Showing Posts For Bartender.1674:

Unable to login after DC in story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Both my girlfriend and I are still experiencing this problem, we disconnected while trying the first story instance last night (CET). I played a bit on another character shortly after, but disconnected as well. Today neither of us can log in on any of our characters.

Map participation no longer visible: Solved

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Thanks for the clarification! I haven’t played much in the HoT maps since before the spring update so I missed that it was an intended change. It’s slightly inconvenient that there is no way to see how far the map has progressed though, as I assume the event chain progress still counts towards the final reward in the end?

Map participation no longer visible: Solved

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Presumably since the 17/5 patch (at least I didn’t notice it before), I am no longer able to see map participation and map progress in HoT maps at the top of the mini-map. Both changing maps and relogging did not resolve this issue for me. Is this an issue for more people or is it just me?

premade v.s. solo matchups; a logical fallacy

in PvP

Posted by: Bartender.1674


PUG or guild For-Funsies premades were at a slight disadvantage because MMR put them against better opponents. Legit premades on voice comm have a huge advantage. Knowing that helps explain Anet’s confusing statement.

Thank you. This is something I should have thought of, these situations are basically a scientist’s nightmare. Assuming that the ratio of serious to non-serious premades makes them cancel each other out it could indeed explain the apparent absence of an overall effect.

Though it is probably impossible to analyse it from match results alone, I would have most definitely mentioned it if there were reasons to believe that this was the case.

premade v.s. solo matchups; a logical fallacy

in PvP

Posted by: Bartender.1674


As someone who spends his days drawing conclusions from data (e.g. I do science me), I was highly puzzled when reading the following paragraph in the blog post about PvP Season 2.

Only 1% of all Ranked matches played in season one were a full five-person premade group vs. a group of five solo players, and even then, the win rate for those five solo player teams in those cases was consistently at or above 50% throughout the entire season. That being said, even though the instances of this specific type of matchup occurring were actually very rare during season one, we still felt that matchmaking would be improved overall if we made sure that this type of match-up was simply no longer possible in future seasons.

Translation: “Data shows that full premade v.s. full random matchups are not detrimental to the quality of our matchmaking. We will therefore make sure that this kind of matchup will no longer occur.”

It might be that the data presented in the blog post is not all there is to the story, but based on what is shown I can’t comprehend how one could draw the conclusion that preventing this type of matchup will improve overall matchmaking.

It is also possible that the people involved chose to take this measure because a majority of the players will still assume that premade v.s. solo is an unfair matchup despite data showing otherwise, which would be an understandable choice in my opinion. However, in that case I would feel that ‘by popular demand’ would have provided a more honest explanation than the current one.

In any case it may be clear that seeing such a questionable interpretation of data has rustled my kittens, and I mainly wished to share my woeful tale. I would kindly ask the people involved to spare me of such atrocities in the future, where it not that I am most likely the only person in this community who cares about something so utterly insignificant.

game changing contrast/brighness on area load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I have noticed the same since the patch of the 26th, and I don’t have any of the lighting options enabled.

Stuck in Loading screen [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Same here, I hope they still have time to fix this before the weekend.

What time patch usually arrives?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartender.1674


That Shaman made a nice analysis of this a while back:

For other timezones check his website (

Requesting Feature: Private Commander Tag

in WvW

Posted by: Bartender.1674


ITT: Kids want candy, Anet tells them no because Anet is a responsible parent, kids whine and tell Anet that if they don’t get the candy they will take it anyway

So tired of "Fast as the Wind" constant spam

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


^ My main problem with that one is that I don’t see why suddenly becoming that short is associated with something positive like a boon.

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bartender.1674


You’ve let us know something isn’t coming before.

Why willingly let people get excited about something when there are no plans for it? That only leads to frustration and disappointment. One short message in any thread (especially this very thread) and all the speculation would have gone away.

The fact that you think “speculation isn’t something we can control” is actually the most ridiculous thing I think you have ever said. It is absolutely controllable. Say something once in one place and the community will echo it. That goes for anything, ever!

You had 18 days to step into this thread and just say “this isn’t coming on December 1st” but you just didn’t. And instead of just admitting that you made a mistake you decide to come here and basically say ‘yeah we know you were expecting this but just didn’t say anything because you guys speculate about everything and we can’t be bothered.’

This isn’t new though, communication is getting worse by the day. Not sure why, when, or how this trend started but it is depressing. Look anywhere on the forums, something is wrong with communication.

I would say this is an unfair comparison; in your example Anet made a statement about an update not coming on the date they said it would, while in the current situation Anet never mentioned a specific date.

Wether Anet should or could have said something is debatable, I don’t know how much time it would cost them to comment on all rumours that are going on, nor wether it would actually be worth the resources. There might even be positive effects of not killing speculation, as it would seem to me an important factor in the formation of ‘hype’.

I do however think it’s safe to say that if anyone has been disappointed because they believed unconfirmed rumours, the blame lies primarily with these people themselves. The fact that Anet could have made an attempt to correct the speculation does not make them responsible, or you would have to argue that this is a case of serious neglect, which would be a rather harsh conclusion when the only ‘damage’ is disappointment.

