Showing Posts For Budman.2934:

Forgotten Promises

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


I remember the old guild wars 2 commando trailer
anyone got any old GW2 videos they want to share?

Kill off all the quaggons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


like the title says there annoying they can’t do anything and if Darwin had anything to say about them its why aren’t they dead yet

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


I would like to suggest a feature I’ve had in my mind for a while now : a way to withdraw old Living World and achievements items.

I mean, many players here since Living World Season 1 like to keep old items, but these are taking place in the vault now : Scarlet’s Journal, Marjory’s Journal, Infinite Watchknight Tonic, Flames of Kryta, Princess, Mawdrey II… and even now with the three diaries from Bloodstone Fen !

We are keeping these items because if we delete them, we won’t be able to recreate them. Ever. It would be sooo~ nice to add a “Unlocked rewards” panel which gives these items back like we have in Achievements.

Just then… Right-click > “Unlock this item as a reward” and tadaaa, see picture

i still have a lot of GW2 Season 1 items in my bank tab there taking up space but there useful because i can show them off to new players who don’t know what season 1 was about cause they joined at the end of season 2 when the game became free

would be useful for a story tab to help with managing story trophy’s and stuff for when RPing or replaying GW2 content

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


guild wars revised Lore journal in hero tab to show current history and events for players new to the game so that they don’t go why is there a season 2 and not a season 1 instead of just showing a cinematic about how things were summed up

also for lore comparisons for guild wars 1 and guild wars 2 so people who never played GW1 know who Lazarus actually is

instead of he’s a mursaat he’s bad he did things now go kill things cause no background story on him in GW2

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


add a feature on player quality limit to only show guild members instead of choosing to show all other players

i want to be able to see my other guild members without having to deal with massive lag issues from setting quality limit on high because it shows all the other players
and there glow effects and there armor glow effects and there weapon effects and there ect ect ect

and I’m not referencing that i have a crappy PC ive played GW2 since end of beta and ive noticed a Trend when it comes to new LS content it has a lot of players trying to pack themselves on a map to go fight something and kill it.

I’m not saying that is bad or not its just there tends to be a lot of lag issues because the amount of players and rubber banding issues, which requires me to set my player quality on low so i can’t see my other guild members other than a yellow tag in the same area I’m in

that is something as i can see as a QOL feature especially for when guilds want to do events without having to show an extra pug or two on the screen while they do it

I’m not requesting to limit the entire game on that concept just adding a option to let me choose if i want to set it like that or not

How about Trahearne's memorial?

in Living World

Posted by: Budman.2934


I don’t bury my salads I throw them away

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


I would prefer just regular clothes for wardrobe to many capes not enough Kakis

Merchandise Ideas - Open (even if the survey is closed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Human Lives matter T-shirt

Developers: How do you enjoy playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


I feel like muli classes should be added since we see so many in the game from the new HOT content like engineers doing shawdow step n such cough raids

Tone down the visual effects *SPOILERS*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


would be nice to have limit effects from other players so many people running around with glowy backpacks and swords when I have them set to low

Joining the White mantle

in Living World

Posted by: Budman.2934


2 factions of white mantle one side is evil the other side still pretty bad but i’d side the mursaat any day of the week after the pact getting there Kitten handed to em

not much is left to fight the dragons save for civilians and they don’t seem to be doing that much to fight the dragons other than getting killed by em unless Kryta Enacts a draft I doubt there will be enough manpower to fight the rest of the dragons

also Spoiler pretty sure Rata Sum gonna go bye bye soon

Ghostly Justiciar Hablion does not teleport

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Budman.2934


i did it about 7 times since release it still hasn’t teleported me

I call it a bug also even said that the chances of getting it slim to nill

Joining the White mantle

in Living World

Posted by: Budman.2934


I’d join the white mantle queen Jenner is pretty bad at her job with all of her resources she can’t even kill off the centaurs

plus she has dirty feet from not wearing shoes for some reason or another

I don’t care that there bad guys most good stories have anti heroes and white mantle would make a great anti hero

also a bit of lore for the wise not everyone who is in the white mantle are fanatics some are just ordinary people that are fed up with the countries politics of catering to the elites in DR

Lore Q&A

in Lore

Posted by: Budman.2934


“Your fallacy is to think that ‘their customers’ view the game entirely the same way and all want the same thing.”

Hey Bobby Stein, just wanted to say that I’m incredibly grateful for the work you and your team have done for the raid. I don’t usually comment on the GW2 forums but I really couldn’t keep myself from reacting here. No, most if not all of the raiders I know or played with aren’t here only for the loot. We loved the setting, we loved the bosses, we loved the lore and of course the writing. Kudos to you and your team for this wonderful content

the only draw back it needed is more Sand about 2 cubic tons of sand somewhere over near the Crystal Desert better yet forget the sand just head over to the Dev team and say OPEN CRYSTAL DESERT UP!!! and lore the KITTEN OUTTA IT

Cheers from everyone in the background
that cares about advancing the story into Elona

(edited by Budman.2934)

Signet of Inspiration needs fix

in Mesmer

Posted by: Budman.2934


First of all, the swiftness lasts 5 seconds base, giving you a solid 50% uptime on swiftness with zero investment into anything else. Additionally, you can equip focus and use temporal curtain. Temporal curtain provides 12s of swiftness on an untraited 25s cooldown, or 48% uptime.

Combining these two skills provides 98% uptime on swiftness with essentially zero investment outside of equipping focus, which you’re likely to do anyway.

On top of this, you should be using chronomancer in every single game type outside of maybe WvW roaming. Chronomancer provides 25% movement speed as a passive gain from a minor trait, solving your movement speed problems with zero investment.

I was referring to the actual signet not traits or runes, sigils or armors, weapon skills or any combo fields I was referring to perma swiftness that other classes have that this one doesn’t not referring to the 25% movment speed from a trait again I will stress the point PERMA SWIFTNESS not 5 seconds of it every 10 seconds

Lore Q&A

in Lore

Posted by: Budman.2934


(Side note: letters from multiple sources isn’t impossible, given that you did that with the letters from the DE member of your race in the PS, and during F&F which was from DE of your race or Almorra if you were vigil )

It was impossible from a budget standpoint. Having to write 5 letters per dungeon meant we’d have to write 40 letters total instead of 8. From a logistical standpoint it would have driven up costs for localization and editing. These mails were generated very late in the development process. Multiplying them would have resulted in the wordcount ballooning by 5 times.

Maybe you’d make better use of your scarce writing resources than to have them write raid ‘lore’ which only a small minority of players will ever experience and even fewer will ever bother reading on their charge through the instance to get to the phat lewt most of them are there for.

