Showing Posts For Chanra.3561:
For the past week or so it’s been nearly impossible to play my thief in unranked or hotjoin. There is a new Stealth detection application that is plaguing PvP at the moment. From Engineers tracking stealthed players with the Flamethrower to other thieves following and landing every auto attack perfectly after Me being in stealth for 20 or so seconds to Players hitting players in stealth with small placed AoE skills (e.g. Engineer Mortar Kit) with perfect accuracy even if I’m 20-30 feet away from the area I have stealthed in.
I was unaware of how this was possible until a friend let me in on what was going on. He’s been using a hack he found on youtube for about a week and even dueled me to show that it works. I won’t name him but If you do catch him feel free to ban the cheating scum. This hack is available to everyone and will lead to classes like the Thief being made obsolete.
Issues here also :/
Issue was due to Windows 8’s hybrid boot mode! A corrupt network file was being held in the kernel and not releasing when restarted – shutdown /s /t 0 and a DNS flush fixed it right up!!
Hey there!
Could someone please help me read these results as I do not know 100% what I am looking for at this point in time. I’ve been getting disconnects that result in a black screen and I then have to Alt +F4/Ctr to close the game. This has been happening every 1-20 minutes since I changed over to fiber, I’m well aware that the issue is on my end but I would like some advice on how to solve this problem. (My ISP is useless in regards to help for the problem , So I shall ask you kind people!)
Edit: Someone is probably going to call me an idiot for not deleting my IP…….it’s a spoof.
(edited by Chanra.3561)
If it’s farming you guys are looking for then north of the southernmost Waypoint in Southsun, there is a good spot in the water. I average around 31 armored scales and 150 T5 mats, 1 Exotic and 4 rares per hour. Barracuda, Sea Scorpions and Reef Skelk be your friends.
Mf = 286% (with food & booster buffs)
Was buying cloth Lvl.15 gloves from the PvP vendor and throwing them in the forge.
The level 21-24 gloves that were coming out were then salvaged for wool scraps and then converted to wool bolts and sold on the TP. Was making 300-400g profit daily until our guild crashed the wool market lol.
These days I’m making around 20g daily from PvP (Salvaging Exotics/Rares for ecto and insignias) and around 2g from WvW.
Imo, a Meditation Guardian has the highest AoE burst (Easiest to land too), guard has many instant cast Aoe skills which make them beasts vs other squishies. The only problem with them is they are squishy and require use of blinds and blocks for sustain.
On my Zerker Med Guard I can kill the heavy golems in PvP in just under 3 seconds (with a 2 second setup).
If you want a full glass combo I would go with this rotation. Empower—>*Weapon swap*—> Shield of Wrath—>Virtue of justice—>Zealot’s defence—>Judges Intervention—>Smite condition.
Does around 19K AoE damage to heavies (3000 Armor) and an additional 9-11K damage to your primary target. Don’t expect too live for too much longer after that burst but it can force an entire team off of a point and kill the squishies who are caught off guard.
Ping to Usa (SA) is 37Ms with 0Ms jitter.
37ms to the US from where again?
37MS was supposed to be 370Ms*
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
Keep in mind when your ISP advertises 100Mbit, that’s generally local speeds, but there’s going to be a bottleneck in the international trunk. So even if you get blazing speeds while accessing websites (which generally have their content mirrored in CDNs across the world, so it’s fast because you’re actually accessing a foreign site locally), you’re likely to get a different experience when the data you’re trying to access exists only overseas.
Like data from an MMO server.
Again…..Please read my previous comments regarding me downloading Archeage less than 5 hours ago at 11.2Mb/s.
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
I do get lag here in Aussie land, but it’s usually for one of two very specific reasons:
- when I run a pathping command (eg. pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 to Anet, usually Level3 is acting up which is the point at which the signal from overseas lands in the US, or not far from it. Level3 has a lot of issues with it on a high regularity.
- my exchange runs at ADSL2+ speeds (24Mb/sec), but I get the feeling it shouldn’t be able to do it. During peak times (4:30pm – ~11pm) the connection speeds take a nosedive, sometimes not even getting 2Mb/sec. I don’t live that far away from the exchange so I’m usually pulling 17-18Mb/sec speeds outside of those times. This severely hampers my play times.
