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Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Ty for the feedback JustTrogdor I will take your suggestion and hopefully resolve this as I see it issue.

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


I guess I am just very bent out of shape about the whole selling any type of instance and that includes dungeons. I think it is very counter productive and provides no real benefit other than the ones that are selling which is very one sided and not good for people willing to do those same paths. As a note I do solo Arah paths and create a group without selling the spots. I just believe that is wrong.

(edited by Captnrandm.5986)

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Odd she would ask you to post this here as this is a direct answer to the question of home instance advertising from Gaile in this same thread.

  • Advertising an access portal is not allowed.
  • Guild Recruitment is not allowed.

Both are unrelated to forming a group and therefore are not part of the intended purpose of the Looking for Group Tool.

I have to ask, what would be the purpose of advertising on the LFG tool access to your home instance for random strangers if you are not intending to benefit from it in some sort of trade? It seems to me like you are looking for a loophole.

You are assuming I am looking for a loophole but I like to help people by providing ways of helping them with either things they do not normally have access to or by helping them achieve that. This is called kindness and that seems to be lost by allot of people.

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


So I tried to get this clarified by Gaile but she asked me to post my question I asked her on the forums so here it goes:
I have a question that I would very much appreciate if it was clarified. My question is, if someone using the LFG system advertises for players to join to have access to there home instance be considered an infraction? From my understanding and a few other people I have read on the forum about this it seems that the action of selling your home instance is the infraction. So as I see it, and this is where I would like the clarification, that just advertising for more “group members” to join and have access to said persons home instance would not be considered a breach because they are not “Selling”.

Missing PvP Reward Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Same thing happened to me but instead of opening the chests I put it into my bank switched to my war and opened them giving me the potions. I then tried to use them by double clicking them and that did not work no progress on my reward track. so then i thought maybe I have to use them in pvp only so I went to the mists and BAM there gone. Had 2 in my inventory now i just feel I wasted the time doing the dailies just to have it taken away.

Tonic Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


I also agree with this as the fact that later on as the game adds more and more tonics to the game if they do not implement this then it will just force players to have to have a bank tab specifically for tonics. That is both gimmicky and bothersome as it forces players to buy tabs just to keep the tonics for personal or bragging use.

cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


I have the same problem here too.

—I created my back piece before patch
—My seed was in my Account Vault
—I have started but not completed the new Living Story: The Dragon’s Reach, Part 2


Transmuted Spinal Blades upgrading?

in Crafting

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


I can confirm that you can still use it in the mystic forge even after changing is appearance but to be safe i changed its appearance back to its original. i am not sure if that made it possible or not but it still worked.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


So this is just a just a thought why not instead of making cultural armor they way it is as individual item skin make it an outfit. that would be a work around for ascended gear and allowing the armor to be more wanted. or maybe even be able to make a custom outfit and be able to have it in the outfit tab that would then allow one to use one or two pieces of cultural armor and have the look they want and not affect the use of the ascended being account bound. just a thought. one thing you could do is also just turn it into a consumable outfit as a whole for the cost of the full set respectively.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


so the problem i see with the wardrobe system is if you have ascended gear and select the appearance of cultural armor it essentially becomes bound to just that race. for example i have a set of heavy armor ascended gear and i want it to look like the charrs tier 3 set i have to use this new system but if i want to give it to my norn for some reason he cant equip it because it gets a racial restriction on it. so in order to work around this you either have to make a set of ascended gear for every cultural armor set you want for each race/class and or spend the crystals to transmute it into something that will work and then possibly spend more crystals transmuting it back. why didnt they just make the wardrobe system and appearance only and not binding it to the items themselves.

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


I have a question tho i am not sure if it was already asked but how will this affect the community of the rp servers? this seems to me as a large issue since there may be some rp servers that lean towards the hardcore and if all worlds eventually coexist with each other basically paring you with like minded people then there will be instances that you are not with people that want to rp and thus hurting that community.

Megaservers and cities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


The real issue is not really about the world cities being unique but more about what about the rp servers if they are affected by this that means that they will get people in there instance that are not into or understand rp. this makes a problem that if the server leans towards hardcore rping then if all of a sudden players that dont play that way show up it hurts there comunity.

Nowhere to Hide acheivment using a ranger

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


so after hours of trying to get this achievement and not successfully completing it I have came to the conclusion that the ranger pet is bugging this achievement. I have tried putting my pet on passive and still i get pushed back with no warning. i have stowed him but if i go into combat he pops out and the bug still happens. it seem to me that the pet moves just on or close to scarlet close enough for her to activate a threshold push back. after trying I did find a work around tho as a mechanic it should be fixed. the work around i found using the Guard ability to make your pet guard an area prior to going to get scarlet for the achievement worked. I still do not understand why content is put out and any class that uses pets has a harder time trying to do things because for some instances they count as you or a body and in this case i believe they should not since its exploiting the player that chooses to use that class.

Tequatl, Blackgate server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


at some point after the second battery defense phase and damage phase when Tequatl is stunned he went invisible and became unable to be targeted. I also heard reports that this happened yesterday as well. please fix

[FE] Five Elements - Blackgate - PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Five Elements [FE] is a guild of friends looking for others to play and just have fun. We are a PvX guild that has a focus on doing dungeons, world bosses, fractals, and WvW.

We are all located in North America and all our members play between 8am-2am PST. New and/or experienced players are all welcome.

Try us out today.

*Team speak 3
*Blackgate server
*North American Pacific guild
*We do Tequatl Daily

If you have any questions about the guild or about our members feel free to contact any of our staff and we will be glad to help you.

Rovuth (Captnrandm.5986)-Leader
Atoni Oni (deamon.3071)-Co Leader
Fredkruger (freddykruger.8639)-Second
Aemeri (Aemeri.5207)-Third

[FE] Five Elements - Blackgate - PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Five Elements [FE] is a newly made guild of friends looking for others of like mind, to play and just have fun. We are a PvX guild that has a focus on doing dungeons, world bosses, fractals, and WvW.

We are all located in North America and all our members play between 8am-2am PST. New and/or experienced players are all welcome.

Try us out today.

More info:
*TS server
*Located on Blackgate server
*North American Pacific guild
*We do Tequatl Daily

If you have any questions about the guild or about our members feel free to contact any of our staff and we will be glad to help you.

Rovuth (Captnrandm.5986)-Leader
Atoni Oni (deamon.3071)-Co Leader
Fredkruger (freddykruger.8639)-Second
Aemeri (Aemeri.5207)-Third

(edited by Captnrandm.5986)

Hunter's Insignia still creates Pillaging

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


So this just happened to me but with crafting level 35 hunter’s huntsmen weapons all 7 of them because i was discovering the crafted items. it appears to me that for some reason the hunter’s crafted components create the pillaging gear which is no longer valid and because of that it turns it into an account bound stat less item that cant be sold via auction or traded. the only good part is if you made it for yourself you can select the stat but for trading or selling that is not currently possible until fixed. It is also apparent on my other crafts that make the hunter’s prefixed gear. I also will include a screenshot that show an item I crafted that had the bug. so from my experimenting it is all the hunter’s gear that is bugged with the pillaging prefix still attached after crafted that makes it unsellable and not trade able. please fix as this is a not intended bug.