Just saying.

“Your fallacy is to think that ‘their customers’ view the game entirely the same way and all want the same thing.”

yeah! some people generally think there special running around with a Dawn or Sunrise like …most of the player pop that has them

btw any chance to get some lore on the Legendary weapons and the reason why there legendary and stuff

Signet of Inspiration needs fix

in Mesmer

Posted by: Budman.2934


The signet provides a speed boon and a random boon every 10 seconds but the swiftness only lasts for 4 seconds so ya gotta wait 6 more seconds for the boon to recharge it doesn’t provide perma swiftness like all the other classes just a boost for four seconds which looks crappy when running in a single direction for a little bit its kind of like I’m gonna run to the event then its super fast then it drops for 5-6 seconds and boosts up again not being consistent please rework this I know its minor but seriously when in pvp matches or in WvW the Mesmer is the slowest one of the bunch when trying to run back to a safe distance for recharge or heals and no I’m not talking about using teleport in conjuncture

not to mention using It to explore in PVE content

I was referring to the actual signet not traits or runes, sigils or armors, weapon skills or any combo fields I was referring to perma swiftness that other classes have that this one doesn’t not referring to the 25% movment speed from a trait again I will stress the point PERMA SWIFTNESS not 5 seconds of it every 10 seconds

(edited by Budman.2934)

Add guild wars 2 on Steam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Hello I would like to ask to see if Areanet can put Guild wars 2 on Steam a lot of people use steam for the current up to date games and it would be a great way to advertise Guild wars 2 for a newer player base on the Steam website

I’m only suggesting this because it appears guild wars 1 is already on that site
and my friend has a steam machine so he can only play on Steam OS

KIlled Xera didn't get Credit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Budman.2934


like the title says I killed Xera but I didn’t get the achievement credit for doing it
I was hitting her till second phase then I fell off the platform during a gliding incident but my team managed to salvage it and we won but I didn’t get credit for the achievement but I did get the Xera reward trophy

WvW legendary armor

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


not confirming or denying but if in the future legendary armor is released for WvW would the Triumphant armor play a role in it

just wondering if I should hold onto the exotic armor or not

GW2 Char car racing!!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


get rid of the Moas it should be about the Sweet hot metal that is Char Bikes in the Races!!!!

Pride March Tyria

in In-game Events

Posted by: Budman.2934


Good to see people supporting LGBT but remember that a majority is not a minority

Armor Class Conversion Via Mystic Forge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Are u talking an ascended box drop? Because u get to select the armor class when u open the box. If it was an exotic drop. Exotic drops are not very expensive. As in crafting them doesnt break the bank or even buying em off the tp.

He means after you already get it from a box or after you craft it as a heavy set you should be able to throw it into the mystic toilet to turn it into a medium or light armor

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


So a solution to “mistakes” issue is to make sure there a variety of options. Green weapons and green armor instead of just green items. Having auto sell items go to the buyback list with vendors is another solution.

Another potential problem is how to handle players who prefer to level up characters the old fashioned way and have some characters they want the auto sell/salvage on but not on others. How do you make it not tedious to switch settings so that someone who was playing on their level 80 doesn’t switch to their level 29 and lose the level 30 green items they’ve been saving for when their character hits the next level?

my knowledge on lvling up a new toon is that the player already has an armor set ready for the new toon for when they lvl it up or use tomes of knowledge to get them to lvl 80 quite quickly anet has expressed a distinct desire to skip lower lvl content as max lvl players tend to be the Key focus of there attention

if the said player does not fit into that category where they are already prepared for a new toon then I can see the greens and blues as a problem which could be fixed quite easly with a lvl 80 cap on using the feature kind of like the lvl cap for WvW but for all low lvl toons

Not all players like to tome their characters up. Some enjoy actually playing the game to level their character up. ANet has to keep those players in mind when implementing new features. They also have to keep in mind brand new players who won’t have tomes to give to their characters and will likely have to rely on drops or cheap greens and blues until they get enough gold to do otherwise.

A level cap for which characters it would work on would likely be the best solution. So it would likely be around level 60 (or whatever level it takes to be fully equipped with the next level up). And it be a per character. So the player with some level 80’s and some low level characters can use it on their level 80’s but not have to worry about turning off the auto sell/salvage before going to his low level characters.

Thankfully salvaging armor and weapons unlocks the skin so players getting unique skins they haven’t received before that are greens and blues won’t mean the player doesn’t get the skin just because they have auto salvage on. The non-salvagleable armor also tends to not be sellable. But I would also put any armor that is sellable but not salvageable on a list of items that are not auto sellable so that players can get the skin if they want it (the list of these items should not be so huge that it causes an inventory problem for the majority of players).

Added onto this system could be an auto-consume. So I can auto-consume any luck I get. I don’t craft them to make them higher levels. And I want to auto consume transmutation charges.

The other concern is the toll this system would take on processing. It would have to constantly keep tabs on what levels of items are in your bag and compare it to your settings and then salvage them and then compare what’s salvaged to the sell list and sell the requisite items. Even if it didn’t have any settings it would still have to do a check to make sure you don’t have any green/blue items periodically. That’s a lot of processing power. How will that affect the multitude of players who are already affected by lag?

I can see an auto consume system in place for luck and other things they already have it for liquid World XP in WvW

but that is another subject

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


So a solution to “mistakes” issue is to make sure there a variety of options. Green weapons and green armor instead of just green items. Having auto sell items go to the buyback list with vendors is another solution.

Another potential problem is how to handle players who prefer to level up characters the old fashioned way and have some characters they want the auto sell/salvage on but not on others. How do you make it not tedious to switch settings so that someone who was playing on their level 80 doesn’t switch to their level 29 and lose the level 30 green items they’ve been saving for when their character hits the next level?[/quote]

my knowledge on lvling up a new toon is that the player already has an armor set ready for the new toon for when they lvl it up or use tomes of knowledge to get them to lvl 80 quite quickly anet has expressed a distinct desire to skip lower lvl content as max lvl players tend to be the Key focus of there attention

if the said player does not fit into that category where they are already prepared for a new toon then I can see the greens and blues as a problem which could be fixed quite easly with a lvl 80 cap on using the feature kind of like the lvl cap for WvW but for all low lvl toons

Armor Class Conversion Via Mystic Forge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


I could see that as something id want especially when I craft a heavy armor set but have to lvl up my crafting to 500 in another profession for a light armor set instead of converting my heavy armor set to light via the forge

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Did you know….before account wardrobe and salvage changes. you could salvage Rox’s Bow. Not too long ago, I had to buy invisible bags so my spare asc weapons wouldn’t show up as sellable when I visited a merchant.

