Showing Posts For Caldric.1685:
It seems the devs never fix any of the real game annoying broken systems they just nerf things. I wonder if they even play the kitten game.
That’s the thing… The nerf didn’t actually have a drastic effect on the maximum output of grenades over time. Within 1-3%. The big thing now is just getting the most out of your Sigils to bring you back up to the top. That 5% damage sigil? It actually evens out 15% of the 30% nerf.
Oh, so just because there are 3 grenades per attack, a 5% damage sigil increases the overall dmg output by 15%.
Do you realize how dumb that sounds?
By that logic, the grenades were nerfed by 90%!-Facepalm-
Now when did I say that that was my reasoning?
No, the 30% debuff was to ONE of your 5 skills. If you’re using all of your grenade types, as you should be, the 5% damage buff applies to all of them, where the 30% reduction only applies to one of them.
Without the 20% faster recharge trait, you’ll throw 36 regular grenades per minute, and 24 of the rest. I took rotations into mind when calculating total damage over time. Post patch total damage, including inherent conditions, was less than 30% less total damage. With the 5% Damage sigil, Post-Patch grenades went to 15% less total damage over time. With Cirt Might in a proper build, you could reach similar numbers to what was had before.
The 30% damage debuff was only insurmountable if you… Spammed Grenade 1. And if you were doing that, then you deserve the debuff, as the spammable “auto” attack (calm down, I am aware you can’t auto Grenade 1. I refer to your 1 key attack.) isn’t meant to be the only thing you do.
I encourage them for making it so Grenadiers can’t get away with spamming 1.
Your math doesn’t work and the logic is missing. That is what he is saying. If each grenade was buffed by 5% then it is still a 25% nerf. By your logic each grenade shared the 30% nerf and each grenade was nerfed 10% each that is not how you add it up doesn’t work.
No one only spammed 1 seriously do you even play an engineer?
I am pretty sure the Devs used “spreadsheets” to “Balance” the class also and never actually played.
No way I will waste the money to respec and should not need nor be asked too. I will spend the gold to craft up another toon.
It is unfortunate that it seems the devs did thier testing on paper instead of in game. That is all I can figure out to make them so distanced from the actual game play to make these changes.
I prefer to protest with my wallet. Not even bothering to look at the store any time soon.
I tried a few different builds this weekend including condition and unles you just really like playing the Engineer I found no build that really worked well only subpar. Grenade condition on siege and keep defense is still pretty good but almost always removed with the multi condition removers most people have. Pistols have no real range and the condition isn’t that good anyway. Personally I don’t think condition build is good in WvW at all. Grenades are still the only really decent one to use but they have been nerfed into gimped world also.
In the mean time I love my 1000+ crit with autoattack Ranger.
Why would you want an engineer with 200 200 230 400 crit when you could have a ranger with 1000 1000 1110 with auto attack short bow then actually pay attention and snare daze vine in place with damage break out the longbow 1200 1900 3000 4000 5000 damage? It is assinine to me.
The point still remains that I don’t have an issue finding a group.
Well give it time. You are a filler you bring nothing to the table but a small amount of DPS and some broken utility. Give it a week when people realize Engineers are just there dying constantly with their weak skills and inability to do anything well. Jacks of all trades masters of nothing.
I’ve never had an issue getting groups as an engineer.
Sure did you play today? What does an engineer bring to the dungeon that a Guardian or Ranger and especially Warrior doesnt?
You have never been turned out in a PUG for being an engi? Seriously I doubt you play much then. Play your engi what 1 or 2 times a week and come on here and tell me you have never had a problem? Engineer is like the fat slow kid in dodge ball. The last one to be picked. how many times have you seen “LF1M Dungeon looking for Engineer” . Never
I’ve been playing my engineer none stop for a while. It is the only class I play at the moment. I never said that people look for engineers. I don’t really need Engineers to be so good that people specifically seek them out. I said that I have never had any issues getting a group as an Engineer. If somebody says LF1M for whatever, I ask to join and they invite me. I have not been turned away once.
Maybe you are on a bad server or something?
