Showing Posts For Baba Baba Ba.9810:

State of the Game w/ J Sharp & Tyler Bearce

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

If I just may throw in something here:

I’m actually very glad you got Tyler Bearce into the SotG now. While Jon Peters mostly seems unresponsive and very passive towards players, Tyler always seems to get stuff right.

(If it continues like this I might just wanna vote for him as the new head of the pvp department. If we would get to vote ofc…)

[SOTG] Questions Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Awesome thread, appreciate the effort made.

1. Marketing strategy, I’d like to hear a statement about why this game is still so far from E-Sport, after it has been sold as such.

2. Is there any chance the PvP department will get more ressources / will be hiring soon, to speed up the development process?

3. Which feature comes first in terms of priority right now? Which one has the least priority?

Sick of 3v5, 4v5, and other unfair odds

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

why not give the players an actual “replacement” option?

See, let’s say you’ve got a System, that checks if both teams are 5 players strong towards the beginning of the match. If the check is negative, you let the players do a quick vote like : One of your teammates seems to have disconnected. Do you want a replacement? Vote Yes/No

If “Yes” is choosen by 2 out of 4 members, you just invite somebody who has signed up for solo que, maybe giving him a notification that he has been chosen as a “substitute player”.

So this would get rid of a lot of these pesky 4v5 Situations, while also allowing premade teams to keep their dc’d teammates in the team.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

On a completely unrelated topic..

well actually it does relate.

Is anyone else sick of trying to defend this game to his friends? I get that all day long. “What? you still play GW2 pvp? DUDE that game SUCKS! Seriously, we want you back in SC2, play the real E-Sport with us!”.

And I’m all like "Yeah… but.. they’re making a ladder and… the combat is really innovative and… erm. Well. "

It saddens me

TSU Saying our Piece about sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810


OP pretty much nailed it.
Point is: There are tons of these threads out there at the moment. Not troll – threads, but well-written, thought through topics, from people that really care about the game (shamelessly advertising the link in my signature here) .
It’s a shame Arenanet does not seem to have the community management that would be necessary for this.

People do care. People love the potential of this game. Yet, the development is so slow, and the big kittening air qoute E – Sport big kittening air qoute features are just not coming.

It’s just a ladder, god kitten Just give us a ladder and we will have a reason to play.

IMO: The new map seriously flawed

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Okay so let me break this down:

While I am not at all happy with the minimal content that the last patch brought, the new Map is something that i am actually happy with.
It is the first Map that really “feels” different than the others, the secondary objective is absolutely a step in the right direction. Well done.

In terms of balance: I played a couple of round on this map, as a necro (which i personally found to be one of the weakest classes on the Map), and I didn’t see really big Balance problems there either.
Of course there are some classes that are defenitely better suited for running the orb than others. Actually a teammate that played thief was carrying the orb, and was just as fast as i was without it. But that does not really matter.
The new mechanics of the Map allow for stronger movement – controll, the actual killcount does not matter.

We (me and my guild) tried to play very orb-heavy, while sitting on mostly one point. It worked out just fine, and we where playing with a very wide range of classes (Necro,Engi,Guardian,Thief,Ranger).

So Balance – Wise, this map sure is different, but it’s not imbalanced. You just can’t assume you will have a nice time running the orb with a necro.

Clearly not enough PvP developers

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

I completely agree. The Spvp team does seem to consist of about 4 Guys, which is clearly not enough.
All the hating, all the flaming on this forum actually boils down to the point that stuff just ain’t happenin . So, yeah, it’s a ressource problem.

And this is the part where i feel like quitting the game. Because no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I personally contact the dev’s, I will never be able to get Arenanet to change their layout in ressources. It’s depressing.

The core of PvP: an analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Okay so I need to give another 2 Cents to this in addition to what was announced today:

The removal of the paid tournaments can be a step in the right direction, if Arenanet introduces something that further increases competition in the actual game. If this is not the case, than this is another blow to the Hardcore- and Elite community of this game.

New rewards in the Free tournaments are a great thing to have , especially for the lower end of the pyramid. But this is, as I allready stated by far not the only thing that matters.

The core of PvP: an analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Thank you for your feedback. I made a little addition by another user, which I personally found very helpful and decided to put into the first post.

Custom arenas, what happened to them?

