(edited by ClanTzimisce.1269)
Showing Posts For ClanTzimisce.1269:
I used IE, Chrome and Firefox, even used my phone and nothing. Was going to try the In Game shop but it doesn’t give me the option to buy both at the deal the website offers. Shame.
The only thing that needs fixing with the helmet is the facial hair, we shouldn’t lose facial hair when we wear the helmet!!!!!!!!
But dragons don’t have beards.
Sure they do. They have Fuman-chu mustache and beards, the reaaaaal long ones
I still haven’t succeeded, and I’ve made several attempts, but in each attempt I got a little bit further. I’m terrible at jumping puzzles, but this one I have had a blast with. I made it past the presents and just MIGHT have made it all the way if I hadn’t fell down the side after the last snowball part. haha, that being said. Even when I fell, it was fun because I got to watch the rest of my server try, and could cheer them on.
The Jump Puzzle is great A-Net, and don’t let anyone tell you different.
PS: Forgot, same as not making the event 2 long, announce it far before teh weekend with all times so people can plan and schedule for it. I understand some people might have been planning other stuff, missing parts of the event, or the whole event if they where gone for the weekend.
Actually, as far as I know, they gave a 3 week advance notice, at least that’s what I’ve read in a few of the many rant threads
Wouldn’t be the first hard-shelled creature that the Tyrians brought genocide on. If anyone remembers those mesmer casting gargoyles outside old ascalon, they’ll notice gargoyles are extinct now. They’ve been wiped out, so now the Karka can join them in crustacean heaven. lol
Yes. The Chest gave not only rewards such as Exotics or precursors, but also a Karka Box, and inside of it is a 20 Slot bag, and an accessory.
I’ll be as constructive as I can in this, so bear with me.
The Event was amazing, for the sake of the Lore alone I really enjoyed what the team provided me as a gamer. The Karka were challenging, but when everyone focused they went down quickly enough.
In regards to the assault phases, I will say this: It was in fact laggy with the amount of people in one single area. Creatures were invisible until they were right on top of you and you by then were invisible barrel rolled. (Funny to me and my kid cause we’d mock each other when one of us still lived)
Items: I can understand the frustration of most. When you are fighting mobs of Karka which take a bit of time to defeat there should be something to show for it, so loot drops are nice. When you kill tons of karka and not one has a drop of anything on it, it becomes a “Why do I bother? I can just run by everything”
The End Event Loot: I’ve heard precursors dropped, and that’s awesome for those who got it. Heck, I was excited when the first day of head start I got an Abyss dye, so I imagine those players squee’d a little bit. The loot was nice in my opinion, very rewarding considering the amount of time it took to complete the event. 2 Exotics, 2 Rares and the 20 Slot bag and accessory. The bag and accessory alone made me happy, and the exotics I couldnt use, BUT my husband had something I could use, and I had something he could use, so it was a great trade off.
On the issue of Timzone constraint, here’s an idea for the Team to consider. We have American and EU servers yes? Perhaps, hold the “One time event” In the EU servers in the afternoons for them, and the same for the American Servers, then Lock the Servers for that weekend the Event is being held so players can’t transfer jump to get double the rewards. Just an idea
All in all I give it an 8 out of 10. I loved the lore, I loved the goals, the rewards were worthwhile in regards to the challenge. The negatives being the Lag/Invisible creatures.
So thank you Arena Net Team, and I can’t wait for the next event in December.
(edited by ClanTzimisce.1269)
So I found Canach on the boat, however I can’t complete the fight/phase 1 part with him because he’s a prisoner now. And, I was never able to complete it because he was bugged out in Kessex Hills. So, is the Team going to compensate or is it an auto complete
Confirmed for Crystal Desert. The sidebar message says to defeat him to get him to talk and tell you what he knows, however the bug itself is that he doesn’t turn hostile, so he can’t be attacked.
The one thing I miss is him killing you!
And Rock, Paper, Scissors! Please bring those emotes back, ANEt!
When I was building it I thought it would be in poor taste to break people’s armor. So he brings you down to 1% health instead.
I think what you did was great. It’s hilarious when he trolls you then knocks you down with laughing pumpkins over your head.
And I second that request. Bring back the other emotes please Air guitar, Boo, rock/paper/scissors.
Josh Foreman.
Don’t feel bad at all about the amazing map you made. I admit, I gave up not out of frustration or anger at the creators, because quite frankly I think the clock tower is outstanding, but because my reflexes and depth perception just isn’t up to par. So yes, I gave up but every now and then I go back and try again just for the FUN of it
So, don’t let the responses here get you down. You did an AMAZING job on the clock tower, and I look forward to the next treats you and the rest of the developers bring for the future.
Thank you if no one has said it yet. THANK YOU!
I’d like to second this appreciation. I had always enjoyed Guild Wars 1 holiday events, but you took what was lots of fun and increased it by a bazillion. I love the Labyrinth, and the pvp instances and the ascent to madness was outstanding. Thank you Arena Net for making Guild Wars 2 all the more enjoyable. Happy Halloween everyone!
I did a search, didn’t see anything on it. However I’ve noticed that sometimes, the skill will revive NPCs when its supposed to, but in dungeons it won’t revive team mates. I am unsure if that’s the intent, or if it’s bugged out, but I’ve tried it several times when a party member has been downed during a dungeon run, and it never revives them.
Norn Ranger, Level 80
I didn’t get that far away from Trehearne, in fact I stayed on top of him hoping the mobs would get off me a bit. However once the mobs were cleared, we defeated the Elite and he stopped outside the entrance and won’t follow any further. I cleared out the tombs, and still nothing.
Thanks for all the information guys. Yeah, I have all the original GW expansions, and I loved the stories and history to each one, so it will be really interesting to see what the developers give us in the future. Speculation IS FUN! lol.. I know I would definitely like to revisit those areas as well.
Oh excellent. Thank you
So, I’ve been curious since I’ve read the books. Whatever happened to Cantha and Elona when the dragon woke and spread destruction over all of Tyria. I know the two lands weren’t connected to Tyria, and that a boat had to be taken to travel to and fro, but in the books it never stated what happened to those continents, and I’ve not really seen anything in the story thus far about it in GW2.
I really loved the different aspects of those other two continents, so I have to wonder, will those appear later on in the years to come? Or am I just not finding the lore in the game?