Showing Posts For Aranvar le Voyageur.7521:
“out of confort zone”….thats at this moment a game turns into a work…
I guess not everyone want to relax, someones seems to spend so much time in the game (unemployment helps maybe) to convince themselves that its normal to work that much in a game to achiv or do anything. Congralutations, seems that most MMO’s have already been designed for them.
people seems to forget that grind is just an artificial mean to keep players in the game, for more times they would have normally stayed without it. long term goals that doesnt match the amount of content really available.
Its normal to grindto get something in reality (unless technology progresses reduce the pain), not in a virtual universe.
I absolutly want to have a good gear, to have challenges, but I’m absolutly not willing to spend another undecent amount of time int the same contents everyday, with RNG as only judge, just for changing a few stats on the gear.
I’m not complaining about difficulty of the raid itself but the unecessary segregating preprequirements that split players along their weekly playtime, those who have the time to accomplish virtual chores, whiles he others are doing something constructive IRL.
Next steps, I f you are so glad that there exist content that most player wont do, I propose to make specific content, with nice rewards, where only layers with less that 8 hours spent in the game weekly could acess (calculated on averages on the whole total of time played, so the count would not dropp quickly), or achieved any ascended crafting…It would be extremly funny to see the people actually complaining that “casual” shouldnt care about raids and move on, then feel cheated as well x)
I would just like to complete each raid wing once, just for storyline, then I will move on…but building whole new expensive gears just for completing it, build a whole guild dedicated to it, its not worth the time required for the moment, unless anet release a story mode, wich is equivalent with scenario dungeons compared with exploration mode in difficulty. If I dont want to adapt to meta, its mainly because I have invested too much time for a single full ascended gear, and change it would cost too much…Not counting the idea of building a whole new gear for a nother class.
We are afraid of grind and players mentality, not of challenging contents I suppose…
Well, if some player still feels the need of feeling in the upper tier for being able to raid, and anet dot want to make an acessible version (designed 5 player team for exemple, with no timer) I leave to their own vainglorious feelings, if its the only way to feel achivement if being unique over others.
Thats all I had to say, I return to my movie now…Tequatl could become a dried dragon skeleton, no way I would do it again for a 30 ’th time without a decent chance of getting a small red chest.
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
For many reasons, like those:
Elitism spirit; difficulty to have a concentrated 10 player group for enough time, poor rewards (unless you have a speed clear team able to do the bosses quickly every day).
failure on a boss, and wastes of time are sources of frustration and player most likely leave after 2-3 tries…
Raids are often not an enjoyable eperience for player that do not have a full prepared guild dedicatd to that.
But I think the main reason why I dont want to raid anymore, is that the raid have been clearly scaled for ascended gear (otherwise its way more difficult to pass the enrage timer with an average team).
The meta is too restrictive, some classes are just persona non grata in raids, or far less efficient than others, the builds/weapons are limited, and since maximum amount of stats need a lot of dedication to be changed (mainly because of costly runes/sigils that dont have fair recipes or extraction methods…unless gemmstore’s, that gold conversion dont make cost efficient; P2W, we are almost in ^^)
Most groups check gears, kicks if not meta, and today, even weapons and full trinkets ascended stuff is not sufficient, we have to craft armor and farm loads of silk, leather etc…
And as a student, I also dont have the time to grind another time the same contents for poor rewards, during months, just for an ascended viperine like stuff…
My time is worth more than that sorry Anet, there are plenty of other games that I would like to play instead of grinding gear.
I miss gw1, where preperaing an UW was mostly after doing the storyline, capture an elite, and buy the skills missing for a few platinums, adjust a few worthless runes (exception of 50HP) for the skill points in hero panel, then organize your group…I thinks its time to come back to it. Straight difficulty with almsot no grind “requirement”…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
Won't be getting Legendary armor!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aranvar le Voyageur.7521
I have 16 characters, all full exotic and ascended trinkets…I made them because it was possible to get maximum stats fairly back in 2012, and complete all storyline path for exemple, vary and try out in a reasonnable amount of playtime to do every part of the game…a complete stuff was worth often less than 100 gold, rather afordable for everyone.
It was not tedious to change stats on your gear…with an expensive stuff its not the same (the actual option is not what I would call satisfying since mystic forge destroy runes/sigils…some sigils that could be really costly because of rare materials, or just lack of recipe, tied to randomness of exotic loot).
But its no longer maximum stuff…If now i want to get maximum stats, for a single gear, a single character (because rune are bound and not removable easily)…
I will need minimum a month of work with at least 3 hours a day to repeat the same old contents…not because I like them, but because its necessary for the progression goal.
The problem with legendary, it that they are no longer only vanity, these have a background, a story, are a form of content…and all they’ve find to acquire them, is to genocide entire mob species for exemple (on weapons), or accomplish hardcore contents multiple times to find enough materials for one…how glorious….how legendary.
Also, theses legendary equipments are like the end of farming, to acquire them would means that now, it only remains (or almost, because of those same sigils, runes and foods) the cosmetic progression….the things that we were expecting to be the only progression before GW2’s release…
Even then, most of these could be bought on the TP…even some parts of Hot legendaries could be bypassed by purchassing materials with gold…
I’m not meaning we should get them freely, but, does it justify such a massive grind ?
Skins are also really important, if you dont like the look of your character, you will likely be less enthousiastic to play it…or you will rush content because you will probably no longer care of it but want a shorter path to the desired look by rushing it.
I’m just asking for diminushing the pressure on stuff and skins…I dont want to play for rewards, I would like to actually play content without actually caring for something else, and having a character that is not optimised break this feeling…because you always feels like something is lacking.
