Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Showing Posts For Celsith.2753:
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
You have to remember that while for a user its simply a case of getting verified once and logging in, there’s actually a lot of work that goes into administrating a ts server and keeping it maintained. Why do you expect other people, who also really just want to play the game, to spend their free time manually doing admin when it could be done automatically? That’s an extremely selfish attitude. Have some thought for the people giving up their free time and money to provide their server with a service and be willing to make things as easy and quick as possible for them, in gratitude.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Telling people to rely on random rng drops is ridiculous. To give the other side of that coin, i’m maxed magic find, gain double figure ranks a day in wvw, wvw enough to diamond 6/6 both of my accounts weekly, and ive seen one ascended ring drop in the past several months. That’s all. Having to pve for a wvw legendary item or hope you are one of the lucky ones with the rng god is beyond bad design.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Immobilize, Stun, Daze, Moa, knockback, fear and Knockdown ALL need to make someone gliding drop their wings and at the moment either they dont, or it’s buggy. While I like gliding and i’m ok with someone choosing to fly away, i’m not ok with it having no counterplay whatsoever. There should be a risk that your enemy is prepared for you to open your glider.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
If it were lag, he would not have teleported 3x in down state. Usually with downstate lag their body is in ONE different spot than what shows, it doesn’t move around. Especially since rev has no downstate teleport skills
That used to be one of the ways to tell certainly. I dont think it holds true now. This isn’t the old, server runs like soup then catches up. This is effecting individuals and their ping is spiking up and down up and down, up to over 4k. So its very possible to see their bodies move multiple times now. I know when i’ve had this stupid ping spiking there has been friendlies in several different places trying to rez me. The more reliable tell for me now is as I mentioned above, seeing them randomly combo’ing skills when no where near anything.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
He’s lagging. Notice how he randomly uses skills when you aren’t even in range. Thats because he probably hit them 10s earlier and thanks to the stupid ping spikes in wvw at the moment you just get to sit there staring at your screen hoping something happened.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
After my zerg left, I decided to chase down the Daredevil to try duel him. It ended up a stale mate, he was harmless, couldn’t really do damage afraid I’ll catch him.
What is the trade-off from using a Daredevil from a core Thief?
The trade off is in your own words right there. Sounds like you wasted a lot of time being baited by a Nomad wearing troll who did NO DAMAGE.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I’m ok with people taking flight in combat but i’m not ok with not being able to cc them. Stuns, fear, etc should make you drop your glider.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I guess i’m one of the ‘minority’ vets that enjoy the gliding. Yes a few exploits need fixing. The one concern I have is that CC’ing people in the air hasn’t been making them drop their wings. This needs to happen as at the moment it’s a little too easy to simply glide away.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Im on my way to triple UD and I wouldnt mind the rainbow bloody footprints …
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Does anyone else find it incredibly hilarious that pvers were crying that the new wvw reward ascended was way too hard to acquire and are now crying that it’s all too easy?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
You can no longer teleport to 1st floor smc from the ground in the hallways either.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Supporting your allies will now contribute toward earning rewards for killing enemies and damaging event bosses. The actions listed below now cause a percentage of the target ally’s damage dealt for the next several seconds to also count toward your participation. In addition to that, damaging an enemy’s defiance bar will also grant you some participation toward receiving rewards from that enemy. In order to discourage AFKing with boon-applying auras, you must still be actively attacking targets to receive rewards from them.
Applying boons to an ally (small percentage).
Removing conditions from an ally (small percentage).
Reviving an ally (large percentage).
Healing an ally (percentage scales based on how much healing is given).
I get as many bags etc when running clerics on my ele as I do when running zerk.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Why dont you just make a party with the other people that were excluded and don’t want to be solo?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Id be perfectly ok with less bonus pips if the diamond last chest continued giving some tickets per go round, even if it’s less than the first time.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
you know, you can follow the commander and the zerg without being in the squad, right?
You know that you get way less rewards and wxp when following a commander while not being in squad, right?
