Showing Posts For BlueViking.7105:

Best PVP Class - 1 January 2014

in PvP

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Nice thread, I’de like to throw in a couple of cents.

People are talking alot about warriors OPness and especially the hambow. I play several builds on several classes and i think i know them quite well. I just cannot agree with warrior being OP, and especially the hambow build. Its very popular right now so i played vs alot of people using it, and i even tried it myself for about 10 games. Its just not that great as people are saying at all imo.
The healing signet isnt OP either imo, but it is strong. I think its wierd that the strongest heal for the class is the one that doesnt require any attention or skill at all, doesnt make sense to me. But then again the other heals for the warrior just feels very lacking.

Anyway here’s my list:


Ranger (spirits)
Guardians (Especially bunkers are always good for any team)
Thieves (Fast and backstabs can always finish any fight quick)
Warriors (Hambow is viable, but there are other builds working fine but seeing not so much use)
Engineers (great with conditions)
Necros (MM is great, but other builds are also quite viable. MM i find very annoying though)

Not viable:
Ranger (anything not spirits)
Ele (Just really weak atm)

I didnt say anything about mesmers because i dont know them very well, its the only class i havent played yet. I have seen some very good mesmers recently though so i know its possible, but i cant tell what build they were using with certainty.

Overall i think the game is quite balanced, most classes have good options but eles and rangers needs a bit buffing imo. Then there is plenty of random skills and weapons all across the board wich aint very good aswell, and some classess have more options then others. This is where i think the warrior shines, as it has the most viable builds of all classes.

Sneaky Edit: I think its interesting that these lists even though some some things tend to come up time after time, alot of them are very different from each other. I think that means that the game is in a very balanced state atm, with a couple of exceptions. People just have different ideas because they play different classes and have different experiences.

(edited by BlueViking.7105)

Obsidian Sanctum space for large battles

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Thank you very much for these excellent news!

Kill the warriors? oh really?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


The link is super’s stream, you guys can go find it yourself, its easy enough through google.

Please do link it, googling super gw2 stream does unfortunately not give very accurate reults.

Kill the warriors? oh really?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


+1 on that stream please. Can has link noaw plxxxx

FYI, GvG's and duels still happening.

in In-game Events

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I still GvG because thats how i’de like to play the game. Its still great fun, but the buffs do give noticable imbalance. Worst part about the buff is the finger i feel pointed towards us. Belive me i’de be more then happy to play 20v20 deathmatches outside of WvW in a proper arena if we could.

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I havent read through all these pages but i feel like voicing my opinion somewhere, so ill do it here.

You’re killing WvW. I’ve ben playing quite seriously both roaming solo/small Group and with my Guild usually about 20 man strong. Now my 50 man Guild are looking for a new game to play – about half of us want to move on. We love the open fields fights and to gvg, but instead of giving us the Tools we need to play the way we want to (must admit WvW isnt very good for GvG) You kill what Little we have. Also the stat buff is not fun at all for when just roaming about. Doesnt matter if i have the advatage or our opponents, none (yes none) in our Guild like it either way.

I do Think it was a good move to remove the lake, as do most my friends.

You could have actually made something fun and new to the gameplay with these buffs, like for example, owning Three lets you build a ladder that you can slowly move around the map and use to move up on a wall….. I made that idea up just now on the top of my head. That would change the gameplay. Adding or removing numbers dont. Ladder might not be the best idea but do you see my Point?

If you do want numbers then this is the worst of ideas anyway, for many reasons. i’ve seen lots of others typing in great ideas.

Also why on Earth cant we fight each other 1v1? How is not having an option to duel your friends a good idea?? Just give us an Arena to fight whoever we please in whatever numbers we please, from what ever server we please.

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Do i want a stat buff? NO
Do i want to get rid of the water on the borderlands maps? YES
Do i like the look of the new map from what i’ve seen so far? YES
Would i think it cool if there was a buff containing either mf/karma/exp bonus or perhaps a bonus affecting actual gameplay, such as affecting building/supplies/upgrading/whatever? SURE

Adding just some numbers to your character is lazy design and NOT FUN.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Yes Please to this. Very easy solution for the gvg scene, and nice feature anyways.

30/8: GH vs UW vs RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.

Bro, complain is the only thing i’ve seen you do.

Borderlands Bloodlust, RIP GvG

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Im really sad they bring stat buffs to wvw, it just doesnt belong there imo.

Just Remove Rampage now...

