Showing Posts For Cirth.1543:

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Hey everyone it’s been a little over year since I have played GW2, I see nothing really has changed much. I see Guild Halls haven’t made it into the game yet as well the supposedly the player housing (if I remembered correct that ArenaNet said there would be player housing in GW2). Also they haven’t added a “new” Elder Dragon to fight.

I don’t know if this subject is still being talked about or not, it should be and I’m surprised people haven’t set up a petition for it. If you have played GW 1 and the expansions you were allowed in one (1) guild only. Of course now for GW2 you can be in multiple guilds, which has in my opinion totally ruin the game as well the name for the game. I see most people/small guilds become “ghost” guilds and join the bigger guilds with about most or all of the guild updates.

Now about the first part of this post I was talking about, the guild halls, Elder Dragon, and player housing. I haven’t been keeping up to date about GW2. Does everyone feel there is really nothing to do for endgame content besides make a new character(s), WvWvW, PvP, Arena, or explorable dungeons. I’m more surprised because I would have figured ArenaNet would have a “new” Elder Dragon “quest chain” out by now as well the guild halls. The player housing I have no idea about heard people love them from other games.

Now to the opinion part. :P
What is your opinion about the game in general. Lets split it up into parts.
A. What’s your opinion about the leveling. To me it seemed pretty easy not much of a challenge to hit level 80.
B. Guilds in general. What you would like to see change/put in or not change/put in and why.
C. Endgame content. Should there be a bigger/harder Dynamic event(s) where you need at least 50+ people. Also why do you think ArenaNet hasn’t brought out quest chain(s) for a “new” Elder Dragon. (if they have already said anything about it put a link and your own opinion please and thank you)
D. WvWvW/Commanders. Now before I get into this I believe everyone has heard about ESO (aka Elder Scrolls Online) for that game you can become the Emperor.
Now what do you think about something like but for each world the high ranked players or who contributes more until the switch becomes a commander and keeps it.
I understand some people don’t listen to commanders since they some how were able to get 100g and spent it just on that instead of something else that might be more “useful”.
E. PvP. I have no comment on PvP really thanks to WoW/Blizzard Entertainment they ruined PvP for me.
F. Arena. Same thing have no comment not really into it.
G. For this fill in anything that I might have missed or you wish to put down that you might like or dislike. I bet someone might say well what about the story(s) I would think everyone likes those that is one reason why I didn’t put them on here as well classes/professions and races.
I know I also didn’t put down crafting I don’t see a reason why since everyone can do all the crafting without having to redo the crafting all over again like in WoW. As well the AH/Gem pricing I didn’t put this up for 2 reasons you have kittens and kitten heads one lowering the price were its better to vend items the other upping the price so high that you might as well spend real money or find/make it yourself.

Looking for a Guild USA base only

in Guilds

Posted by: Cirth.1543


To yawn thank you but no thank you it seems your guild is more into PvP and not so much into PvE and WvW. To Breeyn and Mazoo both of your guilds seemed very promising but ended up dropping the ball right before the end zone.

Looking for a Guild USA base only

in Guilds

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I’m looking for a friendly active adult guild. (By active I mean a good 12+ members on, talkative, and doing group activities.) I’m 22 yrs old guy also on MST.
I have been gaming pretty much all my life I have played all of these MMOs GW1 besides the Eye of The North expansion, WoW until they brought out cataclysm, Forsaken World, Star Trek Online, and BP Reloaded. I’m also looking for more PvE/Dungeon base guild, I don’t mind doing WvWvW on the weekends or sometime during the weekdays.

I don’t mind transferring to another server but I’d like to know everything about the server like rank WvW and unofficial details about the server. I have a mic would like the guild to have either vent, ts, or raidcall.
I also have 3 lvl 80s a male engi charr, male guardian charr, and female ranger sylvari plus multiple lower lvl characters. The engi has all exotic gear besides a weapon, some accessory, and rings; guardian has one exotic besides weapons; ranger has all exotics besides chest and pants.
Send me a msg here or mail me in-game please don’t whisper me or I’ll be like wtf and might end up blocking you.

arena net should introduce a housing system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


They have mentioned that they will be doing a player and a guild “housing” system just it’s in the “works”. Go here and see for yourself:

Chat Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I’m also having the same problem now with guild chat.