I would like to care on content, not on things in my inventory I need to have better stats or look…
I would like to play with some kind of peace of mind after studies, not to actually do a second job at home.
I dont want to do a content just because it have a nice rewards, wich discourage to produce quality, because the company know that, wether you want it or not, you will have to do it, maybe countless times if you want to progress…
and there is a difference, I also dislike PvP for exemple, but even if I’m really bad at it, I was able to progress even a bit, and discover this mode and maybe become less partial…this, only for a glorious armor track i needed to complete a look…
Can MMO’s, and mostly from one claiming to be special; be something else than farmlands, or contents to repeat ?
I’m not a robot, or any mindless machine…how to actually like a game, were we came to have fun, where everything nice is gated behind segregating contents or tons of stultifying tasks…or chase endlessly something.
Why couldnt it be a pause, a stop instead of another serious work to do…
tasks that may even become difficult at the point that you can no longer pass them doing halfly something else, because you have to be concentrated…;and i wont put another time my own money, because its exatly what expect the company…exhaust us, test us, the most endurant pass…the other are so bored and sick, wondering why they are still doing this for the 40th time, and more likely spend money to stop those chores (because its often too tempting to still go to the end instead of giving up quite close) because a shop have been designed for it…
Of course most of content can be done in exotic, be raid brings you at a level where any mistake could be desastrous, and incentise you to max the potential of your character to get a better chance to survive, potential determined by your equipment…the one wich is insanly expensive to max out.
Unless you have a legendary gear, and there, no worries, you will have all the time maxed stats and freely swaps its (just wait, I’m almost certain that legendary trinkets and rings will soon come…if not legendary sigils, runes etc…)
You could take an hours or two to suceed this raid…or…you could have an unbalanced team, where members discovers mechanics, badly fail, get nothing, have the feeling of wasting a whole afternoon and evening…everyone try and try again, become frustrated, almost have it…but nope sorry, you still need 30 more seconds, time’s out, the team is destroyed another time insults each others and everyone ragequitt before even scratching the paint of the content that a giant spectral and unvulnerable boss is guarding…it leave like a bitter taste isnt it ?
Something must go terribly wrong to state thats its preferable that everyone could not be able to experience the whole content of a video game…and I dont think greed or lack of curiosity are good arguments…
Games are places were everyone is trying to find something it couldnt have in reality…start to put barriers, and tell everyone to work hard to get any things…and then its no longer a relaxing world…
And please, dont pose your personnal experience, that may be exceptions, as rule and truth for everyone…because if there are topics like theses, its maybe because there is certainly a problem somewhere. It cant just be bashed, or simply ignored, because its convenient and confortable to do so rather than solving it, or discuss it…
people want difficulty ? fine…but consider making an harder/easier version of something would be much more conciliating instead of designing an exclusive content, just for a few players (after all, prestigious things should remains titles and achievements, like in GW1). then everyone would be happy, because there would be no more exclusion for any content…
Now there is more than ever a break and conflicts in my guilds…now there are raiders in full ascended in a side, still keeeping doing fractals, competitive content…and feeling superior to the others wont dont suceed in raid because they have a life, dont have the time for farming, but dont see why for this they should be excluded from nice rewards because of dedication requirement, when just a few years before, they were playing a casual game, when everything was doable at any moment, with no strong restrictive requirments…the other become slightly marginalised, just here to finance the need of the other, wich of course, are those ruling the guild…
Legendary gear should be legendary toward game progression and experience…not toward players.
Edit; and I will stop here, I dont see what to add, its just my point of view after all…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
Won't be getting Legendary armor!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aranvar le Voyageur.7521
Of course, I would absolutly be fine with not having an armour, with a old tyrian lore attached on it, that you can freely swap it stats…
No gear grind, I dont know who washed so well your brain at the point that you dont even see anymore that you are all the time actually grinding for stats all your gameplay, even indirectly (even just for new characters)…but basicly…if you have an ascended armor versus exotic, its 10% less chances to fail (and I’m not counting build involving new stats heavy Hot maps grinding for months).
Ascended gear is a massive chore to do, and if it does not prevent you of entering the raids, its is one of the determinant factore that will define if you will pass or not the DPS check of the enrage timer.
And its still not considered as a gear grind…problem, this game have been implemented with updates, and was not here at the beggining…so it could be considered as a gear tier addition.
You repeat the same aeras for recolting materials, the same meta event the same way, you are focusing on rewards because its what make you progress toward those stats, you have timegates so you have to connect everyday for crafting a single material…if its not gear grind…what it is then ??
The response is always the same for player complaining….
They just have to shut up and act if those content for minority of players were just not existing…
And seriouly, do you thinks its very mature to take pleasure on having something nice, just because you feel exclusive and glad that most of people cant have it ?
Sound terribly selfish for me…even more in a video game, were everything is artificial and not tied to compelling needs of reality.
I wonder If sometime I would rather pay a subscription in exchange of a fair and truly horizontal progression, that dont keeps you grinding and artificially prevent you from testing other game, just because every nice item is locked behind unrewarding task and insanely long virtual goals…
everyone cant do raid…but most people like dungeons…why just not make an easy mod for it ? Oh yes…I forget, a minority of raiders want exclusivity, and nice shinies that everyone would crave for, just to satisfy their desire of admiration and awesomness…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
I miss so much elona that I have made a gardian looking like an old sunspear parangon ^^
I would love to come back there…but what will happens this time, african and middle east country will declare themselves offended because of mixed inspirations taken in their respective culture…like china, corea, japan did for faction ?
