Showing Posts For Brewergamer.8357:

GW2 Isn't Fun Anymore

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Honestly if they would simply add ricochet back that would bring a huge amount of enjoyment back to the game for me. Can’t believe they removed the only thing that could make dual pistols the slightest bit useful.

P/P is garbage

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


There was this troll in Map Chat earlier saying he would never allow anyone who played P/P to be a member of his guild or pvp group because it’s “garbage” “caca” and “needed to be removed” “glad it’s useless” etc.. I really wish A-net wouldn’t cater to people like that. I LOVED ricochet it was my favorite build in the entire game. I wish they’d add it back.

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


There’s definitely something wrong with their system at its core if they need to cripple one weaponset just to balance the others.

This is definitely the issue I see. I’m all for adding/modifying traits and skills to promote build diversity, but it should never be at the cost of an existing build unless the build in question is totally OP and is in need of a nerf. That was not the case for dual pistols as it wasn’t OP by any stretch of the imagination. It was fun and different. Underused perhaps, but that should call for devs to look into ways to improve it, not cripple it to near uselessness.

Agreed, honestly I’d be happy with them just adding ricochet back.

Pistol/Pistol [video]

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


The main reason I absolutely LOVED P/P was because of ricochet, with that gone it has no use to me.

Thieves say goodbye to Sword Dagger

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


This post pretty much sums it all up. But I don’t expect them to even change the slightest thing.

They might if we cry enough. That’s how we got here in the first place.

But the anti-thiefs cry louder than us, we are doomed. They have been nerfing us since the creation of mankind and buffing mesmers.

list of thief nerfs

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I guess that’s just this update, because the amount of nerfs thieves have gotten over the years will put that list to shame.

I’ve noticed a pattern, I’ve played on and off since release day and.. thief gets nerfed every single patch, it always has. Mesmer gets buffed every single patch. I think ima start maining Mesmer now especially since my precious Ricochet is gone.

Thief needs a 2-handed melee weapon. (Staff!)

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I agree that thiefs need a new weapon, but I’m not sure staff is the right one… off hand sword would be nice. But axe, longbow and rifle all fit the “thiefy” niche.

I’d love to see rifle added to thief.

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


It doesn’t matter if it was good for PvE or not widely use for PvP.

Ricochet was simply fun. And helped on solo surviving in PvE when multiple foes were sourrounding you eg in SW!

Please restore this trait. I only created and was using thief in PvE because of P/P unload skill and ricochet trait! And many of us enjoyed playing P/P.

PvE is to have fun. Thats why we see people run naked or with cooker clothes. That’s exactly what P/P unload with Ricochet was.

F-U-N ! Don’t kill this.

Yea, I feel like my entire gw2 experience was obliterated because they took away my ricochet.

Thank you!!

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I LOL’d. Yea.. they also gotta bring back ricochet.. no seriously, we need ricochet back. BRING RICOCHET BACK!

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


We want Ricochet back, or AT LEAST an explanation as to why it was removed.

Ricochet removal and Feline Grace

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Tbh my ricochet build was the funnest part of this game for me. I’m kinda bummed out that it’s just… gone. With not even an explanation from A-net about it.

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


So I never write on here, but based on a little bit of practice and poking around, I kind of see what they were doing with the build (not that I like it because I LOVED ricochet, damage bonuses, and extra range). For the most part, it feels like they are just trying to get us to move around more. As a long time p/p thief, I recall NEVER weapon swapping, or at least not that much. With an increased initiative bonus, we also hardly had to steal and only use it as a last resort. For the most part, ricochet pretty much made it so we could survive in a crowd of mobs by simply standing still and unloading, giving us high damage on everything and healing ourselves out the wazoo. Frankly, I think that it made us all a little bit lazy.

If you take at look at some of the traits now, there is a much higher single target output, and even if not at good range, that’s why we have to weapon swap with the bow. This gives us low cost AoE and decent range. When it comes back to our single target, notice that they buffed the hell out of our steal. We get a nice decreased CD and it buffs not only us, but surrounding allies for a good 10 seconds with might, fury, and swiftness. If you ask me, that makes us a pretty valuable asset to the group now.

