Showing Posts For Cyphel.3659:

GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I know its wee hours for anet, but would be super cool if we could get a short communication from someone working on the issue

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I’ve been instructed to add my wife’s complaint to the list. I assure you, her opinion of your response is very strong.

She would like to have her laurels, chests, ascended material crafting, and home instance mining nodes back, please.

But from me, personally, I offer the following criticism: If you knew you were releasing a patch that would affect multiple systems in fairly dramatic ways, you probably knew there would be a large number of bugs introduced in the process. Why in the world would you schedule such a release just prior to a holiday weekend, considering that apparently nobody in the bug-fixing department is willing to work overtime?

My opinion is also strong about this response. My bf has to hear about it. ANet, save the men in the players’ lives!

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Good to hear some people’s timers are resetting!

My dailies/crafting/rewards still have not however, so it seems the issue is still present for some peeps.

I hope there is at least compensated laurels.

This bug is blocking progress in most content of the game for 4 days now. A day or two maybe(it was a patch with big changes), but this is kinda getting to be a big deal now….

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Elementalist changes…

I see a buff to staff and scepter, and a nerf to dagger users…

You say you want to have less ele’s go deep into arcane, but these changes have the exact opposite effect. I see other people have posted similar things, but I don’t think this can be stressed enough.

I use a dagger/focus and revolve around crit damage. I use 0/30/10/10/20.

For my build at least, these changes force me to go full 30 into arcane now. Elemental Attunement isn’t even staying in adept to sorta-compensate. And side-rant, ele has lowest toughness and vit – having to go full into a traitline that gives only boon duration and profession mechanic buffs isn’t helping…

Three positive changes I like:

Air XI – Tempest Defense. Decreased the cooldown from 60s to 25s.
- Not sure how many people use this, but I do – so awesome news!!!

Arcane VIII – Blasting Staff. Moved to Adept tier.
- This is huge for staff users!

Fire VIII – Conjurer – Moved to Adept tier.
- I hope to see/create some interesting conjure builds.

Three changes that I either don’t see the reason behind, or negatively affects my build:

Water V – Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.
- This was very handy for removing a immobilize. Now it is in master and no other adept water trait would ever make it worth it to go that far. I take this trait over evasive arcana any day, having it in master locks anyone who is not bunker out of using it, giving them less options to keep an innately fragile class off the floor…Not like anyone was whining about this being OP were they…?

Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina. Moved to Master tier.
- This is the biggest one. You say you don’t like permanent vigor. Forgive me, but I don’t see guardian/mesmer’s 5-points vigor on crit affected. The most fragile of those classes already had it as a major trait, now its buried as a major in Master tier???? No hablas espanol!

Arcane III – Arcane Retribution. Moved to Master tier.
- This is personally annoying to my build – probably doesn’t affect too many other people though. Is it really that big a deal that it has to be master? I can see Elemental Attunement being master, but not this.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


AR, what did you do to our bay

We took it back and there was exploding rocks and sparklie swirls all over the gate – screenshot from the BF’s comp :



PC specs in relation to FPS in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Too bad its not december/january – I got most of my good parts on boxing day and clearout sales!

However you build, you may want to check out LucidLogix – Virtu MVP software. My friend built my computer and installed that – I disabled it once and ran GW2, and there is a noticeable difference. Virtu smooths out tearing/lag/etc for very smooth and responsive graphics.

I think some parts come with this software already, don’t quote me though.

It won’t save you from skill lag though. I can load a giant 3 way battle in SM no prob, too bad I can’t attack lmao.

6/7 GoM - FC - ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


on a side note… TeamBattleAxe… i LOVE your character’s names. i giggle each time i look over your name list.

TeamBattleAxe is totally the coolest.

And he’s the only one who danced with me in the LA overflow yesterday come on goms…

the best phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


What’s wrong with the condition removal options for mesmer? 2 separate utility skills, plus being able to trait for condition removal upon torch skills, heal, and signet activation, and having a phantasm that cures conditions. I’m not seeing a lack of condition removal tools.

Mesmer does have lots of options, most of which are from traits – most of which are not accessible until lv 40 or 60. The potential is there, but it is not realized until much later. Until then, more utility slots than I care for are taken up with condi removal – I find it disappointing, mesmer has such awesome utilities! That is what I meant by frustration while leveling.

Ele/necro/engy have more removal from weapon skills/kits/turret – it’s something I took for granted until I played a mesmer! #humble

the best phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


  • Focus phantasm: …It is a whirl combo finisher

That is interesting, I did not know that! The focus skills seemed pretty self explanatory, so I never dug into it further on the wiki.