CoE exp path 1 Bjal The Rampager Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirth.1543


In Crucible of Eternity aka CoE exp path 1 the second boss from the last Bjarl The Rampager charges at us when we are near the pillars and it doesn’t get rid of the Scales of Jormag off of him so we can do normal damage to him.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Totally agree there has been many people saying they released a game that wasn’t finish. I’m actually amazed that people haven’t been more in-raged that Anet hasn’t brought out the Guild Halls or hasn’t fixed the Guesting system yet. I don’t understand why they are doing this one time event this weekend instead of fixing the game.
They are taking some of the Anet employees and having them do this weekend event instead of fixing the kitten game.I rather have them hold off on it and fix the Guesting system. Start putting together the Guild Halls either before they start doing the Christmas events or after them then have this weekend event next year.

looking into which server to transfer to

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I’m looking for a server that hopefully doesn’t have mainly bots in it. Also one that is a bit both RP/Dungeons and WvW oriented. Be nice to have the time most players are on for both WvW and dungeons. As well if its an unofficial [insert Country’s name] server.
I’m not looking into transferring over to Sea of Sorrow did that too many kittens on there. I’m on Ferguson’s Crossing atm.

which server to pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Hows the RP/Dungeons for Yaks Bend?

which server to pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I have been thinking about transferring out of Ferguson’s Crossing since this month it has become empty (well more like its becoming a bot server), also not that wonderful in WvW. Now I’d like to know some “unofficial” stuff about the servers, I know that Sea of Sorrows is an “unofficial” Aussie server. Also I’d like to know if its more RP/Dungeons or WvW oriented or a bit of both. I’m not looking into playing on Sea of Sorrows did for a few days too many kitten on there.

Ascalonian Catacombs Path 1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Ascalonian Catacombs Path 1 is bugged we killed all of the bosses then at the end nothing no cut scene no tokens. The npc was alive the whole room was cleared the last boss dead on the floor.

Also might I add we tried to reset regroup and do another path couldn’t do it can’t pass go can’t collect 200 dollars can’t collect 60 tokens of AC.

(edited by Cirth.1543)

Remove waypoints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I’m for mounts. Now I think this is why people want mounts, I know this is the reason why I want a mount.

Right now I’m running CoF exp about 5 times a day give or take while doing Claw of Jormag when I can’t find a group, which is usually 3 times a day give or take.
Now lets take into account how much the waypoint costs from Lion’s Arch to CoF as well to the nearest waypoint for Claw of Jormag.

(I’ll be rounding this off to the nearest silver.) Pretty much both waypoints cost roughly 3silver. That’s just one way so that will add up to about 24silver now a round trip would cost about 48silver. (Unless you go to mist/wvw and take the port to Lion’s Arch.)
I’m gonna just add in the repair cost for just CoF (I’ll be rounding to the nearest 10th.) be about 10silver per run so about 50silver.(I won’t add the waypoint cost for Claw of Jormag or repair if you end up dead during the event.)
Time to add the cost of salvage kits which is about 15silver each I end up having to buy one each run because of the event to get into CoF, that would be 75silver for 5 salvage kits. Now lets add that up if you use the mist/wvw for traveling it would cost about 1.49gold if you don’t it costs you about 1.73gold. Now on average I make about 10-20 silver profit per run on CoF.

Now then lets get to the big points of why people want mounts, I’ll try to make this very simple for those of you with thick skulls.
For us level 80s cost of going from 1 waypoint to another cost roughly 2silver for the shortest distance the longest about 4silver+. Now lets say Anet does put in mounts, lets say they cost about 50gold.
Alright now lets compare the 50gold mount to someone that doesn’t want a mount and just uses waypoints to travel. Most likely the person with the 50gold mount will hardly use the waypoints. The one without the mount will use the waypoints.
Lets take the figures from above takes about 2gold round trip (I’m saying 2gold since most likely you would be doing something like me and end up having to repair and buy salvage kits.), well those 2gold will start adding up to 10gold, 40gold, 80gold, and 130gold.
While the person that bought the mount for 50gold will be laughing all the way to the TP to buy kitten you can’t because your gold is tied up into your waypoint “investment”.
This is just common sense buy a mount that cost a butt load of money but will save you money in the long run. Key words—————> “SAVE YOU MONEY IN THE LONG RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”<————-

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I can understand both sides of this but here is the thing. People don’t want people that leech off the guild. How would you feel if someone was leeching off you in real life you cut that person off of what ever it was. Same goes for in game.