All in all, for those of you giving up because of the nerf….dont. You will only become a more skilled player and your groups will be more accepting of your contribution. P/P thief for life. (i still hope they bring back ricochet though)

One of the selling points of GW2 was you get to use the build you want to use.. not be forced to use mainstream builds, which is what this change does. Maybe we want to have a nice lenient build we can use to tag mobs in pve, we shouldn’t be forced to use streamline builds. We need Ricochet back.

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


It sucks, Ricochet was honestly my main reason for playing thief. I hope they add it as a base line (already tested it, I saw no ricocheting) or re-add it as a trait because if not Pistol/Pistol thieves are ruined.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


One of the reasons eotm sucks so much is because of the mega server format there.
In real wvw, you have server identity. This forms friendships, guilds, wvw guilds etc.
These people are then able to use a server-based teamspeak, and communicate and coordinate together in an effort to function like a team and retain a sportsmanship-like loyalty towards each other. They can also improve their game play this way. (which the majority of are interested in doing)
In EotM, these conditions cannot be replicated. Especially when you are thrown in a world together with a bunch of people whom you may consider rivals or even long time enemies. (At the very least, strangers.)
EotM is a mish mosh, mystery soup environment, lacking effective communication or sense of loyalty towards one another. Many people there are seriously unskilled, or just don’t care about anything other than ktrain. No one there cares about PPT. (which wvw was originally designed around) They don’t want to learn how to wvw even if you had an effective communication tool. The only thing that can happen there is ktrain, or random skilled wvw guild groups steamrolling said ktrain.
I’m not hating, this is fine how it stands. I have used EotM myself to ktrain, and have used it to level toons in the past. I’m perfectly fine with that.

However, even if you tried to institute a color-based teamspeak system, it would fail without dedicated people, willing to continually organize/run/police said system. And then, who would pay for it? There may or may not be random donations made to keep it running. Lacking any sense of “server loyalty”, I doubt there would be consistent donations or efforts of organization/policing etc.
There would also be a potentially severe increase in TS trolling/hacking that no one would want to deal with. Most server-based TS’s are somewhat secure and monitored, or at least have a system to deal with spies/trolls. This is virtually impossible to replicate in an EotM world.
Also, with such large, generic, wvw populations, how would a world color host/coordinate wvw training events and things of that nature? These types of events are common place on many servers. Again, fostering a sense of teamwork, loyalty, & potentially developing friendships.
I’m not sure if you understand just how in-depth wvw-by-server is.
There’s so much more I could say but, this is enough lol

So……. no loyalty, no pride, no effective communication, no fostered learning environment, and a good sized portion of the population who couldn’t give a kitten less.
This would kill wvw altogether, guaranteed.

I have no “pride” in a WvW that has 0 players on every single map except 1 map that has 5 players on it following a commander tag lol. If that’s the numbers I wanted I’d SPvP.

You act in your entire post as if the entire game is about an outside program (teamspeak) which lol, is as far from the truth as you can get.

Once again, at release there was always plenty of people online to populate every WvW map, that is just NOT the case anymore. And that is quite clear.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


No please. The day the make WvW megaserver is the day I retire from this game. Not all players want a giant blobfest. I prefer the small scale multi-front warfare.

If you want WvW to have a tiny amount of players, then why not play SPvP? The original WvW Fans from release (like myself) enjoy a highly populated WvW, In fact that is the way it was intended to have a large number of players lol. Having a dead population in WvW kills the fun for any real fan of WvW. I ran around for like 2 hours last night in our home borderlands and I could not find a soul lol.

The WvW population is dead compared to what it used to be, something needs to be done to repopulate it or soon WvW will be insignificant. In fact, most of the guilds, friends, players that I’ve known since release have switched from WvW to SPvP because there just is not the population for WvW anymore. Without megaserver technology people like myself whenever we go into wvw will have to run around for an hour alone.. just to find nothing and go back into Spvp.