I keep deleting/remaking mesmer periodically, I get frustrated with the condition removal options while leveling (coming from a Necro…). Most of my mesmer time was spent in spvp. I plan to stick it out this time though. I’ll have to see how good that whirl combo is!

Staff phantasm does track a little bit, from what I’ve seen….it’s just that the orb it fires is slow(and obvious). So it is easy for the enemy to avoid if they get a wide angle on the phant. Timing a cripple/immob at the right time helps, it can hit like a truck when it does hit

Offhand sword phant is my favorite. (Diehard duelist spec)

traited focus very good against all rangers/engis/rifle warriors, and couple self combo is a bonus

Yes, I know about traited focus – haven’t played with it yet though Mesmer has so many cool traits!

I definitely want to try that in WvW though. Lately I’ve been seeing a resurgence of LB rangers.

If warden is a whirl finisher, you’d think zerker would be as well. It has a similar look to that of Whirlwind Attack from warrior….

the best phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


  • Focus phantasm: …It is a whirl combo finisher

That is interesting, I did not know that! The focus skills seemed pretty self explanatory, so I never dug into it further on the wiki.

I keep deleting/remaking mesmer periodically, I get frustrated with the condition removal options while leveling (coming from a Necro…). Most of my mesmer time was spent in spvp. I plan to stick it out this time though. I’ll have to see how good that whirl combo is!

Staff phantasm does track a little bit, from what I’ve seen….it’s just that the orb it fires is slow(and obvious). So it is easy for the enemy to avoid if they get a wide angle on the phant. Timing a cripple/immob at the right time helps, it can hit like a truck when it does hit

Offhand sword phant is my favorite. (Diehard duelist spec)

(edited by Cyphel.3659)

6/7 GoM - FC - ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


FC and ET reunited…..then GoM enters the room.



6/7 GoM - FC - ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


hey et and fc, one question.

You’ve done it now.


5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Hey, where did that flame ram go?

Sorry, Whiteside Ridge used them all up:

Almost as good as SF’s BattleBoat, complete with treb, in our bay some months ago…lmao

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Hands down the easiest (along with staff ele) class to kill when focusing.

Staff ele is lots of fun, but you are right, not so great when focused in the smaller fights. Fiery GS is nice for getting away, but I don’t like how I can’t move while casting it. 1 second is too long to be standing still when things go pear shaped lol

I have a different weapon set in mind for roaming. Hopefully I can give you a better run for your money my repair bill someday!

Sidenote: ty HoD for the epic fight, bags and our subsequent wipe at pang last evening – lots of fun!

(edited by Cyphel.3659)

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Lol, that is our resident EB troll..

I noticed most rangers use Longbow now. Last I checked everyone was “qqqqqqqqqqq LB sucks qqqqqqqqq” so what happened? haha

When this happened on SFR it spawned a huge increase in guardians and wall of reflection usage….until all the rangers quit/rerolled

oh god that guy. i think 95% of ET has him on ignore.

i don’t even HAVE a longbow on my ranger. i probably should as it has it’s uses, but i run shortbow and currently experimenting with axe/horn. i’ve also run GS and sword/horn as my 2nd weapon

LB is situational…but it does eat my little condi mancer they sit at 1500 and knock me around if I try and close the gap. I have another build idea, but I see that they nerfed Shelter’s – have to find a new farming rotation…

I saw a PAXA d/d ele last night! (on ele – using staff atm)I was fighting some ranger for the second time (his thief buddy ressed him previously…) then you lot come rolling from the side

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Lol, that is our resident EB troll..

I noticed most rangers use Longbow now. Last I checked everyone was “qqqqqqqqqqq LB sucks qqqqqqqqq” so what happened? haha

When this happened on SFR it spawned a huge increase in guardians and wall of reflection usage….until all the rangers quit/rerolled

(edited by Cyphel.3659)

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


@ PAXA asura warrior: Excellent killshot…I don’t remember the last time I’ve taken one full to the face! For every other race the animation is so obvious – not so for our vertically challenged brethren!

“That asura is looking shifty in my direction. It looks like he’s holding a hairy brick. Does he want me to shave it for him? What class-” BLAM 12.4k “lmao, oh man”


Good fights in general yesterday

(edited by Cyphel.3659)

The importance of Combos, not the snack.

in WvW

Posted by: Cyphel.3659



OMG I know your pain!

Large battle with lots of people taking damage.

Drops 2 Water fields to cover as many as possible.

Nobody splashes them….ever.

I ran with a Warrior once that thought Water fields were the most amazing thing he’d ever seen! I swear he’d Leap/Blast/Whirl finish every single one. Apparently getting free cleanses and heals is a pretty big deal on warriors.

