Showing Posts For Borne Trickster.8254:
This is the Revenant version of my thief, Nari. Cuz he is cute with the armor.
Yeah, it gets frustrating when you want your entire guild together to play with the arena and you can only get one full team there… >.<
*singing* I can't stay in my guild hall
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Borne Trickster.8254
Basically, we are getting a map switch often, and it will switch some of us, then the others are told the new shard is full. Have to leave the GH and come back in. Or we are automatically kicked out of the hall….
WONDERFUL! Thank you for your hard work!
They’ve appeared in my guild hall. Startled a few members the first time.
The guild hall map keeps resetting after about ten minutes inside. Is there a reason for it?
I still can’t sell anything
Can’t do a thing with TP. I thought it was my computer for a few… -,-
I so agree. lion’s arch is GORGEOUS. You guys did an amazing job!
Hello there all !
It is an annual thing. Last year was bobble heads. Annoying yes… but, its literally a day and a half, then all is back to normal.
I personally found it annoying, so I logged off and will be back on in a day.. simple as that.
Anet does this every year… you lot should know that this will happen.. and be prepared for something incredibly idiotic. No use in complaining about an annual thing
Guild: Court of Envy [Envy]
G/chat is broken, same issues as above.
Went in to see doc, got news that it was malignant. Gonna start chemo as soon as I.ha e recovered from surgery.
Thank you for all the positive vibes and feels, I am hanging onto them pretty hard right now.
Ardy, we have your back… all of us. Much love and dancing in the woods for you
Omg Ardy <3
We love you so very much and are so happy that you are feeling better
You made me cry at work, silly. My make up ran and everything… >.<
We are here for you, remember that
dances excitedly
Hehehe.. Mine is doing the same thing. I crashed twice standing still in Caledon.. along with most of the map…
Come and visit us at Envy. We would love to have you
rolls around happily Come check out our wicked guild
April Fool’s day. sobs I can’t play because of it.
My pretty courtier showing off his new fronds and sword.
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Borne Trickster.8254
This is really getting irritating.. I have never had a problem with this laptop until this patch… so I know that it isn’t on my end. >.<
This is Nari Trickster… he is almost finished… love my leafy thief
Look at him now!!!
I like him a lot
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Borne Trickster.8254
Meerr.. me too. This is the first time it has ever happened on the laptop I use. I could barely stay on.
This is my tiny elementalist, Loptr. Love the heritage armor on him.
Is there any way that the emote range could be shrunk a bit? They are hugemongus right now. >.<
(edited by Borne Trickster.8254)
I posted Hela a few months back.. at level 60.. here she is at level 80.
Hela, as the Asgard godness? then try using Arah set with one of the masks of the necromancers in Celestial color and some parts with light blue dyes. and youll look like an awesome Hela XDD
Ohh, I am going to try that.. now, to find some crazy peeps to run Arah with me a few times.. hahahaha.
I posted Hela a few months back.. at level 60.. here she is at level 80.
This is Nari Trickster… he is almost finished… love my leafy thief
Hai… friendly bump here <3
On behalf of myself and two of my guild friends from Serenity and Scars (SnS)
I would like to thank the Fort Aspenwood Norn Warrior and Asura mesmer (ISB guild) and the Sea of Sorrows Sylvari mesmer (FEAR) for playing with us in the Obsidian Sanctum. It was a lot of fun and I am sorry I had to leave.
Come play with us!
To the Dragonbrand peeps who were awesome in the jump puzzle.. Thank you. I appreciate being able to almost finish. However, there were some that decided to camp at the end. To you.. thupppppppp brats.
Have fun everyone!
Awww.. now play nice
If there was hacking, not cool. However, whinging about it on here doesn’t do a bit of good. Report it and be done with it.
You make it sound like an isolated incident, but many people on your server are doing it. Why? Not saying everyone on TC is a cheater, but way more than we have seen from other servers.
You make it sound like TC is the only server that is doing this and that it is happening on a mass scale. Every server has their butt heads. I have seen plenty of hackers in FA. I reported it and moved on. Bringing it here does nothing other than make it seem like you are accusing everyone else. It also seems childish. The game is supposed to be fun. Report the hackers and then have fun.
If there was hacking, not cool. However, whinging about it on here doesn’t do a bit of good. Report it and be done with it.
Let’s just have fun, all right?
We love new peeps
It was so totally cute!
Hela Trickster, human necro
She is about level 60 or 61 right now… I can’t remember lol
Is wondering why some take this so seriously. I play to relax, it’s fun and I have a great time with some of the other TC players.