Bring on the NBN.
I was having roughly the same connection as you (Nearly maximum DL speed at offtime hours but greatly reduced to 1-2Mb/s between 2:30-10pm) until my connection to gw2 servers completely jacked out on me, making the game unplayable. I could still do PvP to some extent but I was having to write shopping lists for my friends because I couldn’t access the trading post (My main source of income). Even simple things like buying transmutation charges I can’t do and TBH I can’t even remember what the TP window looks like, it’s been that long.
I tried to do a ping test through CMD to the Trading post URL just to test what is going on there……came back at 12,833MS :/. Testsed the same address 3 months ago and it came back at 320~Ms 0.o. I don’t understand why it is taking 12 seconds to get a response from the server, will be testing the game client’s download IP very shortly.
Can anyone else perform a ping test so that I can have some comparisons?
I am east coast US on Borlis pass world never get Lag… I would tend to think your ISP is having issues….. Have you run a speed test while the game is running????
Read the previous posts, while running the game my connection stays at maximum speed and downloading other games is just fine. Gw2 is the problem. Nothing else
Well….Ill get back to you guys in 400+ hours once my download is done lol. Thanks for the help.
I don;t understand why it is only gw2 having the issues…….No idea why this started happening to me & my friends all of a sudden.
Attached is my Archeage download speed.
Vitualtourist Aye, well. I will be talking to Spark and sending my diagnostic reports to ANet. Tena koe my friend.
Jhonnymiller May just be an issue with my town’s connection then :/
Could be. I had an issue earlier this year & it turned out my phone was the problem. Replaced it and all is well. Check your phone line for crackling sounds.
I’m playing out of the South Island on a 10mbps connection.
I’m playing out of the south island also on 10Mb/s, will check my phone line for static and will unplug any filters plugged into non used jacks
Vitualtourist Aye, well. I will be talking to Spark and sending my diagnostic reports to ANet. Tena koe my friend.
Jhonnymiller May just be an issue with my town’s connection then :/
Johnnymiller Where are you located may I ask?
Friends are using Spark & Vodafone, no difference between the ISP as far as connectivity to the server. I had a friend around yesterday and we tried many different methods but none seemed to work. Both of us experience the same sort of connectivity issues but only to Gw2 servers.
Virtualtourist I ain’t no scrub!! lol I only port forwarded the ports that I mentioned above.
I am with Spark (telecom), New Zealand.
As I posted in my original comment, A lot of my Oceanic friends are having the same problem. but Ill try swapping to google’s DNS just to make sure I have checked all the avenues. I just opened all the ports on my router but that had no effect.
Tao this was my first google search lol…..wouldn’t be a bad idea tbh.
Virtualtourist I was anticipating a post like this. No not on my end. Speed test is 94.9Mbit/s Uown/ 67.3Mbit/s Up. Ping to Usa (SA) is 37Ms with 0Ms jitter.
This has been a problem since before I reset my PC to factory (Which I only did today) and there have been no changes to my ISP or my router and DNS server.
I don’t have any problems connecting to any other game server or or site yet I experience huge issues connecting to Gw2 servers and forums. I downloaded Archeage today (all 9.8Gb of it) in under 14 minutes (less than an hour ago) so there is deffo no issue on my end. As I said I tried all the command line arguments and I also did a diagnostic of the Gw2 launcher, added exceptions in my firewall for ports 80, 6112, 433 and 6600 (both UDP & TCP).
Actually it appears it has finished but I did notice this
= Checking server connectivity
Section completed in 0.00 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed
Section completed in 10.19 seconds
:/ sadly I cannot gain a good connection at any time of the day. Only a recent problem though.
ran the -diag command line and this is what it’s been stuck on for the past 2 hours…..
First I have to say, I love this game. I’ve been playing for 2 years now with no issues with with my connection to the servers, good ping and fast downloads…it’s been fantastic!