Did you also know that if you happen to salvage Rox’s bow, the only way to get it back was to wait for it to be offered again on the TP.

Im not saying auto sell and auto salvage isn’t a good idea, I’m saying think about all the potential for customer error and the backlog of support tickets.

Do you always want a game to stop becoming better for the majority of players in regard of clearly adding useful mechanics that would massively reduce the clicking spam in this game, because of the stupidity of some single individuals that are too incompetent to look first what they do, before they do something /facepalm????

PS. also as it has been said, such functions can be easily designed to get programable in such a way, that they automaticalyl do somethign for you also only, when you have chosen specific things in the game first to be affected at al by the automatics, by simple activatign/deactivatign via check box, if somethign should get auto sold/salvaged for you, or not.

So if you just want to make sure that somethign doesnt get accidently auto salvaged/sol,d you simply must not check the box to activate the automatics for the items that you don#t want to see gettign auto sold/salvaged.

Add with this also a Reset Function in the Options menu that when you click it, automatically resets all your active automatics to deactive, so that you have to setup manually again first, which items should get specificly affected by the automatics.
This way would players have a quick way to make sure, that nothing gets automatically done without that the player wants it, when there is a way where the player can reset all automatics with 1 single click from the options menu.

But human error and increase in support tickets due to said human error is something that ANet would take into consideration before implementing such a feature.

And players would accidentally set up the system wrong due to mouse clicking errors or not realizing that a certain item counted as X item type. And how do you make sure holiday items don’t get caught up in this or special event items don’t get caught up in this despite probably falling into the same categories as junk items?

people mess up making there first toon people make mistakes when playing WvW, People make mistakes throwing there items into the mystic forge people make mistakes regardless of what happens what the system would do it is exactly what is already explained if someone makes a mistake it will happen regardless of how many safety protocols are in place I used to be military and people were told not to stick there hands where they weren’t supposed to and they either lost it or learned a valuable lesion from it MISTAKES WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN

I understand your point but your logic is why make a GW2 living story this year if there might be a bug in which the game has to be patched and someone loses a item on there account which they could retrieve later…which has happend before and had been addressed very quickly and positively by anet staff

the system in process help to save time instead of clicking for hours on end to sory bags with crappy greens and blues.

also by the by people set up there pvp builds wrong sometimes before they go into a pvp match should this be addressed aswell or should we actually just let people learn from there mistakes?

And did you happen to miss where I said that the fact that mistakes happen is something that ANet has to factor into whether or not to implement it? Because those people who make mistakes will write support tickets. Which only makes the time it take to fix other issues longer because more tickets on average get created.

I’d likely use the feature if it was added, but I’m not desperate for this feature.

Whether or not the benefits would outweigh the cons of implementing it (the time spent on creating it, the increase in number of tickets) is likely something only ANet can decide on.

My response was a reply to someone who was, to me, saying that people making mistakes shouldn’t be taken into consideration when deciding on implementing this or not. And the fact that mistakes will happen is something that ANet would need to consider.

I understand but that is something that is already known. this topic of the conversation is about the suggested feature and how it would overall improve the gaming experience for selling items, the feature may or may not be added to the game. does depend entirely on Anet giving a nod to it. but negative feedback about how it would cause people problems because they make a mistake about selling or salvaging an item is not Feedback that is constructive rather destructive there have been a few posts on ideas about a better system then what I originally suggested

if you happen to have a better idea on what should be implemented please share
I only posted this idea to better the game as a whole if its added great if not then ill think of something else that could possibly help the game, I have been playing since beta and only recently seen anet add changes to the game based off player feeback hence this post.

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Here’s a thought have it so the salvage kit you use can mass salvage only the items of the same color. So the blue kit only mass salvages blue items and the green one green items. They could set up with a right click like the luck has now for consume all. You right click and select salvage all and all the items the same color as that kit would be salvaged.

I could go for that mass salvage on all like items

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


The better option is to create a bag that automatically empties when you visit a merchant and specifically tries to take on junk and anything less than rare that you pick up first. It’s like any of the other types of bags, I.E. weapon or oiled, only it automatically empties at a vendor every time of its contents.

Since the buyback feature trades at the same value there’s no real risk of loss unless one forgets.

auto sale green and blue armor and wep bag would be interesting but that still would require sorting through the bags as to what to place in there

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Did you know….before account wardrobe and salvage changes. you could salvage Rox’s Bow. Not too long ago, I had to buy invisible bags so my spare asc weapons wouldn’t show up as sellable when I visited a merchant.

Did you also know that if you happen to salvage Rox’s bow, the only way to get it back was to wait for it to be offered again on the TP.

Im not saying auto sell and auto salvage isn’t a good idea, I’m saying think about all the potential for customer error and the backlog of support tickets.

Do you always want a game to stop becoming better for the majority of players in regard of clearly adding useful mechanics that would massively reduce the clicking spam in this game, because of the stupidity of some single individuals that are too incompetent to look first what they do, before they do something /facepalm????

PS. also as it has been said, such functions can be easily designed to get programable in such a way, that they automaticalyl do somethign for you also only, when you have chosen specific things in the game first to be affected at al by the automatics, by simple activatign/deactivatign via check box, if somethign should get auto sold/salvaged for you, or not.

So if you just want to make sure that somethign doesnt get accidently auto salvaged/sol,d you simply must not check the box to activate the automatics for the items that you don#t want to see gettign auto sold/salvaged.

Add with this also a Reset Function in the Options menu that when you click it, automatically resets all your active automatics to deactive, so that you have to setup manually again first, which items should get specificly affected by the automatics.
This way would players have a quick way to make sure, that nothing gets automatically done without that the player wants it, when there is a way where the player can reset all automatics with 1 single click from the options menu.

But human error and increase in support tickets due to said human error is something that ANet would take into consideration before implementing such a feature.

And players would accidentally set up the system wrong due to mouse clicking errors or not realizing that a certain item counted as X item type. And how do you make sure holiday items don’t get caught up in this or special event items don’t get caught up in this despite probably falling into the same categories as junk items?

people mess up making there first toon people make mistakes when playing WvW, People make mistakes throwing there items into the mystic forge people make mistakes regardless of what happens what the system would do it is exactly what is already explained if someone makes a mistake it will happen regardless of how many safety protocols are in place I used to be military and people were told not to stick there hands where they weren’t supposed to and they either lost it or learned a valuable lesion from it MISTAKES WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN

I understand your point but your logic is why make a GW2 living story this year if there might be a bug in which the game has to be patched and someone loses a item on there account which they could retrieve later…which has happend before and had been addressed very quickly and positively by anet staff

the system in process help to save time instead of clicking for hours on end to sory bags with crappy greens and blues.

also by the by people set up there pvp builds wrong sometimes before they go into a pvp match should this be addressed aswell or should we actually just let people learn from there mistakes?