Now there are multiple things that can be done either have it be like GW1 one guild only or have it like any other game, with that the account sharing might not work that well with this though. Though for all this to happen most likely the max cap for guilds would need to be lowered down to most likely 100members.

Representing from a new character

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Oh hell I have done that still can’t represent my guild.

Travel in GW2 way too high for high level players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


The thing that really pisses me off is that the common player is punished for playing. do a dungeon you get a drop but its hardly worth the cost of doing the dungeon at all. Travel around to do things with your friends your punished for doing so, and even worse when your going to try to do map completion and traveling… And finally Map travel… Totally a WASTE of money to travel. I’m at a point where people ask for help with stuff I tell them to go to hell its not worth it to have to treavel back to where they are then pay for all the repairs to help them and then pay again top travel back.

Hell now that I’m getting up there in level the cost to just cross the SAME MAP! is more then it used to cost to go from one end of the world to the other! Even if you use the PvP trick to travel its still expensive. I get you want to keep everyone poor so they dont sell to resellers… How about removing the ability to trade money at all instead and turn back on free map travel in exchange. If it meant I could never again buy anything in the game for currency and only transact everything in karma alone so that I could have Map travel as we had in the original game I would do it in a heart beat and NEVER EVER miss currency in the game at all. everything can be 100% karma based and cut those worthless pieces of garbage gold sellers out of the game forever. Seems that is what YOU want after all so why punish players with the added expense of playing. its at a point no one can afford anything even from merchants anymore cause of the CONSTANT damage repairs and OVERCHARGED expense of map travel. I’m lucky if I can manage to keep 1 gold on me at all anymore. Let alone being able to get a trait book or being able to buy better armors and weapons… I just settle for whatever trash drops in the game. And salvage the rest. Sure one can play the market a little get some uber drop that you cant use and try to sell it there, but even still that is short lived cause of the constant costs of playing. its almost like the only winning move is NOT TO PLAY AT ALL! I CAN NOT believe anet wants that attitude in their gameplay. Even when I was WvW the rewards awere hardly worth the effort when the cost in repairs was so high. YET THERE we dont have cost to map travel? if its the case in towns and in WvW then it should be the same in PvE. I am beginning very quickitteno hate everything about the game unless I go off on my own and just do hearts and exploration. anytime I do a dungeon I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this game to all hell! I’m dune with them from now on I want nothing from them and never ever to do them again. there is no benefit to them when it cost MORE to finikitten then you can ever pull out of it in reward. Map travel costs need to be removed or have some way in teh game to remove them, or else there is zero reason to play at all with others anymore. the punishment you impose on players that DARE to get to a high level in the game is ridiculous. Were better off never advancing beyond level 30 and having cheaper map travel then finishing the game.

This is one of the many reasons why some people stop playing and are playing borderlands 2 or MOP or some other game. I’m at a point to join them well I wouldn’t be playing those games I’d most likely be playing Assassin’s Creed or Halo 4 when they come out.

Representing from a new character

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I made another alt and I try to represent my guild so I get influence when doing kitten and it won’t let me represent my guild. I have tried my friend’s guild same thing but doing it on my main I’m able to switch between mine and my friend’s guild.

Clone wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I like the comment you made on another thread about raids I know where you are coming from though it seems a lot of people are getting bored of this. There are people saying there needs to be some things added to the game or fix some things. I say either raids or a bigger/harder and longer/chain event(s).

Raids in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Hmm very interesting in other words you’d want this to be like lets say the dragon events. Have it where its a chain event going from point a to b to c and so on till you hit the final stage. This could be very interesting as well fun I’d make it random of course on how like waves of mobs might come at you, as in the amount of monsters/creatures and when and where they might show up.

