Showing Posts For Atmos.8105:

other ways to earn dungeon only runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


pretty much. althought if its 30 runes it would be 3%

Off-build Equipment Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Stop zerging all the time

other ways to earn dungeon only runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


PvP is another option. although you might have to wait a few weeks for a particular one

Precursor Crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


The cost (including time cost) of precursor crafting will eventually set the cost of the TP precursor. And precursor crafting will ALWAYS cost more. Because otherwise why would you buy it off the TP?

I assume Anet are aware of this and didn’t want to bottom out precursors making crafting them easy peasy.

Off-build Equipment Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


They have their space in other parts of the game.

Also healing power is in a bad scaling place

Nightfury (Needs confirmation from anet)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


cassellw, up until now, time of day and crafting have no relation. Just because something has happened every time before doesn’t mean it will happen the same way again.

A quadrillion more armor skin combinations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


What about the different races /w diff looks of same armour types

More options still

Should Waypoints really have a fee?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Everyone who is moaning about WP cost keep saying that it isn’t much to them.

If it’s not much to you, why are you moaning?

For lower level players the WP cost is reduced.

If you are using W3 or HoTM to get around the WP fee, then the WP fee isn’t negligible to you.

Argue your own case not other peoples.

[Suggestion]Make FallDamageTrait Useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Ah but that sweet sweet moment when someone follows you over a cliff! (way better than the alternative traits)

Also so useful when doing map exploration/completion, speed increase on completing some maps is easily equal to 50% swiftness uptime.

Also traveler is more useful for its other stats, I have a set of 5 on my celest ele with a divinity as the 6th rune

Rune of speed is used for swiftness uptime, so its not a trait substitution. 25% hard movespeed is mostly wasted for lots of classes due to how prolific swiftness is

(edited by Atmos.8105)

Old Lions Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atmos.8105


So I’m sure that this is know to some of you already, but anyway, I was doing my story on an alt tootling along. When low and behold Tyria had a time shift and LA went back to its pre-destruction map. I got hit by a bit of nostalgia and thought why not share this .

So if your a new or old player and want my buzz, go ahead, its story time and see LA as it once was once more.

Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Uninstall Gw2
Reinstall Gw2

From a fellow MACey

Fake Demand in Trading Post.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atmos.8105


My main problem with this is that i cant imagine any human player spending the time to do this. And therefore that leads me to believe that bots have done it. Until now i’ve been fairly sceptical that Bots have lasted that long on the TP (it is ofc v easily possible to script one, dont fool yourselves). But these buy orders have survived leading to a few possibilities.

  1. Its actually humans with way to much time
  2. Its bots, but when a bot is banned its buy orders stay up on the TP
  3. Its bots, but they arn’t being banned

I dont actually have any proof that it is any of these so i’m not going to comment on how likely the different options are, but if it is No.3 then thats not a good place to be.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Seem like mostly acceptable suggestions except for ‘refundable WXP’ on the basis that then there is a limit when you can just keep swapping your build around depending on what your doing and there is no specialisation.

The other thing that is never going to happen is Option to turn of titles, anet said they were trying to make titles more wanted and if every1 can just turn them off, then why would anyone bother to go for them. Please don’t quote it’s the journey not the destination or some variation at me, some people grind titles for the titles much the way W3 will now be grinding WXP for the 1st few weeks

Just occurred to me that you could turn off your own title (assuming you have one), then one less person would be running around with a title,

(edited by Atmos.8105)

Will the Guard WEXP allow solo camp capping?

in WvW

Posted by: Atmos.8105


My zerker staff ele can currently solo flip maxed camps (no mercs), its all about stacking them using LOS and not getting the entire camp at once (when its maxed, when its not upgraded u can just stack them all!)

so for me this will just make camp flipping that bit quicker, and less likely to be interupted.

What if there's a Loan Market in-game?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atmos.8105


I buy lots of a rarely traded but high supply material (probs some sort of low lvl end cooking product)
-Force the price up to 2000x the amount for 5 mins, 5c to 1g buy out + aggressive buy orders
-Collateral it to the white man
-Fail to repay my loan
-Pay any loan fines, they are sure to be minimal compared to my profit

Rich actually do get free money with no risk, well by gum

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Rebooted my comp twice before thinking about looking on here,
I feel like a prat