How tolerant, imagine if europeans would act the same way…
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aranvar le Voyageur.7521
The problem with the raid from my point of view is that it involve stories, lore content, that everyone could enjoy unlike pvp, wvsw (or just very few), those not really impacting pve content…
You could be efficient like in dungeons for better rewards, but you shouldnt obligatory have to be the most efficient possible, because otherwise it would lead to failure, at least not in pve…
Its maybe benefic to lose and learn, unfortunally, since its a game, a failure is often synonym of wasted time.
If anet puts an easy mode mod for raids with far lesser rewards and no exclusive titles, achievement ect…just for the pleasure of exploring or testing without spending month to farm your optimised stuff (because playing the whole content of an MMO should be compatible with work and social life).
I’m just stating that for players with a medium playtime, its still overly long and tedious to complete just a set of stats of the maximum gear, a gear that often come in vision field long after most of the main content have been cleared multiple time…
Rewards/time is mostly awfull, and I presume, for a large number of people, its just a game with stories and content to experience, not a second life…
Acessible for people in exotic (dont put again this kitten video exemple please, it was an exception, with a really invested guild…not “common” players ><), not fully optimised (because new stats remains extremly costly, especially if you want to vary a maximum your experience of the game with rerolls)…pr just remove the enrage timer…
I think I would criticize a lot less the game, for not being casual enough.
I do not want to remove things that are not casual because invested players are considered as a minority, I would like to find a fair middle where both can enjoy every content, with difficulty and difficulty scaling correctly to satisfy a maximum of people.
And I’m almost sure that it wouldnt involve as much changes that creating new content…fractales for exemple, are tje same instance, but with greater difficulty along level increase (even If i dont like the fact that countering agony mechanic rely on gear modification, not compatible with actual ascended stats swapping, destroying infusions…buts its just my opinion).
The future rework of megserver system to a district like system I saw in games like Star Trek online (indicating numbers of players on each maps) would greatly improve the completation of map meta in Hot…this and also more explanations for begginners, sl everyone would know what to do if you want to lead…
Also, each map cpuld have a different timer, and the phase and progression indicated in the server selection menu…
Oh, and make categories for raid in LFG, even with external timers and research tool, its still a real mess to acess map not empty, or with sufficient players to have a decent chance to pass dps check of timers, during final meta events…or simply find a group anywhere else for specific achievements…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aranvar le Voyageur.7521
…and then someone come from another game like TESO, where grind is more extreme, and then find gw2 soft, at least in appearance, and give a story going along the way of fanboys opinions…
The fact that there is even worst games that exist doesnt excuse the progression for being a bit less a chore in GW2.
Once you hit 80, its always a long grind to get the maximum stats, while it almost wasnt back in 2012. Even if stats combinaison were restricted, everyone would be able to start at equality, with only skill, build management would matter in wvsw for efficiency, or dungeons (if we except tthat mobs were mostly all predictable and just hp bags, favorising dps gear)
So there will artificially always something to do, repeat for a reward or a stuff that become meta, so there is no way to say one day “finally, I have finished to grind, now I could enjoy the future content in the best gear/skin condition without chasing something beyond”.
You are never free to leave the game without the feeling of leaving something unfinished behind.
And I just cant be agree with it, it should be normal to leave one day a game even if its an mmo, to finish its whole content, switch, test out new experiences; instead of staying because durability have been increased , not with content but with grind and massive timesinks…
And thats the main problem of the game, I really love its universe, its content, but there is almost no content that give fair rewards and then decent progression to end game stuff…
Ascended crafting is not difficult, its just long, boring, uninteresting serie of task (at least I could listen to music, so my brain wont go asleep) and even if you can know switch stats, its still a costly investment that could quick become useless because of meta fluctuations…
Like if those greedy companies would make sure you cant leave, or have something, be fairly rewarded for playing a reasonnable time, because there is a cash shop, shareholders to feed, that need strong returns on investments…
I have made a choice at the beginning, to do the content freely, without chasing some end game chimera, something I would have, thats why I spent some gemms along the way to have definitive skins at the beginning (you are supposed to be a hero after all, not a mercenary with a poorly designed armor all along the way to max level). And I’m in right to di this, it probably didnt hurt anyone…
And it would have been almost perfect without introduction of a extremly costly, end game gear, that favorise to play one character due to the investment instead of trying out freely builds, classes, races, content etc…
What is not true when invested players claim new content designed exclusivly for themselves…
I would be happy if there were at least and normal mod, an easy/discovery mod accessible for everyone but with lesser rewards for the raid, and titles, other unimpacting but prestigious rewards for people able to beat raid content in hard mode.
I’m not necessarily looking for challenge, but new environnments, dialogs, stories etc…not locked begind massive requirments of gears, bifnumber of enthousiastic player etc…
I’m not saying that players like me want everything right now, but I didnt buy this game to work hard, have a secondary job, accomplish a chore, but have a game enjoyable, that doesnt leave rather casual players behind because of stats segregation betweens those able to afford ascended and the other that are told to use only exotic, and act like there were nothing above to look for, just because the system made things not affordable to their playtime.
You can be a real fan of the game like me, that doesnt mean I’m willing to stay forever or playexclusivly Gw2…
What would push you to make a costly stats combinaison axotic stuff, if at all moment, you are free to make a stuff that is almost the same, tempting, rising total of stats at +-10% more…
And GW2 is moving farther and farther from this with expansions like hot.
Expansion where meta are not acessible most of the time (DS), labyrinthic maps with dps check, stats combinaisons that require insane number of tonkens, etc…
Human life is terribly short, and if we want to have a maximum number of experiences like video games, multiplayers included in mmos, then grind, timesinks, repeating content become an ennemy, you can often pass with money if you are rich (or fool) enough; but it often quickly become a nightmare to explore virtual universes in their integrality if not….
its a game after all, we are not tied to the same conditions than real life, progression should be fair as much as its is not in reality, at least to compensate…
Even a beautifull virtual weapon doesnt justify semesters of daily work…time is precious and it is worth more than this.