Pact Numbers?

in Lore

Posted by: Budman.2934


so Spoilers here

how many people actually died in Dragon fights

but how many people actually died in Zhitan and Mordremoth assault’s and how many Pact forces are left I know there still recruiting but eventually they should run low on troops with so many being killed off all the time which leaves into question how the kitten are they going to fight the other dragons with such few resources unless the mary sue heroes kill all the enemies by themselves which seems crappy

I mean unless in Tyria you can pop out a kid and they turn into an adult in less than 4 days the story seems kind of shallow in that area

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Did you know….before account wardrobe and salvage changes. you could salvage Rox’s Bow. Not too long ago, I had to buy invisible bags so my spare asc weapons wouldn’t show up as sellable when I visited a merchant.

Did you also know that if you happen to salvage Rox’s bow, the only way to get it back was to wait for it to be offered again on the TP.

Im not saying auto sell and auto salvage isn’t a good idea, I’m saying think about all the potential for customer error and the backlog of support tickets.

Do you always want a game to stop becoming better for the majority of players in regard of clearly adding useful mechanics that would massively reduce the clicking spam in this game, because of the stupidity of some single individuals that are too incompetent to look first what they do, before they do something /facepalm????

PS. also as it has been said, such functions can be easily designed to get programable in such a way, that they automaticalyl do somethign for you also only, when you have chosen specific things in the game first to be affected at al by the automatics, by simple activatign/deactivatign via check box, if somethign should get auto sold/salvaged for you, or not.

So if you just want to make sure that somethign doesnt get accidently auto salvaged/sol,d you simply must not check the box to activate the automatics for the items that you don#t want to see gettign auto sold/salvaged.

Add with this also a Reset Function in the Options menu that when you click it, automatically resets all your active automatics to deactive, so that you have to setup manually again first, which items should get specificly affected by the automatics.
This way would players have a quick way to make sure, that nothing gets automatically done without that the player wants it, when there is a way where the player can reset all automatics with 1 single click from the options menu.

couldn’t of said it better myself

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Did you know….before account wardrobe and salvage changes. you could salvage Rox’s Bow. Not too long ago, I had to buy invisible bags so my spare asc weapons wouldn’t show up as sellable when I visited a merchant.

Did you also know that if you happen to salvage Rox’s bow, the only way to get it back was to wait for it to be offered again on the TP.

Im not saying auto sell and auto salvage isn’t a good idea, I’m saying think about all the potential for customer error and the backlog of support tickets.

I agree but there are already safeguards in place for black lion consumables

(edited by Budman.2934)

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Definitely a NO to an auto-sale. The closest I personally would want is a game-wide setting at merchants that would let me set certain item categories (based on what’s in your inventory) so that they’re treated as junk. That way I could set minor sigils and runes, as an example, as a “junk” category for me, and when I press sell junk, that stuff sells too.

For the auto-salvage stuff, only via context menu for individual kits. Though I would prefer if it was something like “XXXXX only” or “XXXXX and lower” for the options.

I can agree a junk setting for items would help out a lot to it saves time instead of individually selecting one item at a time to sell which is time consuming and is very dull

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Definitely a NO to an auto-sale. The closest I personally would want is a game-wide setting at merchants that would let me set certain item categories (based on what’s in your inventory) so that they’re treated as junk. That way I could set minor sigils and runes, as an example, as a “junk” category for me, and when I press sell junk, that stuff sells too.

For the auto-salvage stuff, only via context menu for individual kits. Though I would prefer if it was something like “XXXXX only” or “XXXXX and lower” for the options.

my proposed idea of it is that you select what you want to auto sale and what you want to Salvage and if you don’t want to sale it or salvage it then you don’t select it for that to be done a simple check box item I used to design games on Steam and its just a quick 45 min program if you know how to do it

Auto Sale and Auto Salvage Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Hello I would like to suggest a Auto sale Feature for loot items and auto salvage feature for blue yellow and green loot items

its pretty much as it says select what type of trash loot you want to auto sale or auto salvage and get rid of it automatically when you visit a merchant or when you have a salvage kit in your inventory

I usually play WvW so my bags get full a lot which is crappy when I’m running with a zerg and have to leave it to go empty my bags

and yes I do have maxed out bag slots

Choose a Name for Tyria’s Heroes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


im glad they have a poll for this but seriously kill of Kas majory taimi and Brahm maybe Rox to if she continues to coddle Brahms

better yet just get rid of all the Mary sue character’s

i don’t have any hate for these heroes its just that they are really lacking in what any GW1 hero had the person who writes the stories your doing good but it could be better nothing negative just some constrictive criticism

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


anyways i think we nipped this thing in the butt i don’t see anymore people complaining about the maps so we can all agree for the current way things are going for now its a good option to add DBL back into rotation with alpine so everyone gets there piece of the candy without effecting one group over the other to negatively even for the ones that want to torch there GW2 account because of this option

if you opinion doesn’t feel like it has been heard post it here but understand negative feedback with most likely get a negative response hence the saying negative energies attract more negative energies


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


To be fair there were a lot of other factors that turned people away from wvw aside from the dbl, guild hall/upgrade grind for example, grinding pve for elite specs and other stuff, unbalanced gimmicks like banners, fog, airship etc.

Yes, so easiest way to know for sure is a poll :
Keep DBL or scrap DBL?
Wouldn’t that be easy if this were actually about what players wanted?

So I am assuming, by your above statement, and the many others that you have flailed about on these forums, that you, and you alone know what the players actually want?

Just going from the seemingly overwhelming confidence from your posts that YOU have your hand on the heartbeat of the playerbase.

In reality, I seriously doubt if any regular poster on these boards has even a slight clue as to what the majority of the playerbase finds to be fun in this game. It certainly varies with me and my wife, as well as a lot of my fellow guildies.

Anyways, this discussion is truly pointless. People’s opinions are very, very subjective….including (GASP!) yours.

Read back, look at the old polls. Talk to the players. Not " my opinion" . Just ask THEM. OH yea.. they already did. Did you miss the petitions? The boycott? Was already done.. They can take it a step further though, how about they actually email the poll to all past and present wvw players over a certain rank? like they did the ones they used to create this game and the ones they sent out after HOT?

I am not asking them to listen to me. I am asking them to listen to the players and actually ask the players. Why guess? ASK THEM.

