NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
I ran through Straits of Devastation last night with a group of about 8 people, trying to figure out how to start the Eye of Zhaitan event. It was actually quite fun, and I went places I’ve never really been before. We got to do some events that nobody does, kill some epic bosses, use some really cool environmental weapons, and explore confusing catacombs. It made me realize how FUN this zone actual can be when you are not alone and getting roflstomped by risen at every turn. There is so much to do, so many places to go, so many events. The only problem is that the events that contest waypoints respawn about every 10 minutes. I got tired of killing the same Risen Acolyte Leader just so people could wp to my group.
The problem is too many people guide their gaming experience based on rewards. If it takes too long to do, or doesn’t drop a chest, they won’t do it. Never mind the fun…who plays games for fun anyways? It’s all about VIRTUAL PROFIT!
(edited by Curo.2483)
I’d sooner pursue such things in real life.
You mentioned that switching specializations will be as “easy” as it currently is to swap traits. Some may argue that this in fact is not easy, and would like to see a build-saving system similar to the one in GW1. Can this be a possibility?
I’m sick of people complaining about “limited time only” things existing. That’s what life is. You miss opportunities, people will have things you do not. If everybody had exactly the same thing, there would be no value in having anything. I want to be who I am and have my real life and my life in the game shaped by what I experience in life. I lost a chance to invest in Apple before it became huge. You missed the opening round of SAB. Things happen, life moves on, and then other things happen.
These threads make me so glad I’m intelligent. Sorry to hear about your dilemma.
Yeah we don’t have enough skill to see through stealth. Good troll. Traps…idk why they exist. Got hit by a supply trap for the first time in my life today!
On NSP, the attitude used to be “tired of big busy servers, come here”. NSP used to be a great place to go just to get away from zergfests. While that’s still true, and play is very balanced and manageable on NSP, I’d like to point out that we now have even better reasons to transfer over.
Our Northern Shiverpeaks Council WvW initiative was reinstated back in season 1, and I’m proud to say we are 19 weeks strong. NSP is now a great server to come to if you are looking for server organization and communication, and I’ve heard that we are now among the best servers to transfer to for that reason. When I think about the effort these guys put into the server, I’m really happy to say I’m a member of NSP.
All we really need now are a few extra numbers to bolster our timezone coverage. Any guilds looking to get involved with our server will get a chance to meet representatives of the NSC. We pride ourselves on having an “everyone is equal” approach to server organization. Nobody is ever forced to do anything, or prevented from playing how they want. It’s a collaborative effort, and it’s working very well for us.
The only reason NSP is in silver is because we have more players (than HoD/Kain) that place their pride over their enjoyment of the game. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Our only serious WvW guild (Os), knew that bronze was where we belonged, even though they wanted to be in silver for the competition. Some ignorant people flamed Os for this decision (which was a completely selfless one), so Os took us to silver to prove themselves to said people.
I’d say it’s some consolation to know that the NPS’ers that wanted us in silver are going to be getting their faces beaten in, but it’s really not. I won’t be able to enjoy my favourite aspect of the game for 7 weeks unless I leave my home server, which I have gotten very attached to.
This entire “WvW season” thing was a horrible idea, and is only rivaled in horribleness by the fact that Anet gave people so much time to destroy their own servers via transfers, stacking, throwing, and the results of differing opinions on those topics. I for one know that NSP was split between people who wanted bronze vs silver, and we risked losing multiple guilds and guild leaders over the whole thing.
As someone said earlier, those who see this as a challenge for NSP to overcome are delusional. The word “challenge” implies a chance of success. What’s even more ridiculous is how many NSP’ers think we fought hard and earned a rightful place in silver league. They don’t seem to understand that we are here because of illegitimate action taken by other servers who purposely lowered their WvW score to take what should have been our position in bronze.
What’s really funny is that Devon thinks he’s going to finish the Season 1 meta on NSP. The only way we are getting Stonemist Castle is if the other servers pity us and give it to us freely.
Makes me glad I’m on NSP. But then I remember we are facing SBI.
Transfer over, bring your guild
So we’ve all heard the “my friend has better RNG than me stories”, and most of us know that computers cannot actually create random numbers, and there must be a ‘random seed’ based off something. And if we put 2 and 2 together, it looks like some accounts have better RNG due to some sort of innate calculation tied to their account.
So the question is this: are we just wearing tinfoil hats, and the fact that my friend with 900 hours in the game has 4 precursors and 2 unlimited bank access contracts. compared to my zero anything over 4.5k hours, is just to be chalked up to RNG? I get that. But how many people can relate to this story? Yes, we all know about biases. But how long are we going to say things like “random is random” (which we know it isn’t), and “your sample size is low” (which by this time, is not), and “you’re not factoring in other variables” (which we are)?
When are we going to actually look at “lucky” accounts (and I use quotes there because we know computers can’t generate random numbers)? Can we start talking about things like “is it right”, and “how can we level out this uneven distribution of wealth through drops?” When can we stop insulting each others’ intelligence, and address the issue at hand?
Yes in the update notes coffer drop rate on mobs and so on has been reduced . . . . ANET’s greed is really starting to show
Where in the update notes did you see this, my friend? We must be looking at different update notes because I sure don’t see it.
Had 100+ laurels.
Bought Chauncy Von Snuffles III.
Best decision of my life.
I totally understand the whole argument behind everyone being expected to take the same hard path to greatness. However, there is one thing you guys have not taken into account: WvW is an ever-growing gamestyle. Here is what I mean:
In PvE, there is a set amount of difficulty, and people need to learn how to overcome it. Whether through trial and error, or through allies and guides, PvE challenges are defeated in standard fashion. But when it comes to WvW, you need to realize that it is always changing, and some players have had over a year to adapt to this environment. And now new players are expected to deal with this vast amount of experience? Come on! It’s one thing to learn that falling off cliffs will kill you, but when there are enemies with a year of experience that know 100 different ways to knock you off that cliff, that mountain is going to be MUCH harder to climb (and subsequently fall off).
We have so many serious players and guilds who make it their mission to stomp newbies. At least give the new players something that makes them feel not completely helpless.
We need to remember that GW2 is above all a casual MMO. It’s understandable that hardcore players would have an advantage, but we shouldn’t discourage casuals from enjoying the content just because someone else plays more than them. Downed state mastery, while maybe not the perfect idea, is definitely a step in the right direction. We need something for new players to look at and say “hey, they had me in mind when they made this, perhaps I will actually enjoy this activity.”
I think a lot of people in this thread got involved in WvW near the start, when everyone was on the same playing field. But now, that playing field is so well established that new players are going to end up feeling like they are on the bleachers, just watching, and occasionally getting hit in the face with a ball. You simply cannot think that anyone would willingly want to pit themselves up against such odds without some sort of helmet.
And here we have a whole new set of achievements obviously designed to encourage new WvW players, but we have no system to accommodate them. How is a new guy going to be able to take Stonemist when he can’t even jump out of his keep without dying from fall damage? Seriously. I know getting out of that red keep in EB can be a hassle. You want to get there ASAP so you don’t miss credit, and end up killing yourself because you are in such a rush. Then you end up missing the cap and you’re forced to ram your face on the wall for another 2 hours because your server can’t field enough people to take a decent shot at the castle.
Ok so maybe I’m taking this a little personally now, but seriously give the new guys some kind of training wheels. You can even remove those wheels once they hit a high enough rank.
And one final thought, another proposition. How about we have some sort of “elitist mastery” (although we won’t call it that) that handicaps a more experienced player in order to receive better rewards? If we’re going to do something like this for the newbs, we’ve got to throw the pros a bone as well!
I started following this thread because of the change in Dill price. I am now following it because someone is arguing with Anet’s lead economist.
This is high priority for me. It directly interferes with combat on a very intrusive level, and is seen incredibly commonly. Number one combat mechanic problem for me. Please take this seriously.
I’m so glad to get a break from big content updates! Maybe I can get back into WvW now
In terms of additional story, there isn’t much here. But they are doing a LOT to fix a lot of the most common encounters in the game. This is a quality update if I’ve ever seen one.
And LFG tool? That’s HUGE!
So today I was in WvW fighting 1v1 with an enemy Guardian in Stonemist Castle, on top of one of the outer walls. Every couple seconds, my target would change to “Fortified Wall” because every time I used mouse controls to move the camera, the game for some reason would think I wanted to target the wall instead of the enemy player. This made it completely 100% impossible for me to fight the Guardian without standing still, which is impossible as I am a mesmer. I literally had to jump off the wall and get out of the fight because 80% of my skills were missing, due to spontaneously targeting the wall instead of the player.
This completely ruins any kind of active combat. If I want to move the camera while fighting, forget it. I move around a LOT as a mesmer. Dodging, blinking, putting up feedbacks, going stealth and moving, etc. You cannot possibly expect me to stand still while fighting, or take 2 seconds to use arrow keys to turn my characters model. Please fix this, as it is tier 1 in urgency. It is not something to be put on the back burner. Active combat is ruined by this bug!
Please do NOT remove the white swords notification. This only benefits large servers that are able to place a scout in every camp/tower. Without the swords, NSP will have no chance at holding things, especially when facing high pop servers that can take large objectives in a matter of minutes. We don’t have the numbers to constantly keep eyes on things. High pop servers do NOT need another advantage over us!
Welcome to WvW >.>
Sadly it’s how it is when guilds are paid to move, and servers want to be stacked and do everything they can to do so, even to move to another server and take it over and pay more guilds to move there.
Sadly there’s not really anything Anet can do, except that it’s likely new accounts will be added to ET over others, but idk if the system gives preference like that
I just want to point out that none of the ET guilds were paid to move to NSP. In fact, ET approached NSP about transferring there due to NSP’s strong community-oriented approach. NSP has no aspirations to become a super-server or a bandwagon. We picked up something like 5 or 6 guilds from a low-tier server with a diminishing community. It was the decision of the ET guilds themselves, as they decided it would better their playing experience. They are all welcome additions to our community, but I must stress that none of this was due to NSP “seeking out” or “buying” guilds, nor trying to bolster our population to compete with higher tiers. We are a community-focused server, which attracted some like-minded groups of people who wanted to join the community.
I do agree that purchasing guilds and server stacking is unhealthy for the game. This, however, is not that.
Hint: If you play both PvE and PvP, you will never be disappointed by an update
Sorry if i missed it but can we save these Baubles till the next SAB installment, as i’d hate to keep say 250 and find out they are useless in future patches..
The future of SAB is very up in the air right now. I would not hold onto any baubles if I were you. If SAB is re-released, then the baubles will most likely be useable. However they would also most likely be farmable again. It’s not worth the risk. For all we know, Josh Foreman could get fired for being so transparent and reasonable with the community, and we would never see SAB again.
WvW – the only game mode where you pay gold to play, rather than earn it.
Agreed that tokens would be a better system for things like this.
However disagreed that every item ever released should be available to every player, always. Why do so many people have the need for EVERYTHING. Settle with the things you have a chance to get when you ARE playing, which is a LOT of things. Some people will never be satisfied. So what you miss a jetpack…there will be oodles of new items released constantly! You couldn’t possibly have a need for all those items!
The jugs not stacking properly is because you got jugs from the Flame and Frost event, and those custom jugs do not stack with regular jugs. You handed in the bonus letters that you got in the dungeon while on your “random character”. You then dragged them onto your big stack and it swapped the 2 stacks, but you didn’t notice.
They don’t stack because the F&F jugs give karma based on your character’s level, rather than a flat amount like the daily jugs.
Well, I’d assume that in posting in here as a GM, you are expecting your position to sway people’s desires to have you on their server. If you think saying “(not work)” is going to prevent people from saying “come here, we want a GM!”, I’d say your expectations might not be met.
That being said, I’ll give you the usual run-down I give potential transfers to NSP. We are a community-focused server and invite people to come here to be a part of our family. We encourage all NSP players to join up with some of our organized guilds, and be active on our Teamspeak. We pride ourselves in working together to overcome odds (see our current score, where we were rolled into a higher tier, but still holding our own).
The vast majority of NSP-native guilds have remained here, over the past 2 years. We are known as one of the most stable and friendly servers. I joke about us being the Canada of servers. We don’t try and mass recruit to soar up the rankings, but we love new people to play with, and we do the best we can when challenges arise.
What we do not want is people who want to be carried to victory, or come here just for the wins, and leave after things go sour for a week or 2. You will be surely disappointed when you realize that every member of the community is instrumental in our success, and we need you to pull your weight to get those wins. While I can’t prevent you from server hopping around, I do encourage those that transfer here to look at it as a long term home, rather than just a temporary change of scenery.
If this fits your gaming style, come on over to NSP!
You probably won’t have much time once the twins arrive! Congrats to you and your wife
Is there any reason this cap is as low as it is? Placing somewhere around 20 decorations in even a moderately sized area hits the cap. I hit this cap in almost every structure I build, every room I decorate, etc. I understand that you don’t want people clogging up the screen with 100 decorations in a small area, but I’m sure you could comfortably triple the current local limit without any problems. It really is very restrictive!
I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. I was able to explore all of WvW without fighting a single person. No, you can’t do it all at once, but if you wait until your colour changes, you can explore all the keeps and towers with ease.
WvW is included in map exploration because it includes many PvE elements. It is not just a pure PvP battle map. It has neutral events and bosses, jumping puzzles, gathering nodes, neutral mobs, and yes, vistas, skill points, and PoI’s.
I don’t think that you can call TM hard, it’s more the “try-die-remember-next-time”-mode.
For the baddies who NEEDED the Infinite Coin to do it while some people did it without using it, sure. Anyone can do it just by dying and remembering.
Wait, so you’re saying that people who cannot see or know where invisible traps are are baddies?
Said it before and say it again … just add the name of the person to the end of the siege name…. “superior flame ram by hexin.5603”
I LOVE this idea! I’m always trying to find out who placed siege, so I can give them tips on better placement (I run server initiatives on things like siege placement).
Honestly, if World of Warcraft never had 20+ man raids, people would not be complaining about a 5 person limit to dungeons. Stop holding Guild Wars 2 to World of Warcraft standards. They are DIFFERENT GAMES. If you want to play with more people in Guild Wars 2 because you think it’s a better game, play World versus World. However if you think 20+ man raids make World of Warcraft a better game, go play THAT!
Arena Net is NOT going to read your post and go “ kitten you’re right, let’s add 10 man dungeons”. They will do what they want, when they want, because it’s their game. You can give suggestions to improve this game, and if enough people bring attention to those suggestions, they may be implemented. However do NOT criticize this game for doing something different from another game, and say it needs to change simply because it is different. The game in a whole is not 5-man, only dungeons. So don’t judge an entire game by your so-called “standards” of what an MMO should be, based on just one aspect of the game.
(edited by Curo.2483)
I’m guessing they added underwater areas to add a new element to the game, and the current underwater system is just a teaser. I play a mesmer, so underwater combat is fun, but I understand how it can limit a lot of people. I think it’s safe to say it will be a while before we see the underwater dragon. That gives Anet a LOT of time to finish creating the underwater system.
I’d love server chat. Gone are the days when you could shout out in LA for help in WvW, because of megaservers.
GW2 has 2 things that make large group raids unnecessary, or difficult to adapt to the game:
1) Scaling. Content is the same or similar regardless of the amount of people (with exceptions at very high amounts of people). There would have to be a revamp to the scaling system, or have it completely eliminated in order to accommodate missions that required lots of people. And even then, smaller guilds, solo players, etc will undoubtedly complain that they don’t have access to the content.
2) Elimination of the trinity. It Urgoz or the Deep, you needed a majority of your group to be running a specific role. With the elimination of “roles”, where everyone can pretty much do anything, there is little need for group diversity. The extent of it currently in the game is “we can’t all have light armor, or we die”. There is no complex team interaction and composition. So, a raid would be boring. Think of the Claw of Jormag fight. It’s a fairly complex fight with different stages, techniques you must use, environmental weapons, enemy spawns, obstacles, etc. However it is trivialized by the fact that you can overcome all of those challenges just with a large number of people. This is how I imagine raids would be. You lose the need for each individual person doing something different when you increase the amount of people participating.
To the people saying “they told us dragon bash achieves were bugged, and would count”:
They told you they were aware of an issue and would work on a fix. This is a fix. You now need less achievements, which is the same thing as making Dragon Ball count, except it actually helps out people like me who have not done dragon ball for one reason or another.
Not sure why there is so much fuss about this month’s monthlies. Dailies, vets, and events come naturally through playing the game. You only need to do fractals 3 times to get that achievement. And even after I had done those, I accidentally got the WvW player kills monthly. And 12 jumping puzzles in a month is pretty soft as well.
I wouldn’t even go near the audio log achievement. I’ve been picking them up as I see them, not looking for them, and I’ve gotten about 30 so far this month. 150 is not a reasonable number to expect people to “naturally” come across, unless they are playing through all Flame & Frost content on every character, and farming the low level zones on top of that. However the other achievements are definitely viable throughout the “natural” course of playing the game.
For what reason was this player’s account terminated? They were playing the game as they wanted, there isnt anything in the terms saying you cannot build useless siege so…???
As trolly as this post seems, there are players I have encountered that do hold this stance, so I will answer it. If what you WANT to do comes at the detriment of other players’ enjoyment of the game, you will be punished.
Personally, I’m sick of 1 guy interfering with large groups’ enjoyment of the game simply because he “wants to tag up and go fight centaurs in WvW”. Nowhere in life is “I want to do it” a legitimate excuse for miscreant behaviour.
Also about finding loopholes in the terms of service that “allow” you to bother other people – you’re simply a terrible person for doing such. I’d use more flavourful words, but they would end up censored. The attitude where people behave miserably because it’s not illegal to is a disease on society. I suggest changing your attitude before somebody hurts you for it. There’s a reason people act respectfully towards each other: it makes life easier.
The focus on GW2 combat is dynamic fighting (movement, dodging, positioning, timing), rather than having a large ability pool. Think of it this way: instead of having an ability for each different situation, each situation requires the use of the combat mechanics in combination with multi-faceted abilities to make each fight unique. This is more prevalent in PvP and WvW, and less so in a lot of PvE, however it is still there.
I’m glad they drop like this so I don’t need to pay gems for my Quip
the worst idea in the history of mmorpg’s
This is opinion, not fact.
That is why it exists.
I think things like this are done to give the boss a unique feel and not the “oh you just copy-pasted regular animations, increased the stats, and called it a boss” feel. I’d expect special animations for special characters to be limited to those characters.
Agreed. Too much is spoiled.
There is an option under the general options tab that enables, in effect, sticky targeting. It won’t drop your target until you click on someone else. It’s a god send in WvW.
I think the point is that the game often registers things that aren’t clicks, as clicks. Like when you move the camera quickly, or sometimes even just while standing near something.
Try limiting your frame rate to the 10 or so that I get. 4+ hours and I couldn’t make it 1/3 of the way up.
Wintersday JP I was able to complete 75% of the time, so I farmed it. Yet people say it was harder, so I can only think it’s my FPS that makes me think Clocktower is impossible.
So I had a dream about an awesome new open world boss released in an upcoming expansion, and I thought I’d share it with you.
It’s a 2-part fight. One group of players (“boss team”) is fighting a huge enemy, very large and tall. It can be whatever needs to fit into the lore (a giant, a demon, w/e). Think Marionette-scale. The boss walks around casting spells, stomping the ground, etc. He does boss things, whatever needs to fit the lore. And he has a break bar. Now this is where it gets interesting. During his “standard phase”, the HP and Break bars can never be more than 20% (of max) away from each other, otherwise the boss will not be damaged/broken (depending on which is lower). The boss team dodges his attacks and does damage during the entirety of this phase.
Now onto the “break team”. The break bar will use a special mechanic, and cannot be broken by conventional cc. Near the boss arena is a mountain with a staircase going up it, leading to a massive floating ring-shaped platform (above and off to the side of the boss). The idea is that the ring is situated underneath a fractured leyline or something of the like, and the fracture is spewing out energy. The boss has created a vortex of sorts underneath the ring to gather the energy. Break team’s goal is to use special hand-held energy collectors to catch the energy as it passes through the ring (before it hits the vortex), use Asuran tech to reverse the polarity of the energy, and then throw this new negative energy into the vortex. Any normal energy entering the vortex regens the boss’s break bar a bit, and any negative energy damages it.
Periodically, an octopus-like mini-boss will come out of the vortex and latch its tentacles onto the ring. The creature will block any incoming negative energy. All the tentacles must be individually destroyed to force the creature back into the vortex, and to resume the standard breaking phase. Also, another mini-boss that can come out of the vortex is a rampaging champion that charges around the ring in one direction, knocking players off the ring. He has a break bar that must be broken by throwing negative energy at him, at which point he enters a vulnerable state and the break team can dps him down. The break team also needs to deal with random spawns of trash mobs that will try and knock them off.
Once the boss reaches 20% HP, he cannot be damaged any further until the break bar is completely broken. When broken, he enters a vulnerable state and a true burn phase begins, lasting 20-30 seconds. After the burn phase, the boss resumes his attacks while slowly regening his break bar. The difference here is that the bar can no longer be broken by the break team, and will only regen. Break team’s job here is just to catch the energy to prevent the bar from regening faster. Failure mechanic: if the bar fully regens, the boss enters a healing phase where he draws energy from the vortex to slowly heal himself. This continues until the HP and break bars are within 20% of each other again, and then the standard phase resumes.
