(edited by Cosmo.8176)
Showing Posts For Cosmo.8176:
I’ve been casually reading this forum for the last hour or so and i’m shocked at how many people consider the ranger a bad class, underpowered and badly designed. I know this last update was the single one where they fixed/changed anything with the Ranger, but i took it more as a compliment of good design in the first place, staying stable for a good few months after launch.
Let’s take it from the top from my perspective:
The ranger is a VERY survivable class, even when comparing with a Necro. I don’t know how people play it, but i run polarbear/murrelow with major trait focus on vigor/endurance. Invincibility frames from dodges are vital and aside from saving my character from a possible downed state, makes it very fun to play.
Stack in two pets which could be called characters on their own, capable of damage and survivability on their own, switchable at a keypress at full health, to take damage when you’re not in the mood and you got a class that, atleast when i play it, it’s among the last to fall on the battlefield.
To note, i run standard Power/Prec gear with a menial 15k-ish HP to hold me up.
Wether you go longbow or shortbow, the damage rounds up to about the same, and i never complained about it. Most people compare it to the Warrior Rifle build, majorly because the F1 skill, but that’s bogus. Having to sit in one place, for 3 seconds to do that damage is bonkers when you’re comparing to the on-the-move-extremely-flexibile Rapid Fire that can be cancelled midway while still delivering half its damage.
Rangers do have to rely on the Piercing trait and really think about their positioning on the field, but once you got that down, each shot you take should intercept at least two enemies, and that’s double-damage, from a safe position, while on the move. Mix in Quickening Zephyr with a Barrage and Sharpen and you have an almost instant DoTAoE that can seriously hurt mobs.
Even in WvW, the QZ/Rapid fire can nail enemies with mostly a single barrage, maybe with a tossed 4 knockback in there for good measure.
I’m also happy with the Axe damage, considering the richochet off 1 and the AoE efficiency of 2. Add the fact that the Warhorn does some serious buffs with 5 and the pure raw damage of 4.. mix it with the Longbow above and your presence can be felt on the battlefield.
While i have to say the ranger is not as enthralling as the fast and furious world of the Elementalist for example, i do enjoy a more paced experience. Constant dodging does spoil you for the other classes which can only dodge twice every 8-10 seconds but it’s the backbone of a fun and healthy ranger. As said, it might seem a tad bland for people but it does have its flavor.
I have a Ranger, a Warrior and an Ele and i tried my hand at all the other classes, and i can truly say that for high level content and PvP, i think i’ll stick with the Ranger. It’s versatile enough, strong enough and tactical enough to do wonders. While it may not have the extreme versatility of the Ele or the superstrenght/disables of the Warrior, there is no other class i would pick if i’d have to just pick one. to do everything with.
In the end, i don’t think i could have picked a better main, and that was true during the last months, and it’s even more so now with the buffs.
Personally i really think GW1’s Realm of Torment was a gorgeous example of true group cohesion in a dungeon. It’s a lot easier to judge when people play well when mistakes are critical and can cost a wipe rather than the jumble mumble of GW2 where if you play badly, that slack can be offshifted to other players and wiping really has no real effect except for a boss reset.
Did you make sure to keep 5 as a keybind for that skill? :p
Does it work if you click the actual onscreen button?
A murrelow (sp) and a polar bear. One called Jack, other called Ripper. Too on the nose?
My problem with Dungeons is that they are not skillbased enough. Make us actually use the knockback skills against some hard-hitting fast monsters, make us actually need to chill a boss to slow down its vital skill enough for someone to interrupt it, in short, make me think more of just when to dodge.
Dodging is fine and it’s a nice skillcheck, but really, aside from that i’ve rarely seen something that actually demanded us to make better use of our weaponskills, let alone our utility/elite.
If i hear about the waterclosets in Lion’s Arch ONE MORE TIME…
It’s been discussed. Lower your setting from Highst audio quality to a tab under.