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

I actually have to agree that I personally would give rating and maybe a ladder the top-priority right now. Observer mode would be nice too. IMO the custom arenas are a “nice addition” but since they were announced as kind of a “paid” feature, I’m really not so sure if they could revive the competetive scene. I’d rather give that price to the ladder.

So, yeah, I’m okay with them delaying the custom arenas.

The core of PvP: an analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

What can i say man, stop losing your time, you want competitive pvp and a healthy pvp community, then GW2 is the worst choice we made. Thanks god i understood it now and not 3 years later.

Well, i still believe in the Game, and to some extend i still believe in Arenanet. Call me an idiot for it, but I still have in mind that this company was able to produce some pretty good pvp in Guild Wars 1. And even tough the team is completely different now, there is still a legacy to continue.

The core of PvP: an analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

hello pvp community!

I’ll just summerize this. I spent the last 2 weeks with trying to get a proper summery of about everything that has been going on in PvP during the last months, and giving opinions on it. The article that emerged from that addresses both, players and developers.

Now, i wanted to post it here, but it’s about 30k characters long, and would take 7 (!) seperate posts to fit in this Forum (5k character limit per post).

So i have decided to post it into a different Forum, which is a german one. Now don’t hesitate to click this link. Even if the Forum is a german community forum, the whole article was translated into english by me

So basically, here it is:

Please discuss

Edit: I actually forgott that i planned to post something else in here:

The user djaddi.2780 had some very healthy additions to my article, which might interest you as well:


By now everybody should have realized that PvP isn’t sufficiently rewarded for most players. I personally like the solution with laurels, but basically any kind of PvE reward would do so more PvE players just try to get into PvP. However I think that hardcore players shouldn’t recieve more of these or better rewards because most players in this category play for the competition anyway (the new matchmaking improved this a lot and paid tournaments are more fun to play now so it was definitely a step in the right direction).

Something that should get more attention are the Qualifying Points. Those were – until the matchmaking was introduced – just as pointless as the rank because time is more rewarded than skill. Of course skill makes acquiring QP faster, but the basic system is wrong. The interesting point is that one might think that the matchmaking system changed this, but the opposite is the case. The matchmaking results in bad groups being able to farm QP against other bad groups just as fast as good groops against other good groups so they get the same amount per time although they play much worse. John (or was it John?) commented on that matter in the last State of the Game and said (roughly shortened): If you play more, you’ll automatically get better. That, dear John, is simply nonsense. Basically experience does help, but in the end you only need to know how to play against the meta-builds and how to play one of them to be able to compete on a high level in order to farm Qualifying Points. And as most people should have noticed there aren’t many meta-buidls.


It would be very difficult to avoid every build that requires a certain tactic to counter it (other games are not any better regarding this matter) just because it is only viable against casual players. The Backstab-Thief is one of those builds and doesn’t deserve accentuation.
The Portal is something entirely different, although it gets pretty much countered by Ride the lightning in the current tPvP meta it still is a huge problem in WvW. Of course I will not start moaning about the World vs Gate gamemode, the thing that I want to stress is that Portal is the perfect example of ArenaNet’s diffidence of severe changes (like removing or reworking the skill), which is – in my opinion – not good for such a young game. Now is the time to make big changes, although that should have happened long ago. The same goes for the Qualifying Points by the way.
If you never make severe changes to severely flawed things, they will always stay flawed.


(edited by Baba Baba Ba.9810)

The best way to post a (really) long message?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810


I’m terribly sorry if this has allready been asked somewhere else, but i could not find anything like this.

So basically, I wrote a pretty long and drawn-out text that i wanted to post in the PvP Forum. Sadly, i had to discover that there are no more than 5000 characters per post allowed. The spoiler function does not change this.

Now, the text i want to post has about 30000 characters, if words word-count is to believe, and i can’t help but think it’s a bad idea to just divide it into 6 posts. That would seem a bit odd.

So here’s the question: How can i post my 30k character text without violating forum rules? (I want to make it a new topic)

New map question- is orb a bundle or a buff?

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

If I picked up the orb but dint want it anymore can I drop it, or pass it to team mates?

I would be interested in that too.

