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But there is ,
even if power build, minors are really good>
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Also second minor works well with sponatious destruction(gain cd is bit 2 high) only last tier traits are nothing special to power builds
power builds already have other traitlines, corruption should be heavily condi focused, but as you said it works for power builds too and that isn’t right
the thing with deathly chill is you shouldn’t build around it like you do for burning/bleeding/poison
deathly chill is just something that should compliment your main form of DPS
In the words of helseth from his stream, “Why is that guy playing mallyx? Does he hate himself”?
Autoattack till about 90 energy in Mallyx, Pop Elite, then triple stack Unyielding Anguish, swap back to Glint, block then staff 5 out. Rinse, repeat, devatasting to enemy teams. I do this constantly and it disrupts the kitten out of them .
UA has a cost of 30, and the elite has a cost of 5 (and you won’t be regen’ing energy while elite is up). im not even sure you could pull off 3 UA’s at 100 energy thanks to cast times after popping EtB. even if you can stack 3 of them, you are useless for another 10 seconds or so until your energy regens back
most other condi builds can do the same amount of damage as your 3 UAs while not having that energy constraint
Really? That sounds like its kind of broken when compared to the other conditions.. :/
It is! It really needs to be changed so that Chill adds a second damaging condition that can stack and behave like other modern conditions.
I really don’t see any problem making it function like Poison.
it would be optimal imo if deathly chill made chilling a target also apply x stacks of poison instead of what it does currently
there are really 2 kinds of condi necros, scepter builds and dhuumfire builds. scepter obviously camps scepter to make the most out of lingering curses and stacking bleeds
dhuumfire build camps shroud to stack burns. with shroud 2 on a 5 sec cd, you can pretty constantly apply chill as some secondary DPS with deathly chill, and shroud 4 provides quick ways to ramp poison as well as cap off chill stacks if you use shroud 5 first. then you go back to stacking burn while 4 and 5 are on cd. shroud builds are a little more versatile because they can consistently apply a wide variety of condis, but require you to be in shroud and wont reach very high stacks of any condi
(edited by Azazel.1540)
Lots of condi warriors use Shattering Blow
the cd for the skill would have to be increased considerably, and turning boons into fear simply sounds weird from a thematic standpoint
the shiro quickness costs 10 energy a second (net -5 regen), and the hammers cost 7 energy a second (net -2 regen). having either of those on means your energy is already depleting, and if you go spamming skills its obvious you will run out of energy (especially since you only start at 50)
if you are using an upkeep skill you need to use other skills very sparingly
Nice writeup!
I’m a bit too addicted to shouts right now, but when I get around to using CPC some more, this is good to have.
there are many variants of the condi necro, and there is definitely nothing wrong with taking shouts in a condi build
Absolutely. For this build, shouts make a little less sense since you mostly want to avoid getting into melee range of opponents (and you’d want to switch to Reaper’s Shroud when that’s unavoidable), but circumstances are rarely perfect and you would still have ample opportunity to fire off a couple of shouts.
To reiterate, the Utility skills for this build are entirely up to you — indeed, you should ideally be picking your Utilities before every fight to maximize your potential. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to drop Signet of the Locust when romping around the open world, and Epidemic can potentially give you way more AoE damage than any other skill in the game, but you could even swap those two out and still have a very effective build. (And obviously Epidemic should be swapped out when you know you’re only going to be fighting one target.)
i know a lot of dhuumfire reaper builds don’t use CPC or even sometimes epidemic, as the goal is to stay in shroud as long as possible and you can’t use utilities in shroud
Oh I know, but I should probably play with… something else at some point : D
depends really. chillomancers work great with suffer, and any condi necro is fine taking “nothing can save you” and YAAW. “nothing can save you” gives you an easy way to apply vuln since you are likely not taking spite so you miss out on better chill, and YAAW gives you an easy way to get might, since once again you are likely not using spite
Nice writeup!
I’m a bit too addicted to shouts right now, but when I get around to using CPC some more, this is good to have.
there are many variants of the condi necro, and there is definitely nothing wrong with taking shouts in a condi build
So are you saying that the 12 second base duration would be increased to 18 seconds, and then that 100% is added to it? Because that would be 36 seconds, which is not what I was getting.
If it stacks additively, as it appeared, then the duration at 100% condi duration + 50% scepter would be 30 seconds (which is about what I was getting with 70% + 20% + 50%) and if that’s the case, why even make the distinction? There is no difference aside from it being an exception to the 100% condi cap.
i think the duration bonuses are calculated using the base duration, not the augmented. so you would have + 12s from the + 100% duration and + 6s from the + 50%, ultimately giving you 30s total (12 + 12 + 6)
making it a well simply makes it even more similar to EtB
I’m curious as to how much Condition Damage can you attain as a decent-geared Mesmer. At the same Gear-Level, my Necro has over 2000 CDamage while my Mesmer has just over 1600. Is it traits and such that just seem to benefit the Necro’s CDamage more?
you cant really directly compare necros to mesmers. they have totally different skills/traits available to them. they both have access to different kinds of conditions (some easier to apply than others)
Let’s brainstorm something else for that error to say.
How about favor?
I mean you’re channeling your spirit bros after all. Gaining their favor through combat means you get to use stronger skills.
“Not enough profession specific favor”
Would it not then be better to just fix the chill-stack limitation bug? No reason it cannot be 1500 stacks like all the other condi’s but still only do the 50% skill recharge/move speed as long as you have at least one stack of chill.
that doesn’t solve the issue of your chill getting overwritten by other people though, and there are numerous ways of fixing this but simply using a preexisting condition is the easiest imo since it kills 2 birds with one stone
I like the idea, but I think it would have to be a few stacks to match the damage output. Some interesting play there too, additional conditions applies for things like target the weak or scepter 3, and other poison synergy like Putrid defense or runes/sigils.
Definitely seems like a simpler, and ultimately better solution at this point, givens chills stack limitations. Would make the 5-4 Reaper shroud combo very potent!
haha yeah it would, you would get essentially double the poison stacks you would normally get since the chilling bolts would also apply the poison
it would take some ramp time like you said to match the damage output, but the fact that you can overlap chills for more damage is more than worth it imo
I think Deathly chill would be a much better trait if it was changed to something along the lines of “chill now additionally applies poison”
it would solve the issues of your chills getting overwritten with somebody else’s, and it solves the issue with chill damage not stacking in intensity
(edited by Azazel.1540)
I mainly wanted to comment on one thing and that is the serious disparagity of the weapon traits. Currently it’s clear that only a few of the weapons are supported through traits, and i think this is really annoying – particularly with sword, which has a trait to make it the default Power dps weapon without question, as if it wasn’t stacked already. To me this is a really poor design choice. Either have none of those traits (would work great for Revenant, likely the route I’d choose) or have some for each. Let the weapons speak for themselves instead.
for the rather small amount of weapons rev has access too, im really surprised there aren’t more weapon traits
they need to change the trait line to correspond with how they changed Mallyx. The traits still revolve around having lots of conditions on you (which is much harder to consistently pull off without having self applied condis)
I really don’t think they should revert Mallyx changes, as it would simply be too similar to condi necro builds imo. The only major issue i see is between EtB and UA, and how similar they are. Make EtB a skill with 50 energy (like all the other legends besides Glint) and maybe apply a burst of condis to nearby enemies? Like x tormet/bleed/poison stacks. We already have condi fields with mace 2 and UA, so some burst damage would be really great on the elite
i think glint’s needs to be toned down just a little. revenants can quickly use 2 heals in succession (1 for each legend), and i feel that is the reason why their healing skills are a little underwhelming