You really need to lighten up. All that stress will catch up to you as you get older.

My stress relief is being able to play wvw with my friends and family. Wont be able to do that if they bring back DBLs since so many will leave again…

Will have to find another game for everyone to play together if that happens.. UGH half went to BDO last time and then the rest went to ESO but heard CU is supposed to be coming out at some point so at least there is that. It is just a pain to have to start a new game since people will not play this one anymore and if I want to play with them I don’t play either.

EDIT 4 your EDIT: Not looking forward to having to get everyone in one place again, but yes, that is the hope on the horizon.

so what your saying is


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


To be fair there were a lot of other factors that turned people away from wvw aside from the dbl, guild hall/upgrade grind for example, grinding pve for elite specs and other stuff, unbalanced gimmicks like banners, fog, airship etc.

Yes, so easiest way to know for sure is a poll :
Keep DBL or scrap DBL?
Wouldn’t that be easy if this were actually about what players wanted?

So I am assuming, by your above statement, and the many others that you have flailed about on these forums, that you, and you alone know what the players actually want?

Just going from the seemingly overwhelming confidence from your posts that YOU have your hand on the heartbeat of the playerbase.

In reality, I seriously doubt if any regular poster on these boards has even a slight clue as to what the majority of the playerbase finds to be fun in this game. It certainly varies with me and my wife, as well as a lot of my fellow guildies.

Anyways, this discussion is truly pointless. People’s opinions are very, very subjective….including (GASP!) yours.

i just want to run and spam 1 like i did when i was a lil Zergling LOL

LOL. Me, I just want to pew, pew, pew my way to fun!

Loved your snarky graphic, btw.

Short bow Staff Thief running with Zerg using marauders armor and scrapper runes whacking a random guy over the head near a tower and taking his bags

its all about that PEW PEW baby its all about that AUTOCOLLECT!


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


@Lil devils, Yes I am well aware of the flaws that the dbl has. I have been quite vocal about it ingame and on the forums. If I had it my way we would just have alpine until a better map can come along. HOWEVER, the reality is getting rid of it is not a choice for the poll, therefore I would rather be realistic. The best option as I see it is the 2alpine/1dbl choice, more choice, more variety, and we dont have to get stuck with dbl for 3 months.

The reality is it isn’t a choice in the poll means they refuse to listen to what the players have to say about = Players need to SPEAK LOUDER to be heard. If they are going to half do it , instead of do it right, it is up to the players to call them out on it. Either they are listening or they are not. If they would be willing to let thousands of players leave for 3 months or may not come back at all and stop waiting, that really goes to show their level of ca re about what players think then eh?

It is seriously messed up that people should be willing to " settle" for something they are obviously not happy with, and that the developer knows this and intentionally left it out for that reason does not mean players should just " take it". No, at that point if they want to ignore what players asked for an half do it, would be better to not play it at all then to just say " oh well I used to enjoy this game".. until they leave all together.

Has it ever occurred to you that the direction they’re currently heading might actually be the way the majority of the players want?

It certainly could be possible that your opinion on the fixes that you think they need to make might be in the minority, and not what most of the playerbase actually wants.

Players might not be “settling”. They just might not agree with what your opinion is on it all.

DID you miss the numbers after Hot and the months upon months of the game hemorrhaging players all the while them telling Anet in the forums it was due to the DBLS? I didn’t.. I talked many into coming back. Did it occur to you we had a poll about this too? We are not talking about a small number of players that left over the DBLs in the first place.

The numbers they posted in these very forums repeatedly showed that 1) EBG outnumbered all 3 DBLs combined in most every tier. 2) Alpine outnumbered EBG .. so what does that tell us? ALSO the number of guilds and players that left WvW over The DBLS was no small number, if they want those players to stay and continue to come back and grow, they cannot reverse the progress on that.

In fact, why not just make a poll asking how many want to scrap vs keep the DBL and you will find out pretty fast how this works..

you got 5 guys in a room maybe more maybe less maybe one is transgender and the rest is female, who knows however, they have to make a decision that will affect. how we as WvW players enjoy our game, maybe they made a few bad decisions before.

so now there starting a poll to see what the community wants and reading the forums on ideas they haven’t even thought of yet they have a few more ideas but there gonna let the community decide hence the poll….

but then they read the post about how anet is stupid and does everything wrong and to change everything back to way it was I hate this new stuff and so does everyone else which isn’t true and so I’m sure they just scroll down and look at the more positive post with actual feedback and ideas related to the game that could possibly make it better for everyone instead of complaining about it

this post is not completely related to the previous poster just to the majority of negative feedback on this and past forums

ACTUALLY, they are polling again ( like they used to) because players called them out on it. ( Those negative Nancies!) They are actually 100% fully are aware of these things.. it has been discussed at length.

Anet actually used polls to create GW2, and in those polls they told us that we asked for large scale PvP combat and they told us that they heard us and were giving it to us! At the same time, in fact the very same post on the same day that was asking them to go back to their roots and start polling again like they used to was the same post that asked them to only bring back Alpine ( immediately and not wait as they had originally intended) WHILE they made another map that had nothing to do with DBLs .. All of those things were in the same post and thread on the subject. We got the polling, we got the alpine.. but where is the map actually designed for PvP combat..?

ALMOST there.. but yet so far..


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


To be fair there were a lot of other factors that turned people away from wvw aside from the dbl, guild hall/upgrade grind for example, grinding pve for elite specs and other stuff, unbalanced gimmicks like banners, fog, airship etc.

Yes, so easiest way to know for sure is a poll :
Keep DBL or scrap DBL?
Wouldn’t that be easy if this were actually about what players wanted?

So I am assuming, by your above statement, and the many others that you have flailed about on these forums, that you, and you alone know what the players actually want?

Just going from the seemingly overwhelming confidence from your posts that YOU have your hand on the heartbeat of the playerbase.

In reality, I seriously doubt if any regular poster on these boards has even a slight clue as to what the majority of the playerbase finds to be fun in this game. It certainly varies with me and my wife, as well as a lot of my fellow guildies.

Anyways, this discussion is truly pointless. People’s opinions are very, very subjective….including (GASP!) yours.

i just want to run and spam 1 like i did when i was a lil Zergling LOL

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


Mixed Borderlands = Players that came back for Alpine leave game all together.
Rotate Borderlands = Players only Play when Alpine is in use.
Mixed Borderlands= Broken game ALL the time
Rotate Borderlands= Working game part of the time.

Why would players leave if its mixed? They can only play on the Alpine map(s) if they want in this case which seems like a good result to me.