Also, I’m looking forward too this new Map, as it takes a more GuildWars 1 – Style approach to the PvP. Which means you can’t just run “any” Build on the Maps, like it seems to be on Niflhel sometimes. I allready have stuff in mind like ranger or ele as runners, while thiefs and warriors would make excellent chasers.

I’m exited but I just wanna ask;

Is it going to get into Tournaments with release? Or just into Hotjoin? because this Map would unfold exactly zero of it’s tactical potential in Hotjoin, so we could just skip that phase :s

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Just want to throw something in here really quick before i head to work.

After Jonathan answered my questions ins Yesterday’s lifestream i have to say i feel pretty good about the custom arenas, and it sound like that may be good way to approach the current PvP problem. Actually restored some of my trust.

Just one thing; what i do not feel good about is them costing money to host. Giving the allready very small pvp community an important tool only for money, is defenitely not the right path.
Only way i could imagine this to work is if custom arenas cost like a very, very small amount of Tournament-Tickets (1 or 2) to host.

And the answer to the E-Sport question was a bit… delusional. but okay, i’ll take it.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

@ Jonathan Sharp

1.) Please tell us exactly what the Custom Arenas are going to do. Are they gonna cost anything to host? Do we have the possibility to make new game modes there?

2.) Is there any chance that There will be a new Game mode in PvP soon? Like ANY? Is GvG planned for this year?

3.) Do you still believe GW2 will become an E-Sport? Justify why or why not.

4.) Do you agree with the statement that the current metagame is “boring” , and what are you going to do about it?

(edited by Baba Baba Ba.9810)

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

For the life of me, I’ll never understand why people devote so much time to being negative. As if more snarky and sarcastic comments will somehow make Anet’s work progress faster.

Personally, while I understand your point, i want to raise a very important argument here.
I have posted three times in this Thread now, and for my part, I did this to let the Devs know that i care. I pay attention, pvp matters to me.

After all that is ALL that i can do. I am not satisfied with the quality of the product and the service, that this company has given me. Since this is not a Pay-to-play MMO (which is something that i start to feel kind of sad about because of this), i can’t just say : “Hey, listen, i am going to unsubscribe as long as the features that i paid for, are not included in the Product”. Neither can i demand a refund.

So i feel kind of powerless.
I know that only few ressources at Arenanet are currently located at the PvP sector, and personally, I am not in any way happy with the work that the PvP-team has done so far. The only thing that i can do to change that, is to raise my voice. To post here and kind of stick it in their face.

So yeah. I’m an unsatisfied Costumer, and since I can’t ask for my money back, I do at least ask for a proper communication with the community.
And not just the same PR-Text over and over again.

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Just gonna throw in my 2 cent’s just hoping devs realize that there is some pressure on…

All of the things listed by Jonathan Sharp (except the 1team v 1team mode) have been promised to us when the “Tip of the Iceberg” Blogpost came out.
The fact, that most of these things are still “on the list” and haven’t been released allready, just shows how the spvp section of this game is dying.

So again:
to Jonathan Sharp and the Dev Team for Spvp:

You are loosing the community. You have absolutely failed at making this Game E-Sport material. Either do something about this, or justify it.
A comment on the “future of GW2 as an E-Sport” would be nice.

oh and btw; no observer on the list? Well you are trying really hard to make this game more interesting to everybody, right?

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Okay i just want to BUMP this thread. It’s too important to get lost in the pages here, and we’re still promised a proper response from the Staff.

Also, why the heck thit the OP get infracted? This is actually quite a mystery to me…

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

Hey everybody!

I just want to state that i basically sign everything stated in this thread, concerning the problems that Spvp has atm.

I just want to throw in my 2 cents.

I played competetive Spvp for quite a while, but me, my team, and it feels my entire server have given up on this game. (I play on Abbaddon’s Mouth [DE]).

The reasons why this happens, have been stated multiple times in this thread.
The Community is dying! i swear to you, this is not a joke, you are loosing the pvp community, day after day.

The project “E-Sport GW2” is allready dead. You can’t “bring people back” from MOBAs, RTS’, and FPSs, just by making a good update.

You waited too long for “fixing the pvp”, you kittened it up. That’s just how it is, and there is no denying in it.

I personally love GW2, love how it is done, the game in it’s whole is a great thing, but guys… maybe a change of personnel in the PvP Section would be worth considering? :S