The Waystone [Inn] is open for business [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Welcome to The Waystone [Inn],

We have just opened for business, and are eagerly looking forward to serving our first costumers. We cater to a mature, casual audience, valueing enjoyment and friendship over efficiency and hardcoreness. We aim to engage in all that Tyria has to offer, and welcome veterans and newly arrived alike. Our establishment is located in the Ring of Fire [EU].

Our name is derived from the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, and I would strongly advise anyone with an interest in english literature to read it if you haven’t done so already. Within our establishment serious and non-serious discussion about the world of Guild Wars 2 as well as the outside world are highly appreciated, within the boundaries of civilised behaviour. Any costumer with an interest in arts, science, literature, music, politics, or any other field is highly encouraged to share his or her enthousiasm with the rest of us. Contemporary art and jazz music however are frowned upon, but not forbidden. Romantic comedies are shunned and shall remain undiscussed.

If you are interested in visiting our fine Inn, please contact Ranged Bartender within Tyria. A whisper when I am on duty, or a mail when I’m not, will suffice. A personal message on these forums is also accepted. First drink is on the house.

Patron of The Waystone [Inn],

Final Countdown!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674




Hero Point/Game Crash bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


three times in Dry top today on two separate heropoints.

Press hold 1 = auto attack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


You only need to press it once and it’ll automatically repeat (unless you are a made engineer) if you want to interrupt it get out of range, press ESC or stow your weapon.

everyone knows that tapping it like there’s no tomorrow makes you attack 0.00000001% faster.

As for TS’s idea, how are people going to move around if they have to keep the 1 pressed in order to auto-attack?

Are you pro or anti Sylvari in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


kittening cabages

The Spoiler Anet doesn't know they revealed?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


‘Characters that have been part of the storyline will continue to be part of the storyline!’

Yep, sounds like a massive spoiler to me.

New Trailer Coming at TwitchCon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Or they will go full modern art mode and give us more of this

There might be a negative correlation between the quality of game trailers and the actual game. I hope the HoT trailer is going to be worse than this.

Do you like the name Scrapper?(Lore)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


It makes sense lorewise with all the debris lying around, and I don’t see how the name would not ‘fit’ with the others. That said, I am not a native English speaker, so perhaps there is some negative connotation to the name that I’m not feeling.

Ranger concerns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I think devs have already stated that work on the specialisations will continue after HoT has launched if necessary.

Today is monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Jetpacks confirmed

Today is monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


As a Ranger main I would prefer Druid, although I’m very interested in the Forge as well.

My guess for this week is forge though, for gut feeling reasons.

Today is monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


The last few times the twitter teasers for specialisation reveals have been coming on mondays.

The fact that this is the first week that has nothing specific planned since the Daredevil reveal makes it likely that there will be a reveal this week.

Today is monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


And monday with nothing forecasted is very likely to be teaser day.

50% change, place your bets gentlemen and gentle women.

A certain Jungle themed mastery is missing..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I could see a problem arising when multiple people want to follow the same path

? new so called class

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I don't like crafting...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Wow, considering you can cap every craft within 4 hours I would say crafting is perfect in GW2. It’s fast and painless, that is one part of the game they definitely got right.

I’m sorry, I’m just not interested in how “easy” it is. I don’t want to do it at all. From what I can see in guides there are even daily timers on crafting the ascended mats (which is disgusting).

Then perhaps you should concider playing a game that doesn’t have a crafting system.

I don't like crafting...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


This seems relevant.


Day and Night (important)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


2) Make night significantly darker.
-Near pitch-black when off the beaten path would be ideal.
—Night-vision mastery to compensate.

While all the ideas you mentioned are good, this one is absolutely brilliant.

New teaser is up (Warrior this week)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


judging from the torch’s skin it’s obviously going to be named the Bearserker


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


John Snow is not dead

Character boost?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


The idea behind GW2 is that all content is relevant content (personal opinions might differ, but this is at least the design idea behind it).

Vuln machines

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I think they need to change vulnerability to have a cap similar to bleeding and burning (i.e. 1500) but change it’s functionality to have diminishing returns. So the first stack would increase damage by 2%, the second stack by (2 – 10% =) 1.9%, the third stack by (1.9 – 10% =) 1.71% and so on. So each additional stack still adds damage, however the amount of damage added is lower for each additional stack.

Edit: I just did a quick calculation and with the above described system, 25 stacks would mean a damage increase of about 19.5 procent. I think either the first stack should start a bit higher (for example at 3%) or the decrease in damage for each additional stack needs to be a bit lower (for example 5% instead of 10%).

2nd Edit: They could just go with the first stack increasing damage by 1%, the second by (1 – 1% =) .99%, the third by (.9 – 1% =) .9801% and so on. This would get you a damage increase of about 22 at 25 stacks.

I hope a system like that would work out to where 1500 stacks would, at most, be about a 50% damage increase. I’m not sure though.

A system like this would only work well up to a certain point, where the increase approaches zero and effectively becomes useless. Making sure that this point lies above the cap would not be possible, as this would either lead to insanely high damage increases for big stacks, or insanely low damage increases for small stacks.

