Showing Posts For Cod on Cod.3694:

26/12 ~ BG/JQ/SoR v4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I am losing my will to fight (and so – log in), as the grudges towards my advisaries are fading with the lack of chestbeating, trolling, fingerpointing and trashtalking.

On the upside, my Simcity is huuuge!!

Happy New Year all. Doubt i’ll find the will to log on, and tell you with the pointy end of my sword as I hoped.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I never took anyone seriously in the threads. I always found it a good place for entertainment. I don’t think the issue was necessarily the negative posts, I think the issue was the overly aggressive moderators. Some of my most innocent and dopey jokes were removed and infracted. Let your community have some trash talk and aggressive banter, it’s just going to end up in some other subforum if this one is removed….. The problem won’t be solved.


If the Mod’s feel like they spend to much time moderating match-up forum, it is because they do. Step the kitten back, and let the competitive trash talking and banter live. Moderate what needs to be moderated, like racist stuff, direct personal attacks etc.
Thats what the community wants. Try listening for once.

Overreaction, that gets Anet nothing but grief.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

Stop stacking servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Dunno why you’re asking us.

Well, wasn’t asking you, or in general. Just trying to get this guy to back up his claim.

….BG is a perfect example of this because of the sheer number of guilds they bought in preparation for Season 1…

But I guess it’s just another one, not able to. Don’t feel bad, there’s been plenty before you

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

IRON was also the first dedicated guild to move to NA bracket, RG came later and only stayed for a few weeks.

If I read history correctly, BG was the first to get dedicated EU guilds with the DEYS alliance back in October 2012 when BG was trying to rebuild. (4 or 5 guilds of wich RK and HB are the only currently active).

IRON didn’t show up until February 2013 irrc,

Thing that tipped the EU scale towards SoR was the sheer size of IRON back then.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Wow… this “Season” thing really brought out a lot of bitterness in Tier 1…

When you put out a “look at us we’re the best” brag video on the forums your going to get some negative reactions – especially when the leagues are nowhere near a level playing field.

The video has like 30 seconds worth of bragging(if you can even classify the final score run-down as bragging), with the rest of it a big thank you to everyone involved in the win.

But fair enough, if your are still QQing about your loss, might aswell….

7-0…. seriously weak

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

.25/10 troll attempt

Something wrong about mixing fractions and decimals…

that’s the best trolling you can do? really? you should have stuck with the zerging, buying, spawn camping, and pvt more fun to read.

Wha?? That wasn’t trolling, I am serious! Mixing fractions and decimals is an abomination against humanity!

I don’t have any PvF ammo against Mags or SoS. They just too small, never really fought you before, and I dont give a rats kitten about roaming.

But this guy speaks the truth. I think you just killed a puppy by mixing fractions and decimals.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

oh come on … JQ really has no right to complain …

when you bought MERC …. you pvded like every night until season started lmao

And this is why we hate BG

Who are we?

Do you represent a server? A guild? A Group of JQ investors?

Who wants to know?

Hi, im Cod on Cod and im 33 years old, and have been playing GW2 since beta.

I travel between servers alot to get a taste of everything, so im not in a guild (well ok, sometimes i rep my own “banking guild” for a few minutes). Im a permanent selfmade pug

It’s been boiled down some in my signature, true.

My allegiance lies with BG though, but I think a quick run through my post history would reveal that.

Now do you know who Butter is speaking for? Really don’t like when my simple questions gets dodged like the plague, like Keezee did for an entire day…. (well, technically still do).

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

(edited by Cod on Cod.3694)

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

oh come on … JQ really has no right to complain …

when you bought MERC …. you pvded like every night until season started lmao

And this is why we hate BG

Who are we?