I bought guild wars 2 mainly because of the large battles in WvW, I loved it at release there was always plenty of people in WvW on ALL maps at all times. That has clearly changed and anyone who denies that is just plain ignorant to be honest.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Everyone knows the population problems in wvw and nobody is happy about it, and this particular idea has been floated around by several people. Its a bad idea plain and simple.
Anet has already stated they will not change WvW to be like EoTm, and are commited to keeping it server based not color based.

Then the only other way is to merge servers. Cut the amount of servers in half then WvW will be populated.

So NA time zone will be even more Q? Merging servers would not fix all that much it will just cause ppl to be more clumped. Its more about coverages and at the end of the day you cant make ppl play doing lighter times zones for the worlds.

That’s why I suggested megaserver technology like what is in EOTM.. there will be no queues and it will be populated all hours of the day. Best solution all around.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Everyone knows the population problems in wvw and nobody is happy about it, and this particular idea has been floated around by several people. Its a bad idea plain and simple.
Anet has already stated they will not change WvW to be like EoTm, and are commited to keeping it server based not color based.

Then the only other way is to merge servers. Cut the amount of servers in half then WvW will be populated.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Well Isnt that news I bet all of TC would like to hear. TC is a dead server because you say so. You come here on a friday couple hours before reset with a terrible idea talking about how dead your server is, when its been ticking over 300 for most of the afternoon.

Earlier on in gw2s life it didn’t have to be a specific day at a specific time frame to be populated. Being populated for 1 hour a week is not really adequate.

Like I said, people said that PvE maps getting megaserver technology would ruin the game. PvE maps were dead and maybe populated for 1 hour per week like the WvW servers are now. They got megaserver tech and it is much better for it. WvW is not fun if there is no population lol.

And in fact I am on TC in BG BL right now and there is like a group of 5 of us going around capping empty territories. It’s no fun anymore. I want populated WvW back, and the majority of the ingame community does as well.

I honestly don’t understand why you would genuinely WANT WvW maps to not be populated, makes me think you’re trolling.

EotM matchups?

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I think WvW should have megaserver technology like EOTM so it can stay populated, WvW maps are dead as of now.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


If thats what we want, why arent we in EoTM? What purpose would it have to make wvw an exact clone of eotm, which many players despise as being nothing more then a braindead karma/champ train for uplevels to farm exp. Of course Eotm has many people it combines players from all servers. Turning wvw into a meaningless gamemode in the model of eotm would drive away tons of wvw players and encourage only farmers. People play wvw for challenge, to test skills, and because they have fun. If its not your thing, find something else to do.

Also if your not seeing ppl on TC its because you started out trailing by 20k on a Friday. If you like EoTM, nothing stopping you from going there. Leave REAL WvW alone.

There are no WvW players anymore. It’s nearly 3pm and I just logged on and checked in our own home borderlands and there was 3 people following 1 commander, trying to ninja a tower. Lol, WvW is not really WvW if we have a lower population at all times than SPvP.. I can literally get larger group fights in SPvP as of now. I don’t see why you want WvW to remain unpopulated, it’s not fun when there’s no population in WvW. Something needs to be done, there just isn’t enough population in it anymore. Keeping the maps dead because of your pride is ridiculous, like I said in my other post: just like when people said adding a tradepost to the heart of the mists would ruin the ingame economy, it’s also ridiculous to say wvw should remain dead because you had a hard time in EOTM. lol

"""Those things did not completely change the entire gamemode""" -

People also said it’d ruin PVE to have megaserver technology in PvE. It’s doing fine now. PvE’s population died and something needed to be done, WvWs population is dead, something needs to be done.

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Hell no. Do you have any idea how annoying and time-consuming it is to bring an existing zerg over to EOTM because of the megaserver?

Also this idea was discussed to death in the brainstorm thread from several months ago.

Oh so your solution is to just have dead maps all the time? Oh yea that’s great, that definitely makes me want to play WvW over spvp. I miss the WvW maps being populated. Like I said people like yourself will scream and cry and say this will ruin the game that will ruin the game.. many things in the past have been added that people like you have said would ruin the game.

When it was suggested that cosmetic unlocks be added to the game, people like you said hell no. We have the wardrobe system now and it’s great.