Really, I must be doing it wrong. I mostly play gank classes/builds ankitten EVER in the commanders squad when im with the zerg. Nevertheless i’ve maxed out pips within a day both times so far. Here’s how to get contribution:-
For an objective, contribute to a guard or player kill.
For a player, cause damage to the player, or heal/buff someone else that damages them.That’s it. Neither way is done more easily in a squad than out. The only thing that makes a difference is how well your particular class does aoe damage, healing or buffing. If your single target ‘selfish’ dps you’re going to tag less than a staff ele, for example.
The only disparity is class and honestly, if you choose to play one that doesnt tag well, thats because you just want to play what you personally enjoy rather than optimal farming and that’s a choice we all make.
Your talking about skirmish rewards and pip gain through wvw participation. I’m talking about tagging npc’s and enemy players in order to gain wxp and bags. I’m also talking about how a party/squad impacts a players ability to tag more easily/efficiently then someone outside of a squad/party (solo). – which is true.
Again, its class that makes the difference, not party or squad. If you are solo and put out a boon, the game does not go, ‘oh hes solo so we wont buff 4 people round him’. If you have a 5 man buff, its going to buff you and four other people in range regardless of whether you are partied with them. Infact, last time I looked into it, it was slightly better to be solo, because things like regen and stability then prioritize people that don’t already have them, whereas if you are grouped it goes first to the people in your group that are in range. This is why some squads choose to have heal spec eles in their own group or maybe with one other, so it prioritizes the maximum amount of people needing heal.
Another person who is totally wrong about the mechanics of the game.
If you are not in a squad or party, and you put out a buff, heal, or cleans, it is proximity based. If you are in a party of 5, and your party is within range, it will prioritize your party, no matter who is in between you and your party. If you are in a squad, but not grouped into a sub-squad, i.e. by yourself, then you’re boons, heals, cleanses will prioritize the closest 5 people in the squad, no matter how many non-squad members are in between you and your squad members. The game goes through this check with every skill use. Party > Squad > Pet. Every time.
It doesn’t matter what class you are. WTF is that?
It is never better to be solo, you will get no heals, boons, cleanses. The only ones you get are coming from the closest other players that are not in the squad. And if the squad is nearby, it will go to them too. If that is the case, lets say running around EB with a bunch of idiot pugs who don’t want to be in squad or TS, then there’s a lot of redundancies. Here’s what I mean. Lets say everyone is stacked. There’s an obvious empower call, All the guards start empowering. If there are 3 guards close together. That generates 36 stacks of might to the nearest 5 players. Now, 3 of the guards are getting that and 2 of the closest players. That means there are 9 stacks of might being wasted. This is avoided by having people in squads and parties.
WvW 101.
You realize you just said exactly what I said right? :/ Might stacking is the reason I specified what types of buffs benefit from being spread around rather than just to party.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
All buffs, healing, and cleanses follow this priority: Party first. If a party member is too far then it goes to the closest squad member. Next are player pets. Almost every cleanse/heal/boon in the game affects you and 5 people, this is why parties are sorted into groups of 5, to ensure proper distribution an no redundancies. So, yeah, if you’re not in the squad, the chances of you getting any heal, boon, or cleanse is extremely low and you’re gonna die fast.
Which is the entire point of the argument.
Some builds doesnt need your party or the squad, they bring their own stealth, heals, cleanses and boons. Medium armor classes often happen to run these particular builds as they perform the role well.
That you argue “you’re gonna die fast” is the result of not using your class optimally true but that goes every way. I will argue the same thing if you want to take a meta AH guard into a 2 man group. Just GTFO because you’re complete kitten at it.
And to add to that, I only have one thing to say:
600 range.
To add to this, when we have a group along side the zerg, we tend to have a ‘pick build’ guard or similar around thats zooming round WITH the thieves/mesmers etc to be in range for an ‘oh kitten’ heal or buff. Being in party with a melee train guard would do them no good whatsoever as theyre never in range of them.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
you know, you can follow the commander and the zerg without being in the squad, right?
You know that you get way less rewards and wxp when following a commander while not being in squad, right?