1)Will the same amount of players who would defend the keeps on the ABL hop to DBL to defend the keeps?

2)Will the same amount of players who build and refresh siege on the ABL hop to the DBL to do the same?

3) Will the same amount of players who scout the ABL also scout the DBL?

Players who lose their objectives due to the map being in play will leave the game due to the map being in play. The same reason they left the first time. It is a broken game mode/ unplayable for those players who do actually do these things.

My guild has quite a few players that like the dbl, and I predict we will be one of the main forces that raid on it consistently since we pretty much raid exclusively on the borderlands anyways. I am not a fan of the dbl but I have fun during guild raids on it, at least this way I and others can have a choice on what map to play on, players who like the dbl can have it available, those like us that like alpine can have it available without having to wait 3 months at a time and having players forced to only play on one borderland map.

And yes we will absolutely hop maps to and from dbl/alpine if needed because we are community/server oriented and enjoy working with other groups.

Luckily you are on a server that has plenty of people to respond regardless of the map. Most servers cannot say the same, however. Most are strapped outside of NA prime and when you start out with 25 and wind up with 7 when you hop to a DBL, people tend to become a bit more than irritated when they lose all their objectives due to a bad map being in the game.
The question was specifically would “THE SAME AMOUNT” , which that answer is clearly “NO.” Of course some will, but not all servers have the same amount of " some".

New win mechanic:
Server with most players who likes DBL = WIN.
Everyone else go home.

Dbl is going to be part of wvw /shrug, deleting it and throwing it into the dustbin is not an option, not for this poll or in any practical application. Would you rather have it the only bl map for 3 months at a time, or have it limited to 1 map, and have alpine always available. Its the best option available.

I would rather them actually design a wvw map from the ground up that keeps players in nonstop PvP action the entire time they are on it and not try to shovel the Kitten they are expecting players to " settle" for. What you are suggesting is this:
Players massively leave the game again. That is what happened last time. they didn’t learn their lesson then they will leave for good. It should ALWAYS be an option to increase your player base rather than send them packing.

Yes vote for rotation, then have WvW abandoned while DBL is in play all the while forums and reddit light their kittens on fire and see how fast they scrap that idea is the better plan.
The alternative is to have:
Server with most players willing to go to DBL = WIN
Everyone else don’t bother showing up.

That is how it works in reality.
Best option available = Vote for rotation then protest when DBL is in play until they take it out.

Didnt I say multiple times that I dont like the dbl? However I dont think the devs should cater to my individual preferences at the expense of the community. What exactly is wrong with having more variety and choice? I prefer alpine, I can have alpine, those who like dbl can have dbl at the same time. A rotation means the same map for 3 months. Your the one who seems to want to see people leave so you can be proven right, you prefer alpine but seem to want dbl to be rotated for 3 months at a time so the playerbase can die off…wtf?

Nothing at all wrong with variety and choice, that is exactly what players asked for during the DBL boycott that came back over Alpine. Players asked for from the beginning GOOD WvW maps, they were only going to be waiting on Alpine WHILE THEY MADE A WVW MAP THIS TIME. It is the actual map design from the ground up that is the problem and needs to have a map designed that focuses on Keeping players engaged in Nonstop strategic, challenging, fun PVP action the entire time they are on it. PvP skills should not be an afterthought, they should be core showcased design. There are so many places some classes cannot even use their skills on that map at all. It was definitely not designed for PvP combat.. it is just bad.

The objectives should be close together, direct routes, easy access and players should have a reason to want to fight over them. IF you go more than a few seconds in between objectives, that is wasting everyone’s time. The map should be designed to bring players together not keep them apart and from using their skills in a PvP zone..
The keeps are poorly designed for combat as well as the entire topography of the map.

You see, when players found out they were getting new Maps, they got all excited and were happy WvW was finally getting something just for WvW.. then they saw this atrocity of a gimmicky PvE bouncy stupid map and they actually abandoned the map DURING BETA. It should have never been released. Players deserve to actually get a WvW map designed for the best WvW they can bring us, not just take a broken map and make it playable. Players actually feel ripped off with this map and it is insulting to attempt to chain them to something bad like that instead of give players the WVW map they actually deserve.

Players want and deserve good maps and variety. This IS not good or the variety that wvw players deserve however.

This is not an argument of different vs the same. It is an argument of : design a GOOD map from the ground up for Nonstop PVP action vs take a crummy broken map and try to make it playable.

Voting out the DBL is voting out bad map and have them make better instead. Players deserves better instead.

I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say Is DBL really that bad?
and if so what has made it such a bad map for players like yourself to feel so riled into getting it completely removed, DBL was the map to fix all the alpine problems which has many

the map your suggesting is a war map where its just plain zerg and kill which seems ok at the thought but based on designs on previous games it will suck like really really bad after awhile because individual players won’t amount to much it would be based off numbers which would be pointless for the masses excluding the current system of course

unless you turn it into a GvG WvW map where its based off of a alliance of guilds competing against each other for kills then it would seem more plausible which would have to be regulated in a way that its not affecting WvW tiers to much and doesn’t end up like EOTM, but with the current players that are for DBL it would turn a lot of people away from wvw which is exactly what they are trying to prevent I can see a new map being added down the road but that’s then this is now and now is not to cater to the tastes of the few who don’t like one map in particular over all the other ones

right now adding DBL into rotation will be a good thing and if you can offer Evidence that 90% of the community will leave if we add it into rotation then please forward the results to me and this post but other than that I hardly see anyone going up in arms over adding a little bit of diversity to the current system

as anet said many times before this poll is the start of a very long line of projects that anet is trying to do to fix the game if you can wait 2 months for a good movie to come out then you can wait a few months for WvW to get back on its feet again

(this post was tended to relate to several topics not specifically this the predecessors post if you feel kitten in anyway please write a letter to your nearest congressmen)

The DBL was not to fix the Alpine issues at all, it was to incorporate PvE and Jumping puzzles into WvW game play… not about PvP at all was the issue. Yes, it was that bad.. scroll from the WvW beta onward and you will see the thousands of posts on the subject if you wish. The terrain is actually preventing PvP skills from being used in combat rendering some classes unplayable on parts of the map..

Where you here from the release of HOT until present? All you have to do is read These very forums and reddit.. Anet already saw this, why do you think Alpine came back so fast? They released their financials from HOT already too….

i can see your point but a few nit picks per the whole map doesn’t make it a bad map

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


@Lil devils, Yes I am well aware of the flaws that the dbl has. I have been quite vocal about it ingame and on the forums. If I had it my way we would just have alpine until a better map can come along. HOWEVER, the reality is getting rid of it is not a choice for the poll, therefore I would rather be realistic. The best option as I see it is the 2alpine/1dbl choice, more choice, more variety, and we dont have to get stuck with dbl for 3 months.

