#swaguuma pride worldwide
Showing Posts For Cogswick.5236:
#swaguuma pride worldwide
This keeps happening to my warrior. The first time I thought it was just a mistake and I forgot to retrait after resetting them. I soon discovered it happened again. Its now happened four times, each time following leaving the Heart of the Mists.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
I think you’re probably hearing the music from the bar below her cell.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Help someone is pvp’ing in a pvp area. Stop them! They are ruining this game for me!
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Logan H. Thackary this thread is hilarious.
How dare ANet ask someone to do optional* content once over a seven week span in a pvp zone and then reward you when you complete it. That sounds completely awful and should be removed from the game. I can’t believe that they are now making jumping puzzles and some kind of challenging content be worth something in the meta achievement. Its a good thing they have never ever done this before in any world event ever. This game should be easy enough that I can play it blindfolded with spoons taped to my fingers. If this becomes standard I’m going to take my money that I don’t pay for this subscription free game that I purchased over a year ago and play something else but really I’ll come back after a month.
*Optional; op·tion·al /äpSH?nl/
1. available to be chosen but not obligatory.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Right now, Anet seem myopically focussed on increasing rewards for the winners/leaders as their way of improve participation in WvW (if we offer big enough rewards the leagues will be successful). More nuanced approaches, such as improving the commander system (to make it easier to organise players on the map) or removing unbalancing buffs, do not seem to be on their radar. I look forward to the day when they are.
Your use of the word “myopically” is arousing.
It’s very very possible that WvW population has not declined (if you believe this) because though the huge mismatches have caused a lot of WvW players to quit/take a break/play less, they are replaced by PvE’ers karma training.
It’s like saying Frostgorge sound must be an awesomely fun zone because so many players are always there, when in fact, a large percentage are just grinding the champ train.
I really, REALLY would like to see their data or at least a summary of what their statistics are/mean/etc.
I know a great number of people who log in to WvW to get their 10 kills for the daily and then leave. On the other hand I know people who have been playing since launch and have never run a dungeon/fractal, and practically live in the Maguuma borderlands. We also have those people who hit B and go to a borderland simply as a quick means to Lions Arch or access to a Trading Post/Bank and some vendors. Which of these does ANet consider an “Active WvW” player? All of them? Someone who exceeds a time threshold per day? Someone who accrues some WXP per day?
I honestly feel like simply knowing what metrics the devs use to determine this could go a long way for us (the players and devs) understanding each other.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
They don’t care. Devon Carver or whatever that dev’s name is already admitted this.
Yep. They care about numbers and reprimand the devs that interact with us over the content they create in an effort to make it better so that we might, you know, like and play this game more.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Isn’t it funny how the forums are a vocal minority yet they only ever post stuff like this on the forums?
I don’t understand what you want. Would you like them to post in big letters on your screen in game everytime someone at Anet headquarters uses the bathroom?
It’s a shame they can’t just relay info straight in to your mind or something right? Sheesh.
Where else do you really want it then? Sent in game mail? No thanks. I’d much rather read the stuff on the forums while I’m updating my game. Even still, why would anyone in their right mind actually believe that they would be able to use the WXP booster on consumables when Karma boosters were changed so they could not? It doesn’t take a genius or anyone with much less intelligence to figure out that the booster isn’t going to stay that way long. My cat could figure that out and it is a really dumb cat.
I am pretty sure that Lord Galwrath was simply making a joke/quip about the Devon Carver post leaked from the testing forums where he (Mr. Carver) states that those posting on the forum are a minority or something to that degree yet its how they (Anet/WvW Devs) disseminate a great amount of information, an act which is somewhat contradictory to the statement.
I might be wrong though and he might be serious.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
I said this on the mag forums and I’ll say it here too, I’d be happy with just an explanation of what ANet and the WvW team use for their statistics. How do they measure activity and what do they consider an “active WvW player” and the like.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
SOR is karma training, and not defending so FA and DB can karma train and we can karma train it back so FA and DB can karma train that then we karma train it again.
If only defending something was worth a kitten.
Take a tower, get a bag, 400 wxp, some xp, little karma, some silvers.
Defend a tower, get… ah yeah. Practically nothing. Maybe some bags and minor amounts of wxp from kills (unless you’re getting +60 wxp from every kill).
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Even counting that, you should still have enough… Give or take a few. That’s 250 champ bags, a crapload of karma, some gold and a ton of WXP chests.
Only thing that might be tight is the Dragonite, depending on your mix between keeps and towers.
Well and what about all the mats needed to GET to 500 in the profession….
Salvage. I leveled up Weaponsmithing from 400 to 500 with the Orichalcum and Ancient Wood salvaged from the blues and greens from a few Scarlet Invasions and dropping not more than 10g in the TP. Even if you’re having a hard time getting to 400, the borderlands are full of resource nodes for various levels, which also conveniently helps out when you’re trying to craft some Deldrimor steel or Spiritwood planks.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
(edited by Cogswick.5236)
This is why they do it.