Do you represent a server? A guild? A Group of JQ investors?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

(edited by Cod on Cod.3694)

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Another wall of text discrediting the hard work of your servermates. Thanks Jeydra…

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

(edited by Cod on Cod.3694)

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Oh noes…. Did we break yet another T1 server? Oops!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I just love all that stories about BG ’’buying’’ ZDs. Like i said in other psts if you like to see it that way, so shall it be ! By the way here is our pricelist for Season 2:

ZDs coming to your server with 40 man raid: 40 000 gold
ZDs moving our from your oponent server: 200 000 gold
ZDs players get shot: 200 000 000 gold
ZDs t-shirts, kittens: 15 000 gold per unit
ZDs themed jingle: 3500 (-25%) gold !!!


Champion of Khorne

Heeyyy, we were overcharged !!! Knew we shouldn’t have revealed our warchest. This is what happens then.

Yeah man, whats with the season 2 discounts?

We want the difference refunded!!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Looks like JQ is putting BG back in it’s place. Keep it up!

BG just closed the ~5k gap…

But yeah, you go JQ – rainbows and unicorns!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

SoR/Mag/BG thread survives, and this get canned?? Was the most civil matchup thread in a looong time lol!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

(edited by Cod on Cod.3694)

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

after 16 pages … These roaming trolls are getting old but i don’t think our mag can offer anything else …

Even spawn camping, we choose to go to SoR’s instead lol more fight over there.

Where are Scootshot and KeeZee. we need something new here ….

13/14 SoR trolls have been killed by BG now.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

What is this thread? I don’t even…. I am speechless. We are ALL delusional, Alissa isn’t even in this matchup. Roaming doesn’t exist for anyone. Again, all the solo roamers complaining about x server not having solo roamers…. my head is going to explode. This thread, omg. I am so dumbfounded. Wow. Wow….. woooooow. Just…

I need a drink.

Look at them. So kitten cute! Who’s a good boy!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

kitten good to have you in the thread mag’s.

You’re like an upleveled SoR (before they were beaten in PvF aswell as WWW). The same disillusions of grandeur, just without any real chance of beating anyone.

Like a tiny little puppy barking it’s head of…. I know your mad and all, you’re just so kitten cute!!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

It shows how valuable a strong pug / militia force is. SoR needs to realize that marginalizing your pugs and elitism has hurt your server in these match-ups.

Something which has never happened, so please stop lying.

Several posts in this very thread claims otherwise…..

And posts from new players stating otherwise.

Well, uhm yeah….

It would be the new players feeling alienated. Then coming here posting about how excluded and unwelcome they feel in WWW.

What is your point here?, I’m saying there are posts from genuine new players to the server stating how its been welcoming. As someone from a small guild who frequently has to run with the larger guilds I can personally attest to how the Rallians are treated.

Ah, sorry. You otherwised my otherwise.

True, both experiences exist. But wich one speaks the loudest, when even veterans like fractal above have complaints? You said the mistreatment of WWW Rallians never ever happened. I never stated it allways happened.

For the record, I don’t feel there’s any internal drama unfolding on SoR. I’m unhappy enough to leave now, yes, and maybe seeing me speak up has caused others (as was expected) to timidly raise their hand and say “…but he has a point”, but overall there’s been no hint that anyone’s planning to leave/desert SoR. Far as I know, it’s just me speaking up right now, and I was long ago written off as a troll on my server, so any reactions to me are funny, but not proportional.

It isn’t SoR’s numbers that have dwindled, it’s their fighting spirit.


Nobody but the most disillusioned SoR (and a few JQ) trolls ever believed the growing disparity in score was caused only by ZD’s arrival. Morale and momentum failed at a critical time causing the fairweathered to vanish. All servers have them, but it’s on yourself to bring them back, and not on BG to stop fighting as hard as possible.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

It shows how valuable a strong pug / militia force is. SoR needs to realize that marginalizing your pugs and elitism has hurt your server in these match-ups.

Something which has never happened, so please stop lying.

Several posts in this very thread claims otherwise…..

And posts from new players stating otherwise.

Well, uhm yeah….

It would be the new players feeling alienated. Then coming here posting about how excluded and unwelcome they feel in WWW.

What is your point here?, I’m saying there are posts from genuine new players to the server stating how its been welcoming. As someone from a small guild who frequently has to run with the larger guilds I can personally attest to how the Rallians are treated.