Though there was one thing I thought was very awesome in the BWE they had a special event in a zone/area was really fun everyone got into it. This would be nice to have like every week or whatever.
For those that don’t know what I’m talking about they had it where one huge area like the whole area of plains of ashford would be an event. It was a different event each time they did it so it kept you on your toes. Hopefully someone can do a better explanation on this part because I only was able to do one and was having a bit of trouble with the internet at that time. While the other one people were confused or being a-holes about it.

Guild Max Cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I’m a bit shock that you didn’t get what I mean by that. I’m competing with other guilds in getting more members. I’d hope you have seen that by now in Lion’s Arch where if someone recruits for their guild, up pops like a few other people doing the same thing.

Make Skritt playable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


No thank you! It would be cool to a point but here is the thing if there is a huge amount of skritt near each other they are smart as Einstein, but when they are apart they are as dumb as a rock.

What I think is missing from the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


The dueling would benefit those that are more into PvP that so they know how/when to back off, when to strike and so on.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I agree with wanting mounts I’d rather save up a few gold and buy a mount then spend x amount of gold on waypoints. Lets have an example: Lets say mounts cost oh 50g most likely you would get on your mount and ride all the way to where ever you need to go and not use the waypoints.
Waypoints you are most likely spending 1.5s-4s at level80 now add all of that up each time you use a waypoint most likely over time you will be spending well over 50g+ on waypoints.

But here is the thing about mounts what “animal” would let a Charr ride it?! That would be the hardest thing to even come up with if Arenanet did mounts. Other then that I totally agree they should add mounts or lower the cost of waypoints/up the cost of loot,items, and quests/hearts.

What I think is missing from the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I agree with abuk as will a few other people that I have seen kittening about the same kitten thing.

Guild Max Cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I know I have been kinda preaching this on the GW2 discussion forum. I just find it very hard for the guilds that are just starting that didn’t recruit during BWE and before the game came out. For those of us that made a guild and can’t compete with guilds that have over 150+ members all research/upgrades finish as well site and vent/ts/mumble.

Guild’s max cap is 500 members, I have had to transfer once because I couldn’t compete with guilds with over 250+ members all upgrades so on and so forth. Now I’m competing with 120-150+ members guilds. You know how hard it is to compete with that many people in guild that most likely makes a good few 1k+ influence per day/hour.

I’d be fine with it if Arenanet keeps the 500 members but have it where only 100 members can be on one server or maybe 150 but I think that is just pushing it. Mind you I wouldn’t know how you could do that though.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Yea there is a few things like that where they should of made it where you can only have one guild. I have two guilds mine and my friends I sometimes help with influence but I mainly help them with questions about guild or end game/dungeons.
I also help them with quests map completions and dungeons. In turn they were willing to help my guild with quests dungeons and so on.

I don’t know about your problem you might have to like pick and choose or kinda switch back and forth or something.

My "taking a break" thread ez read.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


What I have heard lately is a lot of people are doing what you are doing and with the same reason why they are. I’m at a point where I’ll be joining those people though I might play a bit more and wait for Halo 4 and Assassin’s Creed to come out.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I have been having a huge problem with guilds and wondering what everyone else thinks.

Now when the game came out I made a guild had friends in it they switch servers for reasons I won’t put on here. The server I was on which I’ll call as Server A. Server A had a bunch of guilds with 250+ all the research/upgrades done as well vent/ts. Mind you this all happened about week or so after the game came out.

Around that time I notice I couldn’t compete with the other guilds in getting any members for the guild so I switched servers. The same servers as my friends and the server that I am on now which will be called Server B. Now I have been putting gold into influence so the guild will look more pleasing to players before I started recruiting on Server B. (If you haven’t seen me post this on other threads I don’t get why they have guilds cross servers but the research/upgrades stays on the same server.)

Now lets fast forward a bit the guild has a site, raidcall, and a few upgrades like emblem, guild bank so on. Started to recruit got to about 24 members. Within a few days then I couldn’t get anymore players. One by one they left the guild for guilds recruiting with 100+ or 200+ members vent/ts and all upgrades. Now its down to 4 members counting myself. The reasons why they left I have no idea, I’m level80 and kept asking if they need any help most of them won’t say anything.
I was planning on when we got more members as well the members that were in the guild when they got higher level we would start doing the explore modes so on and so forth.