Thats why I would love to have stats character bound, that are maxed once you hit max level, freely adjustable, and armor, weapon only giving damage, or support eventually rune/sigils, but with no rarity, and having just their skin worth their value.
I have seen the video of people doing the raid with full exotic gear, they are an organized guild, use specific, longly prepared builds, wich members master there characters extemly well, that normal they suceed despite of lacking stats.
That doesnt make their exploit agenerality for all player, even a fews errors are sufficient to fail with ascended, then thinks what happen woth lesser stats…
I would have tons of other things to say on this, but I better stop there, my english is not sufficient anyway…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aranvar le Voyageur.7521
GW2 quite was casual player until ascended stuff came…bringing a discret but real gear grind, there almost werent there before, because exotic was quite cheap and garanteed max amount of stats accessible almost immediatly after hitting max level, as expected.
(But I recognize that I hate farming, and most of my character were still in rare gear even 3 month after release ^^)
Hot even brought even more grind, more stats combinaisons as specific zone rewards….with high amount of material and tonken so that making one stuff you make you know long before the end a exhaustive knowledge of the map…
And this for one stuff, one character…imagine when you have multiples needing the same stats (viper etc…). It becomes quickly a grind nightmare.
Materials often not harvestable, tied to randomness of loot, with stock inferiors to demands wich make farming gold (when dungeons were not nerfed to death) to get them even more worthless.
The game was really encouraging to explore its content, I even made myself up to 16 characters at the beggining to see almost every instances of personnal story for exemple, so at least one of each class to try build that were affordable with a medium playtime (2-3h maximum a day).
The progression was nice with skins, not required…but since I like to make character that are coherent with the universe, I spent a lot of gemms to get there definitive armore skin at least in the beggining (for exemple, I was quite envious of NPCs wearing beautifull cultural armors while my character were wearing ugly starter “human” clothes…not coherent at all for a content that place you as pact leader etc…).
And I wont evoke roleplying…now extremly difficult with megaservers.
And then ascended came to satisfy “invested players” that felt that there were nothing left to do…
But if it impacted only these players, it would have been nice, but nope…the whole progression revolving around doing content, explore, and cosmetic, gear progression is also included.
Its not a question of feeling or not the difference, because there IS actually a difference (you can absolutly notice it, count it…no way it could be denied) , 5-10% is absolutly not neglectable (Even if I recognize ascended armor is the less important part…and hopefully,because its price is incredibly high), while not in standart PVE its ok, but at max level, an increasing number of content are pushing you to get those max stats.
An enterprise wich actually feel like a long chore to get materials across contents you have done countless times…especially if you play from release and have seen all those slow changes.
There are actually content that encourage you to get the max stat amount otherwise you will have almost no chance to pass DPS check (I’m looking at you raid content), unless you compense with time, and hardcore coordination and pratice time/methods to compensate the quite small but annoying lack of stats.
I know that a lot of other buff like food are involved, but if you got allof these, it doesnt drown anymore this fact.
Casual playtime shouldnt mean that you must do only “casual content” in difficulty, and required time…
I thinks its you, the player able spend 12H a day in the same game almost every day that have a problem.
Why cant people cant progress by socialising, or looking for titles achivements, exploration etc…instead of asking for possibilities to overcome player like in WvsW for exemple with a larger amount of stats instead of personnal skill, strategy etc…
And as legendary gears…yes they are firstly made to be beautifull (even if sometime its preferable for you to like rainbows and unicorns)…but who would dream of a gear that could swaps its stats without spending anything (sigil and runes appart)…its a dream for someone who didnt came for farming gear at every build change…so why is it necessary to make those so costly ?
I thinks the is a lot a changes to be made to stats…I wish they could be bound to characters almost like in GW2 (runes diminushing health but increasing some arms of the skill point tree), the gear only having an protection/damage value…
Instead of having those tied to specific content, make it bound to material, a rare one representing the major stats in the recipe, and 2-3 others minors with lesser and differents materials…and adjust their rarity etc…
We all wanted a quest, a long scavenger hunt…and that not excatcly what we had for this :/
…the only one I know actually is greed…and the need for an MMORPG to chain a player to yours artificially, when the hook of content is passed and make sure the player dont leave and play the game of the concurrent.
At least try other games; there are tons of I would like to play, but I cant because of time, and you should enjoy this time varying your experience instead of sticking to one and crying for new hardcore experience, skins, stats, content than “mortal people” contistuying average players cant have/do…is this the only way for you to feel gratification, by feeling like “superior” to noobs ? more unique ? the only way to justify the massive playtime ?
That sound extremly childish for me…is it really that important to have the admiration of everyone to feel nice ? The most important aspect shouldnt first that you like your character, no matter if your stuff reflect high dedication in time, cough difficulty cough or whatever ? I’m fine with titles, but when it involve gears stats and exclusive skins…no thanks. Stop being selfish that way please…
By upscaling requirements of materials for crafting insanely for exemple…
(seriously, why logicly do I need multiple stacks of material for a single inscription).
We dont all have the time and desire to run the same contents, boss aeras, everydays as a routine…for me, after 15 times the same content, if rewards are not woth the time spent, doing it will sound like a terrible waste of time.
Precious time I would have invested in somthing else instead, more contructive like reading…
And i wont talk about RNg involved in almost everything, and mostly rewards…may the most lucky of you be rewarded fairly, oh and you can farm to augment your luck…
I clearly dont understand why reachning max stats amount (kind of power creep) should be the end of the game, wich maxed stats are actually more usefull to play the content that as a rewards for beating every single piece of this contents multiple times…when nothing is left to do.