Really, I must be doing it wrong. I mostly play gank classes/builds ankitten EVER in the commanders squad when im with the zerg. Nevertheless i’ve maxed out pips within a day both times so far. Here’s how to get contribution:-
For an objective, contribute to a guard or player kill.
For a player, cause damage to the player, or heal/buff someone else that damages them.That’s it. Neither way is done more easily in a squad than out. The only thing that makes a difference is how well your particular class does aoe damage, healing or buffing. If your single target ‘selfish’ dps you’re going to tag less than a staff ele, for example.
The only disparity is class and honestly, if you choose to play one that doesnt tag well, thats because you just want to play what you personally enjoy rather than optimal farming and that’s a choice we all make.
Your talking about skirmish rewards and pip gain through wvw participation. I’m talking about tagging npc’s and enemy players in order to gain wxp and bags. I’m also talking about how a party/squad impacts a players ability to tag more easily/efficiently then someone outside of a squad/party (solo). – which is true.
Again, its class that makes the difference, not party or squad. If you are solo and put out a boon, the game does not go, ‘oh hes solo so we wont buff 4 people round him’. If you have a 5 man buff, its going to buff you and four other people in range regardless of whether you are partied with them. Infact, last time I looked into it, it was slightly better to be solo, because things like regen and stability then prioritize people that don’t already have them, whereas if you are grouped it goes first to the people in your group that are in range. This is why some squads choose to have heal spec eles in their own group or maybe with one other, so it prioritizes the maximum amount of people needing heal.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
you know, you can follow the commander and the zerg without being in the squad, right?
You know that you get way less rewards and wxp when following a commander while not being in squad, right?
Really, I must be doing it wrong. I mostly play gank classes/builds ankitten ot in the commanders squad when im with the zerg. Nevertheless i’ve maxed out pips within a day both times so far. Here’s how to get contribution:-
For an objective, contribute to a guard or player kill.
For a player, cause damage to the player, or heal/buff someone else that damages them.
That’s it. Neither way is done more easily in a squad than out. The only thing that makes a difference is how well your particular class does aoe damage, healing or buffing. If your single target ‘selfish’ dps you’re going to tag less than a staff ele, for example.
The only disparity is class and honestly, if you choose to play one that doesnt tag well, thats because you just want to play what you personally enjoy rather than optimal farming and that’s a choice we all make.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
(edited by Celsith.2753)
Good point you have there,
Skitter.7389 if so why did he ad the rangers and thiefs in the first place if he does not want them? We were good enough when he had no one?
Because he was being nice and letting you take advantage of boons etc from other squad members probably. Once he had more people that could contribute the most sensible course is to include those people, sadly that does mean making room by booting classes/builds that dont help as much.
Honestly, gank is better off in its own group/squad anyway. You can move differently, go in and out together, flank and harass etc much better if you work together with like classes instead of grouped with the melee ball type classes. Use your class to its potential and stop trying to be something you arent.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Tired of hearing this rubbish. If I bothered to list my stats on gw2efficiency i’m r1 for the defense type achievements – supply used etc, because of all the scouting, defending, building siege, sentry and camp flipping and camp defending. It’s nothing to do with being one of the ‘backbone’ and everything to do with time spent and how you spend it. Wanna sit afk in the keep keeping one eye on the screen while you watch tv? You’ll be low rank and rightly so because you essentially were not playing the game. Actively defend, scout, flip camps etc back while running round checking swords, following enemy zergs? Youll be over or close to 2k easily by now.
Laziness is not scouting.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
For the 1st time in your life anet pls do not cave to casuals or players that don’t even care about wvw to lower the Reqs for armor etc.
I’d like them to go further and increase the amount of tickets you can get per week or get rid of the cap entirely. At the moment you get rewarded extra pips for being high rank and having played alot, which means you hit ticket cap faster and the rest of the week is unrewarded. Whats the sense in rewarding long time play with hitting cap and not having to wvw? Thats not a reward or perk.
I dont see why exotic or ascended gear should be time gated by months.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
If you heal someone, you get credit for anything they kill etc. You’re maybe not healing as many people as you think…..