Does anyone see a problem with guilds having the max cap be 500members?!?!?!?!?!?!
I mean I wouldn’t mind if it was 100member cap for each server, in other words you have 5 servers with 100members or 10 servers with 50members.

For those that might say stop QQing and join one of those guilds with more members in it. No thank you for some reason in every game I end up joining guilds that has a "dic"tator for a guild leader. Also if they save up gold and do a drawing to see who will be the next person to get like the cultural armor it ends up going to the guild leader first then to whoever kisses his/her kitten the most.

There is another thing I want to know whats everyone’s opinion about which is the representing part. Now I would believe people would think that is cool you can represent this guild you really like while able to represent lets say your friend’s guild. The only problem I see with that is the influence only goes to the one you are representing and you end up taking space of the other guild(s). As well you might forget about the other guild(s) you have.

I’d like to know how other guilds handle this as well. Like do you give that person warnings then boot them after soo many warnings, or just leave it be and add that person to the number of “members” you have in the guild. Even though they don’t do kitten for the guild.

Cross server guild benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I have actually ask about this. This whole guilds being cross servers makes no sense at all to me. To what someone told me is that they had it in the beta then took it out. Because they thought it was unfair that a person from a different server would be able to get all the benefits from that guild.
I personally don’t understand how they came up with that. You have actually three choices.

One: You could stay on the server you are on and try to research/upgrade the guild on your server. (Good luck with that if you pick this one.)
Two: You could transfer over to the guild’s server.
Three: Leave that guild.

This is one thing that I think hinders other guilds that are starting out or small that want to become a bit bigger. Guilds max member cap is 500 members. Now think about that if there is a couple of guilds with lets say 100+ members, most likely they have all the research/upgrades done.
Which in turn would mean most people would rather join those guilds than guilds that just have like a guild bank and emblem.

How much Gold do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I agree with someone that said how are you making soo much money. I heard people saying making 80g+ is really easy. Now for the person that said if you didn’t sell any materials when you went from 1-80 you “should” make around 15-18g. Now I did just that and made at most 12g mind you this was when TP was “fix” to where everyone was able to use it.

I agree with AlienMagi most of mine and a bunch of other people have said most of their gold goes towards repairs, waypoints, and salvage kits.

Has anyone else notice that the prices of materials has gone down a bit? Some of the materials I use to farm for are starting not to be worth farming for anymore.

The real worry: is buying Gold ever going to be worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


100g isnt impossible to farm, I got over 80g without trading or any exploits or lucky drops.

So are you saying 100g is easy to get and it shouldn’t take you a long time to get? If so why is most of the items in the TP worth 2c-5s each and not more.

Next Elder Dragon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


The Arah Explorable Path Forgotten tells you how Glint was freed from Kralkatorrik.

Actually it doesn’t all that path tells you is that they help glint get her freedom.

Next Elder Dragon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


This would be hard to tell as well interesting. Id like to see both Jormag and Kralkatorrik. Jormag since the Pact has a foothold on his territory. Though it would be nice to have Kralkatorrik next since we would be getting more info about Glint and how she escape from Kralkatorrik’s grasp.
As well her offspring and (spoiler alert if you haven’t read the book) I don’t remember if one of the Destiny’s Edge members grabbed it or not and take it with them. Glint gave them a spear that could kill Kralkatorrik and maybe the other Elder Dragons. If no one picked it up that would mean it’s still in the Crystal Desert, which could be very useful in the upcoming battles.

How to play with lowlevel friends - issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


You pretty much answered your question. You either make a new character and level with your friend or you follow your friend and wait for them to tell you what needs to be done for the quests/hearts.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Totally agree with this. There is more and more things popping up each day that they need to fix/work on. I have heard and agree with for the melee classes (professions) they are broken, melee just doesn’t work at all you might as well go range.

The real worry: is buying Gold ever going to be worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


This is pretty much what the problem has been and will be for a long time unless something happens. Right now 800gems costs $10 lets say you sell all 800gems you make about 3.25g now if you look at gold sellers they are selling way more gold at that same price.

Like all the stuff in the gem store can easily purchase by farming items then selling. The only things that might be a bit hard is like the digital deluxe upgrade. After that the next hardest would be like the character slot, bag, and bank slots then maybe a few other things depending on if you want a bulk of that item(s). Most of that people don’t really want but maybe the dyes, mini pets, and the outfits.

For the person that says they have 10g okay so you must not be using the waypoints at all if you are there is something wrong with that picture. Reason why I say that is I’m lvl80 it takes about 2s to waypoint from one end of a zone/area to the other and like 3s+ to go half way across the map.
Also quests/hearts wasting like a few minutes doing that gets you like what maybe 4s from loots as well finishing the quest/heart. That’s enough for a one way trip to a waypoint pretty much.

It seems to me there is a few things people would like to have, like for instance the cultural armor its looks awesome but for 120g for the whole set. You also have the legendary weapons that will take awhile to gather materials for as well cost a pretty penny.

Another thing I have notice lately me and a few friends were doing CoE explore mode doing all 3 phrases. This was when TP was down for a couple of days. We were losing money rather than making money because of repair bills as well salvage kits.

I have seen a person on my server with the Commander title or w/e on the map. After wiki it and knowing how much it costs before searching on wiki. It costs 100g, A 100G!!!!!!!
Now this person either bought gold or was kitten lucky and their huge guild had a drawing to see who wins the 100g that they have been saving up. That part right there seems to me the only faster/easier way to get the cultural armor as well the legendary weapons.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I don’t know if this is in every major city or not. For the Charr there is a guy near the guild registration that sells a book that give you the Commander title, I’m guessing, for 100g. Now lets take into account you want both the commander and the cultural armor, that will cost you 220g. Good luck if you are gonna go for the legendary weapon too.

You’re welcome to add-on, agree, disagree, prove me wrong or whatever. Mind you to make it simple and easier for everyone please put up a link if a GM said no that’s not true. Instead of saying I heard from this GM that it’s not that it’s this. That so we don’t go by rumors. Hell I’d like someone to prove me wrong about the legendary weapons.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I wanted to see what is everyone’s take on the game so far. I have been hanging with friends and some other people in-game and it seems I keep hearing the same thing over and over again.

Here are a few things I have heard over the past 3weeks: One thing that hits home for me is this, if you haven’t already know when you level up the cost to the waypoints goes up. Well when you hit level80 it costs from 2.5s up to 3s+ for quests we gain about 3silver per quest. This goes for instances as well you don’t gain as much as you did the first time.

I have been hearing this and starting to agree with it is that arenanet should switch it back to the trinity style of playing. Reason why is like arenanet said you will most likely wipe once or twice no matter what. Well that is gonna cost us some $$ for repairs and the instance is gonna take bit longer to finish.

Here is yet another one that is starting to hit home again. I know a few people that are playing melee professions (classes) and they keep saying the melee is broken. It’s not worth it they said its better to just go range and kick his/herkitten

We all know about the TP problems or the gem problems. Now I have been having problems since day one for selling. What I do is pretty much hoard everything then sell it all at one whack, I end up getting the “Error Attempting to Sell” (mind you I have send in enough tickets for my whole server).

I believe this one will hit home for just about everyone. We all know we “love” those gold spammers. I remember arenanet saying that since they have the gem system where you can buy gems from people that bought it with real money for in-game gold. They ask people to do this so there won’t be “any” gold spammers.
I see one bigkitten flaw in that. If you are gonna have it where gold is hard to get and have to “grind” for it. You’re gonna see gold spammers selling gold at a cheaper price than the gem prices for gold.

This I have been a bit po’ed about. It’s about guilds, now I know which I personally do not get one bit of why arenanet did it this way. For your information guilds are cross servers no matter what. Example: guild A’s home is server1 someone from server 2+ can be in guild A.
Now that part I don’t understand since guilds are cross servers you would think that the upgrades/research you did would cross over to other servers are well. Well guess what you’re wrong, you have to start all over again.

Another thing about guilds is the inviting/representing. When you invite someone to the guild they have if I remember correctly an accept or ignore. If you ignore you pretty much have “joined” the guild just not representing. I’m thinking shouldn’t it be accept or decline.
There is one thing I like about able to represent more then one guild you could help out a friend who is starting his very own guild. The only thing is this kinda pisses me off as well, it ends up either the person forgets he/she has one or more guild(s) which in turn those other guild(s) lose a person for influence.

You could argue about a few other things about guilds. One for instance is that guilds can have up to 500 people. Well if on one server there ends up being one or more guilds with over 100+ people in it, they will be able to get more people unlike new guilds starting out. Since people want those benefits that guild’s give out from researching the whole nine yards of upgrades.

Now I have only heard rumors about the legendary weapons and not sure about a few things. Supposedly the “gifts” are soul bound, I think that means so is the weapon I guess. Which in turn means you have to level three different crafts to level 400. Another thing is the bloodstone is worth 200 skill points. Well wouldn’t everyone want two 1handers and one 2hander for their character?
If so that means you need 3 bloodstones 3*200=600skill points, that will take you forever!!!! You could say who in the world would want to sell a legendary weapon. True it would take you awhile to gather the materials needed for the legendary weapon or a crap load of gold.

Pretty much all of these are cons with maybe a pro here and there. Also most of these have to deal with the $$ well guess what here is another one for the $$. I heard on the forums as well in-game about the cultural armor. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go to your race’s home town and look for 3 blue helms.
Go to the one that says Teir 3 that will be the level 80 armor. I have not heard anyone say bad about the looks of this armor at all, the only bad thing about them is the whole set will cost you 120g give or take a gold.

[Ferguson's Crossing] Looking for open minded guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Hello, I see that you are on the same server as my guild you’re welcome to check out the website its: you’re welcome to message me in-game or on the website for more info or invite.

(Ferguson's Crossing~US) Destinies Edge [DE]

in Guilds

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Destinies Edge [DE] is looking to recruit lvl30+ helpful active social players to meet and to join in guild activities with. We have a website: we also have a guild bank. We have just added Raidcall.

Send me (Cirth) a message in-game for an invite.
Hope to see you in-game!

(edited by Cirth.1543)

How to make guild hall?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


That is correct for right now they said during beta that they will implement the Guild halls and I bet Guild vs Guild at a later date.

Legendary weapon crafting question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Its most likely account since your personal bank is account. You also heard right about the weapons well I know the mats for it are so most likely the weapon will too.

Guild/influence cross servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Yea there is a few things just like you said Teulux that are cons about how they are doing it right now.
Here one thing I have been hearing a lot on my server I don’t know if I heard this part right or not that guilds can have 500 members max. There are like a few guilds saying they have 250+ members and were recruiting during beta and got that many when the game started. Wouldn’t that hurt other guilds like mine that are trying to get more people that don’t want to transfer and waste all that time they did getting all of those upgrades?

Guild/influence cross servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Yes like ituhata said had to do your own research and so on. Though ArenaNet made all guilds cross server like I could join anyone’s guild and I’m in Blackgate server. I have done some instances with people from Yaks bend and Fergusons crossing. It just doesn’t make any sense to have it where guild are cross servers and you have to do research for each server to get all the benefits.

Guild/influence cross servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


That is true but I have a friend he was on a server and at the time was full no one can get in. Well his friend’s wife couldn’t get in so they transferred to a different server. Then made a different guild.
How would that work for something like that, tell them to just go make a character on a different server wish them the best of luck on leveling with out us and keep checking to see if the server is full or not?!

Guild/influence cross servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I learned today something new about guilds that I thought was weird that they did it this way. Example: Lets say you make a guild in oh lets say Ascalon server (mind you I’m just making up server names not using the real server names) and you upgraded everything up to lets say lvl2 for the guild. Now lets say you invited someone or you wanted to move to a different server lets say Lion Arch server. In doing so you have to upgrade all the stuff you upgraded back at Ascalon server, for those people on Lion Arch server to get everything that the Ascalon guild members have.
For those people that might not get it, all your influence and upgrades you did didn’t happen for that other server.

Does anyone else find this to be very odd? It makes no sense why have the guilds cross servers if the guild’s upgrades don’t transfer over to other servers.