Until 1 month ago….Since then I have not been able to access the TP or Gem store. I cannot play Tourney games or start dungeon/fractals because my connection to the server keeps dropping. I have tried deleting the cache file which did not help. I have also tried adding the command line argument -clientport 80 to my .exe shortcut but this has not helped either. I have tried proxy & VPN options to no avail. I updated my Ethernet driver and all drivers for my other components and also flashed my BIOS to a newer version.
So today after repairing my gw2 client 3 times I decided reset my computer to factory settings (full wipe & reinstall) and then install Gw2 clean….I have discovered my problem me thinks. My client is only downloading the game @ a maximum of
13Kb/s…..13? So I added the command line argument -clientport 80 to check that this was not the issue….It wasn’t, I still only have 13Kb/s.
A lot of my Oceanic users are having issues with this also.
What I want to know is if any other oceanic users are having the same sorts of issues?
If so, then how long ago did you start experiencing these issues?
Moderators If you feel this post is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it!
Honestly I don’t know what you’re complaining about. After playing my zerker guard for over 2 years I have finally found a build that wins around 80% of my 1v1s and around 20% of my 2v1s. Atm I think most of PvP is balanced.
Yes, There are some things that should be changed but most of it is fairly trivial. If you’re playing a META build….I have news for you. A build only works well if It fits your play style, You may e playing the most OP build but if it’s not working for you then you need to tweak it or play a completely different build. NONE of my classes run anything anywhere near meta build setup and they all do fine.
The recent nerf to the runes of the pirate have made the rune pretty much useless due to it being able to 1-2 hit like the rock dog. So complaining about things not being nerfed when they should be is invalid. If you read the patch notes for PvP balance over the last year you will see there is no comparison between 1.5 years ago and now….It’s all changed.
I have to answer this “Queue pvp is you want to solo raom” thing a lot more than I need to. Having spent the first 6 months I played this game purely in PvP and then later on branching out to other areas (WvW & PvE) I can see a clear difference in the combat within WvW & PvP. For the builds I run in WvW there is no PvP equivalent, the stats and play style get changed too much.
In WvW you come across a HUGE variety of builds & stat combos, whereas in PvP the majority of people are running these easy to play cookie cutter builds. Now there is nothing wrong with the meta imo but I would never run it because it would be like me cheating on my maths test by copying someone else’s.
Now by solo roaming I mean that I intentionally put myself in an outnumbered scenario to test my skill. I also have a set of runes that I use and always abide by.
If someone engages me (1v1) I don’t stomp them, but if they stomp time I see them they get stomped xD. For outnumbered fights If I win I stomp all but 1 of them just to show a bit of respect.
Since the mega server there has been a huge increase of egotistic people in the matches. I used to be able to go 10-20 games without someone telling someone they suck at the game or to “QQ”. Since this update ……Every kittenING GAME!
If you don’t have something nice to say…..Keep you kittening mouth shut.
If you want to hurt people’s feelings just to make yourself feel good. kitten off back to Call of Duty.
I seriously think that…….If you play Solitaire and mohjongg, only play to earn money that you never spend and don’t actually take time to enjoy other content……then you really have no right to make a statement like this.
Much of this game (like all MMOs) is based on the social aspect of the game, I wouldn’t play this game if it weren’t for my friends online. Half of the fun of this game for me is getting on my guild’s or the GoM Teamspeak server and just doing things with a bunch of friends. After nearly 2 years of play I finally found a guild I am happy with and one of my favourite parts of this game is Guild missions night.
Before I found my group of friends I would ONLY do sPvP because it was the only thing that interested me but now I enjoy dungeons/fractals just as much. Through my friends I found the wonders of WvW and the huge group chaos that undergoes there….I even bought my tag!
This game is around 40% PvP, so if you don’t play it you’re actually missing out on a lot of what you have paid the money for. I applaud anet for their chosen business model and they actually give you more than you realize.
What have you gotten for free that you would have to pay extra to gain on other MMOs?:
-New PvP maps
-New fractals
-New item Tiers and Skin
-10’s of hours of playable Living story updates
-Quality of life improvements
-New playable areas
-New skills & Traits
Might not seem like much but other companies would charge you for an “Expansion” that would give you pretty much the same thing.
