Showing Posts For Cenzuo.6328:
Are there any youtube videos of the Qualifiers yet? Unfortunately due to the timezone difference I wasn’t able to catch all of the action, would be really grateful if anyone could provide me with one (or just an ETA for them).
A few people here are missing the point of a specialization. Just because the current thief is meant to be all sneaky and stealthy, doesn’t mean that the new specialization has to be also. Personally I would like to see thieves get offhand sword or greatsword and get a mechanic similar to assassins in gw 1 with combo skills and chaining skills into more powerful skills. Who knows, it’s all speculation
Is Rune of the Nightmare considered a good rune for P/P condi engi? It increases the uptime of all your condis and the fear can let you chain into your other skills nicely.
I’d much rather see a reward track that simply gave me gold for my efforts, I know crafting mats can be sold for gold, but you have to depend on RNG from the loot boxes to get them.
Will any of the content they announced at PAX be available without buying the expansion? For instance, the new WvW map can’t be withheld from players that haven’t bought it, same goes with the new PvP mode.
It would be nice but I imagine they will make you buy one separately, they aren’t that expensive and they probably will put them on sale also.
So, here is my build and I based it largely off the mace/sword condi build found on metabattle, but I incorporated a bit more burst. I don’t really mind if it’s not meta, and i’ve done pretty well with it so far, but i’d like to tweak it a little. My main question is if celestial amulet or carrion is best for this build. My second is if I can add any more healing to it without losing my confusion or my burst from eviscerate.
Using slick shoes you’re sacraficing much more (eg. kit), so it shouldn’t be too weak.
OC shot – 12 or 15sec cooldown, 1 target, it knocks you down as well. Now compare it to warrior’s hammer…
cross-class comparison’s rarely work well due to the different mechanics and roles/play styles each class have. I’m not saying we should gut the skill completely, but I feel that in it’s current state it is too hard to dodge (instant) and on a short CD to boot. Adding a telegraph and 1/4 second cast time gives it some counter play (which if we doing class comparisons, the warrior hammer has long telegraphed cast times).
When I speak of CC I mostly speak of slick shoes and and OC shot. I was in a PvP match and was discussing with an engi about OC shot being a little too strong. He was insisting that none (but me) thinks it’s too strong and that if we do nerf it, it will harm the non-meta builds more. All I was suggesting was a telegraph and a 1/4 cast time to allow a little bit of counter play to it. He did agree that slick shoes was too strong but I didn’t know how to tone it down. Does the engi community agree that our CC needs to be adjusted or am I by myself here?
What if everyone got different classes for their dailies? I mean I can’t imagine it would be hard to randomly generate two classes on each account. There would be a lot less chances of class stacking I think if they did this.
Occasionally when fighting a guardian with a greatsword, a short time after uses whirling wrath I randomly take a bunch of damage and when I check the combat log it says I’ve been hit by whirling wrath. This only happens with that one particular skill. Unfortunately I’ve never thought to record it but it has happened to me more then once.
I think a lot of these issues can be solved by simply moving Power Wrench to grandmaster tier! It would reduce the damage of Prybar, which hits for like 3-5k with might stacks on a cele build lol, and it would make it so you can’t trait for 20 second Magnets and 16 second Gear Shields unless you give up Alchemy sustain, which you won’t and shouldn’t! After all, Tool Kit is one of the most powerful kits the Engineer has and is definitely deserving of grandmaster status! We can then swap Gadgeteer to the master tier which would buff gadgets! But not really since Gadgeteer is absolutely balls! We all know gadgets need more buffs!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Vee Wee makes a good suggestion here, swapping traits instead of directly nerfing skills might encourage trying out new builds. If this happens as well as a nerf to OC shot, slick shoes and IP, then I think engineers will be in a reasonable place.
this game needs tutorial with match vs AI
unfortunately, unlike other games which have a more team deathmatch style of play, conquest is a lot more complex. Getting bots to fight AND rotate/hold points would be a very difficult task (I’d imagine, I’m not a programmer). No point just having bots run at each other, as that would not explain the primary objective of conquest very well.
Problem is practice mode isn’t meant exclusively for newbies, it was meant for people of all skill levels to practice new builds and classes. If it was meant for only new players, surely there would be a rank limit or cutoff point of some description to stop what is happening now. If you really wanna get down the raw basics, the best this game has for you are those npcs in the pvp lobby (even though they suck and dont really represent their classes very well). After that, your best bet is doing some unranked games.
I almost exclusively play sPvP (occasionally WvW and Dungeons) and I like this change. Before the change I didn’t really get anything useful from the daily system (karma and laurels, woo). Now I receive something I cans actually use, it’s not super amazing but at least it’s something. I think this change was better for sPvP and WvW players than PvE.