Ah, sorry. You otherwised my otherwise.

True, both experiences exist. But wich one speaks the loudest, when even veterans like fractal above have complaints? You said the mistreatment of WWW Rallians never ever happened. I never stated it allways happened.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

(edited by Cod on Cod.3694)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

It shows how valuable a strong pug / militia force is. SoR needs to realize that marginalizing your pugs and elitism has hurt your server in these match-ups.

Something which has never happened, so please stop lying.

Several posts in this very thread claims otherwise…..

And posts from new players stating otherwise.

Well, uhm yeah….

It would be the new players feeling alienated. Then coming here posting about how excluded and unwelcome they feel in WWW.

That is where SoR have failed utilizing the surge of newcomers.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

It shows how valuable a strong pug / militia force is. SoR needs to realize that marginalizing your pugs and elitism has hurt your server in these match-ups.

Something which has never happened, so please stop lying.

Several posts in this very thread claims otherwise…..

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG has placed first in all their matches so far as well as winning 13 out of 14 matches with SoR. Still waiting to see where BG was in such dire straits.

Oh ya, SoR had higher ppt for a few ticks one day out of the week.

I do find it funny that BG keeps using the match before Leagues as proof that they had it so hard when most servers took it easy to get ready for League. Even some of the BG forum warriors even commented as such.

Why do you keep bring up the match before seasons? Yes we took it easy that week but to be honest JQ would have probably won even if we didn’t. We understand you think BG is the bestest but you should really stop discrediting SoR and JQ. All the trolls and chest thumpers aside, there are still a lot of people on BG that have huge respect for JQ and SoR and know how good they can be.

Side question for ya, what does 13 of 14 matches prove when SoR is well known to play for fights and that PPT is just a subset of why they are out there? From my understanding a lot of SoR guilds feel as if they won by having a exciting match rather than seeing a higher score at the end of the week….

Zik don’t bother with him, he seriously will not listen to anything outside of his one single argument which doesn’t even take every factor into effect.


A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

another wall of chest thumping hot air

Give it a rest….

Your post was all about how divine [DIE] is and how crap BG is, ending in a threat to bring 70+ underleveled people to BG to clog queues and be rallybots.

Thread then proceeded to fill with people from all servers calling you out as crap, before beeing deleted at your own request.

Just… give it a rest.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

This kid, really….

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Someone get those BG kids off our lawn, they party at our garri and we spend half the evening throwing away half empty beer mugs.
The worst part is, they sometimes get bored (because they take it midday when we have virtually no one on) and hand it over to SoR who are the worst tenants ever.
The amount in back rent….

i lol’d irl xD

imo SoR should team up with SoS and spoil fun for BG

SoS is like TC in that regard. They don’t really do what you want, hope or think. They do as they please.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

My Predications for week 7 is that some where along the lines Cuddlestrike will say “Go to bread” somewhere between pages 1 and 48

Gallimar – Pirate

Then I’ll go with Jed____ ______ of ______ JQ ultimate _ – is mentioned somewhere between pages 6 and 37.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

In all fairness Bull coming to SOR if they can field similar numbers to at least COIN is a good thing. This will give BG’s larger EU guilds a reason to split up instead of focusing the only single guild IRON that can fight them 1v1.

JQ yes have less EU but they have not relied on EU to win and they don’t require it they are the strongest overall and not in a single time zone. From an EU guild perspective going to JQ would be a horrible experience finding yourself facing not Just SOR’s IRON, AFTL, WIK but also BG’s ZD’s COIN, HB, PLX, EU guilds are not emotionless robots we seek opponents and allies and a sense of community in equal measure.

Hence AFTL came to SOR we are too few to face large organised guild groups we had to ensure that we could maintain our havoc role and not get sucked into having to merge into a blob with the server every day to fight such guilds. With IRON present and COIN supposed to be it’s nemesis on BG we could work as a guild and provide the service we where designed for dealing with our counterparts unfortunately ZD’s dropped in and knocked things out of balance i guess.