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I would probably like to play around with rampage even though its not as strong as the other two imo, but the fact that when you loose all your stability and swiftness when exiting (even if you build up tons before) is kind of a kitten killer for me. If it Didnt and my boon duration stuff worked with it, i’de take this elite once in a while.

Edit: oh jeez why cant i say kitten? I dont get the insane censoring on this forum. But i guess we need to protect the children lol ^^

(edited by BlueViking.7105)

Orbs of Power gonna return?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I really really dont want to see any stat buffs. Sure bring back orbs or whatever just dont touch peoples stats. Give it something like outmanned buff if you wish or something else to give you a strategic edge just no stats please. As it is now i always stay away from the brakeout event already. Stat bonuses dont add to the fun in any way, just the opposite.

Its not only a bad mechanic, giving someone some better numbers, its just not new in any way and doesnt solve any problems. Give us something new instead. The one controlling the orbs can get some new siege or simular. Not just 1100 instead of 1000. Thats so boring and gamebraking.

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Yes very nice fight Mya. Dont worry bout the portal lootbags on us

Why make things so complicated?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


lowest and highest tier would get 1 new server each week. still new faces.

Why make things so complicated?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I cannot understand the reasoning behind the complicated mathematics that is matchmaking. Make it simle.

3 servers per matchup. 1 win, goes up a tier, one looses, goes down one. simple and effective. I Always thought this should be how it works and was suprised when i found out it didnt.

Very reactive to guilds server hopping or servers getting better/worse fast.
Always balanced tiers.
New enemies every week.

I dont know any please enlighten me.

So Whats the reasoning to the systems we’ve had so far? Why not make it simple? Please explain.

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


@ the comments from some riot members saying they lost respect for Guilds etc for having a server side event on gh. Yes we blobbed today, but the fact the you say what you say actually makes me loose respect for you. remember you are a band wagon Guild that Went to a low tier and very much messed up the entire tier for weeks. i was happy at surmia but had to switch because of your and vcys switch ankitten ow happy on GH, wich is a great server, i love these random events being organised. I find your QQing very ironic and immature. (That is to the people that said the comments, not the Guild as a whole)

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


The only reason Gunnars is loosing now is because we cant Place siege! This bug doesnt affect the other servers!!!!!

(See what i did there?)


in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Just to clear things up, the ros Guild Thian [TH] that i was a member off did transfer to GH a few Days back and joined [SOE]. We are 8 or 9 people. Some decided to stay in RoS.

DD eles what you been doing post patch?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I didnt change anything at all, the build still works great, just a bit slower going from Point a to Point b.

Retaliation nerf was undone?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I kind of dont like the retaliation nerf, but apperently some builds (that i dont play) cant play at all vs retaliation. so instead of just nerfing it without solving the problem and also making retaliation vs other builds kinda bad, why not just add a cooldown? cant take retaliation damage more then once every half a second. problem solved?

One Last Huzzah for Confusion!

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I Think the way anet does their Changes is wrong. I agree confusion did very much damage, but i dont agree with removing half of most mesmers damage, and fully understand the pain mesmer player feels now. Why every time anet decides to nerf something they do it that hard? come on 50% damage reduction is MASSIVE, loose 10% or maybe 20% and that would be good, confusion would still be strong.

I Think the buffs the weaker classes recivie is enough really. The new warrior traits for example are great and in itself enough for a balance patch together with ranger pet buffs etc. these are small reasonable Changes that doesnt turn the game upside down. Tuning down DD ele slightly would also be good but again it gets hit just too hard.

Just take a look in the forums now and see all the QQ, lots of people are really upset (alot of too upset people imo but people are people…). This could be avoided so easy with buffing instead of nerfing, or atleast make the nerfs you put in small and not HUGE.

Btw i like that retaliation damage will now pop up simularly too confusion. That in itself is a good and reasonable nerf. Dont need to reduce its damage anything.

FoW / Vabbi /Arborstone this is NOT BALANCED

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Hey i was on FoW almost all my time up until about a month ago, when i switched servers.

Let me get this straight. People in any other tier does not realise how unbalanced this tier is. FoW has good and bad players just like any other server, and this is not the problem. The problem is there simply isnt enough people on the server.

Lets just talk about vabbi for a second. Why is there no one in this topic claiming to be from vabbi? Because vabbi has NO people. maybe 15 or max 20 during peak hours. 0 people on during half the Days. (seriously)

T9 is not wvwvw, its wvw. Merging the two servers would solve nothing, as vabbi and fow almost never fight anyway. its a 3v20v150 situation. would making it 23v150 help? no.