When it was suggested that Spvp have the ability to get pve rewards, people like you said hell no. We now have the reward track system and it’s great.

Something has to be done about there being dead maps in WvW all the time, I used to love WvW but now I am forced to do SPvP because WvW’s population is always dead, either that or I have to play EOTM because it is the only map with an adequate population. Keeping maps dead because it’s too hard for you to join a group on a megaserver is ridiculous, just like when people said it’d ruin the ingame economy to add a trade post to the heart of the mists lol.

Movement speed problems - an easy solution

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I would love to see that rune added to the game! +1

WvW needs megaserver tech like EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I am on a T1 server (Tarnished Coast) and any time of the day (even right now, as of 2:10pm, middle of the day) there is like a small group (less than 10 people) on any map at any given time. Earlier in gw2s life the maps were always populated but now only EOTM seems to be adequately populated. I think that all maps should use megaserver technology to populate them. Set up like 3v3v3 servers like EOTM instead of 1v1v1 there just isn’t enough people in wvw for that anymore. It would make alot of people happy to see the wvw maps populated again.

Now I know people on this forum will cry, (there were even people crying saying that Arenanet would go bankrupt IRL when I suggested cosmetic unlocks, now we have cosmetic unlocks and everything is fine, there were also people who said that if you got pve rewards in pvp it’d ruin the game) but in reality the forums are generally just the vocal minority, the vast majority of the ingame community would want populated wvw maps trust me.

EDIT: I also wanted to comment to people saying “MEGASERVER TECHNOLOGY WILL RUIN THE GAME!!!” People said that before they added megaserver technology for PvE as well. PvE now has megaserver technology and it is MUCH better for it.

(edited by Brewergamer.8357)

The problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Oh thought you were talking about WvW, but it turned out to be in EOTM. queensdale champfarm v2.0.

I was talking about WvW, I meant making WvW lobbies like EoTM. Pair up 3v3v3 servers instead of 1v1v1 so that we have an actual population in WvW.

Combining Servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


This has already been discussed on this thread.

P.S: I think this is the most “reposted post” I have.

That’s a suggestion to merge the bottom tier servers, This suggestion is to link all servers to normal wvw as they are linked in EoTM. Which is great.

The problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


No this cannot be the solution it would destroy any team feeling.

How would it destroy any team feeling? Roflmao you remind me of those people that were screaming “NO! ARENANET WILL GO BANKRUPT IRL IF WE HAVE COSMETIC UNLOCKS!!!” when I suggested cosmetic unlocks before the wardrobe system came out. You can still play with your guild in EoTM, you can still play with your friends in EoTM.

In fact the way it is now.. the “team feeling” is destroyed because there is virtually no one to team up with because WvW is always dead, empty. Merging the servers to be like EoTM would bring back the “team feeling”.

Use your common sense before you post something.

EDIT: I also want to comment that you said “less servers” Merging servers is doing exactly that without actually shutting down the servers which can be bad on reputation.

(edited by Brewergamer.8357)

The problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


In EotM this happens to due the focus on personal rewards.

In WvW this happens due to the focus on points, you get more points for a server if you cap fast instead of “wasting time” with a fight.

I guess the reason is that we have nowadays to few people for to many map most of the time. Much worser than a year ago. My server has probably only around 50% of the manpower it had a year ago! and as we are still nearly the same place in ranking I guess it’s the same for all servers.

Yea, I hate to say it but.. I think it would be best if they linked the servers for normal WvW like they do for EoTM. It’d be alot more populated and alot more fun.

Combining Servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I’ve actually been thinking recently that we need to combine servers for normal WvW like they do in EoTM, On my server (Tarnished coast) all borderlands are empty and we have not even a single camp except for on our home borderlands. It used to not be like this but it seems we are losing population.. I would love to see wvw servers merged. It would make me soooo happy.