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
They should have reset all wvw ranks ever earned in eotm. That would have been great.
If they did this, some of us would still be Diamond Legend and what would people complain about then?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
As someone who frequently runs a small tagless squad, I have to say that an invisible tag would not be excluding anyone.. from the game mode. They can still be on the same map, doing whatever they want, on my server pugs like Verthurnax are in the minority and will respond to callouts or go siege something without their hand holding. Someone happening to be on the same map as you with an invisible tag isnt stopping you doing anything.
What it is doing at the moment, is stopping that tagless squad from using features designed to help them, that they helped fund by buying the game and gems. Why is it ok for Anet to say you MUST have a beacon for all strangers to flock to you because exclusion is bad, but then exclude people from features they asked for and paid for?
MMO does not mean everyone has to be in the same place playing together like some fantasy happy family that never argues. It means that there are other players also in the world you are traversing. Some you will like and want to play with more, some you wont.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Im not sure how you are not getting much wexp from havok.
Not everyone plays as many hours, which is part of the point of giving more reward gain to players who play the mode more. I don’t see anything unfair about it.
Exactly my point.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Im not sure how you are not getting much wexp from havok. Yaks, sentries, camps, towers, it adds up quickly. Until HoT sucked much of the fun out of it for me I mained theif and mostly did havok and was ahead of most other players on my server. I made sure I killed a guard at every structure I passed just incase the blobbed flipped it later, because you still get credit for it provided you havent logged out, but thats about the biggest nod to trying I ever made.
Pure roamers that never touch an npc I can understand having a hard time but certainly not havok.
Rank is much more effected by the sheer amount of hours you play in my experience. Despite doing small stuff for the majority of the game and rarely setting foot in EOTM, (I have literally no EOTM achieves done), I’m Diamond Legend No Life :/
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
You missed his point completely. Regardless of win or lose, it’s not a fun fight.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
You dont want Mag, we frequently don’t have a commander and when we do its either a random tagged up and no VOIP or a guild is tagless and you arent welcome in their channels.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I don’t think that 1200 range alone is what people fear. Its 1200 range with massive damage, mobility and stealth that make people anticipate the worst. It would be ridiculous to have all this.
Like Druid?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Guardian Steal
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I believe the main technical issue against gliding in wvw is that you cannot simply use the invisible walls as in pve. They block everything, including siege shots.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
Read your ingame mail and aim your mouse where I tell you to.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
(edited by Celsith.2753)
It will reach all the way to the back of that tunnel to the dredge machinery just out of sight on your screen shot. As I said, just because YOU don’t know how to do it, does not mean its impossible. Stop aiming the mouse at the ground and experiment.
Straegen I sent you mail ingame telling you how to do it. We aren’t green or I might bother doing a short shadowplay clip.
I’m finding it pretty hilarious that you are insisting on telling me i’m wrong about something I did every day we were green. Maybe you should ask, ‘How’?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
(edited by Celsith.2753)
Actually the cannon absolutely CAN reach to the back of the dredge cave. Not knowing how to do it is not the same as something not being possible.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
For those that say the dredge tunnel was defensible, how? Trebs from LL can’t hit in there. Balistas built to hit in there are open to Ele wall fire. ACs fall short. Catas cannot hit far back in there since they either hit the ceiling or fall short. The mortar is completely useless.
The Cannon can hit right into the back of the dredge cave. There’s also bali spots that are right on the edge of aoe range. You could also flash build bali’s right in front of their faces to make them leave the catas while a group hit them from behind. Lots of tactics. The new wall is just.. happen to pass by with your eyes open, summon blob, or hop on smc or wc mortar :/ Too easy to defend against a smaller group, almost impossible to defend against a very large blob that places their catas in the nook behind.
I’ve played this change both as green dominant server and as red undermanned server now and my opinion remains the same. This is a bad change that harms smaller groups, discourages red when they’re already undermanned and helps enormously whoever has the largest force on the map (usually green).
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
We lost Wildcreek this morning for the first time this matchup, i’d say that demonstrates just how overpowered for defending this change was.
