Showing Posts For Awka.4593:

alt+f4 to deny bloodlust stomp must stop !

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


I have to have a good chuckle at this. I haven’t played the game in months but this alt+F4 rage quitting in wvw to stop being “killed” has been an issue since launch and the devs still haven’t done anything about it? Bravo, Arenanet.

Portal Bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


The worst thing about this is not only the rendering issues, but also when a large group uses the portal it mitigates any damage while they are “teleporting” to the other portal. Also, the whole AoE capping at damaging only a certain amount of enemies (instead of every enemy in the vicinity of the AoE) causes any large group using the portal to mitigate damage by stacking on top of one another when teleporting. For anyone here that played World of Warcraft, putting a debuff cooldown on using portals (Like how a Priest in WoW put a debuff on anyone they used Power Word: Shield on so it would prevent them from just spamming that skill over and over again) would help stop this portal bombing and multiple mesmers using portals to move large groups in a blob. If you use a portal you have a 1-2 minute debuff that prevents you from entering another portal until that debuff wears off.

Working as intended

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Is Blackgate truly being double teamed or are both teams just taking advantage of a situation? Is it happening on just one map or all three BLs as well as EB? Is it impossible to think that maybe both teams are going for the same objective and taking advantage of the fact that another world is also going to split Blackgates attention on the same objective? I would like to point out that on every “home” BL (The Borderland named for that particular server) that “home” server is being double teamed by both of the other worlds they are up against. The scores are pretty much even across the board for JQ/BG/SBI so if Blackgate truly were being double teamed their score wouldn’t be so close to both JQ and SBI.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Correct, what I said was Latin and taken from one of Cicero’s Philosophical Treaties. Awesome to see another educated fellow!

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


This has been an issue almost since day one and it’s progressively gotten worse since launch. In some cases it is a bugged enemy veteran guard that spawns but more times than not it is a hacker. ANet should just disable the orbs until this is fixed or purposely make them unmovable from their altar, so each realm has 1 orb and it stays that way until this is fixed, but they won’t, they’ll let the problem get worse until they decide to fix it through a patch instead of disabling broken content until a fix is implemented.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


It’s very hard to report a hacker sometimes because, as seen earlier on JQ, the hacker was underneath a keep destroying an altar and you could only report him if you were lucky enough to hit tab enough times in the right area to actually target him. The fact that all you really see is “<Server Name>” and you right click and report them, but if you can’t see them at all, or they are fly hacking you can’t see them either, then it’s almost impossible to actually do anything except notify through a “bug” on the support or on the forums (and hope the thread doesn’t get locked).

Blackgate - Jade Quarry - Stormbluff Isle - 10/26/2012

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Solo hackers or not, The entire group of players on a particular Borderland from Blackgate takes advantage of the situation when someone hack-steals an orb for their team.

Why is everyone saying that SoS will be the next HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Because as long as free servers transfers are still in place people will jump on your bandwagon and flood your ques, people will eventually get pissed off at the long ques and leave your server and once that happens you might not win so much or be the dominating force you were, then all the bandwagoners will just jump to another another server that’s winning and leave yours desolate and alone. Look at Blackgate, a bunch of HoD guilds went there and now they are back in tier 1 winning the match, the bandwagoners will jump to them and I’m pretty sure those guilds that were in HoD before their fall will do the same thing and hop back down to a low pop server again once their que times become unbearable. After JQ beat out HoD, JQ got flooded with new transfers because they’re the top server. As long as free server transfers are free and on a 24-Hour cooldown with no WvW restrictions in place the top servers in each bracket will only get more transfers because the other servers are tired of losing and want to be on the winning side for a change. At least this is only my opinion based on the trend.

Server match up boards, please

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


I actually go here to get frequently updated matchup boards, including the potential next week matches as well based on the point fluctuation:

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Hey Fubuki, after reading your post here I decided to do a little “investigative work” I guess and decided to transfer over to Kaineng from Jade Quarry and I am glad I did. I’ve only been here an hour and the WvW (Plus the teamwork and coordination) are just great. Rancid and Buntastics were the two commanders on the EB map and I’ve had more fun in this past hour than I have in the last couple weeks on JQ. Looking forward to moving up in the ranks with you all!

Is this fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Let me tell you that, from a player on JQ, it’s not fun for a lot of us either. Que times are extremely high on certain borderlands (EB is almost always full) and it’s not fun when one server is dominating the others, even for the dominating server, because then after two days of battles there’s really nothing to do the rest of the week. I really have to give some credit to SBI this week, up until yesterday night maybe, you guys just did not stop being a thorn in our side and there were some amazing battles against that server, including our forces being wiped several times. I logged onto the HoD borderlands last night and had a blast trying to retake the two northern towers from them, they were putting up one hell of a fight. For the most part the WvW servers are dead right now because JQ is so far ahead it’s all but impossible for SBI and HoD to catch up and we still have 4 days left in this battle. With the way WvW is now these week-long matches are just too long, they need to scale them back to about 3 day battles since 24 hours is way too short (no one will ever upgrade anything if it’s all reset in a couple hours) and it seems that everything dies down after about 3 days or so.

Downed players disappearing (not invisible bug)

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Well I guess I was infracted for just posting a link to another thread, but this issue has all ready been addressed by ANet at the following thread, and according to Matt Writter (Game Designer): “We do have a combat timer that prevents players from logging out or using a rally point. I’ll check into making sure this timer is getting applied to players in a down state as well.”. Unfortunately we have no update other than that and it’s still an ongoing issue. Here is the link to the Guild Wars 2 Forum Thread related to this topic: