Showing Posts For Cozza.2836:

Premades vs soloers.

in PvP

Posted by: Cozza.2836


It’s not always a mess when up against a premade (see below).

I understand the frustration with being paired against a full premade, however. Most times I try and engage in conversation and tactics with my fellow soloers, other times it works out fine (see below). Other times they just flat out don’t listen – which is a very big problem. A lot of soloers go into sPvP as exactly that, solo, and ignore chat. This makes no sense when the objectives require working as a team.

It is really dependent on who you are teamed up with, though. For me, a big problem is being in a team with a bad collection of classes. No, I do not want two thieves on my team, or three warriors, nor four DH (actually happened once). If the game balanced the classes amongst the teams more efficiently, I think this would go a long way to helping a mostly-solo team against a premade.


Druid Build for raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cozza.2836


So a build is doing the job it is designed for, as well as “good team coordination” helping it along, and that makes it OP. Okay then. Much clickbait.

Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Yeah, that works great if you are playing on a mac……………

Seriously, I have been crashing so many times since the last patch. Since the expansion update I have had it pretty good compared to what others have written, but the last update did something bad. MAKE IT STOP. pls.

Burn D/H?

in Guardian

Posted by: Cozza.2836


I’m running something similar to your build, actually. Again, due to lack of funds (relatively new player) after buying my carrion gear for burn guard, I am not in the position to buy a whole new set of gear. But I’ve found that I don’t have to, at least so far.

In PvP I have been performing very well, actually. Nothing has changed in that regard since burn guard, for me. I’ve been trying a couple of different builds using LB/Mace-Torch or Sword-Shield, and find I have good survivability and DPS either way (even if I lose the extra burn with sword-shield!)

Will be interesting to see what the new meta will be.

About leveling toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cozza.2836


You receive tomes as a PvP track reward which can be used to level your character. You can level your character to 80 purely by PvPing.

If your character is only for PvP, then PvP away. You can jump in PvP games from level 2, though it is recommended to know your class a little beforehand.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Any updates on prologue bug, or?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Ya I messed up and started playing before it fully downloaded. There shouldn’t be an option to play it before it’s downloaded it it’s going to break your game.

Yet I started playing only after the expansion had fully downloaded… So that isn’t the issue at all, as I am stuck in the prologue too.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Yes i have purchased the HoT expansion. and no im not a complete idiot. I think.

Nobody thinks that

Any update? Since I am just sat here refreshing the forum every two minutes, waiting for a fix, instead of enjoying the game like everyone else has for the past 10 or so hours… :/

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Hi dudes -

I am reading the thread, and the testers are too. Some of the first few pages:

1. No extra character slot! – These are added once per week. Please submit a CS ticket if you don’t have one after a week has passed.
2. Stuck/frozen in Torn from The Sky – If you have not fully patched the client you will freeze when hitting a tripwire while the client downloads the missing cinematic. Solutions are to fully patch or wait for it to download. I know the waiting looks pretty sketch and you just want to push the close button or force quit.
3. Missing Achievement Points – We think this has to do with Halloween Achievement points from 2014 being reset in 2015. Investigating.

But no mention of anything about the VERY FIRST MISSION locking people out of the rest of the content..

Ah yes, I was only on page 4 when I read this – I have finished now.

Locked out seems to be solved with zoning from Silverwastes to Verdant Brink and then starting the mission again from there. It’s not confirmed yet to work, I only post after internal confirmation and that is in progress.

My original report is on page 1… Plus how can we solve it by zoning to Verdant Brink when we haven’t even got there yet..

The tester’s theory is this will work, but he’s not 100% sure yet.

How can we access Verdant Brink when we haven’t gained access to it yet? Literally, the portal is locked for me. I must complete the prologue before I can progress. I haven’t unlocked any waypoints in Verdant Brink, so I do not have the option of zoning there.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Same as above, pretty much. I didn’t finish the prologue before changing instances, and I am now bugged out of the prologue. So I am unable to continue the story at all.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cozza.2836


Completely Game breaking. The first time I tried to do the prologue the game crashed at the final cutscene. I alt f4’d and came back to it. There was no npc to talk to so i couldn’t finish the quest. This is the ONLY way to progress the story, which i now cannot do. I finished to download, tried to use someone elses instance to do it, tried to skip it. Nothing works. This completely stops any chance of progressing in the HoT story. fix it please, i didn’t play £70 for this.

Having basically the same issue as this. I left area before finishing the prologue, and when I returned, I could not return to the instance, and so the NPC’s I needed to speak to in order to continue the quest, are not there. Thus, there is no way for me to continue as the portal is closed until I have completed the previous parts… I have tried leaving system, quitting quest, restarting quest etc etc to no avail. Fix asap please, as we cannot even access what we have paid for. We haven’t even left Silverwastes!