Showing Posts For Castor Zenith.2039:

level 80 cap- dont raise it ever

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I haven’t played a lot of MMOs so I suppose you could take this with a grain of salt but I’d say that the downsides to raising a level cap are:

- Makes leveling a new character take longer
- Players tend to play in zones of their level so lower zones may be less populated
- Game needs to be balanced at these new levels (with the new stats, etc)
- For new crafting gear you have to invent a new tier of materials, etc

It doesn’t really strike me as necessary, but I know many players enjoy the leveling and feeling of increased power from leveling up, so I can understand the demand.

Take a harder stance on hacked accounts and gold selling spam...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I don’t think anyone but gold spammers wants gold spam to stay, Acewings. This forum moves pretty quickly so your thread might have just gone unnoticed. I disagree with your proposal though.

I can appreciate the frustration at seeing so many bots, map chat gold sales and in-game mail about gold sales, but I don’t think this is the right solution. Yes, most people whose accounts were hacked have made some mistake but the solution is to educate rather than punish those who have slipped up. Not everyone is as security-savvy as they should be, sure, but the right path is to help them learn and get them safe so they can enjoy the game again.

Scale Karma & XP based on real level, not adjusted level

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I think it would be nice to be given a proportional reward based on your actual level, but maybe not to the point where events in lower zones give exactly the same reward as events in higher ones. Downscaling works such that a high-level player with a good build and good gear still has an advantage over at-content-level players, because the downscaling only goes to a few levels above a piece of content.

My experience with lower zones and item drops is that about 50% of my item drops are set to my level and the rest are at the level of the area, so loot certainly doesn’t seem to have parity across all zones. I think this is a reasonable model for event rewards too. Maybe a compromise is in order:

Let’s say as a player’s level increases, so does the minimum event reward’s level – but this figure increases at maybe half the rate of the player’s level. For example, at level 1 a player doing a level 1 event would get a level 1 reward. At level 80 a player doing a level 80 event would get a level 80 reward. The difference is that at level 80, a player doing a level 1 event would get say a level 40 award. A level 40 event would net in this case a level 60 reward, and so on.

This system would provide significantly more incentive to run through lower-level content and to return to areas already completed, as the rewards would be far better than previously, but still discourage using lower content to farm or grind as the rewards still aren’t better than content at the player’s level.

Allow basic mobs to be knocked off terrain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I love that you can jump around and fall off stuff in this game. I’m also 100% OK with enemies that have launching attacks being able to push players off the edge of cliffs and whatnot, because it makes battles more interesting as players have to use terrain intelligently and be more wary of launching attacks. What I don’t like though is that I’m unable to reciprocate against enemies in the same way.

I’m pretty sure enemies are unable to be knocked off ledges because otherwise certain situations would become too easy – just throw an enemy off a ledge and let them die from falling damage. In particular certain attacks like the guardian’s slot 5 shield skill would be hilariously powerful on narrow platforms, because the player could gather a bunch of monsters around and kill them very easily. Here’s the solution I propose:

For any monster that is not a veteran or champion mob (ie. just normal ‘trash’ mobs), any launching or pushing skill can throw them off a ledge, provided that they are being targetted by the player inflicting the launch. Certain enemy types (like harpies and other flying mobs) would be immune to this effect, but general terrestrial mobs could be thrown off platforms and fall to their deaths. For enemies killed in this way, there is a lower chance of loot and the player gains less xp. Alternatively there could be a short cooldown before the next enemy can be launched off a ledge to reduce this feature’s farming power.


Get rid of level reqs for weapons/armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

If your suggestion were implemented people would pre-purchase the max-level exotic gear for a new character and use that all the way through to 80, allowing the character to save a pretty large amount of resources by never buying new stuff, meaning that it would put every new player at a disadvantage until they can reach 80 and afford new gear.

Email Authentication email has not arrived

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I’m not sure if this should be a support ticket thing but I figured I’d ask here first.

I told my game to send me an email authentication email on the first day of headstart access, but never receieved the email. I can no longer see a way to set up email authentication, and I don’t think my account has email authentication working on it. I’ve got a unique password for my account so I’m not particularly worried, but it’d be nice to set up this thing that you guys seem to be touting as a really powerful tool for ensuring the security of my account. I’d rather not have to relive the loss of all my cool loot from back in GW1, so can someone please help me set up email authentication?

PS: While I’m here, what’s the correct report category for people advertising powerleveling and gold sales? I usually put them down as ‘spamming’, but it could fall under a few of them. Maybe there should be a specific report category for gold sales?

Six Easy Steps to Fix Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

I also felt kind of let down at Air Magic’s relative weakness. Personally, I love the S/D skillbar for Air, and the Staff bar’s not bad either. Maybe if the whirlwind type skills (slot 4 for both Staff and Focus) counted as whirl finishers I’d find the utility more interesting, but for now I tend to use Air attune just as a fight opener with the 4-5 dagger combo.

I haven’t played any other class for very long but I don’t find I have too much trouble on my elementalist. The squishiness really shines through when I accidentally aggro too many mobs at once, but I’ve managed to hit 80 and have 90% map completion without ever running into a serious wall. I’ve struggled sometimes, but I generally attribute it to sloppy playstyle rather than Ele being particularly underpowered.

I guess I generally agree with the OP’s points, but I’m not sure if this works from a solid balance perspective because I can’t really compare to other classes.

Language filter bug?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

If I understand correctly, the forum uses a language filter that turns naughty words into ‘kitten’. I think there’s a problem with the filter’s use of spacing though.

Based on some posts I’ve seen, the format used for filtering certain words (in this case let’s use the pretend naughty word ‘hat’) works like this:
’ hat ’ -> ‘kitten’

There’s spacing on one or both sides of the filtered word, but not on the same sides as the replacement word. I think the use of spacing in these filters is to prevent the word ‘assassinate’ from being filtered and so forth, which is great.

Problem is that with the current filtering scheme we’re seeing spaces removed:
‘…stop knocking you on your hat’ -> ‘…stop knocking you on yourkitten’

I’ve only seen this a few times, probably because I rarely see filtered language, but I think it may also be an error in only one or two filter cases. Upon testing using the preview function, I’m pretty sure it’s only one case which you can probably deduce from the quote above.

I know this is a trivial issue but I figured I’d mention it, hope this helps.

Armorsmithing Ingredients not showing up in Disc Panel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Castor Zenith.2039

Castor Zenith.2039

The discovery panel only shows materials that can be used for undiscovered recipes, so after you’ve discovered all the recipes involving some material, it’ll no longer appear in the panel as an option. Are you sure the materials not appearing on the panel are used for any undiscovered recipes?