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Remove completed story journal items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Looking at the screenshot – There are whole pages of completed story journal items that are just cluttering up what I need to do next.

There is no right-click hide/remove options but I’ve seen others do it in the past. How do I remove completed quests/milestones and the like?


Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


I consider myself a pretty ‘normal’ person when it comes to heights – I can fly in an airplane and stand on the glass overlook at the grand canyon without a problem.

The Jumpycrap in GW2 instills in me a terrible sense of vertigo and nausea – and I’ve got a cast iron stomach. The only time in 20 years I actually vomited was after a surgery due to aftereffects of anesthesia. But these jumping puzzles get my gorge right up and I have to go find something else to do within minutes of attempting them.

The ‘diving board’ in this new expansion is the ultimate ‘CANNOT do’ – not for lack of skill or desire, but for the nausea inducing effect of the game. Once a mesmer gets up there and creates a portal I’m fine on the platform, and even making the stupid blind jump… but the getting there makes me ill.

Physically ill.

Devs – put a kitten blue crystal ON THE TOP OF THE PILLAR. Half the people who splat do so trying to refresh their jump boost, not actually dealing with the challenge itself.

[TC: Tarnished Coast] PvX - Vanquish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Casual Noob curious to hook up with some like minded folks to figure out what it’s all about up at the top. Got any room on Tarnished for a ghost/lurker/clueless scrub?

Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Good answer – but doggone it would be easier if they would just let you spawn each tool for each character rather than juggling them around. :/
Oh well. Thanks.

Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


A while ago I purchased a couple of harvesting tools from the gem store – the kind that have no charges and can harvest all levels.

What was not indicated, and I can find no answer for (as I do not know the keywords to search for), is: Are they per-character, or per account?
So if I spend something like 3k gems or more for the three implements – which is by no means cheap – am I limited to just one character using them (which seems pretty a**hole money grubbing if so) or can they be generated for the rest of the characters on the same account?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Flaw: Players cannot heal fallen party members in combat (due to becoming #1 on the aggro threat check). Fallen players cannot Rez so have to wait for the party to win, or wipe.

Fix: Remove healing from the threat assessment check for NPCs. Considering when someone is rezzing a party member their DPS drops to nil (or whatever pets are delivering) so their ‘threat’ is effectively nil.
Double the healing factor for rezzing downed/dead players only.

Flaw: Downed players are continually under aggro despite ‘live’ players becoming higher threats. NPCs (particularly adds) do not reassess targets and hammer on a downed player until they’re dead.

Fix: When a target is ‘down’ the NPC runs the threat assessment string again.

Flaw: Repair costs a bit steep.

Fix: Now that you’re effectively removed from play on death, that is more than penalty enough for flubbing. Reduce repair costs considerably.
Yes, repair costs will already be reduced because you only ‘die’ once… but still… repair costs add up scary fast, while rewards don’t add up at all.

Flaw: Mobs and bosses are not really any different. Certainly not reduced to compensate for the inability to return to the fight (due to the first flaw noted above).

Fix: Reduce spawn HP and DPS by 30-50% depending on the expected ‘challenge level’ of the dungeon/instance.

(edited by Blaqwolf.1264)

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Consider most people dont’ have a problem making 1-5 gold an hour.

Doing what, exactly?
I have yet to find anything profitable in crafting. Everything on the market is set at break even, at best, except the raw mats which are laughably overpriced.

Easier to just farm and leave crafting as the joke that it is, or… well… dump crafting for the joke that it is; outfitting low level alts is about the only use I see in it.

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


sPvP joke blog

…that new players feel intimidated when fighting more experienced players, and experienced players want to meet up against each other more often…

Hah hah. Wrong.

Experienced players want to hang out in zones where inexperienced players are trying to learn and roflstomp them all day long for easy ‘1st place’ rewards. That way they’ll always have a steady supply of ‘tickets’ for the tournaments and market junk.
They’ll just learn how to avoid more challenging experienced players in pick-up matches, or take in their entire team of Epic Equipped PvP guildies and stomp every challenger while laughing all the way to the bank.

Link your blog posts, Devs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Seriously… you’re off the ball here by a mile.

When anyone posts a dev blog they need to create a forum post concerning that dev blog (in whatever forum ANet sets aside for such discussion), and then LINK IT FOR DISCUSSION IN THE BLOG.

Don’t leave it to players to create a thread discussing the latest compost to spill from a dev’s brain… because there will be dozens of them rather than one.