Honestly, I think 6/0/0/4/4 is much better than 6/0/0/6/2 atm. Between vigor, tool kit’s block, and super speed’s stun break, you really don’t need protection injection. The -50% duration on soft CCs you get from the combination of Hoelbrak runes and leg mods is godly, but if you’re playing against a comp without much soft CC (what are you playing against, anyway? 5 guards?), you can take power wrench for lower cd block/pull and some hilariously high pry bars against squishies when used with intelligence sigil. Not to mention having all your toolbelt skills recharge at 25% hp, meaning you can play offensively with Super Speed and have it off cooldown to disengage with should things go south. It’s also useful for Toss Elixir S recharge.
You do make some good points and I’d completely forgot about inertial converter, which would make a lot of sense for someone using slick shoes and elixir S, however if you use elixir gun like I do, I think it’s usefulness decreases slightly, since unlike elixir S and slick shoes tool belt skills, elixir gun’s skill does not provide any disengage (since at 25% some regen isn’t going to do you any good). As for leg mods and power wrench, they are both really great traits, I guess in my mind 4 seconds of protection just sounds really good to me. I think if you are using slick shoes and elixir S, then 60044 is better.
I think this accurately summarises what needs to happen to eles. They weren’t a problem prior to runes and amulet change, so the root of the problem should be there.
As the title suggests I’m asking about the viability of several variations on the meta cele build. On cele rifle 6 in explosives is pretty much mandatory and alchemy is so good, trait variations are quite limited. However I tried 6/0/0/6/2 so I can get vigour, protection and backpack regen and I really like it. But am I missing out too much on other trait lines?
Secondly, recently I have seen a lot of engis use slick shoes, is that just due to a lot of players copying what they saw in WTS? Is elixir gun still viable?
Thanks in advance!
this pretty hilarious bug occurs every once and a while when I join a hotjoin game. Basically what happens is I choose a side and it puts me in the wrong spawn/base and I can fight people inside their own spawn. This doesn’t happen to me after I die (I don’t keep respawning there). Their reactions where quite amusing, even being called a hacker.
In the attached screenshot I joined the red team and was placed in the blue spawn. (The archers/defenders didn’t attack me) I blacked out the chat and the names since I don’t know anet’s policy on that.
I still don’t understand why you need to see other people mmr, I can see a practical reason to see your own mmr, but not others. If it gives us some benefits that outweight the possibility of being harassed then I’m all in, but untill someone gives me at least 1 good reason I don’t see it being a good idea.
The point of showing everyone’s mmr, is the reason other competitive games have some sort of visible mmr (WoW, Dota 2 etc), which is to compare yourself skill wise and to rank yourself against others. It’s a competitive statistic that tells other how good you are (or atleast how good the mm system thinks you are).
Another reason would be to justify your win/loss. If my team losses badly but i see their mmr was higher than ours, then that can help explain our loss, rather than just having to accept it.
If you want a nice, judgement free match, unranked is right there, ranked is called ranked for a reason.
Ranked is ment to be a place for people who wants to compete in a system where loosing and winning mean something, that doesn’t mean you are authorised to harass and bully people.
If the mmr is shown at the end of each game, players will be given the opportunity to see each players mmr. After that they can leave, they can leave before the mmr is even shown. There is really no time for players to flame each other. If players go to the extent of flaming you via whispers, then you can block them. I’m not really seeing the problem here.
This isn’t very well thought through. People used to flip out about ranks being next to the name. I have seen people flip out about having level 1’s on their team. Showing the MMR would just increase the ragey-ness needlessly. I can not wait for the dishonor system to work as the devs intend it to work. The 4v5’s are almost a thing of the past. With this new system, it’s all but gone when compared to how it used to be. Just wait until the matches start balancing themselves out and players are pitted against like-skilled players. The system isn’t even fully implemented yet.
I’d like to remind you where I said at the end of the match. This will prevent those ragers from flipping out during the game. On a side note, why does anet show the characters PvE level? It makes no sense to me or has any value whatsoever in a PvP context.
I have no clue why in this game ppl fear the truth.
I do not fear the truth, I just want to play a good game without me or someone else being harassed by other players just because of MMR lol.
If you need to show how good you are to others you can always try out ESL and other tournaments.
If you want a nice, judgement free match, unranked is right there, ranked is called ranked for a reason.
Couldn’t they just make the leaderboards based on the mmr the matchmaking system uses to find you games? Surely the “best” player will have the highest mmr so they will be put at the top.