The reality is it isn’t a choice in the poll means they refuse to listen to what the players have to say about = Players need to SPEAK LOUDER to be heard. If they are going to half do it , instead of do it right, it is up to the players to call them out on it. Either they are listening or they are not. If they would be willing to let thousands of players leave for 3 months or may not come back at all and stop waiting, that really goes to show their level of ca re about what players think then eh?

It is seriously messed up that people should be willing to " settle" for something they are obviously not happy with, and that the developer knows this and intentionally left it out for that reason does not mean players should just " take it". No, at that point if they want to ignore what players asked for an half do it, would be better to not play it at all then to just say " oh well I used to enjoy this game".. until they leave all together.

Has it ever occurred to you that the direction they’re currently heading might actually be the way the majority of the players want?

It certainly could be possible that your opinion on the fixes that you think they need to make might be in the minority, and not what most of the playerbase actually wants.

Players might not be “settling”. They just might not agree with what your opinion is on it all.

DID you miss the numbers after Hot and the months upon months of the game hemorrhaging players all the while them telling Anet in the forums it was due to the DBLS? I didn’t.. I talked many into coming back. Did it occur to you we had a poll about this too? We are not talking about a small number of players that left over the DBLs in the first place.

The numbers they posted in these very forums repeatedly showed that 1) EBG outnumbered all 3 DBLs combined in most every tier. 2) Alpine outnumbered EBG .. so what does that tell us? ALSO the number of guilds and players that left WvW over The DBLS was no small number, if they want those players to stay and continue to come back and grow, they cannot reverse the progress on that.

In fact, why not just make a poll asking how many want to scrap vs keep the DBL and you will find out pretty fast how this works..

you got 5 guys in a room maybe more maybe less maybe one is transgender and the rest is female, who knows however, they have to make a decision that will affect. how we as WvW players enjoy our game, maybe they made a few bad decisions before.

so now there starting a poll to see what the community wants and reading the forums on ideas they haven’t even thought of yet they have a few more ideas but there gonna let the community decide hence the poll….

but then they read the post about how anet is stupid and does everything wrong and to change everything back to way it was I hate this new stuff and so does everyone else which isn’t true and so I’m sure they just scroll down and look at the more positive post with actual feedback and ideas related to the game that could possibly make it better for everyone instead of complaining about it

this post is not completely related to the previous poster just to the majority of negative feedback on this and past forums


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


Mixed Borderlands = Players that came back for Alpine leave game all together.
Rotate Borderlands = Players only Play when Alpine is in use.
Mixed Borderlands= Broken game ALL the time
Rotate Borderlands= Working game part of the time.

Why would players leave if its mixed? They can only play on the Alpine map(s) if they want in this case which seems like a good result to me.

1)Will the same amount of players who would defend the keeps on the ABL hop to DBL to defend the keeps?

2)Will the same amount of players who build and refresh siege on the ABL hop to the DBL to do the same?

3) Will the same amount of players who scout the ABL also scout the DBL?

Players who lose their objectives due to the map being in play will leave the game due to the map being in play. The same reason they left the first time. It is a broken game mode/ unplayable for those players who do actually do these things.

My guild has quite a few players that like the dbl, and I predict we will be one of the main forces that raid on it consistently since we pretty much raid exclusively on the borderlands anyways. I am not a fan of the dbl but I have fun during guild raids on it, at least this way I and others can have a choice on what map to play on, players who like the dbl can have it available, those like us that like alpine can have it available without having to wait 3 months at a time and having players forced to only play on one borderland map.

And yes we will absolutely hop maps to and from dbl/alpine if needed because we are community/server oriented and enjoy working with other groups.

Luckily you are on a server that has plenty of people to respond regardless of the map. Most servers cannot say the same, however. Most are strapped outside of NA prime and when you start out with 25 and wind up with 7 when you hop to a DBL, people tend to become a bit more than irritated when they lose all their objectives due to a bad map being in the game.
The question was specifically would “THE SAME AMOUNT” , which that answer is clearly “NO.” Of course some will, but not all servers have the same amount of " some".

New win mechanic:
Server with most players who likes DBL = WIN.
Everyone else go home.

Dbl is going to be part of wvw /shrug, deleting it and throwing it into the dustbin is not an option, not for this poll or in any practical application. Would you rather have it the only bl map for 3 months at a time, or have it limited to 1 map, and have alpine always available. Its the best option available.

I would rather them actually design a wvw map from the ground up that keeps players in nonstop PvP action the entire time they are on it and not try to shovel the Kitten they are expecting players to " settle" for. What you are suggesting is this:
Players massively leave the game again. That is what happened last time. they didn’t learn their lesson then they will leave for good. It should ALWAYS be an option to increase your player base rather than send them packing.

Yes vote for rotation, then have WvW abandoned while DBL is in play all the while forums and reddit light their kittens on fire and see how fast they scrap that idea is the better plan.
The alternative is to have:
Server with most players willing to go to DBL = WIN
Everyone else don’t bother showing up.

That is how it works in reality.
Best option available = Vote for rotation then protest when DBL is in play until they take it out.

Didnt I say multiple times that I dont like the dbl? However I dont think the devs should cater to my individual preferences at the expense of the community. What exactly is wrong with having more variety and choice? I prefer alpine, I can have alpine, those who like dbl can have dbl at the same time. A rotation means the same map for 3 months. Your the one who seems to want to see people leave so you can be proven right, you prefer alpine but seem to want dbl to be rotated for 3 months at a time so the playerbase can die off…wtf?

Nothing at all wrong with variety and choice, that is exactly what players asked for during the DBL boycott that came back over Alpine. Players asked for from the beginning GOOD WvW maps, they were only going to be waiting on Alpine WHILE THEY MADE A WVW MAP THIS TIME. It is the actual map design from the ground up that is the problem and needs to have a map designed that focuses on Keeping players engaged in Nonstop strategic, challenging, fun PVP action the entire time they are on it. PvP skills should not be an afterthought, they should be core showcased design. There are so many places some classes cannot even use their skills on that map at all. It was definitely not designed for PvP combat.. it is just bad.

The objectives should be close together, direct routes, easy access and players should have a reason to want to fight over them. IF you go more than a few seconds in between objectives, that is wasting everyone’s time. The map should be designed to bring players together not keep them apart and from using their skills in a PvP zone..
The keeps are poorly designed for combat as well as the entire topography of the map.