Having played a few races and seen various cutscenes, i really feel that direction is a common problem. After you fought a huge army of undead on Claw Island having lines spoken to you like you are sitting for a coffee at Starbucks is just jarring. Some VO’s make better use of it or even nail it sometimes, but it’s rare.
I have managed to stop the out of memory errors by dropping quality BUT, now the game is purely freezing instead.
And don’t know how or why.. but it’s back again. -.-
Let me say the solution again. DROP SOUND QUALITY A DIAL UNDER HIGHEST. I never had it since i did that.
Let’s not debate this. The game is crashing when it shouldn’t.
Simple solution.
install windows 7 pro 64 bit(your serial key should be compatible). You are currently using only 3gb of your current 4 GB memory.
Also it would not hurt to upgrade your Memory to 8gb instead of 4.
3.5gb actually, and actually-actually, only 2GB unless i LMA it and i guess that’ll fall under the interdiction of the eula with using third party software.
The game /should/ run on 32 bit systems right? I saw no mention of 64bit only anywhere in the requirements.
I7 2700k
4gb DDR3
Win7 Pro 32 Bit
- 40% chance to crash on map change. When i relog i am in the new map.
- Random in-game crashes
I don’t think i can go more than an hour or so without a crash, thus making any WvW play impossibile.
Had the game with a notch under high quality sound and so far have not met the bug again, though i can’t say i’ve done extreme lots of WvW to prove it.
I want this……we have over 200 in our guild and around 1/2 are always representing various other guilds. Its really annoying and I think it is just dumb.
Make your guild more interesting and promote play and cooperation within your guild and you’ll be surprised how many people choose to represent/play your guild. It’s like cheating in a marriage. You go somewhere else to get something you can’t get at home.
I think it’s a GREAT idea, that skips on drama, and actually allows us more free choice in what and whom we play with.
Guys. I got this.
Dragons have been around for ages upon ages. Kormir was made a god like 250 years ago. Thus, she /can’t/ be a dragon.
As said above, you should play it because it’s a solid game. The story is convoluted and overpaced in some ways and less in others I’d say just to read up some good synopsis. If you want a rundown, it’s sort of like this for Tyria:
Gazilionyearsago history: Dragons. Forgotten. Creation of gods. Something like this, it’s half theorycraft, half fanstuff and measly bits of scattered mismatched official info.
Old-old-ancient history: Gods, Abbadon’s exile, creation of the world and the giving of magic.
Old-old history: The Guild Wars, Human races of Tyria fighting themselves. Charr invasion. The sinking of Orr via reading the Lost Scrolls by Vizier Khilbron. (Insert somewhat retconned Abaddon intervention here)
Old history: Charr Searing, firenuking Ascalon. Rurik leaving his father to rule a fallen kingdom, fleeing to Kryta. Undead situation in Kryta. Meeting the Mursaat/White Mantle, Scepter of Orr, Vizier Khilbron . Ascending the hero. Flameseeker Prophecies and Glint. Raiding Ring of Fire. Killing the Lich/Vizier Khilbron and nuking Titans. A bit later, offscreen, the Foefire is started and Charr kinda get charred. badpun there.
Contemporary-ish: Destiny’s Edge is formed in the arena of Lion’s Arch, they kill some dragon liutenants and come barely-close to killing Krakkaltorik. Glint dies in the process.
There’s also other stuff happening with Cantha in Guild Wars Factions with the Unwaking Temple and Shiro’s betrayal at about the same time as the other stuff’s happening in the old history, retconned Abaddon intervention again.
In Guild Wars Nightfall you basically make Kormir a God and kill Abaddon and also find out about the mischevious plots retconned in the other two games. Also, slight spoiler, but you fight the earlier game’s two bosses.. AT THE SAME TIME. Snap.
Eye of the North is basically a prologue for GW2. Before this moment, we did NOT know of any other races except Charr which were perceived as animals, Deldrimor Dwarves which were the only other real sentient race and maybe Glint as a mini-dragon. The Norn and Asura are introduced just now. The Sylvari arrive just before GW2 starts, like literally 20 years ago.