I would also think about the living story that is coming out soon, rumor has it it may be opening up some of the maguma map area + a new dungeon and possible a new race later on (all for free most likely)
I actually discovered there is a place that spawns giants frequently. You have to talk to an NPC to start the event and If you have more than 10 people you can get around 5 giant kills over the period of the event. This event is also repeatable every 5-10 minutes and the more people you have…the more giants spawn.
With that said, Farming giants is still tedious but I think it is one of those OMG I DID IT! type achievements that not many people have (if any)
IMO critical damage how it is is Very overpowered. My guardian runs:
3400 attack, 98% critical damage, 92% crit chance (with fury active), 1629 Toughness, and 18K hp (in WvW). Running alongside meditations I think this is incredibly overpowered and beats most other power/crit based classes.
I will be looking forward to this nerf as it will increase the length of my fights and increase the level of skill required to execute the same burst (e.g. using 1 extra skill in the chain). It will also force me to replace some of the armour I wear now with more zerker type items or change the way I run my traits.
This will make me squishier in the long run and also maybe intice me to try out a different type of build….maybe an immobilize guard…who knows!
This is actually one of the reasons they are replacing Critical damage with Ferocity.
ANet acknowledges that the current Critical damage doesn’t scale well how it sits, This was one of the main intentions for changing it to a number stat instead of a percentage seeing as the number stat is a lot easier to fairly scale.
I would suggest watching their live stream that explains the Critical damage changes as it shed a whole lot of light on how the system is going to work.
Guild Wars 2 TwitchTv:
If you have deleted ALL of the skins you may have to apply a ticket to ANet asking them to reinstate it (they have done so in the past).
With this said, as long as you have 1 of the item skins left you will be able to unlock the entire 6 piece set using that piece. e.g – I have deleted all but the helmet of one of my skins, I equip that helmet and it will unlock helmet, shoulders, chest, legs, gloves and boots of that specific set.
This only works with the paid-skin sets though. For common/cultural/dungeon/temple skins you will have to acquire each piece individually to unlock the full set.
Hope this helps.
With the bought skins they have actually come up with a great system.
Say you bought a 6 piece skin off of the gem store you can actually salvage all but one of the pieces. As long as you have 1 item from the set it will unlock all of the items in that skin set for you.
To answer your question, If you have a skin and equip it the skin will go into your wardrobe which can then be used by any of your characters as long as the character is capable of wearing items of that weight types (Heavy, Medium, Light).
So if you buy the skin it will not be automatically skinned onto all of your heavy characters, you will have to use transmutation charges to apply it.
I have spent a total of 169g by accidentally selling my “Crystal Guardian” Greatsword to a vendor around 12 times.
Note to self: Buy invisible bags.
I would suggest a couple things.
First of all it would be easier to fix this problem If we had more information like:
What area of the game are you in when you discovered this frame rate drop?
Were there more players around than before you had this issue?
Have you installed any new software/Drivers since you started playing again?
Here is what I can Offer you as help:
-Update your Graphics drivers/DirectX Drivers.
-Clean your registry with the likes of “CCleaner”.
-De-fragment your system with the likes of “Defraggler” (Use full defragment , not the quick defrag"
-Turn off any processes that may be leaching system resources – e.g. other games, virus scans.
-Download the GW2 repair tool off of the site and run it (game files may have been corrupted of segmented causing bad read/write times)
-Try reducing the resolution or graphics settings (I know it’s hard but you may have to live with it :p)
-Google it….. last resort
Hope this helps. But please post the additional information so that people may offer better help given the new information.
I think this “out with the old – in with the new” system works well. I have been doing the living story for some time now and have had to opportunity to participate in many.
Although, I decided I wasn’t interested in the most recent hologram event and didn’t participate in it.
Now, talking to one of my guildies I discovered that the “Scarlet’s Kiss” rifle is now up to around 330g. I do wish I had of done this event when I had the chance….but because of my laziness I didn’t and now I an being punished for it. IMHO this is how a game should be.
The game should reward players for participating in events…….330g for around 10 hours of my time would have been nice but it encourages me to be more proactive in these events in hopes I get some rewards like this also.