You see, when players found out they were getting new Maps, they got all excited and were happy WvW was finally getting something just for WvW.. then they saw this atrocity of a gimmicky PvE bouncy stupid map and they actually abandoned the map DURING BETA. It should have never been released. Players deserve to actually get a WvW map designed for the best WvW they can bring us, not just take a broken map and make it playable. Players actually feel ripped off with this map and it is insulting to attempt to chain them to something bad like that instead of give players the WVW map they actually deserve.

Players want and deserve good maps and variety. This IS not good or the variety that wvw players deserve however.

This is not an argument of different vs the same. It is an argument of : design a GOOD map from the ground up for Nonstop PVP action vs take a crummy broken map and try to make it playable.

Voting out the DBL is voting out bad map and have them make better instead. Players deserves better instead.

I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say Is DBL really that bad?
and if so what has made it such a bad map for players like yourself to feel so riled into getting it completely removed, DBL was the map to fix all the alpine problems which has many

the map your suggesting is a war map where its just plain zerg and kill which seems ok at the thought but based on designs on previous games it will suck like really really bad after awhile because individual players won’t amount to much it would be based off numbers which would be pointless for the masses excluding the current system of course

unless you turn it into a GvG WvW map where its based off of a alliance of guilds competing against each other for kills then it would seem more plausible which would have to be regulated in a way that its not affecting WvW tiers to much and doesn’t end up like EOTM, but with the current players that are for DBL it would turn a lot of people away from wvw which is exactly what they are trying to prevent I can see a new map being added down the road but that’s then this is now and now is not to cater to the tastes of the few who don’t like one map in particular over all the other ones

right now adding DBL into rotation will be a good thing and if you can offer Evidence that 90% of the community will leave if we add it into rotation then please forward the results to me and this post but other than that I hardly see anyone going up in arms over adding a little bit of diversity to the current system

as anet said many times before this poll is the start of a very long line of projects that anet is trying to do to fix the game if you can wait 2 months for a good movie to come out then you can wait a few months for WvW to get back on its feet again

(this post was tended to relate to several topics not specifically this the predecessors post if you feel kitten in anyway please write a letter to your nearest congressmen)


WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


I’d be willing to bet that those who voted no think they won’t see dbls. LOL….better look at the poll closer… no just means we’ll get 3 months of abls, then 3 months of dbls in a rotation. McKenna has already said that a 3rd, new map option is off the table at this point in time. I, for one, would rather have a mixed bls….1 dbl and 2 abls…..seems to me this would satisfy the most people, even with the imbalance it might cause.

imbalance more like Challenge!!! I’m from BG if we are out numbered or out maneuvered or a there’s a unfair gameplay advantage then its just more fun for us.

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


I’m cool with a DBL rotation and if everyone loves alpine then we have that map available for everyone to use and if everyone loves DBL then we have that aswell I currently think we should of had both which isn’t a bad thing honestly we need 1 more map to complete the set

if I had It my way id make DBL the home borderlands
Alpine an extra map for the new Merged system so it helps with player pop
kinda like EB but keeping EB

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


I wasn’t informed by ingame Mail ….is it because I’m a Sad Panda ;(


Merchandise Ideas - Open (even if the survey is closed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budman.2934


Have you participated in our latest survey? It gives you the chance to share your ideas on the type of GW2 merchandise we offer in the future. The survey is about real-world merchandise, like t-shirts or plushies. (We have other threads for Gem Store items.)

Dive in and vote! It only take about 2 minutes, tops.

Feel free to share your thoughts in this thread, as well.

i’d like to see a poll on what items players want on the Gem store

Additional World Linking Information

in WvW

Posted by: Budman.2934


On Why World Linking?

We had/have another, much more elaborate, solution to world population imbalance. However, we decided to table it (perhaps indefinitely) in favor of World Linking for three primary reasons:

1. Time – We felt we needed to improve the world population situation as soon as possible. Any solution that was likely to take 6+ months was off the table.

2. Acceptance – Our two ‘quick’ solutions were World Linking and World Merging. We went with World Linking because we felt players would be more likely to approve it, due to it better preserving the identity of all original worlds, and being more flexible than a more traditional World Merging solution.

3. Complexity – World Linking and World Merging are both fairly easy to understand solutions. This ties back to points 1 and two, but a complex solution would have taken longer to implement, and have been harder to get players to understand and accept.

On The Elaborate Solution

Well as an elaborate solution, it would take quite a few words to effectively detail it, but the short version would be: We blow up, and then completely reform worlds quarterly, with a lot of additional rules governing the formation of worlds (dynamic number of worlds, keeping guild members together, not mixing languages, attempting to balance coverage, etc.)

On Why Not Unlink Tier 1 NA?

Maybe, though it’s not quite that simple, for a few reasons.
First let’s look at Tier 1. At the time we defined links, the top 4 NA worlds were:

1. Yak’s Bend
2. Blackgate
3. Jade Quarry
4. Tarnished Coast

Notice that Blackgate was not the highest ranking world, and due to transfer bandwagoning Tarnished Coast was rising fast out of T2. Would it have been fair to leave YB, BG and JQ unlinked, but then link TC? Had we done so, we’d just be seeing a different world (or set of worlds) dominating T1 right now.

Next let’s consider the fact that there are 24 worlds in NA. Linking T1 allowed us to match the top 12 with the bottom 12, giving every world a partner. Had we decided not to link T1, then we would have been left with the top 9 and the bottom 12. This no longer links evenly, unless we give one tier a third partner, or leave yet another tier partnerless (most likely T2.)

Then there’s the question of how much we should link worlds based just on their tier or leaderboard rank, versus weighting it more based on actual population, coverage, or compatability. Leaderboard rank is the most understandable, and, at least on the surface, the most fair. However, as many of you have pointed out, occasionally a world’s current leaderboard rank is not representative of the world’s current population situation (usually as a result of mass transfers.)

Finally, whatever solution we decided for NA, we still needed to devise a unique solution for EU.

Anyway, probably the next most reasonable option, other than what we actually did, would be to leave NA T1&2 unlinked and then link T3+T8, T4+T7 and T5+T6. At the time we believed players (especially on T1 & T2) would view this as less fair, but now that players have actually experienced it, perhaps this is the way to go the next time we re-link worlds (assuming World Linking wins the vote.)

On Linking More Than 2 Worlds Together

This is also something we might do. Especially in EU due to the difficulty of balancing linked worlds with language restrictions. World linking is pretty flexible, such that there could be any number of worlds linked together, all mixed with unlinked worlds as opponents.

so what your saying is Quick fix now Epic stuff later?

i’d vote for a Blow up add it next poll see how It goes