I feel like chasing a chimera all my playtime…
I know the compagny need to keep a maximum of player for the content to be still playable (like the new meta of the 4 maps of hot), because of heavy multiplayer requirement.
Or simply make money…but sometime I wonder if would prefer a game with subscribtion but no grind, casual friendly, with a decent progression where the feeling of doing a chore wich head you to spend more than reasonnable amounts of money on gemms/gold conversion has been removed.
I’m ok with spending money and supporting Anet, but the more the game evolve, the more there is farming instead of content, and all new exclusivities going in the gemmstore (with 20g+/100 gemms…sounds like a fair deal >< )
I’m pretty sure that a lot of players are actually trying to have a relaxation time after work with a game; and are not looking for a second job as tedious as the first.
I’m looking at you people arguing that ascended is not required, this argument sound extremly hypocrite because you know that appart from high level fractal (more challlenging and rewarding of course…maybe then enjoyable); if the game dont explictly make a gate on content, soon or later, you will have to have ascended stats…for the comfort of the group, etc or whatever reason not clearly expressed by the game, but at least by players.
And at the final, it will discourage players not in ascended to avoid those content, otherwise, in the end theses players will constitue the gate the game dont explicitly made.
And if its not possible to have an MMO casual friendly, with content locked behind pay or grind walls; that can survive this way…it probably mean that our economic system is the cause and prevent games from being fair in their progression.
PS: Just a few arguments and things I thought there were necessary to say in a discussion, it could probably seen as false in some ways, but its my point of view…its the point of a discussion isnt it ?
Excuse my poor english please, the EN forum is the only one with enough people to see discussions like theses…
Wvsw is a kind of massive scale pvp, why shouldnt it be balanced by gear equality too ?
why time investment just to get a gear wich doesnt involve much skill and mastery of the game and its making, rather than lets player learn mechanics on the battlefields.
And if the meta change for one of your class, is it really fair to past another 5 month on a single gear, for a single characters, while there are 10 more waiting to ahve there maximum gear too, stuck in exotic, just because ascended in unafordable …
These arguments are valids, you are just too stubborn to even consider its.
…the lack of counter arguments is the perfect expression of it..
You are simply not willing to discuss because you are too entitled, too sure to be right to take criticism ><
“Good” is not “optimised”…
then I will argument like you all, statement, not arguments:
No. a single “NO” is not enough, its not a discussion, its a closed door to other opinions.
Who are you to just say, “I’m right, I’m so sure that I dont even have to proove it”…
…ascended is “perfect”, because its have the highest amounts of stats, not exotic, wich have between 5% and 10% less.
A player geared in ascended vs another player in exotic have a clear advantage, no one could deny it honnestly. The playerin ascended gear is more likely suposed to know better the game and its mechanics than a player in exotic because he have spent more time to farm content to complete its crafting…oh wait…
Why is it unconceivable to have a game, a revolutionnary mmo wich not compare their players on there ability to farm mindlesssly the same content to get a superior gear, than on their personnal skill ? seriously ?
PS: well I’m stopping there, people in my guild told me that the english forum were completly the opposite of “open-minded” about criticism of ascended gear, I could not believe it until now…just whaoh…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
Please could you stop to wall every topic about ascended with “No”, its becoming really annoying to have an intelligent discussion about it.
Its not stated for every player that ascended gear in GW2 is good and is necessary, as long ascended gear will remain in this game wich promised us no vertical progression, I will criticize this.
…60 golds for an exotic gear, 600 golds for a complete ascended…seriously ??
At the begenning of the game, I prepared 14 character to play the game with the maximum of class, specifications, and discover every personnal story path; because the statement was good. The maximum in stats gear was quite cheap and affordable if you play all the content and not only the few most efficient ways…
So you were not disadvantaged, even a few in PVe or WvsW because of your stuff, but only because of you personnal skill or build choice.
This was excellent and faire for me, only grind was cosmetic, quite acceptable in a horizontal progression perspective.
…and after all, were do you see any justification for an effort needed (as its suposed there is anything difficult and worth of admiration in this game…not tied to a previous gear grind like fractal 50).
Life is short, the only place I surrendered to grind to get the same chances at the start (that is to say stats) than everyone is real life. Video games are not suposed to make you grind, because there is no enjoyement for me in teh grind, I bought enjoyement for relaxing time, not a second job…
There is no physical reasons in a virtuel universe to not remove the grind.
Its completly symptomatic, every time you mention a fair way to get rewards, its never just a part of the content, its a farming place.
Maybe you like to grind and you are a majority of player willing to grind a long time just to get a small advantage over “noobs” not willing to grind after you…
No gear check hum ? excuse me, but…between tow player, with the same build stats, same skill, which one would choose between the one in ascended and the “noob” in exotic ? Pretty obvious choice isnt it ?
The gear check is actually driven by the players, but not by the game, is almost the same at the end…
Thats not because something like 10% stats augment could be considered as neglectable, that the problem will automaticly diseappear. 10% is 10%, not zero…
Thats still 10% too much…
If at least they would reduce the requirement in silk or simply the timegate on the ascended crafting, this kind of stuff would be more considered as fair, because it would come back much to the “no grind phylosophy” where you repeat as now the same few dungeons, world boss again and again…
Please Anet wake up, its not too late to fix that mistake, for me and many people in the game, the ascended game ruined all the feels of justice between player, casual and hardcore, about stats….just close the gap of stats and only keep the infusion slots on ascended gear.