Im on ros now and Reading the topics here about unbalance that and wsr has more or less people bla bla… i Think what the hell are you talking about, Barley any difference and since its a threeway it doesnt matter much anyway.

Engineer Fun WvW video

in Engineer

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I only watched the first 10 minutes. Must say it didnt impress me, not video worthy fights imo.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Im very skeptical about the new kit refinement. I use 3 kits and change on average every 3 or so seconds. With 20 sec shared cooldown ill have no control over what will pop up, making it very unreliable. Will also miss the extra super elixir i got from it, but since it gets buffed i guess i can live with it.

Except for that it looks like very solid Changes. I dont like turret playsyle to much but glad to see them get a buff finnaly.


in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


Arborstone are great fun. best match since before vabbi and RoS got all those guilds imo. Just got ruined now for me now though by some vabbi people hacking through walls and portaling through (they even did it right in front of my eyes but i didnt get it recorded sadly…. ) got a fully upgraded keep this way with just 7 people, then a couple of towers. keep was contested for about 1 minute and towers maybe 20 seconds. we caught them inside the garrison though but who knows when they’ll do it again…

Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


FoW commander here. Confirming this server jump totally ruins our matchup. For example during our worst time of the day i was online (late this night/early morning) running around upgrading things. Along comes 30-40 xaaoc. I was the only one in FoW online on all maps at the time. Needless to say we lost Everything and i lost 20 gold. (yes there was actually not a single person on any other map – quite normal during this time in bottom tier)

And during peak hours theres so many vabbis now theres literally no Point in even trying. Its a shame since we really improved our game last couple of weeks. I bet this will kill several Guilds, I for one will not stay.

However, i do wish you luck and good fun in your new endeavour.

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


1: Nerf brakeout events. Only in your own borderland if you hold no keep/tower and you should be able to take two towers with it just one. And give it a decent 30 min or more cooldown.

2: Upgrading keeps etc is to expensive on a single player. Allow us to use either guild influence or badges of honor or something else, and invent some system where people can help out throwing in 10 silvers each for upgrades or somthing. Playing on a low populated server and atleast we really feel this as things never get upgraded the way its currently like.

3: Remove or increase AoE cap.

WvWvW Dungeon unfair

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I get so happy every time i see threads like these. Please never remove this puzzle or the badges in the reward, its pretty much the only carebear tear harvester in the game.

Off to camp some more!

does anyone like underwater fighting

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I prefer out of water combat but i dont mind the change of enviroment once in a while.

Do you want a skilled game?

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I would really like to see the aoe cap removed – i think this is a much bigger issue then downed state, even though if downstate sometimes is annoying. Especially when you downed a whole group of people and a random firefly or whatever dies and all get back up….

As it is now though, i think AoE cap is what makes it close to impossible for a small number of people to actually do anything to a significanlty bigger group.

Edit: Or atleast make the cap way higher. I can see the point of lag reducing, but if its capped at 5 that means its pretty much just a balancing thing, that doesnt work. And for the record I play a warrior with no aoe what so ever.

Jumping Puzzles

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


So, Jumping puzzles. I, for one, hate pvp. And I’m no big fan on the jumping puzzles, but I think they are ok. Therefor doing a pvp jumping puzzle is no ideal situation for me.

I need to do the jumping puzzles in the Borderlands and EB to get enough Badges for my legendary. I know it’s pvp but still, why do people insist to kill other people in the jumping puzzles? Especially in the EB JP. 2/3 times I try to do the JP in EB there are always 2+ people there killing other people. This drived me mad.

I get it, it’s wvw, pvp, but it’s in a closed off area with no connection to the rest of the wvw map. People go there to get the badges/achievement, not to fight other people.

I can see that some people are so bad in pvp/wvw that their only way of getting the monthly is to go and kill people in the JP’s who’s intention so to jump. Don’t even get me started on the PvE monthly where you need to do PvP to get, there is already a PvP monthly. Enough about that.

Can’t people do like me, and keep the kitten away from other people in the JP’s, no matter if it’s in the borderlands or EB.

This is not ment to be an angry post just trying to get an explanation.


This right here is why we do it.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I dont like brakeout events much at all. No point in trying to defend or upgrades towers anymore because either you can take it back super easy with 10 guys or you’ll loose it super easy to 10 guys. Its all just hopping around and farming towers right now.

Make it so that only the team with lowest points have the brakeout event and not on every map. Also make it weaker and spawn less frequent. Or just remove it all together. (This comes from a 100% wvw player in bottom tier)