I would also add to that, I have had a chaos gun drop in WvW, have had dusk from PvE near launch and have had dawn drop TWICE. Where from you say? CHAMP BAGS!
Precursors are increasing in price because people thought that legendaries will be made less frequently, yet it is only the incinerator that players have many duplicates of. ALL other types of legendaries will be crafted at the same frequency (if not more). Before this point I was not going to craft my Twilight BUT after the wardrobe announcement I have started saving gold to do this because it it now available to all of my characters.
Within the next 4-5 weeks I can assume that precursors will drop in price tremendously because of the availability of them. So if you plan to buy a precursor……WAIT A FEW WEEKS. People buying precursors for the ridiculous prices they are now are really just falling into a trap.
The same thing goes with dyes. People buying the lowest price dyes on the trading post in hopes of gaining a huge number of unidentified dyes are also falling into a huge trap. There are two avenues that this can go down. The first being – Price of unidentified dyes hits rock bottom because people will flood the market with them.
The second being – ANet makes unidentified dyes account bound after this patch (you won’t make money, you will only be able to re-roll the dye colours you had duplicates of).
Always be careful with patches like these, people will always try to get the better of you and I can see a lot of people already being ripped off. Even some of the skins on the TP are going to ridiculous prices. Just yesterday I bought the “Winged” skins for my mesmer……2 gold later and I realized that the skins are being sold for around 4 times their crafting cost! I then took a bigger look around the trading post… was the same everywhere.
Now while I love the huge RDI margins I feel pity for the lower level players who are duped into buying these skins early in the game. Yes, they will now unlock them but I think it is horrid that they have to spend this amount of gold on armour so they can complete their story quest or the lower level dungeons.
While we’re at it….Could I possibly get a giant fish in a leather jacket to ride to my PvP games. It must have 4 arms, 2 greatswords, 2 helmets , a cod piece and boobs……..It must have boobs!
There is a new game type for PvP: Team deathmatch, I can see many player (including myself) spending many hours in lobbies like this just testing builds and having a fun time just killing/being killed by other players. I can see this opening up a much more social side to PvP rather than the very hateful playerbase we have in there at the moment.
A new PvP “reward track” is now being opened which allows players to gain most of the crafting materials in the game, new weapon and armour skins, dungeon tokens, champ boxes . ect… this will bring a lot more players to PvP and bringing hours of Profitable gameplay our way (It will also start a multitude of PvP only guilds I can guarantee!)
People who play the market for profit will now have a rapidly changing economy to play around with and experiment with along with the new mystic forge changes that are sure going to open up new areas to profit out of……I know you may not understand the interest in making cash in the bucket load in games but people like me (business, economy major) find it very entertaining to see how much you can get out of ANY economy.
I see many players in the near future changing their looks for hours a day because of the new wardrobe system and spending hours of gameplay trying to collect every piece of armour/weapon in the game. This will also encourage people to work towards legendaries now that they are account bound and not character specific.
WvW roaming parties coming back! With the new LFG system in place we will be able to find new people online that wish to roam and just have fun rather than zerging the map. This opens many more social/recruitment/efficiency opportunities for people that do WvW more often than not or Guilds that are looking to increase their numbers.
The balancing part of this patch along with the new traits also ad hours/days/months to the game because many of us like to just sit there and come up with interesting/unique builds for both PvP and WvW. I plan to spend many hours just swapping out traits and weapons now because the new build possibilities are immensely large.
Hope this answers your question or at least part of it.
-Lord Boots
Once upon a time there was a godly warrior (Me) who thought his Hambow skills
were the greatest anybody had ever seen! He was invinsible, unkillable by one….It took three!
This warrior was traited into adrenal healing and kept his adreniline full at all times, he had a mighty clerics amulet and a signet that made him unbeatable.
The warrior healed himself for upwards of 800hp/second and had 8K of healing in his toolbelt to help him, may his HP ever drop.
His hard hitting condition/base damage circles made it impossible for players to get near enough to hit him and if they did he would hammah stun them and then knock them away. TROLOLOLOLOL
Never did the mighty warrior have to heal himself, if his health went too low he would just become invulnerable to damage and gain a mighty 5K of health over a six second period and surely his shouts were ready to blow again! So the full health warrior raged on.