This would only bring more toxicity/rage at the end of the match.
If anet is worried about this, then just show the other teams mmr, however I think it won’t be that big of an issue if anets matchmaking system works well, since everyone should be in the same mmr range
….at the end of the game when they show us the scoreboards. I don’t want to be elitist i just want to know how good the people are that beat the kitten out of me, and know how good the people on my team were. Also show who were in a party or where solo (all of this would be confined to ranked queue so people could still play unranked if they didn’t want to reveal their mmr)
Pls make this happen anet ^.^
Great games, well played from both sides!
First game was such a nail biter i also completely forgot about the time, the games were so close, they were all decided on one crucial mistake from either team. Sizer played really well, decapping like a ninja, but unfortunately wasn’t enough
Also well played to Phanta and rom with those epic 1v1’s that lasted forever.
Last game at temple was confusing, strange placement of Tage at stillness lost them control of the game I think.
Just a shame about the dodgy stream business at the start, thanks to jebro and nick for the stream ^^
All in all great games, looking forward to pax!
Hey guys,
I wanna know if I can replace grenade kit with another utility, could be another kit like bomb kit, without reducing its viability? I’m running a small variation of this build , but kinda tired of the grenade kit, all you do is swap to grenades, throw at other team, swap out. Anyone else running something different? (I’d like to keep the other two kits)
Ah, well that’s depressing. since there is no chance of them getting servers close to me, just gotta learn to live with it I guess, or move to America :P
(Hint: come on anet, think about it, oceanic servers, it’s a great idea!)
I dunno about Ip addresses or servers or routes or whatever, so could you super smart guys tell me if the lag is coming from me (living in australia) or anet?
After experiencing lag recently, I was told to use -diag tool, but I do not understand that parts regarding connectivity, if anyone can tell me if the lag is server side or just the fact I live in Australia, that would be awesome, since I cant make heads or tails out of this.
Does the lag only happen while you’re in a PvP map? Does it also occur in the PvP lobby? Other maps?
All game modes/maps (PvE, sPvP, WvW)
How long does the lag spike last? Does it ever clear up?
It fluctuates between heavy rubber banding and skill delay to moderate, doesn’t clear up
Of your last 5 GW2 play sessions, in how many of them did you experience lag?
Are there specific times of day when do or you don’t experience lag?
When do you remember first experiencing lag of this severity in GW2?
Recently (2 weeks ago)
Do you also experience lag playing other games? NCsoft games like Wildstar?
Don’t play any other NCSoft game but no other game I play has this lag
Do you live in NA or EU?
Are you playing on NA or EU servers?
Was your account ORIGINALLY created on NA or EU?
It’s not just EU players, everyone across the world seems to be experiencing issues with lag/latency. I can confirm that it is not from my side as I used the diagnostic tool and seems good to me. I also see no lag (compared to GW2) when playing other mmos or online games.
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Time: Throughout the day (whenever I’m on)
World: Devona’s Rest
Description: All game modes (PvE, sPvP and WvW), experiencing heavy rubber banding and skill delay, even when I’m the only character on the screen or on the lowest settings. This has only happened recently, but makes the game unplayable.
5/5 sessions have had this type of lag
No (noticeable) lag when playing other games
Live in Aus
NA servers
Originally made in NA
(edited by Cenzuo.6328)
So, I claimed my week 2 awards from the battle historian, and I just logged back into the game and checked my funds and see now that my funds have gone from 150 to 0… This is really annoying since I was planning on getting the mistforged dagger skin and now I have to wait another 2-3 weeks depending on how well my world does.. Anything I can to do resolve this? (I have sent a /bug report).
Doesn’t make sense for me. First, this skill is more about single target, you can hit some other guys with it, but you probably won’t. Second, it has nice and distinctive mechanics and you propose to change it to another PBAoE with blast (snip)
Actually all I have done is add a blast and make it PBAoE, the extra damage on burning foes is STILL there, but in an aoe format, which is more fitting with the rest of the skills. If blast is too much then remove it, but I still believe aoe is the right way to go
Ok so you guys think blast is too much, fine by me that was just an afterthought. The real idea I was driving at was removing the buggy targeting system fire grab currently works on and making it fit the theme of aoe that fire attunement has atm. Hell keep the skill exactly the same but make it PBAoE (same radius/range as old fire grab), all this would do would then make it easier to hit, which I think would make this skill a 1000x better.