Hardcore and invested players should only be differenciated with casuals by their mastery of the game, their skill not by a superior amount of stats…
I would not exactly say like in GW1 (but actually if there were not the skill hunt and the superior rune of vigor…), buts its quite close of the idea, max gear afordable, stats almost separed from the stuff etc…
PS: Avalanche of selfish people and topic wallers in 3, 2, 1…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
So you are suggesting that I bought Mr Sparkles on ebay ?
Bookah yourself
I designed a golem to get it…
I was simply saying that I’m agre with you, this minipet is incredible and perfect for an asura character…
I was saddly reffering to the tow dishonnest ways to obtain this miniature involving money (the travel to an event couldnt be considered this because no one expected to get this mini…right ?).
Spending money in the game or elsewhere…is it still an achievement to complete a mini collection after that ? I expected a great drawing/screenshot wintersday contest instead of a promotion for gems purchase to get Mr sparkles this month…
And yes I’m learning a second language. To make mistakes shouldn’t be a problem and communicate on forums in english could improve learning. Nothing never happen on others forums…and develloppers only speak in english.
huum… right, a very tall mini …
…Poor Mr Sparkles, now gifted for 50 dollars and sold throught ebay, not even a great wintersday contest to keep a challenge for collectors who wants to earn one…
When my first exotic dropped after 800 hours, I took 10 minutes to realize that it wasnt another time a green masterwork after selling it to the merchant
Otherwise, I’m also cursed by RNG… third exotic dropped till now (1600h)…
And Zommoros must hate me for lightbringer title
About the game but outside, the mini Mr Sparkles… it may seems current in US, but in europe… maybe rarer than a precursor.
From my point of view, I want to really enjoy the game, with no stress, nothing to run after, and that is really difficult… only to be relaxed after studies and homework.
Thats is because I dont want to farm, to mindlessly do something repetitive with a view to get the most gold possible…but live a kind of adventure, to be invested in what I’m doing even its not rewarding activities that i really enjoy (breaking map to discover secrets beyond, practice RP, or simply pve content for some coppers…).
But sadly, every things beautifull in this game (like weapons, armors skins) are really expensive, reserved to few people… So I have been forced to play an ugly skinned character, in an awesome open world…
No matter is the content difficult or not (I enjoy high level fractals, dugeons as personnal and living story), I hate when I have to reach something that I feel is missing to make everything beautifull at the moment (a reward, a gears, etc…)
I feel that its quite stupid to play for something rather than play with something, the only reward I want to get is fun… but playing a character wearing skins/stats fiting to my expectation from the beginning (like a real RPG, where you dont get the good stuff at the end, when its doesnt remains content but at the right moment, when its necessary>> assassin’s creed, Zelda, even GW1…getting max stuff and nice skins is really enjoyable)
I’m trying to play all the content without minding about gears, stats, cosmetic, money etc…something for wich I’m prompted to run after for a long time in GW2.
When I startted the game one years ago, exotic gears was the most powerfull and quite fair to get.
Now…well I shouldn’t talk about ascended (Its crazy how long its take to gears one character, especially when I play dozens…10% is 10% in WvW).
All my characters (at least one for ech and class and race) are geared and get their definitives skins from the beginning, at level two (with very few changes during their progress) and will get max stuff once level 80 reached…then I’ll be allowed to reroll and not be bored on a single main characters…
Thats why I’m actually trying to get all the skins (including some t3, expensive exotic, dungeon’s) and money (for gemmstore and tramutations stones) needed to finish all my ten characters (actually some are level 10 max…to keep hope when I feel I will never end this crazy task) with a main I’ll remove, skipping and trying to not memorize the content I’m forced to cross when I’m trying to get this…
I’ve been finished that boring preparative work tow month ago, excepted in tow things, the legendary weapon sunrise i’m still trying to get for my sunspear guardian, and genesis, reccently added…
Today I’m still grinding for its, and I feel more and more disgusted at every connexion (2000 gold left…I’m close to agony * /death rattle *)…but I wont give up, once this crazy work done, because will finally play the game the way I want, enjoy every piece of GW2…
No more champions bus, no more node rush, no more zergs, no more air elemental farming, no more thievery flipping TP, no more dugeon rush…all theses insustainables tasks required to gain a fair amount of money… Freeeeee !!!
That’s why I’m still playing and will play as long as the game survives…
ok sorry, didnt understand your purpose with this thread, but i’m still maintaining what i was saying before…
I play this game for fun, to enjoy it, not to run after rewards, or something else (a title, a gear…). So I hate farming/ flipping TP/grinding every day…although its actually the only way to get nice characters…
So I’ll stay on GW2 for pve (world exploration, living and personnal story, dungeons etc…), my friends in guild,
because its supposed to be the next part of Guild wars (I started this serie after faction’s release…and its still the best persistant universe from my point of view), RP and lore’s possibilities, Scarlett is just a bad moment…
For some challenges (even if i’m not a true gamers, I feel there is few permanent hard content…)
Quite bored sometimes anyway…but I’ll stay until the game disappears.
So many things could be added in the future to makes GW2 better and better…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
Something that is really missing in the game: quivers
There is only two quivers, the ascended one and Rox’s one.
Its funny to see characters shooting arrows from nowhere…but hurting in the long run.
The norn could have also their quivers, based upon wild spirits (with etchings, furring of various animals, hunter’s arrows with specific etched ivory heads).
For asura, quivers designed to fit the culturals medium sets, technomagicals…
…the sylvari, vegetal with flowers, glowing leaves and living arrows ( leafs as stabilizers, green wood and translucent heads) as exemples.
But also bags (we are supposed to be adventurers…not farmers…isnt it ?); so where do we pack all our equippment ? for exemples, students bags for asura with documents, unfinished experiences, golems crystals (with emblems of university); for humans, bags related to differents cultures, as exemple, an vabbian bag, tressed and full of jewels, kurzick, dark-gothic with some embers and tincted with colors of ferns and petrified trees; or a pirate bag, in the tradition of Lion’s Arch…
Or simply for charrs, war-bags with colors and emblems of the legion.