Mr.hambow hot bored of his warrior and made a guardian…only then did he realize he was a horrible player.
Now in all honesty I think warrior healing is way out of line, and way overpowered. The signet itself I can understand and they can keep that, what I’m worried about more is the “adrenal healing” trait that they so cherish which gains up
to 360 hp/second depending on their adrenaline level at the time. Most warriors will sit at full adrenaline for the duration
of the fight just to gain the 405 (signet) + 360 as a constant passive. This makes it extremely hard for one player alone to deal with and it seems impossible to kill a warrior with just one player. Some players can but it seems to me like this class was intended for the players that had no skill or imagination.
I would really like to see this trait either moved to as non used trait line or HALVED in ptencey as it just kills pvp. I know there are many players out there that feel the exact same way as me. Why not fix the poor little rangers out there that are useless inside of pvp and WvW because of their poor base damage and kittenty pet AI. Or the mesmers that can’t get any damage out of their build without being as easy to break as a toothpick with a sledgehammer.
Indeed, the Trinkets are being nerfed but I guess it’s ok….My guardian runs 3000 power, 77% crit chance, 102% crit damage and 1800 toughness. IMO that is very OP used alongside of meditation/heal trait.
>Spite: Parasitic Contagion – A % of your condition damage heals you (5%, not affected by healing power). Condition damage sustain builds, yes they do exist now but the viability of then is questionable.
> Blood Magic: Unholy Martyr – Draw 1 condition from allies every 3 seconds while in death shroud. Each time you draw a condition, gain 5% life force.
>Unholy Sanctuary- Regenerate health while you are in death shroud (this is the only method currently to physically regen your HP while in death shroud – it is same as healing from regen, will scale with your healing power). both of the above work very well together giving you a necro build purely for removing conditions from allies
>Soul Reaping: Renewing Blast – Life Blast heal allies that it passes through. (~800 heal per blast, scales up with healing power). Paired with any of the above traits makes for an excellent support necromancer.
>Read the Wind: Longbow and Harpoon Gun projectile velocity is increased by 100%. Try dodging those longbow arrows now!
>Strider’s Defense – You have a 15% chance to block ranged attacks while in melee. not sure how I feel about this one but I can see a huge number of melee rangers coming out of the shadows now – paired with sword/dagger this could be a deadly combo.
> Invigorating Bond- Your pet heals in an area when executing command abilities (i.e. your F2 skill now heals in an area). new options for support/sustain rangers
>Burst Precision – Burst skills have an increased chance to critically hit ( Chance: 100%) not sure how I feel about this one either but I can see more shout/burst warriors around rather than the Hambow noobs we have now.
> Dual Wield Agility- Your attack speed is increased by 10% when wielding a sword, axe or mace in your offhand. Again, more incentive to build for a dual wield
>Rousing Resilience – Gain toughness when you break out of a stun. The amount of toughness gained is up to 1000, based on your level and lasts for 4 seconds……..OH NOES
Guys…..It’s mainly critical damage through your traits that is being nerfed, the armour sets are staying relatively the same as they were before with only slight decreases in damage output.
At the moment you can gain a total of 30% critical damage through your traits but after the update the total will be exactly 20% critical damage. Zerker build will still be as viable as ever and I do not understand why this post has been so negative towards it.
My Dps guardian pumps out a rotation of: Whirling blades + Judges intervention = 7K damage, Leap of faith = 3.8K damage, Flashing blade —-> Zealot’s defence = 6K damage, Zealot’s flame —->Zealot’s Fire = 6K damage. Summed up that is a total of 22.8K damage over a 7 second period which I find is too much damage in too short of a time period. When critical damage is nerfed total damage output will be 20.6K over the same time period. a 2K dps drop is NOTHING at all….ill just drop in 1 auto attack to fill in the gap.
Furthermore, this update will force me to put more traits into the upper two trees to match the damage output that I once had, Making me a lot squishier than I once was.
So I may have to consider moving out of the dps way of life for a more viable build…maybe condition guardian with these new traits(Very excited for this).