What larger BG EU guilds are you talking about? All the EU guilds run the same numbers as you. There has ever only been 1 large EU guild in NA, and thats IRON.

And what do you mean ZDs knocked the balance in EU? you have you partners in IRON telling us it doesnt affect EU fights that much becauseTZ only overlaps like 1-2 hours? Eich is it?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Love how a guy banned from the forums is still posting

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

@ 09:27 AM their Monday primetime is a few hours into the future. Pretty sure they are not that gifted to be able to see in to the future, but are talking about past experience…. Like the weekend….

@ Shifty: No guilds pointed at. Back and forth wiping eachother is how it should be. You cant speak for the rest of SoR though.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I guess you couldn’t come up with any facts to show BG had a coverage gap so let the insults begin.

Breathe…..getting mad isn’t healthy.

Far from mad, and at no point trying to prove BG had a coverage gap. Really…

Still accept your failure to answer, as your answer though. Thanks for acknowledging BG could not have gathered the gold to pay for all your claims

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG won 6 out of the last 7 matches where it was BG/SoR/server x. 85.7% win percentage against SoR.

Why did BG feel they wouldn’t win?

Oh ya, that’s what they want everyone to believe.

I give up on your kid, simply dont know why you are dodging this simple question….

Anyway, happy trolling you broken record you.

Give up on facts……the BG way.

The fact that you will not answer the question, no matter how much I poke you for it, is actually all the answer i need.
The number you would have to pull out of your kitten to cover for all the claimed purchases BG have done, would have to be so ridiculously big, that noone would believe it anyway. In so making 50% of your troll attempts completely void.

Can’t have that now can we.

Now, regarding the other 50% of your trolling agenda….. How many times did BG beat SoR? Seriously….

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG won 6 out of the last 7 matches where it was BG/SoR/server x. 85.7% win percentage against SoR.

Why did BG feel they wouldn’t win?

Oh ya, that’s what they want everyone to believe.

I give up on your kid, simply dont know why you are dodging this simple question….

Anyway, happy trolling you broken record you.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I honestly dont know if BG have bought guilds, maybe yes, maybe no.

I honestly dont know if BG have paid TC to attack only SoR.

I have no rank in BG. Im not in the loop.

I just want to know how much SoR thinks the fundraiser made, to make it finacially possible to do the things BG is accused of.

Oh, and Keezee…. Could you put a “or else!” in the end of your “You may want to stop posting now” bit? Think it would make me shiver just a little. kitten, just answer the question, and i will let you off the hook

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

….Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.

I am also still waiting….

If you dont want to guess, just say no. Im just curious….

Rest of SoR take a guess? Anyone…..?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.

I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.

Yay, another one bringing up Cash!

KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??

I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?

Don’t be mad that BG beat SoR 6 out of the 7 matches and still felt that they needed to keep buying guilds.

Funny how you still don’t count the matches with SoR as easy…….I know why….because that would make BG the server with the easiest matches.

What colour is the sky in the world you live in….Rose?

- Not actually mad BG has won 6/7. Be it 1v1, roaming, havoc, zerg, blob, WubWub Leagues…. I like winning.

- Didn’t Count the matches against SoR as easy (not untill recently atleast).

- A bit cloudy right now sadly.

There…. answered you. Now could you return the favor, and not just ramble Again?

Oh, and Butter – If you want to try a guess you are more than welcome!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.

I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.

Yay, another one bringing up Cash!

KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??

I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

For not understanding:
ZBs = ZDs, WWW roster named ZBs in guild ZDs on SFR.

Guys from SoR, r u joking when u blame ZDs in yr defeat?
So many messages about ZDs.. Hm. Thx for PR.
But be better if u will fight vs BG in game.
Thank you.

BG was already beating SoR without ZD, you are correct.

So don’t you think BG buying ZD doesn’t put it in the stacked category?

Of course it does.

And that’s what BG does.

BG never buys guilds, and never over stacks, what are you talking about? It’s all mad skillz.