The problem with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Now I know I will get flamed for this, but I felt I needed to express my opinion. Used to we would get actual fights in WvW, I don’t know what happened since release but now it always seems like commanders/groups/people/whatever, seem to try and avoid enemy players as much as they can. Commanders see a red name, they make the zerg run away and cap an empty keep instead. Why has the focus changed from getting fights, to just running around capping empty keeps and avoiding the ones that have defenders? Or even avoiding enemy players out in the open? That is the main problem with WvW these days and it really is quite annoying. If WvW went back to a point where we got some actual pvp, it would increase the experience for me tremendously.

Spectate Mode should be removed from Hot-join

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I agree. It doesn’t do anything positive in hotjoin but promote stacking teams. If there is an uneven number of players, the extra should automatically go to the losing team, I think. Could keep games even and prevent people from jumping teams which is really just sad to me.

I’ve actually mentioned this method before, probably a good idea.

When it comes to spectator mode I like to spectate sometimes, I think the way to fix the abuse of that system is to make it so once you choose a team, you cannot go back into spectator mode. You must either leave the match or stay on that team once you choose a team.

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


A PvE person while doing PvE stuff > must uses 1 loading scrren (pay some money) and teleport in a main city . Or uses 2 loading screens > Mist then LA

A WvWvW person must go in a ’’SPECIFIC’’ boardeline to use the TP +bank and then go back in his boardenline he wants to have fun .

A PvP person must have everything for free and with no loading screens ?
Nope…. as other ppl have said > the road to LA is free

All borderlands have a trade post and a bank. You are VERY uninformed and need to actually discover things before you go posting acting like you know things when you don’t.


in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


@mooty try getting this map 3x in a row 4v5. It’s not fun. I play guard on this map for the banish Lols but I got to say playing 4v5 all the time on this map takes all the fun out for both sides. It wasn’t nearly as bad before as it is now. It has gone past the point of ridiculousness where one can expect that atleast one person will drop out. For that reason alone this map should be removed from solo q rotation.
Want to add that I don’t “hate” the map. It makes me laugh a lot. But I do hate playing in a 4v5 even if I am the one on a full team.

4v5 is a reality of sPvP, particularly hot join… it can happen on any map. It’s annoying but the solution to that (should it be completely unacceptable to you) is always to play with people you can count on.

My solution for that problem would be to autobalance that extra person to the losing team. So the losing team will have 5, and the winning team 4. Balances it out a little bit better when the teams are not even.

Standard Models and You

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Wait, so everyone will look the same? I can’t see the outfit styles of the enemy? They release that at the same time as new PvP reward armor?

Hopefully I am wrong with what I said above. Otherwise, it is just another bad decision.

its an option, so it can be turned off for you personally but lets be realistic, everyone will have it on due to the asura issues, so yep, now you will look like just another rank 1 clone no matter what race you are or how much time, gold and real world cash you’ve spent on your look.

Anet: “upscaling asuran characters was not the answer we were looking for”
but making everyone look like a noob was? bravo anet,
one more fail for your impressively large collection!
R.I.P outfit sales.

Indeed, I honestly don’t want it to happen they are just going to annihilate the little uniqueness that we have and make everything linear.. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they just made all classes exactly the same but with different looking abilities for “competitive purposes”. It’s getting a little out of control.

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


If I recall correctly, the bank is only available at “Your World’s Borderlands”.

Ahh yes I should have brought this up, people can already teleport to wvw and get instant access to a bank/TP. So there is really no logical reason as to why it should not be in the mists as well.

The people that are screaming “NO IT’LL DESTROY THE INGAME ECONOMY!!!!!!” obviously have not been informed that you can already do this in wvw, and the games economy is just fine.

(edited by Brewergamer.8357)

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Once again.. no one that has the slightest bit of intelligence is going to waste gold on using a bank in the mists if they can just use the portal to Lionsarch and use that bank. It’d be a waste of effort on Arenanet’s part to implement such a complex system if it won’t be used. Just put a bank and tradepost in the mists. Stop trying to overcomplicate it.

The issue here is that we can freely travel to and from HotM without losing our place in the open world – not just down to the waypoint, but the exact location.
Adding bank and TP would mean that a large number of waypoint costs could be ignored (by people popping to LA or otherwise wp’ing to use such services) and certain gemstore items/high-value tradepost items (perma/single-use bank access etc.) would lose a lot of their value (so bring in fewer gem purchases/be less of a gold sink).