Anet has done this IMO to open up/force people to run different builds and I can see people preparing for a full 180 turn around already. I think this is great, we will be fighting a lot more tank people in WvW/PvP/PvE.
New Build possibilities:
>Stone heart – cannot be critical hit while attuned to earth. This opens up MANY avenues for Ementalist inside of WvW, we should be seeing a LOT more Elementalist commanders about and pure tank builds to soak damage while your team deals the dps.
>Aquatic Benevolence- your healing to other allies (not self) is increased by 25% – Finally! Elementalists devoted purely to healing their team and keeping you afloat when the water get’s a bit dicey. Elementalist is your new friend when fighting in group play situations.
>Invigorating Precision – You are healed for a % of the strike damage dealt. The current rate is 5%. Does not work on ambient creatures. This opens the road for
sustain thieves rather than the full zerker, back stab build we see today.
>Resilience of Shadows – Stealth you apply reduces 50% incoming attack damage (does not work against condition damges). Again, here is an option for more sustain while in stealth and the trait is way out of the current theif meta trait lines so they will be forced to look for new and unique builds.
>Fortified Turrets – your turrets are surrounded by a reflective shield when created. 4s duration, ends if the turret is picked up or destroyed. Now we will see an influx in turret builds rather than the standard stun/grenade builds that are dominating at this time.
>Experimental Turrets – Turrets apply boons based in a 600 raidus around them every 10 seconds. Boon engineers will now be possible
>Amplified Wrath- Burning damage is increased by 33%. Condition Guardians…what else can I say other than FINALLY!
>Radiant Retaliation – Retaliation Damage scales from condition damage instead of power. Again, another buff to condition guardians.
>Power Block – Enemy skills that you interrupt have an increased cooldown of 10s. This opens up an avenue that we have never seen before. Mesmer’s complately devoted to interrupting you or bosses.
>Triumphant Distortion – Gain 3s of distortion upon killing an enemy. No cooldown. This….THIS, opens the avenue for Killstreak invincibility mesmers.
There are many bugs I would like fixed that make gameplay distressing or just downright unplayable, Bugs that I have been expecting to be seen in a hotfix since their birth…but so far haven’t.
1. Stuck bug – After activating a teleport/Movement Skill you are sometimes bound in place until you activate a /command to reset your animation. This usually happens when you use a teleport spell that moves your to a player model to the target entity while they are moving towards you, causing you to be bound on the same location that your target was at a moment ago. The main culprits being illusionary Leap —-> Swap, Judges Intervention, Lightening flash and a various array of shadowsteps.
2. Skill lock – This has been a frequently occurring bug since the “Marionette” event and causes your skills to become unusable until you are downed. While this bug is about you can do nothing but dodge roll an infinite number of times, you cannot use weapon skills or utility skills but your F1-F4 skills may still work. This usually happens after you are effected by something that removes your original toolbar (stunned or transformed into a Moa)
3. Ranger – Spirit of Nature (Elite) tooltip says 320hp/3 seconds but actually heals 480hp/second. This doesn’t bother me at all but I would like the tooltip to be changed to show the correct healing.
4. Many players experience 1-2 seconds of skill lag since the servers unexpectedly shut down for 15-20 minutes around 2 months ago.
5. Lightening flash- Seems to have a tendency to drop you through the floor of the map. At times this can be extremely annoying e.g. PvP lobby is full so you cannot swap teams to fix this.
Some of these things are just outright game breaking and should have been delt with a LONG time ago.
Heya guys, I would like to start a fight club for Gates of Madness, Sorrow’s furnace and Anvil Rock at the obsidian sanctum at 6:00pm (GMT+0:00) tomorrow (Tuesday).
We had a 20 man turn out earlier today and all of us had a great time duelling each other.
So tell your guildies and your friends to come and participate in this event. Test your build against a variety of other players in one on one combat, chat to people on the other server or just goof around…We don’t care!
Rules of engagement:
-No jumping in on other peoples duels
-Ask before you swing
-no stomping ANY player you defeat (no finishing)
-no abuse, let’s keep this fun and light hearted