Go on UltraHighdeaf…. dare a guess on what kind of Cash that yielded. Keep amusing us please!

You’re mad and letting your emotions run in, calm down then come back and post again.

Ok, im calm Again, thanks UHD…

…So, how much do you think the fundraiser raised?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

For not understanding:
ZBs = ZDs, WWW roster named ZBs in guild ZDs on SFR.

Guys from SoR, r u joking when u blame ZDs in yr defeat?
So many messages about ZDs.. Hm. Thx for PR.
But be better if u will fight vs BG in game.
Thank you.

BG was already beating SoR without ZD, you are correct.

So don’t you think BG buying ZD doesn’t put it in the stacked category?

Of course it does.

And that’s what BG does.

BG never buys guilds, and never over stacks, what are you talking about? It’s all mad skillz.

Go on UltraHighdeaf…. dare a guess on what kind of Cash that yielded. Keep amusing us please!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

I’d like to request that SoR continue to play like this when you face us. Please? PLEASE?


Mighty nice weather JQ’s having. Good week to come back.

There won’t be anything to come back to. The Season is already doing funny things to guilds… another week of second place might hurt more than you think.

Was more a remark on people being heavy commenters whenever their server is winning with conveniently timed absence during months-long losing streak.
But sure, I’m all beat up about nightcapping issues.. It’s a new thing for us rallians. <,<

Always the way Letoll, some folks only show up here when they are winning. Tumbleweed the rest of the time. Hope you folks get your mojo back. Respect.

One tool from PvE land trolls Iron and we’re falling apart. The real Rallians know Iron gave us a chance in the first place… And also they don’t need our help on the forum.
These BG randoms you see spouting about wanting fights.. lol.. Put a tag in your signature, be somebody

Who me?

My sig is very accurate. I am not in a guild. (Not even on BG atm, but on SoR, you could say im actually spouting about having someone to fight with against BG…..)

My allegience is with BG, but i guess that is fairly obvious.

Anyway, enough about me. kitten of and go fight you fairweather kitten.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Pretty dissapointing effort from SoR.

How can you say you just play for fights, when you clearly stop playing as soon as you are threatened on the score.

I used to respect SoR as a tough rival especially in open field, but clearly there is nothing tough about SoR other then a few forum warriors.

BG is not over stacked we have lost a lot of coverage and experience, SoR has proven they have at least matching numbers in the past, but where is your server pride now SoR ?

Not overstacked? It would be interesting to see how JQ faces you. We have been all out fighting this week after a pretty demoralizing week before. Oceanic time was pretty stupid tonight. 1 float team map hopping with 3 huge groups of BG wrecking havoc on all sides.

In a 1v1 – JQ will break faces in SEA, while getting hit hard during EU.
I would call the odds like 55%-45% in JQ’s favor.
One thing that would not happen is either rolling over and just take it like SoR.

Get of the forums and start fighting you young cat.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Bla bla bla, more kittened SoR bullkitten.

BG got world first Teq kill, wich attracted alot of PvE folks. The population of a server does not equal WWW players.

BG EU only have queues on weekends, but can’t find fights all week, because SoR does not show up.

Quit the crap excuses and go fight. Both BG and JQ are in here telling you that your excuses are kitten. They have been fighting you long enough to know it takes more than 1 extra coordinated guild on BG to make you get kittened by 100k.

Just go kittening fight you kittens

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Multiple SEA/EU guilds followed ZDs to BG.

12 NA guilds went to BG in the weeks before leagues.

- Please SoR…. start naming these guilds for us instead of these random claims.

There is no reasoning, other than a few SoR people with a semi-realistic view of WWW.

You are a bunch of fairweather kittens with nothing but excuses. Grow a pair and start “not caring” for PPT and kittening fight.
This is getting rediculous.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Can SoR let us know when will BULL transfer over? Heard someone has seen some BULL’s tag already. I know a lot of people on BG are eager to fight the new EU guild:)

BuLL are slowly transferring over but they are coming. They are also doing this out of their own pocket and haven’t been paid to come. (Heads up to JQ/BG there )

Oh, we know SoR don’t help transfers. Don’t have to repeat.