While restricting travel to and from HotM wouldn’t really matter on most worlds (where there’s at least one WvW map always open to travel to that can provide some or all of the useful stuff we want), for higher-population ones with very active WvW communities the HotM would possibly become a far too convenient stop-off point – this is likely why we’ve not been given them already, and why our Forge access was removed.

I remember when people like you were telling me “NO!!! COSMETIC UNLOCKS WOULD MAKE ARENANET GO BANKRUPT IRL!!!!” we have the wardrobe system and everything is going fine.

Once again, people can ALREADY teleport to the mists and use the Lionsarch portal to get instant, free access to a bank and trade post. Your argument is once again invalid.

EDIT: I wanted to also include that people can also already teleport to WvW and get instant, free access to a bank and tradepost.

(edited by Brewergamer.8357)

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


If a goldsink is necessary then the npc could apply a fee as I said before (1-5 silver), if a goldsink is not necessary then just put a normal banker (and tp I forgot) there.
Max waypoint cost I found it’s around 5 silver (gladefall-murdered dreams=5,14 silver). 3-4 silver could be a fee useful to prevent pve players from “dodging” a goldsink but not too expensive for pvp players.

The silver fee can also be cheaper the higher rank a player has till being free from fee at rank 80

Once again.. no one that has the slightest bit of intelligence is going to waste gold on using a bank in the mists if they can just use the portal to Lionsarch and use that bank. It’d be a waste of effort on Arenanet’s part to implement such a complex system if it won’t be used. Just put a bank and tradepost in the mists. Stop trying to overcomplicate it.

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I said it before and I will say it again! Thank you for keeping this constructive and civil, that makes coming to the forums very refreshing.

Next I wanted to say my purpose for being here. My goal every time I come to the forums is to create conversation and try to truly understand what each of your thoughts are on a particular topic. Anyone can write “I want XXXXXX” and that doesn’t really mean anything to someone who is not willing to read between the lines. The first question I ask when I see such a statement is, Why and does is affected by that decision?

Luckily our community (yes I mean you fine gentlemen and women) are very good at explaining yourselves and giving great feedback on both high level and a detailed level, and for that I again appreciate you as a community.

Now back to the topic at hand.

I really enjoy the multiple ways that people are trying to solve this specific issue. I know people have been asking for it and that is why I am here. The goal here which a few of you have touched on is that this request actually meshes with a few high level design decisions. For instance:

1. Does this request (bank in the mists) fall into convenience or core functionality?
* Free, Gems, or gold
2. Should this be a reward for PvP’ers only?
* Based off rank, achievements, etc.
3. How do we gate it?
* Time, Prestige, etc.

I don’t think these questions are unsolvable by any means, but that still need to be solved. Many have already weighed in on these questions and came up with really good points.

1. First off, I think that a bank is somewhat needed for the mists. I find myself buying things from the TP in the mists.. and I take the portal to Lionsarch just to pick up my stuff from the trade post then I teleport back. Might as well have a bank in the mists for people that don’t ever plan to leave the mists.

2. I don’t see an issue with giving this to PvE’ers as well, I have seen people arguing that “OH PVE’ERS CAN USE THIS TO TELEPORT TO THE MISTS AND BANK!!!!!!” they can already do that by teleporting to the mists, taking the portal to Lionsarch and using the bank there for free, so those arguments should not be seen as a reason not to implement such a thing.

3. I think people in this thread are over-exaggerating and it really doesn’t need to be blocked or restricted imo. I wouldn’t mind there being a reasonable rank requirement of like 20-30 though. (this way more people get into pvping as well, so I guess it can’t hurt) I heard this same exact complaining from people when I suggested a cosmetic unlock system, people were saying all kinds of stuff from “IT WILL DESTROY THE INGAME ECONOMY IF THERE ARE COSMETIC UNLOCKS!!!” to “ARENANET WILL GO BANKRUPT FROM A COSMETIC UNLOCK SYSTEM!!!” and now we have the wardrobe system and everything is just fine. People got to see that on these forums people no matter what your suggestion is or how good and logical it is, there will be people throwing a tantrum and saying it shouldn’t happen.

