Showing Posts For Clostridius.2415:

The devs do a good job

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415



Alashya on Mesmer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


i dont understand why you nerf or change the state of the mesmer anyway?! i mean there are really a lot other builds and especially classes which are a lot stronger than any mesmer build…why dont u begin there?
why do you still try to balance this game? it gets worse with every patch in my eyes. reset it to release day. there it was at its best….

Return of real Tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


and why does it take so long? because nobody plays this game anymore. i remember times where 3-times tournies popped instant!!! so we need new stuff to get all this players back! and 1-round tourny definitely doesnt motivate!

Leaked Patch Notes

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


With every kittening patch the balance in this game gets worse in my eyes! They just should reset this game to release day! There it was best! And the ranger nerfs if they should be true just show us that Anet is to stupid to understand their own classes!

Return of real Tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


When do real tournaments come back? Or when do we get new tournament modes?
This 1-round tournament is so kittening boring! All day long the same map over and over again…its so boring!!!
I want real tournaments with a lot of teams. More than 1 round. We need tournaments with good rewards! These kittening chests i dont even open anymore because i dont have enough space in my bag for all this kitten!
We need small 3-round tournaments like we had some months ago and we need new tournament modes like weekly or monthly tournaments with big rewards. the current mode is so annoying. And please dont tell me that there are big tournaments createt by Jianji and GW2 Pro…Yes this tournaments are cool, but we need tournaments ingame, createt by Anet!
I really hope that Anet will act soon! The pvp community gets smaller every day. If u play TPvP often u know every single player. New players are rare! So please give us new motivating stuff, so that the old players stay and a lot new players will join this game!

Leaderboards... for real this time

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


totally agree!
it is more and more frustrating how anet deals with their pvp community. all these empty promises.
im sick of it!!!

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


Its not Arenanet! It is KARL!

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


One week after patch and still no leaderboards…
OOOOh i forgot u designed the Adventure Box for PVE players. Very important!!!
Now i know why PVP players get nothing since 7 month.

Wasnt this game sold as a pvp game?

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


I Can tell u what happend:


No Tournaments, no rating, no fun…
And i thought this game is made for PvP Players…

SOTG: Nero & Grouch Tanked it...

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


totally agree with that! The PvP-Part is nearly dead in my eyes…
And thats sad, because this game has so much potential. I love the playstyle but the devs are not able to create important new stuff for their community.
My motivation is gone now too.

And Karl is a kittening Joke!!!

[SOTG] Questions Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


Please ask them what they plan to do to get all the players back who already left the game. The PvP Community is so small already even in the evening or on weekend there are no 3-Round Tournies poppin…
What will they do and most important when will they do it? I think they have not much time left…

The things what im talking about are obvious i think…Ladder, Duels, Private Server, other matchmodes….

Thanks Xeph!!!

maps updated & 8 team rewards increased

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


Anet big congratulations!!! Best idea since Release!!!
PS.: Hiiii Erika!!!

Is this a joke ?

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


totally agree…this patch is just ridicoulus. the only thing we achieve from this patch is a even more smaller pvp-community. a lot of people will quit. congrats!!!

Opinions & Concerns about upcoming PvP changes

in PvP

Posted by: Clostridius.2415


So this is all we get? thats just sad and boring
at least u could have added a random map generator for the 3-Round Tourney. Is this so hard to create?? What people do work for you? Its not so difficult!
And this is the BIG PvP Patch? Just ridiculous…