Showing Posts For Chibii.3698:

Elite Spec: Ascended Wep Collection (Bug?)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chibii.3698


I can confirm this is a bug and the achievement does not complete properly.

I don’t think its a bug. When your doing the Glider mastery requirement you need to be on the specific class for the achievement to get the update towards the collection. It’s likely you need to kill the treasure mushroom on the specific class that correlates to the specialization collection.

side note; Where did you find your treasure mushroom? been looking around for a few days now to no avail.

Elite Spec: Ascended Wep Collection (Bug?)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chibii.3698


where about did you find one… ive been looking for the last 2 days

@ Anet. Boosters and pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Dear anet, I am happy about the current booster changes but one thing needs to be addressed. Currently we are unable to use the “Enchanted Reward Boosts” in Heart of the Mists, this seems a bit silly considering the rare XP booster now gives us +50% reward tracks progress.

Lag during Tequatl since the camera patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Hi all.

Since the camera update patch I am wonder if any other players have been getting terrible lag during world boss fights, primarily Teq? For myself it seems to happen during Teq from the moment he spawns till the moment of his death. I have attempted to kill Teq at many different times and encounter the same lag only when he is spawned, this also includes when he is spawned by a Guild.

Is this happening to any other players?

Thanks for your time.

TL;DR – Teq lag only. do you get it?

Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Koss! channel the power of the afro!

also Kanaxai and Urgoz would be awesome!!

Question about the 'Double XP for All'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


This is a question to Anet mostly, will the ‘Double XP for All’ be all types of XP gains, including XP gained from crafting? would be awesome to get 16 levels out of doing a craft 1-400!

Twice-Told Legend ... really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


I’ve crafted 8 legendaries and received only 25AP, and now people who made duplicate legendaries receive the same AP and a tittle.

What the hell? I mean 6 legendaries of difference and they receive more?

At least if you guys want to use this logic, make Eternity count for this achiev too … and yes i know eternity is not duplicate but you need 2 legendaries to make it.

Agree 100%. I have crafted 9 myself it would be nice to have a title for even getting the 5/5 achievement done

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Grenths Hood please!!!

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Chibii.3698


This is my Ranger


Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Sea of Sorrows Open!!

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Open on Sea of Sorrows

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Sea of Sorrows is Open!

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Sea of Sorrows is open!

Contested now.

(edited by Chibii.3698)

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


“account bound” Legendary weapons PLEASE!

Legendary weapons and transmutation

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chibii.3698


the Legendary will become exotic. because of its loss of Legendary status, it wont be upgraded when the ascended weapons come in. you keep the skin and not the rarity.

Legendary weapons Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


“Once equipped, the item becomes soulbound, although Dev Lindsey has hinted that they may be changed to account bound in the future.” Source: Legendary Weapon

I don’t think in the future legendary weapons will be account bound. Right now legendary weapons are soulbound on use, so players can sell them on Trading Post. If they make them account bound, you will not be able to buy/sell them on TP again.

I believe what the OP meant was “Account Bound on Use.” This means that once equipped on one of your characters, all of your characters can use that said item, but you can no longer sell/trade that item.

I would support something like this.

Yes, this is exactly what I meant.

Legendary weapons Account Bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Hi, I have recently obtained a legendary weapon and am wondering if Anet have any plans on making Legendaries account bound. I only ask this because for me, and many others getting a legendary was a multiple character process and it would be nice to be able to share this achievement with more then 1 character.

Esc key doesn't close windows

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chibii.3698


There is an option in game to enable or disable this feature.

in the Options window its " Disable closing windows with ESC"

Central Invasion of Orr event bugged (IoJ)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Currently all I need is 55 Obsidian Shards to finish my Twilight, i have all the karma plus more needed to get them but this bug is the only thing standing in my way.

its very frustrating that Anet are not even giving a response in regards to this issue. surely it cant be that hard to do a small server or zone reset?

Sea of Sorrows Temple of Balthazor - Bugged

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Chibii.3698


A fix for this would be nice. it is currently the only thing stopping me from getting my twilight.

Central Invasion of Orr event bugged (IoJ)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chibii.3698


I personally think that the Karma merch for Obby shards should be at the gate to Arah.

Central Invasion of Orr event bugged (IoJ)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chibii.3698


this is the case on Sea of Sorrows also.

Sea of Sorrows - Temple of Balthazar - Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chibii.3698


a fix for this would be nice please. I only need 35 more Obby shards for my twilight (have the karma) and I cannot buy them. very frustrating.

HotW Path 1 Aldus Stormbringer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chibii.3698


What do we call silver mobs anyway?

Bronze mobs are Veterans, Gold mobs are Champions.

But Silver…? Who knows.

I have always called them “elite” mobs.

Veteran > Elite > Champion > Legendary

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Chibii.3698


Can we please get some feed back on the thinking behind finishing a major event on a Monday morning in most Oceanic/Asian time zones.

What I would like to know is whether this is going to be a continuing trend with events in the future. As a customer, I would like to know this so I can make informed decisions about whether I will continue to support a company that appears to value me less than those living in specific time zones.

Of course it will. they have our money. they don’t care about us at all.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Chibii.3698


so it was stated not long ago by Anet that:

"One of our teams examining issues of disconnections that prevented some players from receiving their awards event.

We will implement a solution that will allow those involved get their rewards, but it will take time on our side and does not happen today.

Keep an eye on our forums and social networks, we will notify you when the solution will be implemented.

Thank you and we apologize that you were not able to get your rewards."

This is all fair and well. but what about the 90% of Australian players who couldn’t even make it due to the times. 3am-6am on a MONDAY morning when the Majority have work or children to take to school?

Will we have the option to partake in this also? Because it is highly unfair to those of us to have no choice but to put the real world first.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chibii.3698


I personally think this is a great add to the game. something to grind for is always nice

PvE Hero’s assemble!