You are the one who is suggesting people attack smc etc first so I dont understand your attempt to be snarky about that. Oh, you don’t even play on ebg, enough said really
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
(edited by Celsith.2753)
If you own smc of course it’s not so bad.
Isnt that the entire point of WvW objectives? Encourage taking one to easier secure or take the next. Thats how objectives are threats to each other and thats how the cogs of WvW keep turning. When you bypass it we get DBL.
I dont really see the big issue. Dredge is meant to shortcut to camps. Not being able to cata from it is no big deal.
In my current matchup my server is green and has the highest population for most of the day, with the red server having the lowest pop. We have sieged to the fullest t3 smc for most of the day. So you think the low pop server should not attack a tower because its impossible for them to take t3 smc from our map blob? The poor smucks try to sneak attack Wildcreek and have no chance whatsoever because, even if we dont have watchtower or scouts, some random person is going to go by on their way to our stupidly op smc and notice them. Then they get whacked from all sides by multiple mortars etc and can’t even somewhat safely retreat because of smc. Fun for my dominating server i’m sure, but what about them? Should they just sit in spawn because they cant compete with numbers?
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
The WC change was a good one intentional or not. Defending against catas in that cave was all but impossible against a superior force. Now attackers at least have to work for it.
Langor is very difficult to take when defended. There are several spots inside to defend that back wall.
Wildcreek change is a horrible one. Defending against catas in the dredge tunnel was in fact extremely easy and i’ve regularly done so with a small force against a larger one. The change of wall has meant that attackers can now build catapults in the little alcove just behind the back wall of the tower. That is infinately harder to defend against as you can’t easily attack siege there from the tower itself or recieve treb help from the keep. If you own smc of course it’s not so bad.
Wildcreek change has also made this tower very hard for smaller groups. No longer can you retreat through the dredge if they send a 50 man zerg against your 5. You have to cata right out in the open by smc. No effort has to be put into scouting the tower, people running by cant help but see you. A bad change.
One tower I would like to see changed is Jerrifer. Ive always found it strange that the side wall is the one closest to the keep. It really ought to be the wall closest to Golanta that is attackable. It would still have plenty of places to have defensive siege inside it but wouldnt be as easily defendable by just throwing keep fire at it. And of course, would take a little more effort in scouting than just casually glancing from the keep wall.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
- Crash <—*
Assertion: val >= -0×001FFFFF
File: ..\..\..\Core\Basics\Windows\Math.cpp(249)
App: Gw2-64.exe
Pid: 2420
BaseAddr: 000000013F5B0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 65287
When: 2016-08-10T02:26:43Z 2016-08-09T22:26:43-04:00
Uptime: 0 days 5:48:43
Flags: 0
Several times a day, very annoying
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I’m on your server I think. A few tips:-
Capture and Holds are probably not going to complete. Start them but don’t sweat it if they fail.
Captures are easy. Usually its sentries/camps. You do need 3 people to be present.
Supply Lines. Yak walking is usually simple to get done. If you cant slot speedy yaks then ask in map if someone else will, (anyone can slot on a claimed structure even if its not their claim).
Tell people you are doing a gmission. I’m on TC and have completed Capture and Holds by telling everyone in map what i’m doing, sieging and scouting and calling for help when its attacked. Most of us squirrels will often show up at least
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I personally don’t think a solo player should be able to easily take a camp, at least make it a bit harder. Sorry solo players but gw2 is a group game. Just my opinion.
Hmm…when I login I’m not in a group. In fact, I seem to recall earlier that I wasn’t in a group until I accepted or initiated invite.
It isn’t a requirement.
Ok group wasn’t the right word I guess. It’s a multiplayer game and wvw is a multiplayer aspect of that game. I’m not saying it should be impossible to take a camp solo, it just needs to take a little more work. If it didn’t effect scoring then I would be fine with it, but it does and one persons actions shouldn’t have that big an effect on a whole map full of players.