Total event failure can be on a timer or whatever fits the lore. Also I didn’t go into advanced detail about the boss’s actual attacks, or how the boss team damages the boss. I’ll leave that up to you guys to discuss!
(edited by Curo.2483)
I’ve often found myself frequently switching between 2 or 3 decorations, and swapping between them can be quite time consuming. It would be nice if the 7, 8, and 9 skills gave you the option to switch to a different decoration of your choice instantly. That way, we could work with 4 decorations on hand at once, instead of having to pull up the decoration window every time (and waiting for it to load).
Yeah the fixed that, along with just about every other Fractal exploit out there.
The most recent number I’ve heard was 18 guilds transferring from DB to HoD. Before the transfer, NSP was approached as a potential target for the DB community transfer, but HoD was ultimately chosen (and I’m glad of that). At that time, it was just 7 guilds. The next day it was 10, and then it just kept going up.
NSP prides itself on its long-lasting stable community. We don’t have competition between power-hungry guilds or server admins; everyone works together. I can’t imagine that we would have gone on without issue with such a large transfer, so my heart goes out to all the community-oriented players on HoD. Although this isn’t the first HoD bandwagon, so I don’t know how many of those types of people are left. Nonetheless, if bandwagoning isn’t your style, NSP is always offering a long-term home to any amount of people that want a solid community. We like people to come here for the people, not the numbers (ie ranking, coverage, # of guilds, etc).
I coined the term “Henge of Dragonwagon” on NSP, and I’m glad to see others are using that term :P
The more available something is to the public, the less prestigious it is.
To me, prestige in this game is:
1) Legendaries – massive play time
2) Commander tag (in WvW, not PvE) – leadership
3) 100% map completion – diligence
Being in the right place at the right time, and getting limited edition items is not so much prestige, as it is a status symbol. “Oh that guy’s a vet, he was here for Halloween”. I definitely do not see lucky drops as prestige because they are not a reflection on the person in any way. I don’t respect a person because they got a fused gauntlet ticket. I do however respect them for leading 100’s of people in WvW, or having explored every corner of the map. Now I may just feel this way because I’ve learned from GW1 what really is prestigious and what isn’t. I used to admire people with limited-time items, but I have since learned from that mistake. Now that I’m on an equal playing field with most players, it is easier for me to realize what is actually an achievement.
Just an aside on Legendaries: I think they are prestigious yet also pompous. I think they are pompous because anyone that has a legendary right now has specifically put many many hours and possible real money into rushing a legendary for the purpose of being admired by others. I believe legendaries are still in the “look at me, I got this before you” stage. I’ve got 850 hours in the game and I consider myself about 1/10 of my way to a legendary, if even that. I like the idea of an average player like myself being able to work my way up to a legendary over several years. I however do NOT like the idea that someone would go hardcore on the game and somehow get it in a month or so. I feel like they are going so far out of their way to say “I’m better than you, I got a legendary first”. If you want prestige ONLY for the fact that you have prestige and others don’t, you are not the kind of person I admire. However if you are an average player and have worked hard over a long period of time, I will admire you. I know some people will hate me for this paragraph, but hey, it’s my opinion. You don’t have to agree or feel the way I feel. I already know your arguments, and the reasoning behind people doing these things.
1. The fact that there is a main city rather than having all the features available in every city.
And what features would that be? Aside from certain plot points relating to LA as a location (ex. you had to be there for Halloween), I can’t think of anything that it has over any of the other cities. Mystic Forge? Those are all over WvW, so definitely not unique to LA. Every city has crafting stations, banks, trading posts…what else are we missing? LA is just a hub. Like literally, that’s what it’s used for: traveling to and from other cities, WvW, PvP, some zones/dungeons. Making every city into a hub would be silly :P
One of the little things that bugs me that people don’t talk about is the fact that there is no activation bar for enemy skills. In GW1, every ability that took longer than 1 sec to cast had an activation bar so you could see the progress, and interrupt it appropriately.
Buuuut there’s way bigger issues like moving the camera making you change targets mid-combat that concern me wayyyy more!
(edited by Curo.2483)
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.