TL : DR having a bank/tradepost in the mists wouldn’t hurt anything imo, might as well implement it for the convenience of the pvpers.

1. Convenience.

  • It should cost a new PvP currency called PvP bank access token. When a player earns a Leveling tome in the reward track, he gets PvP bank access token.
    2. Reward for those who plays PvP. People who play both PvE and PvP can use this.
  • Based on the tokens.
    3. No gating. [/quote]

Lol no offense but a “token” system is a bit kittened especially since we can simply take the portal to Lionsarch and use the bank there. No one is going to use up “tokens” if they can just take the portal to Lionsarch and use the bank there. I wouldn’t mind a reasonable rank requirement of like 20-30 (like I specified in my post above) but a token system would be a waste of effort on Arenanet’s part. I would NEVER use consumable tokens if I can simply just go to Lionsarch and use the bank there so as far as anyone with logic is concerned it might as well be implemented with a reasonable rank requirement (20-30 if needed) for pvpers to use.

(edited by Brewergamer.8357)

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Bank and TP aren’t in the HotM not because people don’t want them to be there, but because too many people would like them to be there!
If bank and TP were in the HotM then there would be no cost of traveling to LA to gain access to banck and TP.
Moreover, Bank Access Express, TP Express, golem bankers etc. would lose all their value, meaning even less money to Anet.

Given the fact that traveling to the mist is free, just place your character in LA and then queue up from there. Or just stay in HotM and then take the portal to LA.

ROFLMAO you have no facts whatsoever. You can already teleport to the mists and take a portal to Lionsarch. You can already do that.

You know you remind me of the people that were saying “NO THEY WON’T MAKE MONEY!” when I suggested a system very similar to the wardrobe system before it released. I suggested that cosmetics should be unlocked, and people like you were screaming that GW2 would die if they ever implemented a cosmetic unlock system. Well they implemented the wardrobe system which is cosmetic unlocks, they are obviously still making money.

Is sPvP ever going to be more than Conquest?

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


@:“Is sPvP ever going to be more than Conquest?”


@: Balance: it’s something we’re definitely keeping in mind as we experiment with different game types. Some things carry over just fine from Conquest, others become weaker, and others become stronger. It’s inherent/to be expected in having different goals in different game modes.

I can’t give out too much info, but I can let you know that we are working on a new game mode.

Oh please be an elimination deathmatch game type!

TP and Bank in Mists

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Why not give us a bank and a Black Lion trading post representative in the Mists? It would make me happy for sure.

Keep getting password reset emails

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Here’s a tip I give some people, you definitely want a different password for everything but how do you remember all that? Here’s a tip: let’s say your usual password is hello123, well replace your email password with emailhello123, and your gw2 password with gw2hello123. Then you have individually different passwords for every account, but it’s still easy for you to remember.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357



Please do not post about an account restoration request unless you have been waiting more than five days. Account restorations are the most delicate and time-consuming of all investigation, and we must allows the agents time to do these thoroughly and correctly.

Thank you for understanding.

My ticket number is 559338, I have been waiting on an account restoration for nearly 6 days, since the ticket started April 21st at 7am, it is now April 26th at 10pm. I was worried that my account may not be able to be restored because the GM told me to respond promptly because the restoration may not be there later.

The account was confirmed compromised by a GM(GM CeoG) and he asked me if I wanted it restored or not, when I responded to the ticket saying yes I wanted it restored.. it has been 6 days since a response. I was hoping for at the very least a confirmation that they were restoring the account but I have gotten no response.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Hey my ticket number is 559338, my account was stolen and a GM was able to reset the password for me and I got it back. However the GM told me to respond promptly about a restoration because it may not be available indefinitely so I did and Yes I definitely do want the account restored.. But it has been 4 days and I have not gotten a response. He said to respond promptly so I am worried that I may not be able to restore the account if I don’t get a response soon.

Can you restore my account please?