That said, I do agree with op that in PvE vulnerability looks more like a ‘standard damage increase’ than an actual condition, and that it would be cool if something was done about it.

PvP in a PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


OP seems like the kind of person to accuse their partner of cheating for just looking at someone of the opposite sex.

Special voice request

in Guardian

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I know this is a bit of an odd request, but I’m going to put it out there anyway. Anet, could you please, please ask Sean Connery to do some voice acting for the Guardian?

I just want to hear him shout “Shave Yourshelvesh!”

Nightfall CE vs Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Nightfall came out 9 years ago. As much as I think the economical rule of things getting more expensive over time is a bubble, it still means you can’t compare the two.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


It took some time, but I’m glad Anet is truly listening to their community and willing to do a ‘mea culpa’ on this matter.

now shut up and take my money!

heart of thorns PrePurchase question

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


TS ought to buy some interpunction before anything else.

New Hylek Extremely Cartoony

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Hylek are based and modeled after real life frogs. These frogs aren’t cartoony at all. The problem here is a lack of biological information, not a graphic style. One of the new races is modeled after tree frogs and the other is modeled after bull frogs. Both are well done from that perspective.

Tree frogs look more gangly than other frogs and have a bigger head.

Except that their tree frog-like features are exaggerated when compared to actual tree-frogs (a technique that is often used in cartoons, hence why it feels cartoony for some people), as has been correctly shown above.

The size ratio between head-body is quite off, as well as the limb-body size ratio. Although I am a biologist I’m no expert on animal body plans, but I expect that a real life tree frog with a body plan like that would have a lot of trouble moving around.

(edited by Bartender.1674)

This Beta Portal is a freaking sham....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


People itt who claim that RNG favours or disfavours them ought to look up the definition of ‘Random’.

(edited by Bartender.1674)

anet is ruining *insert mechanism here*

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Introduction explaining how this is not a whiney hate post. Second line disproving the statement made in the first. Third line introducing the problems OP has with the new *insert mechanism here* that was shown in the blogpost.

Gross oversimplification of the proposed changes to *insert mechanism here*. Wild speculation of how this is going to ruin *insert PvE/sPvP/WvW/whatever you prefer here*. Assumptions about not being able to use *favorite build* anymore because of proposed changes to *insert mechanism here*.

Threaten to never play the game anymore if *insert mechanism here* gets implemented, while knowing deep down inside that you will keep playing anyway.

email not registering for HOT mailing list?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Bumping this since the issue has apparently not been resolved.

Very Important Question

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I expect a ‘deep dive’ on this

email not registering for HOT mailing list?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Thought I’d bump this as the problem still exists (at least for me)

System Clock slows down when GW2 is running

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Ok, so I cleaned my system, yet the problems remain. The max heat went down from 85C to 70C according to speedfan, which seems like an acceptable level to me, but both my ingame clock and system clock are still slowing down while playing. The CPU and GPU heatsinks are both fitted with thermal paste.

I barely experience any rubberbanding or laggy movements except during the occasional lag spike, my characters just run a teeny tiny bit slower than others. The NPC’s not being where they should be also doesn’t seem to have any connection to the amount of lag. This also happens for NPC’s only; it doesn’t happen for other player characters (I play together with my girlfriend a lot and as we’re both scientists we’ve spent quite some time testing these matters).

I normally don’t have VSync enabled, and doing so does not seem to make any difference. I also doubt it is due to connection issues, as my girlfriend does not have any of these problems. On top of that, network issues should not make my system clock run slow.

I am kind of out of guesses as to what could be causing this, but I do expect the in-game issues and the clock slow-down to somehow be related to one another. Both problems arose at the same time, and also seem to have a similar pattern; processes are going slower than they should be going.

(edited by Bartender.1674)

System Clock slows down when GW2 is running

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bartender.1674


I have cleaned the case before, so that should not be a problem. Thank you for the suggestion about checking the temperature, I will do that and see if I can gain any wisdom from it. I have had problems with the system overheating before though, and it never seemed to cause any trouble of these sorts when playing GW2.

It is definitely not a problem with the BIOS battery, as the system is perfectly capable of keeping track of time under any other circumstance.

System Clock slows down when GW2 is running

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bartender.1674


Over the past few months I’ve noticed some problems when playing GW2. after some inspection I found that it was caused by my system clock that is running slower whenever GW2 is running. As soon as I quit the game it runs at the correct speed again, and there are no other games or programmes that cause the same problem. Apart from having to resynchronize the clock every time after playing, this is causing some in game inconveniences as well.

The most noticable ones are that my character is running slightly slower than others (not due to speedboosts), and that moving NPC’s or enemies appear to me in completely different places than they actually are (they have in fact moved way further along their path than where I see them).

I am running Vista SP2 and my system does meet the minimum requirements. Up untill said few months ago I never experienced any such problems. Is there anyone that had a similar experience, or are there any settings in the game that could be interfering with my computers ability to keep track of time?

Stuck in the map or seeing map art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bartender.1674


When I maptravel to the Prosperity Waypoint in Dry Top I sometimes get spawned stuck in the vine.