Engineers are the redheaded step children. They get a group because no one else is playing. I don’t care I have 4 other classes that out damage out live out heal out utility than a engineer. Engineer is a filler now because you have no one else to fill the last 5 man.
Why would you want an engineer with 200 200 230 400 crit when you could have a ranger with 1000 1000 1110 with auto attack short bow then actually pay attention and snare daze vine in place with damage break out the longbow 1200 1900 3000 4000 5000 damage? It is assinine to me.
I’ve never had an issue getting groups as an engineer.
Sure did you play today? What does an engineer bring to the dungeon that a Guardian or Ranger and especially Warrior doesnt?
You have never been turned out in a PUG for being an engi? Seriously I doubt you play much then. Play your engi what 1 or 2 times a week and come on here and tell me you have never had a problem? Engineer is like the fat slow kid in dodge ball. The last one to be picked. how many times have you seen “LF1M Dungeon looking for Engineer” . Never
I’ve never seen anyone advertise specific class LFM’s for anything but the tankier builds (warr and guard). Reason is that GW2 has too many glass cannon types running dungeons, and some of the glass cannons types (like Ele and Eng/Grenadier) rely on tanks to keep the enemies in one place so they can deliver some of that delicious AoE. Apparently tanks are the new healers.
Then play more.
I am not a glass cannon Engineer either. Play more dude. How can you even be a glass cannon and play grenades? Without the toughness and vitialty? Guess you are a bad one or played with bad ones.
(edited by Caldric.1685)
Grenades where a special thing that people who didn’t want to hit #1 and have a few shots of scotch and afk played. It is a constant absolute concentration skill. You are always there. Hell with Ranger I can hit #1 and go post on Facebook, with Grenades it took absolute skill and time and understanding where a mob would be in 3 seconds.
Ok Grenades took skill, that simple. Now I can play my ranger and still have a conversation with my girl on Facebook msg’ing.
I have played MMOs and MuDs since the 1990’s and I have never seen a class gutted like Engineers were.
Yup. I’m done. I figured this professions would see buffs. Nope, other way around. Too bad … this was my favorite class in WvW. I may just hang it up after what I experienced tonight. It’s not worth it.
Man I crit for over 1000 with short bow auto attack constantly. It is insane what they did to engineer. I loved having to work and think being a grenade throwing lunatic judging distance and being able to put nades on the target made me work. Now when the nades are on the target and all the time in between my ranger could have shot them for 10000hp. Sad
Why would anyone look for an Engineer to fit out a PUG? They are not good at anything but DPS and guess what they nerfed DPS into the grave. I am fine I have an 80 guard, 80 thief and 80 ranger. Engineer will be at the bottom of the list now.
I’ve never had an issue getting groups as an engineer.
Sure did you play today? What does an engineer bring to the dungeon that a Guardian or Ranger and especially Warrior doesnt?
You have never been turned out in a PUG for being an engi? Seriously I doubt you play much then. Play your engi what 1 or 2 times a week and come on here and tell me you have never had a problem? Engineer is like the fat slow kid in dodge ball. The last one to be picked. how many times have you seen “LF1M Dungeon looking for Engineer” . Never
(edited by Caldric.1685)
Funny how I get asked what class I am when asking for a group and then when I say Engineer I never hear back from the person. That was bad before the massive nerf, before someone would say “hey if he is grenades he is spot on!” Now they just never respond and who would blame them? Good job in destroying an entire class of players. I will just play my guardian and ranger up until you blast them with your nerfbat. Talk about gutting a class OMG. I felt ashamed even being in a group I was entirely gimped. 100 200 and 400 crit! I can hit for 1000+ almost constantly with my ranger, 10000 with my guardian… Yet Engineeers with 500 600 crit needed nerfing? Stupid is as stupid does.
I have played MMOs and MuDs since the 1990’s and I have never seen a class gutted like Engineers were.
(edited by Caldric.1685)
Engineer is pretty pathetic now in the damage area. Sad oh well my ranger and guardian got some love and my weak engineer got the nerf bat from hell.
Ranger Shortbow is god now
The changes suck find a new profession
Well we have snowball fights pretty much sums up the grenade kit now.