Have they signed Indo’s lifetime commitment contract yet?

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Yes the season is runied by bg’s buying of guilds but who cares? we never cared for the points game anyways. we play for fights and to have fun. we are currently enjoying wiping the blobs that can be found around every corner. we can map hop to our heart’s content. we never have to come home from work/school, log in and spend the evening in queues. We can log in and hop on to whatever border we want. I can’t complain.

Wow… Queues in EU. Did that really happen before Leagues??

SoR EU so stronk, no win, not so stronk.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Well Played BG, you guys win, unless JQ can stop you, well played I must say =) As for SOR keep fighting til the end!

Isn’kitten bit early to throw up the white flag?

We still have nothing to cover your russian slot. Or ZDs planning to stop PvD? Don’s think so.

there’s no point trying to win against the overstacked server who buys to to queue up 24/7 to win, were just guna enjoy fights in our primetimes. Its a shame that BG dont realise how stacked they are and how bored they must be of the queues.. pity. Pretty much single handily ruined the seasons for all servers

Shifty, I finally have some time to sit down and troll after beeing left out of a juicy week like last week, and all you give me to work with is this broken record??
New week, new material please.

You’re just starting to sound as grumpy, whiney and bitter as Waage!

You cant troll with the truth, sorry Cod but your slacking <3

But it is only half the truth i guess. The other half is thats you guys are just not showing up.

Last weekend, SoR was wrecking BG…. Now – you have no queue on any BL?? (just tested)

So maybe BG covered a slot for the moment, but in the weekend that should’t matter one bit!!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Well Played BG, you guys win, unless JQ can stop you, well played I must say =) As for SOR keep fighting til the end!

Isn’kitten bit early to throw up the white flag?

We still have nothing to cover your russian slot. Or ZDs planning to stop PvD? Don’s think so.

there’s no point trying to win against the overstacked server who buys to to queue up 24/7 to win, were just guna enjoy fights in our primetimes. Its a shame that BG dont realise how stacked they are and how bored they must be of the queues.. pity. Pretty much single handily ruined the seasons for all servers

Shifty, I finally have some time to sit down and troll after beeing left out of a juicy week like last week, and all you give me to work with is this broken record??
New week, new material please.

You’re just starting to sound as grumpy, whiney and bitter as Waage!

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Reading about 3+ hour queues on JQ, makes me happy that BG didnt stack before the league, leaving us 4 out of 5 timezones without a queue on atleast one map, even with all the pve achievement hunters.

Now enjoy your 3 weeks of nothing to fight JQ :-)

Thanks for the fights this week SoR. Cant wait for a lagfree fight against you next week.

Ps. Please recruit more EU guilds JQ :-(

Just thought I’d drop this here after ZDs was brought to BG.

Boooy did you choose the wrong guy to quote , LOL! (Why is in bold above)

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Plenty of posts to troll, but I think I’ll just leave it at: Holy kitten this is intense!

The fights, the PvF, the politics, the map tactics…. It’s just so beautiful.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

There’s no question as to whether or not BG and SoR are working together against JQ, we can take it as a compliment though.

Sucks when you can’t pvdoor to victory like you been doin the last few weeks, eh?

Don’t blame us you guys didn’t play.

According to BG/SoR JQ is stacked and has better coverage but the present situation in WvW would say otherwise.

Hi KeeZee, and Welcome to WWW.

On the left you have history and meta. On the right you have statistics and graphs. Please feel free to nibble at all of it before engaging in PvF. Your disillusions will come of more convincing, if you add just a hint of knowing what the kitten is going on.


A fine blend of everything, aged well.

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

BG or SoR winning this week, won’t matter, as long as JQ finishes 3rd.

BG and SoR will play for the #1 in a best out of 3 heads-up.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?

If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.

You had EU.

But then you kept on stacking untill even they thought it was ridiculous, and moved of.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.