Just got hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Same thing just happened to me, I got the account back but I am waiting on a response from the support team about getting a rollback.. They stole everything on all my characters.

Outfits from the gem shop (details inside)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


In case Anet is listening I’m with some of the other players in saying that if purchased costumes behaved like my Zenith weapon skins that I’d buy many, many more of them. It would feel much more like adding to your collection (and we all love to collect), not buying something that immediately is burned. One time use items create stress and stress reduces sales.

Exactly. Thanks for your feedback and I hope they read it

Pistolwhip Nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Nerf pistolwhip ANET! You said you don’t want stunspamm in this game? Well there you go, spamming 3 for win, while having an OP port which goes horizontal and vertikal, which makes it impossible to escape AND having an immobilize on it??
PW build uses #3 the whole time, to evade and do dmg, maybe one or two spammed dazes as well, but that’s it and everybody rerolls it now, even bad thieves do a lot of serious damage with it. Even if you breakstun and you go out of range the pistolwhip still hits you for at least 5k?!

Sword/pistol was already nerfed beyond recognition it is not even viable anymore. The stun is now only a quarter of a second, the cast time takes forever, and it does 25% less damage than before and uses more initiative. They don’t need to nerf it anymore.

I am kittening done with Ele

in PvP

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I tried, so many times, so many builds, but unless you finally do something about this pathetic state he is in, I am kittening done with this game.

I won’t play any other class, I wanted to play Elementalist, seemed cool, appealing, but this kitten is unbearable.


Why the kitten is Warr still not nerfed?

I am kittening mad, do something about it.

I tried elementalist and it really was an excellent class. I had no problems with it really.

Outfits from the gem shop (details inside)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


I’m definitely feeling what the OP is proposing. See, I came to GW2 after it sat on my shelf collecting dust for a few months, because I was heavily invested in Lord of the Rings Online. After the last expansion and assorted nonsense that isn’t on-topic, I started GW2 finally and am loving it. BUT, and this is a big but (phrasing), the cosmetics in this game, comparatively, is absolutely abysmal.

See, LOTRO had a system where you could buy cosmetics off of their in game cash store, which I should note did not operate with any sort of ingame currency -> premium currency exchange, you literally had to buy the premium currency with real money, or get tiny increments of it via ingame achievements that were incredibly impractical for accumulating large amounts.

So basically, all cosmetics were purchased with real dollars. But they were all of them, to the last, reusable on every character you owned. All you had to do was drop them into your wardrobe slots (which also had to be purchased, in increments! because a basic F2P player had no wardrobe slots) and boom. Any character can now apply the skins. Which meant that I bought probably more than I’d like to admit, because I loved having all different armor sets to mix and match on different characters and never worry about oh, well, let me go split this skin from an armor and then transmute it onto another armor and then trade it to another character and then split it again and then transmute again. Hell no. It was quick, easy buy, easy apply, and oh-so-satisfying.

There’s a bunch of armors I’d rather like to buy in GW that I think would look great. But I’m not spending a single cent on anything that isn’t account bound. If I’m dropping twenty dollars, I’m kitten well going to make sure I get my money’s worth. Especially in a pay-once game.

Glad you were brave enough to mention another mmorpg that had a better system, I usually avoid doing that because I get flamed on these forums for mentioning other mmorpgs. But yea, I just generally say the fact is that other mmorpgs out there don’t charge 20 dollars for an outfit and still let you have it for your whole account. GW2 would make me so happy if they made gem shop purchases account unlocks like the achievement unlocks.

expansion of current types to more classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Axes for thieves. I want to go full Assassin’s Creed 3 with a hatchet in the right hand and a dagger in the left. That’d be amazing.

Aww yea, Arenanet add 1 more weapon for each class please! Thanks.

expansion of current types to more classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Warriors for example can use 11 weapons and 21 combinations, my thief only 6 and 12 combinations
not whining, but just feels like some classes could need 1 more weapon type added

If anyone should cry it would be ELE. Staff, scepter, dagger, focus. I am not ele and I know they have the lighting, earth, water, fire to all of em but it is still pretty sad sauce they do not have crap.

Or engineers that have only rifle pistol and shield.