The ideas are infinite…
Nice thread idea…there is many awesome mixes here.
All my characters are mix and match, difficult to choose, but I always try to make characters coherent with the lore of Guild Wars…
I don’t know if there’s a rule about only one picture by post but I’ll remove somes if its forbidden:
Norn ranger:
- HOM mask (hidden)
-T3 cultural shoulders
-T3 cultural gloves
-Mistwalker coat
-T2 cultural pants
-T3 cultural boots…
-Rox’s quiver (need culturals quivers) and Shiverpeak longbow (cheap but i dont like shinies)…
Human Parangon Gardian:
-T3 cultural helm (hidden, still looking for for an heavy diadem not hidding the hair)
-T3 cultural shoulders
-HOM heavenly bracers
-HOTW hearth of Koda
-Seraphin’s leggins (karma)
-Seraphin’s boots
-Sun catcher
Beautiful colors, looks like a spectre from Starcraft 2…
By the way; I’ll add my asuran characters, hope to see in the future possibilities to personnalize the elites skills invoking golems, for the moment, minipets are tiny but cool too:
eeeeuhhh what ??? are you serious ? trolling ? time ok, i’m agree that getting a legendary weapon should take some time …but “effort”…
Always the same arguments, said as a sentence, a motto in every thread about this subject…. no pain no gain
But this reasonnment is completely fallacious in a game…
hey wake up, a game is supposed to be something fun, a passtime to forget difficulties of life one moment…not a work.
have you got a job, a family, studies ? is it the missing part of activity in life of someone wanting effort and work, that you are happy to see it already introduced in the game.
laughing about players that want to forget the painfuls day playing GW2, because you feel important to have a task that others wouldnt do because they feel to have enough of trouble with others mindless activities in real life…
No way, I could hardly understand how players that dedicate all there lifetime in the game should be rewarded for that…its insane, how can call that anymore a game ?
And if i dont make a mistake, every one is saying that its the same situation in every mmorpg… then delete the “G” at the end, it will no longer match to this acronym.
Can’t change what have always been done…then innovate, its not forbidden…
thats not because things goes this way that its required to continue, although you are satisfied of the ways things are…
Legendary mean epic and difficult quest, that farming isnt at all…
…is it an effort to farm ? is it an effort to zerg in a bus ? is it an effort to repeat the same dugeons serie everyday knowing it by hearth ? no…its not difficult, its a daily task, brainless…
That what many players didnt expected…and the others, hmm i dont know, maybe enough mollified and dominated to feel thats its enough and critisize…
Are you so narrow minded to not consider other ideas,
actually what was added as new items trhough the gameplay ? sovereign weapon, halloweeen ? and everything else in the gemmstore.
ah yes i forgot we could buy gemms…but tell me which average player could make gold without farming…if you do te maps events, even wvsw in roaming you will spend more than you will gain. Or even if you gain something like 1, 2 golds ? what is it regarding to the average price of a legendary weapon ? nothing…and i forget to mention that the money earned is also usefull to make armors and stats.
Every thing cheap would terrify every people who feels having built a reputation around valuable items. but its virtuals, and if everything had an honnest way to go, i could open the players to an awesome amount of possibility to personnalize their characters… and the most respected would be the one wering the most impressive titles (remenber r6 in GW1), talentuous leaders and the most imaginatives creators of mixes, skins accessible to everyone.
And i feel you fear that if there were not those shinies accessible only throughout tons of farming, there wont have any reason to be proud and arrogant of everything.
And it would be great to decrease the pressure for rewards.
You can play without change anything, wearing the same apprentices armor, chainmail…but what is the purpose in this situations if beautifulls skins, the work of devellopers are given to an “elite” of chosen farmers…
but i’d better stop me there, as if i was talking to wall…
Totally agree with this fact, these weapons called legendaries aren’t memorable at all due to the recipe for crafting them…
The most obvious argument, they can be bought, most oftheir components can be bought on the trading post and very few require a real achievement to obtains its.
Secondly, even if you are trying to earn yourself all the crafting materials needed, its nearly impossible playing throughout the whole game; for exemple, you can loot charged cores with certainty only in COE or temple of Zephirs, which are very restricted aeras where to play to get a chance to earn one (on hundreds)…
I know you will say, buy it at the trading post, but its not a solution, because if everyone would make a legendary and do it, there will never have enough material at the TP to allow it and the price will be skyrocketed…thats why if one day the devellopers would increase anything, i wish it will never be the gold but at least the drop rate of t6 materials. Make at least a solution to make sure that everyone after a long time could gather all the materials by playing (and it implies farming if you like this or not, with alternatives and fun, RP content).
Actually, less than 10% of the content are rewarding fairly…
the middle level areas are empty, everyone rush living story because rewars are useless (although you enjoy like me the stories, asuran storyline is incredibly funny).
An everyone talking about work in a video game that we are supposed to play as a passtime should have a real problem. Peoples who would feel exclusive with a legendary weapon, feel the need of everyone’s eyes ont him/her, or respect “due” to the reason he make mindless activities hundreds of hours instead of enjoying the game the way he wants should have a really arrogant and vainglorious attitude
But keep hope, the datamining suggest a new way to get a precursor soon (seems that the devellopers have understood that 600 gold or luck dont make the precursor legendary but tedious and stupid to make).