Edit: I should add that I am guilty of this. I’m also guilty of /dance’ing, dropping flame rams, and a bunch of other things on top of people after they have been disposed of.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
(edited by Cogswick.5236)
Oh wow, you guys are so frustrating. Won’t take the time and effort I don’t deserve it? Your kidding? I’ve been exploring maps for the past month or so to get this world completion, so you need to think twice before posting such rubbish. The reason I made this post was to bring it to Arena Nets attention that people find it frustrating that the maps don’t rotate properly & fairly, and some of us are waiting purely for the WvW to rotate. I love WvW but your right, I don’t play it because of lag. So thank you, for your undermining comments but take them somewhere else
I’m pretty sure the point of your original post was you are upset that you can’t get full WvW completion because you were placed as red this week, which implies that you don’t want to put in the effort to go and take the locations that will let you have access to the other vistas/poi. If you were willing to go and take a tower or two for vistas, then being red wouldn’t be a problem.
If you were really wanted to “bring it to Arena Nets attention that people find it frustrating that the maps don’t rotate properly & fairly” you should probably find something that actually matters to argue with, like the ranking and matchup system that are complained about in four or five other threads that were created this morning.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
It’s really annoying me that people are just like “It’s WvW your suppose to attack things”. We wont take most of those points ALL WEEK. And I can’t exactly solo attack it can I. So it’s not as simple as ‘’go and attack things’’. It just means I have to wait until we rotate round to that part of the map.
I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Said no one ever.
I am someone so you are wrong. Run around with ranger and come back here and tell me wvw is balanced.
So you ran around with a ranger and ran into three people and died? Clearly this game is not balanced out to allow you to engage a group three times your size and that is unreasonable. Mmhmm.
Or maybe you’re just bad?
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Who cares about stats?
Go Wupwup. You need a rainbow weapon.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
#swaguuma pride worldwide
You know World 2 is TOO HARD when...
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Cogswick.5236
Just buy coins outside of the box. You can get 7 bauble bubbles in one daily rotation from world 1 and the bonus round. This means 7 coins, which equates to 175 lives. Do you SERIOUSLY need more than that to beat world 2? The infinite coin is very VERY unnecessary.
Not only can you get coins with the easy to get baubles (look up dulfy’s digging guide) and bauble bubbles in world 1, but Continue Coins are dropping from world chests like Support Tokens and Gauntlet Tickets did. I don’t know about you but I still have a stack of 180 some tickets and would have even more tokens if it weren’t for merching them.
After an hour of running jumping puzzles for ascended mats (which now drop there), I’m +6 continue coins. That’s 30 lives. Boom problem solved.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Cogswick.5236
As an Asura/Charr/Human player who has attempted to play on all three characters, I must say that using a “non-standard size” character (standard size being human/sylvari) makes it seem… more difficult. On World 2 Zone 1 I spent a decent amount of time fighting the camera and its attempts at making me motion sick while I sat still in a motionless seat. It would zoom in to where I could see the backs of my characters eyeballs then suddenly be stuck behind a rock or some waterfall. I spent a great deal of the fight with the bears inside of the waterfall at the end of 2-1 looking at the back of my charr hoping his stick wakittenting things and trying to figure out why half my body was hanging off the log.
These of course aren’t new gripes to this game. Jumping puzzles have long since been ways to test your stomach’s endurance if you so decide, but the camera system certainly doesn’t do many players any favors in experiencing this content.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Well I’d rather have it being playable and slowed down than lagged out and not having any skills work.
Only thing that changes is you have more time to react, it doesn’t “gum” it up. Right now you can’t react at all in large fights because you can’t activate skills I know which I prefer. Also more reaction time only really nerfs the mindless aoe spam, direct instantaneous attacks will be just as dangerous.
You don’t play much Eve do you?
As an Eve player for the past 6 years, TiDi works for reasons already mentioned by Mr Carter himself. GW2 doesn’t operate under the same combat system or meta that Eve does. If a 10 minute brawl in WvW was stretched out to 2 hours like some of the 10 minute brawls in Eve Online are, I would probably quit WvW and GW2 entirely. Kitten that Kitten, yo.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Why so serious? This is a discussion board so be prepared to … discuss things!
> Posts bad idea
> People post that it is and why
> “Guys this is discussion my idea is good because my way of playing is superior and more fun.”
#swaguuma pride worldwide
I forgot Borlis Pass existed.
#swaguuma pride worldwide
Tonight I scrambled up to run through the Queen’s Gauntlet. Everything was going peachy and was enjoyable. That is until I spawned to fight Windcaller Kieldia. The first thing I noticed upon leaving the loading screen was that I was already dead and attempting to rally. The second thing I noticed was that not only was I stuck on the wall of the arena, I wasn’t alone!
Brave Big Arus was busy fighting Liadri IN THE SAME ARENA THAT I WAS FIGHTING WINDCALLER KIELDIA IN. Suffice to say, we both died and were rather frustrated. I have no idea what caused this.
#swaguuma pride worldwide