Small note about the story in GW EOTN, Asura were underground-dwelling creatures, they used the power of a sleeping dragon, Primordus, to power the Asura Gates from a central Hub, Dwarves fought against the first risen dragon liutenant.. The Great Destroyer, and use some mumbojumbo to turn their entire race into a stone-something to kill off the Great Destroyer, as that appeared to be their prophecy/destiny. Never liked that, felt just horribly not needed. Also, they stand guard and fight the Destroyers in the depths of the Earth, hoping to eventually kill Primordus.
Also Jora kills Svanir in EOTN striking up the Sons of Svanir movement.
Aaand.. i think that’s kind of it. There’s a lot to dig into, but the wiki should handle all your needs. The book/novels are not needed in the least, except Edge of Destiny which tells the story of Destiny’s Edge. A new book is coming out soon-ish, Sea of Sorrow, but no feedback on that.
Hope this has enlightened you a bit, and my memory might be joggy, so just double check all the facts i said and don’t take them for granted.
(edited by Cosmo.8176)
I can agree. Snoring really is obnoxious.
My first character was a Norn Female Hunter. I went for a dignity-heavy character, so my norn’s loud and prideful cinematics didn’t exactly fit very well with me, but hey, i did pick a norn. Now, i thought it was just that, but then i played a Female Sylvari Warrior.
The inflexions, the great voice acting and overall the feel of the character was great as a whole. I then went back to my norn female and realised that i didn’t like the actual voice actress and not that the character’s tone was not fitting. The lines really felt strained and bad at some points, and could not transfer over anykind of ‘feel’.
Anyone else dissatisfied with the Norn Female voice?
Later edit: I just found out the Female Sylvari was done by Jennifer Hale, of Mass Effect reknown for Female Shepard and a pro in doing voice acting. I thought it felt oddly familiar, but the quality is still there.
(edited by Cosmo.8176)
It’s a level 40 dungeon, and you got about half or 2/3s of a level for what, 1 hour of play? I think that to be in line to how much you’d gather from exploring around.
In any case, considering how many ways you can level, there isen’t a ‘bad way’ and i don’t think this is called an exploit per se, unless you got that much from a 5 minute speedrun.
NOTE: This has been solved for Nvidia users (me atleast) with the new 306.23 WHQL drivers!
Notsure> It’s because of ambient occlusion, either turn it off in Nvidia Cpanel, or don’t do extreme angless off textures. ;p
I don’t know what’s the policy against bumping threads but this needs to get adressed.
Getting back in this thread.. I7 2700k, 660TI with the latest 306.02 drivers for the 660TI specifically, Win7 32 bit, 4GB DDR3 1333. Running fullscreen at 1280×1024, Max settings, Native texture sampling. All CPU threads are used, all cores are unparked.
A definite low-fps spot for me is Lion’s Arch, reproducible@ Mystic Forge. Even when there’s no one around (4AM weekday EU server), i drop to 40 FPS.
Character movement via mouse stopped mid game and keyboard issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cosmo.8176
I would seriously consider a full offline, safemode system scan with anti-malware and anti-virus software.
It’s pure bogus. The launcher updates your version to the newest and ‘correct’ version. GW2 also uses a single large file for storage so you don’t have ‘extra’ files leftover from beta that might interfere. Long story short, there is no beta/launch clients differences.
It’s related to Flash Player, though i’m a bit confounded as to how and where it’s used ingame.
I’m having the same thing. Running the game off an SSD does make it manageable, but by god, tried it off my old 1 TB 5400 RPM HDD and it was horrible.
I have the same issue. As it was said, it happens in extremely large groups. For me, i noticed this in the Megadestroyer event and at the Battle of Fort Trinity, but it’s not limited to that. I’m on a Xfi Titanium with latest WHQL ’10 drivers, not the beta ’11 ones, I7 2700k, Win7 32 bit.