Yay for short fuse! Shelving this one waste of time. Who wants a gimp in a group?
Just tried it in bloodtide coast…. the damage reduction is bad very very bad.
Hitting for 116 or so on Drakes at level 80 200 crit
Blind hits for 70 crit
General balance
Engineer Kit Sigils. The Engineer now benefits from the sigils on their weapons when they swap to a kit. So, this means that you will have the ability to get sigil procs on your Flame Thrower, or Grenade Kit, etc. This means we had to tone down some of the kits accordingly, the biggest of which was the Grenade kit.
Engineer Grenade Kit Changes. We didn’t want to totally take away the power of this kit, but when it is able to proc sigil abilities, it becomes very strong due to its powerful AOE nature. So we’ve toned down this kit a little due to the sigils now working on engineer kits.from:
No need to speculate
Edit also related to engineer:
The Engineer is a highly versatile class. While it doesn’t have the long range capabilities of the Ranger, or the melee capabilities of the Warrior or Guardian, they are comfortable at medium ranges in most fights. They have a lot of control, and use their boons to keep themselves (and allies) alive in a fight. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.
Looks like they did though
Not sure they took into account how many times you miss when moving targets or just a small hill is in the way. Only in perfect conditions did grenades do very well.
Dang patching at primetime Anet!
Shrapnel went up a good deal also and I love that grenade on walls and zergs.
At the moment just wish I could patch such a great thing to patch on a friday night US prime time…
So only the 1st spam skill is nerfed and not the ice and such? If that is true with blind being able to damage now instead of just blind them and poison too it may not be bad at all. Not sure.
One question though would I be better off getting dual pistol now instead of my rifle could I get 10% increase back with 2 weapons? No reading problems but seems confusing to me at least but I don’t read everything that happens around here.
And it is patching
Although the explosion from blinding grenade may make up some of it don’t know will have to see when it patches.
Worse than the Thief Pistol Whip nerf people don’t exactly look for engineer when PUG either. Grenades made us useful.
Yeah I would keep my damage and forget a small amount from a sigil. Sad faces
I think that is bigger than my Eir Bow but I love Eir for its simple design and great stats.
We there yet? :P
Makes sense but broked my game
This is just dumb, either everyone raged quit today or they “fixed” overflow now can’t get a group on Sorrow Furnace just not enough people. Used to get home from work and get one in 10 mins or so and run level 20 but not now 42 mins and no group or overflow.
Thanks for the “Fix”
If it dosen’t click then it doesn’t nothing happens at 80 that is significant besides dungeons and such. Ranger is tough with the right runes and traits and can do massive damage, I don’t run much PvP at the moment but in WvW I have no major issues. I have 4 level 80s and they are different and fun in different ways. Not really something someone can tell you if it is worth it.
playing wow till its fixed, not waisting any more time on a broken character, thats been almost 3 months waiting to be fix… Its this slow progress that Bliz> ArenaNet
Never going to play WoW again. I mean come on, that would be like moving back to mom´s house because the shower doesn´t work properly…
None, Its like moving into your first apartment and seeing the shower looks all fancy/ new and shinning, then it not working for 3 months, then yes going back home the place you know that the old reliable shower works :P
OP 1 month ago, Ranger is worst now then OP posts ……. Very disapointed at the slowness of fixes in GW2 that is unless it effects Gems and there is aways a instant fix, funny that?
Rangers are not that bad off, they have problems but I have no problem with sb/lb builds with axe/horn when need. Very good in WvW better than many and less squishy in Dungeons PVE etc.
Main problem I ever had was longbow arrow speed but they say they are tweaking that so that LB is not useless against other players unless they are AFK or just real dumb.
Whispers but I already did Vigil to 80 with my Guardian. My Ranger is 78 now and caught up on the story line I think over all I liked the Whisper storyline better and think it was a tad easier than Vigil story on some of the missions.
Thanks MaxTwelve will go get me one of those fish.
I use Lynx because it has awesome DPS and I swap between Ice Drake and Blue Moa and Brown Bear as secondary.
Water I use Shark and Jellyfish I have not found any Armored Fish to charm yet but would like to they are hard to kill