Personally my armour is a mix of knights and zerker with celestial trinkets (but you said no celestial so go with what you are lacking) . My runes are hoelbrak because I can’t afford strength runes and my weapons are valk with sigils of battle and fire
Are these without points into traits? Either way I believe the stats to go for in wvw are (these are considered by some to be a minimum)
16000 health
2000 power
2400 – 2600 armour
Crit chance and damage are up to you, but try and keep these pretty high
Healing power is up to you and how confident you are as an ele
No idea about condi damage
I find I can put in some celestial trinkets because they aren’t that hard to obtain (except those dam accessories, 40 laurels and 50 globs of ectoplasm? ) but my armour is normally then more oriented towards dps with a mix of knights and zerkers
Just an idea as I was thinking about our D/D skills and fire grab seems out of place in the fire attunement full of aoe skills (well it’s kinda aoe) and also the fact that it’s really hard to aim. So my idea is to change it into a PBAoE like arcane brilliance.
Overheat (or some other cool name)
Creates a fiery blast at your location that does more damage for each enemy unit burning
Max units: 5
1 unit: normal fire grab damage
5 units: max fire grab damage
Blast finisher (synergies with our fire field)
Radius about the same as our firefield
CD keep the same
What do you guys think? Maybe the damage would be OP but I think the skill flows with all the burning we can produce
(edited by Cenzuo.6328)
Ok so coming back with some results from you guy’s input – I help my team defend home and just roam around the map and I feel much more impactful. However with 1v1’s I have begun to notice I don’t seem to do much damage, is there a dps rotation I can use? At the moment all I do fire 3/fire 5/fire 4/earth 2/earth 4/air 1 spam
Thanks for the all responses guys! I think I’ll stick to D/D until I get down the sPvP basics, then I might try D/F and other trait setups.
@Gokil so at the beginning of the match were should I be headed? I think most of my problems come from a lack of map awareness also
Hi guys I have just started using my ele for sPvP (been 80 for a while but haven’t touched sPvP before) and would like to use D/D as it seems the most fun for me. So I logged in and followed the meta of celestial ammy and str runes with 0/0/2/6/6 (unless that’s not viable anymore?) and am having some trouble with it, I understand a lot my problems come from a lack of practice but I feel like I’m doing something wrong here. What is the role of a D/D ele and does that change on different maps (on the solo que map rotation) i feel like I do not have a lot of impact and my score at the end of the match normally reflects that. At the moment with my 0/0/2/6/6 build (earths embrace for the 2 in earth) I either head mid at the start or get home and bunker there. If i head mid i struggle to stay in the fight and die and if I just sit at home at the start i feel like I’m wasting my time. Also even with my strong condi removal I still get destroyed by condi heavy builds (necros and engis)
Any constructive feedback (positive or negative, I know I’m a noob) will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Right thanks for the replies ^^
I can do the combo now after a bit more practice and using your tips
Hi guys I just got a question to ask about this combo… Is it working as intended? When i see people do it they starting burning speed and then blink to their desired location which cancels the slide and just does the explosion. Whenever I do it I just keep sliding after I blink.. Am I missing something? This seems like a really good way to start a burst and i would really like to know how to do it…
Thanks in advance ^^
@Thibash and Adastra. I believe Pyrasia was refering to the Hunter’s 1H sword and its autoattack chain locking you into a leap at the final attack in the chain, preventing you from dodging or moving. @OP’s original suggestion, I agree it’s just an annoyance.
Jon… I do hope you take notice of whats being said here about ele’s arcana and water trait line. Just echoing the many other players, moving elemental attunement and renewing stamina both to master is a huge mistake! those two are pretty core in DD builds and If you think its going to stop people from going into 30 arcana 20 water, well there is even more of a reason to now….
Move one back to adept, and bring cleansing wave back to adept also, that’ll encourage build diversification due to have more points left over to customise our builds. Over than that, great job with the rest if the changes, love em
(edited by Cenzuo.6328)
Ok thanks the for the responses, I have tried D/F and S/F and they are both pretty good as well and have included another cantrip to my skills (mist form, lightning flash and arcane blast). I have also got power presicion arnour and some toughness/vit power trinkets and weapons, see how that helps.
I am wondering though is it worth using sigil of restoration at low levels or is the other healing spells much better? (glyph/ether)
Hey guys I have been levelling my ele for a bit and 1-30 has been pretty easy but all of a sudden I have been experiencing quite alot of diffculty surviving against most of the pve content which involves handling more than 2 npc at a time, I have been using vit toughness gear and power vit weapons and trinkets but I still have some problems staying alive, Im rocking D/D as it seems the most solo friendly but getting in those npcs faces has been proving a little tricky as of late, my traits are 0/0/3/10/10 if that helps. I dont know if this is usual as eles are a high practice squishy class or a serious l2p on my part.
And dont get me started on underwater combat
Thanks in advance!