I hope it will be an honnest quest, difficult, RP and not another material farming/ gold sinking…
I feels that that everyone should be able to make a legendary, but by an epic adventure across tyria and not standing at the trading post or pressing 1 in zergtrain because its actually the only way to get a legendary even in a reasonnable time (less than one year), because even its only cosmetic, its one of the goal in this game, trusting the achievement…
from my point of view, its really important for everyone to create awesomes mixes of armors and weapons, so its important in these situations to have access to every skin in the game.
For exemple i actually made all the gift that dont require materials that can be bought at the TP because I know that if try to get this material, i will ruin all the pleasure i find in this game and leave it at halfway to the “legendary weapon”…
long to make? OK challenging ? why not…
but by farming and grinding for it, no, never… keep in mind farming is not hard, be invested in the game is not really that legendary weapon brings(players sharing ideas to enbetter the game, mcm competent comanders, players enjoying contents and not bashing it are certainly much more invested), these are stupid and tedious, nothing more.
I even feel that playing the trading post is a kind of robbery toward others people, making the preace increasing and retaining stocks of items…
Thats all, I hope these arguments will be understood and not broken by the same peoples always defending their position, making everything to avoid that everyone could have a beautifull weapon created with all the love from graphists, to make others players unable to reach this goal and believing that everyone is jealous from him/her weapon…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
The choice was very difficult because i love all my characters, but this is my favourite one, my charr warrior with a longbow :
Interesting mix for a guardian. But your character dont looks really elonian (white skin ??)
I actually play a descendant of an exiled sunspear, wearing an old parangons armor…
This one.
Cant do a better one with the actuals skins, maybe radiant gloves (not dyable)…
I use a suncatcher for backpack, but wings could be very cool…and a real dyeable tiara headpiece too…
Keep hope !
Cantha isnt completly gone; look at this interview !
It seems that the only problem remaining is from the editor company…most of devellopers would be agree if its problem is solved to introdice Cantha througt living story…
ok thanks for answering again, I will contact french support, hope they are allowed to change an NA account to a EU account and will help me, because it seems to be the problem, my friend who went to the PAX event and brought back some codes didnt know if the cards were for the right aera (because its not written on).
and sorry for my edit, I was so frustrated to see that my code wasnt working that in my disapointement i forget to contact support…
I also cant connect gw2 very often, the last time I logged in on my own computer was tow weeks ago…
I dont understand NCSOFT…
So its allowed to “caricature” European (Ascalon), American (Kryta), African (Elona, Istan) and arabic (vabii) cultures to makes the awesome video game that Guild Wars is… but Asian apparently not… what’s wrong with Asia ? hopefully all the nations werent so untolerant like that otherwise Fantasy would never have existed…
And right… echovald forest miss me so much…and so jade sea.
RIP canthan district and welcome to insipid stories about the Queen, Logan etc…
Sorry if i make some languages mistakes but i’m not user to write on the english forum; but i should try because i guess that no one will respond in the french forum…
I juste receibe a card from a friend of mine who went to PAX because he knew i play GW2 wich allows to get the mini mister sparkle, but I’ve got some questions before go try activate the code (because its seems chat a lot or people still have problems to activate it and i wouldnt make a mistake trying to).
First point; nothing indicate me on the card if it was made for EU or NA serveurs (but its seems mainly for NA and i’m on jade sea, an UE server, and their is a lot of chance that it sont work), should i activate it taking a risk ? Is the code unavailable if you try once and if it fails ?
Second point, i read that someone were given a code already used before PAX starting… Could it be a solution to get a different code if its the same problem for me ?
Third point; if the code was designed for NA server, will i be able to get a different version for UE servers, using support tickets ?
I really love the golem and the asuran technology in general (got 3 asuras ont 10 characters), and by a chance of getting one, im afraid reading all these problems that mister sparkle could be the missing piece or my collection…
At least i could buy an north american account, but it could be a kind or waste for a single item ans i wont be able to play with my guildies.
So that is the problem, thanks for reading this post, and also more to each answer
Édit; thanks for answering…but finally it doesnt matter, the card seems to be false or already used, it was like a bad joke; ill try another way to get a code, eBay maybe…ans if i fail, i really hope the code will be available inngame or on another big évent…but closer this time…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
My little asura engineer in an hidden place….
It seems that inquest have a secret kind of Cerebro, it would explain why they could have as informations on everything
For Elona !! For Kormir !! time to track down some desolation’s risen !
Sunspears arent all dead, its seems that someones escaped from Joko’influence and the mordant crescent to hide in the order of whispers…
Need the legendary Sunrise and Genesis to end this mix… but farming is so boring.
I hope Anet will introduce a head armor piece wich look like the parangon’s tiara.
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
im trying to create a mix approaching the hydromancer’s ice forged armor elite armor from GW1 prophecy…
here is my elem trying to find a new power near from an ice meteor….
After one years I still have’nt got any legendary, not easy to get nice rewards without farming and just playing the game…
warrior is my favourite class because their is a lot of weapons switchs and its easiers to create nice mixes.
anyway; this is my Norn;
my asura peacemaker and her golemite:
and my Charr RP (Rox’s quiver is awesome):
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
my Kurzick necromancer…
RIP canthan district…
edit; some problems with links…
(edited by Aranvar le Voyageur.7521)
please Arenanet, could you bring back the minis from spring 2013, i had really hope for their return during the anniversary’s sales because i missed the black bear cub…but only the mini white cat came back…
other suggestions, could you create minis from the everlasting mystery feline’s tonic, i really like the minis young animals because its appear more realistic to be followed by a kind of young ranger pet…
im also collecting the mini pets golems, and im quite sad to see that i will never finish it because mister sparkle wasnt obtenable in game, but i really hope there will have a kind of event in france were the GW2 team will be present…
excuse my clumsy english (i’ve got some doubt with the vocabulary) and thanks for reading…