One person taking a camp is not one persons actions having a big effect on a whole map of players. Its a whole map full of players choosing not to keep an eye on their camps, sentries or towers. That solo can only take your shineys IF YOU CHOOSE TO LET HIM.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I guess I give you a scenario. You’re a roamer, you see 5000 JQ coming to bay and your home BL is dead and you know the ktrain is in EB. You can buy your server those precious few moments to disable, whisper the EB commander for help and give your server time to respond.
My question is why remove the siege disablers?
In your example here you’re using siege disablers to compensate for a larger problem: population imbalance.
If population was balanced properly then siege disablers definitely should be removed as they encourage map hopping and blobbing.
If JQ had 200 players and FA had 200 players then you should be punished for not having a defensive force on your home BL.
However, because JQ has many more players than FA at the moment (during SEA anyway) – the siege disablers make sense. Having said that, JQ players make extensive use of siege disablers so it makes the job of your smaller guilds trying to ninja objectives much more difficult also.
TL;DR – what you really need is a more balanced population.
I agree, no arguments here.
I disagree. Your 200 FA were fighting those JQ on another map. JQ zerg map hops to try to pvdoor a keep on another map. Brave scout disables enabling your zerg to follow and continue to fight.
Its not the defenders fault their equal pop was on a different map because thats where the attackers were 4 minutes earlier.
Siege disablers are one of the few additions to the game that actually helps the defender as much as it does the attackers imo.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
You may discuss, argue, fall down and scream about this all you like, But this will not be changed.
So deal with it.
This change did not need a specific date, and did not need more communication. It was in patch notes, I wouldn’t expect a huge fanfare or several articles about a change which isn’t exactly a big deal anyway.
All the playerbase needed to know was that this was going to happen. So it was in the patch notes in the relevant section. You would have had people complain no matter how long or short the Reward Track beta was.This kind of attitude from people just makes me really hope the next WvW change is only announed under “Fractal Beta Testing” or something, in the next wall of text patch note.. Would be interesting to see how many people in these threads suddenly change their tunes about things being announced properly. :P
It WAS announced properly. It was a change regarding wvw currency and was therefore correctly placed in the wvw section. Be assured that next patch I will read any fractal headed notes as I have fractal relics sitting somehow, and thus have a vested interest in reading that section :p
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
GW’s implementation of siege weapons shouldn’t be repairable, some are incredibly powerful and common as dirt on top of that. I’m gonna laugh my kitten off when blobs just repair their siege through defensive siege fire and the guys in the walls get blown up trying to repair their’s.
This is exactly what is going to happen. Voting yes is a vote for more blobbing to win.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
As a person who never plays WvWvW I never read WvWvW section of the patch notes, why would I?
Because you were sitting on the wvw currency and therefore had an interest in the changes.
1/ Supposedly wvw’d or collected ahievement badges just for the GoB BUT chose not to buy the GoB.
2/ Despite sitting on the currency to buy GoB, chose not to read the wvw patch notes.
At some point you have to stop expecting your own mistakes to be rectified for you, own your bad choice and suck it up.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
What’s so hard to understand about “WE ALREADY DID ALL THAT ALREADY”? WE EARNED IT ALREADY"?
If I want more Gifts of Battle, then I will play MORE WvW without problem.
And I had to redo pve content when I decided to make HOT legendaries. Why can’t I automatically get credit on my collections for the jumping puzzles i’ve already done? I’ve already killed Mordy so why do I have to do him twice again? MORE PVE FORCED ON ME!!!!
At least you COULD have bought the GoB when you had the badges. You chose not to.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
This change is so crap. Are we forced to join wvw and be active for 10 hours or i don’t know how much it needs to be to get the gift for a legendary?
p.s: I want to scream in rage i can’t believe it we are forced into another grind , again!
A drop in the ocean compared to how much pve we are forced to do.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
I run a wvw guild that has up to five active members a night. Got our guild to lvl 38 and would have had the +5 tomorrow anyway. Still I’m glad for the change, our resources will now go into finishing getting all the tactics finished.
Thundercat Snarf – Thief
When they are not “dueling” they are flipping camps and ganking strays.
So stop them duelling so they go back to .. flipping camps and ganking strays? /logic
Thundercat Snarf – Thief