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


I understand NcSoft only has one decent game and this is it, but the way they’re milking it is so shameless and noticeable that I’m surprised there aren’t more people making a stand against it.

They are, but no one is listening.

Observations of a Nuub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Ahh, and another thing that sticks in my craw… targeting loss!
Nothing irritates me more when I’m attacking a target and suddenly they’re no longer targets and I’m just wasting my time running around doing nothing.

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


IMO I’ve found this to be rather… disruptive of immersion when you’re wielding two weapons or a weapon/shield. Things like foci, torches, and the like are simply ‘carried’, as seems logically expected.

But when using two actual weapons like dual pistols or dual axes… the primary attack animations (1,2,3) should have the character using both of them, alternating each attack with main and off hand. There would be no need to change the attack speeds or power of the actual ‘attack’.

The main attacks with dissimilar weapons (sword/dagger, ect) should also be modified to strong attack (main) and weak attack (off hand), with the off-hand attacks of 4 & 5 switching the leading weapon for that particular animation. For instance, with a sword slash attack you would have 70% of the attack’s damage coming from the sword (main) and 30% from the dagger (off hand); but the damage calculations all come from the primary weapon (sword). This would not change the game in any way other than visually.
Torches, foci, ect would be using animations such as whacking the enemy, where daggers would slash or stab, and shields would be drawn across in a blocking animation.

Observations of a Nuub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Yes, I’m still quite new to the game and I’ve run into a few things that leave me scratching my head.

Crafting progression… quite wasteful, pushing you to buy what you can’t ‘farm’; after a certain degree your exp just stops dead because you’ve consumed those difficult to acquire mats. It needs some more… impetus; more reward for even refining those silly low level mats.

Voice acting… ugha… wow, abysmal. How many voice actors did A’net have?? Three? four, at most?
The charr males have a basso growl; kinda. The females all sound identical; just one lady doing all of the voices; and not a growl or even purr to be heard. Come on, these are beasts! At least make them sound a bit more beastly.
Same goes for the other races… they all sound pretty much identical. Hire some more voice actors, A’net, and patch in some more appropriate voice modifiers for each race & character.

Then there are the cut-scene voiceovers… well, about half of them. The rest of the time you’re left reading and watching the character’s move, but not speak, like a bunch of mimes.

As for the gameplay I haven’t really run afowl of anything truly game breaking. The ability to dodge is quite nice, but it should not expend so much stamina.
Targeted AOE is a complete pain in the butt because you’re holding the right mouse button to keep the camera on target, so the mouse pointer disappears!!! This needs to be changed, drastically! At least have it default to firing your targeted attacks at the target if the right mouse button is being held down.
And the mouse pointer in hectic combats is flat out invisible.

Everyone Needs Data - Explained

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Okay, the nifty but uninformative ‘state of the economy’ blog was a whole lot of hot air about nothing… the trading post is dead and not likely to be repaired in a way that makes crafting for earnings worthwhile (think: Eve Online).
Crafting for your own personal use, yes, works just fine… but when you have to make 5k useless, unsellable items for a huge income loss just to get to a point where the items you craft are usable at your level… ehhhh pointless.

Anyway, the point of my post:
When you insert a graph into your blogs, do us the kindless of explaining each little block of data it contains. The M/F is easy to figure, but unless you know what you’re looking at on the others (those icons are meaningless because the graph cannot be made big enough to identify the ones that can be identified) are so much garbage.
Or, hey… you guys are web heads – build the graph so that you can mouse over each subgraph or bar or whatever and get a floating tooltip that explains what you’re looking at.
The one in John Smith’s blog… utter garbage.

[Solution] How to solve the dead Trading Post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


One pretty simple fix would be to make it ACCESSABLE.
Yeah, you can buy and sell anywhere… but you have to run all over Hell’s Hundred Acres trying to find a trading post to pick items up.

Pretty crap poor approach to a player market, that.

Black Lion Chests?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Many games have introduced this abysmally atrocious money grab scheme through god knows how many different box/key schemes.
Wherever it crops up it is universally reviled, but apparently in some cultures (not Western ones) such gambling is a norm and not even thought of.

It should be removed from servers in the West where it is simply not tolerated. I quit Star Wars (a pretty lame PerfectWorld game) when they not only introduced their various boxes, but proceeded to spam the entire server every time some fool got a ‘special ship’ from them. It ruined an already poor game.