be anti mount…

We dont need a reason Anet already said they have no plans and will not implement mounts in this game just drop it, you all sound like school chidlren whinning to your mother casue she wont give you a cookie….. THEY SAID NO deal with it

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Can this thread die already, There will never be mounts in this game, It would affect to much IE jump puzzles or the actually setting up and defending / attacking forts. Mounts just dont have a place in this game with the way points and the fact that EVERYONE gets a swiftness effect.

No mounts ever please.

LET this thread DIE!!!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I agree I was 400 cook by day 3 and I feel as tho Fishing would add another amazing activity to do in this game, If your going to add fishing make sure you do it along the lines of FFXI, that by far has the best fishing system in any MMO I have ever played.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


That sounds good on paper but Arena Net is going for the Anyone with any spec can run any dungeon, you start putting names on player roles, (Damage/Tank/Healer ) or (Support/Control/Damage) certain classes get pigeon holed into those roles then people only invite those roles that excel at either control or support or the top DD dealers, at that point it snow balls into well buff my class cause Class A gets invited over me cause he has better contorl / Support abilities.

Arena net is trying to get as far away from that as possible. The dungoens are run now is PERFECT, they are hard but not easy and not to difficult.

Keep it the way it is, its a good idea but I dont believe this game needs this.

Add Duels/Inspect People

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


An example of this is people saying full exotic gear to get invited to a Exp ARAH farm group, when in fact they are full 50-60 Exotic geared and extremely under geared for the instance but think they can just walk in with no work.

Also another thing inspecting people does is it allows you to gauge if they know their class or not, if they have the right rune or stat setup so they have a simple grasp of how to play the game, Call me a elitest prick or what ever but I prefer to play with good players that pull their weight in instances and inspecting allows us to do this.

Add Duels/Inspect People

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I personally second this cause im kinda tired of people asking me where my gear and weapon came from I would prefer them to just inspect me.

On second not the whole gear score thing doesnt work in this game cause its level based and rare or exotic. Also the main thing about inspecting in wow for groups was to see if you had the Correct / gems / Enchants /refordge, This there is nothing like that in this game and any comp / stat setup works I dont see an issue.

I think all the people standing up saying they dont want people to inspect them are the people who dont want to work for their gear and want to get carried through instances and stuff while in 50 blues at level 80 and dont want to get denied being in a group because they not have not put the timer and effort into gear like most people.

Day/Night Cycle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I wish that I could tell the difference between day and night without pointing my camera in the sky.

Look at the ingame clock ????

Day/Night Cycle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Should also be like in Zelda Ocarina of Time, at night zombies and ghost come out…….

Race change with gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Race change I dont think would work or would be to much work for AN as every race has their own story and dont forget all the traits and paths you choose at the beginning when you create your character.

Race change with gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Name change ticket as well would be nice


in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


The best MMO to date that has handled MMO housing the best was FFXI, everyone had their own personal house to decorate grow flowers store stuff it was AMAZING and so simple.

If you havent heard / seen or played the game and how the housing works

now FFXI is close to 10 years old so dont mind the graphics but just pay attention to the content and how Housing works.

I think GW2 will do somthing along this.

Crazy Condition Flamernaut Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I like the idea will have to try it.

Any possibility of grenade auto attack?

in Engineer

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Its already been said that they are looking into making #1 Attack for grenade kit a auto attack / player targeted ability…. so its not a matter of if they will but how they will do it and how it will affect the kit over all.

Any possibility of grenade auto attack?

in Engineer

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I think that if they gave us just the auto attack on our # 1 ability it and leave the other 4 and our toolbet a aimed Ground AoE it will be fine. And as for the #1 being auto attack just have the grenades follow the person, thats what happens with all other projectile based weapons in the game and no one is complaining about the trejectory of Pistol or rifle bullets when people are on the move. The code and Idea is there it just needs to be implemented.

So I played GW1 about 8 years ago.....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Also to add more info about the time frame I played GW1 before any expansion and never played an expansion on GW1

So I played GW1 about 8 years ago.....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Dont know the exact time line or even which Email I used. The name of my GW1 Character was Apostle Kildara ( I think its somthing like that) and I believe the Email was ( back when AOL was the thing to use) and I have taken almost ever avenue to located this account information and have been unable to is there a certain process or procedure I need to take to recover this information.

Your opinions: Which race has the best starter zone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I personally like Slyvaria and I have played them all.

Things that irk me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apostle.3180


You do reliaze that you can turn in game currency to this “gem” currency and you dont have to waste RL money. And making money at level 80 is SOOOOOOO, and since yo umention the 55-65 zone I would say you are in that level range and in no way need THAT much bag / account space.

Account Bound Items to buy with ~4k karma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apostle.3180


tbh you get like 1-3k karma at level 70+ for events so 4k karm is nothing I as a level 45 had 18k karam and have not spent any and never go out of my way to do events

Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Yes this game is amazing and dont pay attention to the people who saying they are quiting or complaining, they are just part of the Entitiled generation that belives everyhting should be handed to them and they dont need to do any work.

Share your Engi builds!

in Engineer

Posted by: Apostle.3180


Amazing for Group WvW and sPvP and I find it incredibly easy to solo and pretty much do anything, going to be putting out a guide / WvW and sPvP footage soon.