Water fields are totally the best – having lots of fun on my new ele with all the fields and blast finishers !

omgerd World vs World Waterpark

Come on you guys, get in the pool~

The importance of Combos, not the snack.

in WvW

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Perhaps they don’t use it, because from in-game it is not very intuitive to learn. Also depends what class you are to some extent…

Blast finishers are easy and good to start with. I started the game as necro, which is a bit sparse on those, and didn’t really “get” combos until I played a guardian (hamma #2!) and read the wiki tables and charts.

ET does need to read this though. If the zerg is on the move, how many hammer guardians do I see ignoring a static field…doesn’t matter what level you are, a lvl 2 can contribute here..haha

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Hello again SF, nice to have you back for a little vacation! The beaches in ET BL are uncrowded and relaxing this time of year

@King: I think most of the ET whiners have left now? I had investigated and contacted another server concerning a transfer, but things seem to have improved quite a bit on the whiner front….it reminds me why I transfered here in the first place.

I miss some of our departed/mysteriously absent? commanders though. Hopefully they will return someday…!

T8: 5/24/13 HoD-FC-ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I, for one, am looking forward to being done with HoD…

I can’t put my finger on it, but I am not fond of HoD either. SF was fine. GoM was fine. vs HoD feels so unfun for some reason…Perhaps it is a general malaise

For the record, I don’t have a problem with PAXA….

Actions of individuals reflect on the collective though. If you are representing your server/guild, what you do is what people will associate with that server/guild. It is the impression that is given. External people, by definition, have no insight what goes on within. They judge by the only experience they have access to.

That’s a really terrible way to justify crapping on an entire group of people. People should treat the actions of the individual as an individual. For instance, a Deth member laughed at one of my uplevelled guildmates after he got zerged by about 15+ folks so should I:

Blame Deth for having the player in the guild
Blame the server for having him on the server
Blame the individual for being a butt

There is a right answer to this.

Yes, you are absolutely right! Cue bit-of-a-sociology-rant:

However, if there is a large number of poor-sportsmanship displays from several persons, it gives a bad impression to the $THING they represent. People like to think they don’t judge a book by the cover, but it is seldom genuinely true. I know I am most certainly no saint!

Example: There is a reason most people avoid the seedy areas of town at night unless armed/prepared – reputation and the actions of some residents give it a bad kitten

xample: $ORGANIZATION is viewed as corrupt because some members chose to participate in an illegal activity.

Example: $GUILD in GW2 is viewed as “good” because of their in game achievements and attitude

Does that make sense? *none of this post was meant in a snarky or offensive way, I do enjoy discussions of this type! It is offtopic though, I would be more than happy to continue by PM!

(edited by Cyphel.3659)

T8: 5/24/13 HoD-FC-ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I, for one, am looking forward to being done with HoD…

I can’t put my finger on it, but I am not fond of HoD either. SF was fine. GoM was fine. vs HoD feels so unfun for some reason…Perhaps it is a general malaise

For the record, I don’t have a problem with PAXA….

Actions of individuals reflect on the collective though. If you are representing your server/guild, what you do is what people will associate with that server/guild. It is the impression that is given. External people, by definition, have no insight what goes on within. They judge by the only experience they have access to.

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I’ve been one to say that feeling double teamed happens a lot in WvW. But yesterday night was way too weird for me. I felt there was something quite odd.

EDIT2: There were also many times there was no activity in BLs except for camps and still nothing changed colors in EB. Only from and to green.

Last night? I wasn’t on for long, but it was all about fergies where I ended up:

- We had our keep in EB flipped by fergs (waypoint! nooo)
- Ferg zerg swarmed over our BL and tried to take garrison
- Back in EB, we tried to assault durios, bravost and quentin, and got pushed back
- My baby lvl 17 ele got rolled by a ferg 5-6 man trying to take Ogrewatch lmao. They got in, but reinforcements drove them out before they could cap

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


You don’t quite fully understand what WvW is. It is a platform for player vs player, and player vs door at the same time. [BS] / [Invi] / [OINK] / [KoM] / [PAXA] / (Sometimes [FoE] / (sometimes [SeT], DO NOT play the pvdoor version of WvW. All you zergers seem to think that the “real” way to play wvw is pvdoor and to get points. Wrong. That is A way to play it, we chose the more fulfilling / challenging route of player vs player. We’re all also from a different era of mmo’s. We actually like using more than 3 abilities per fight. We usually use somewhere in the range of 30-40 abilities in 1 minute? Maybe less time?

So yea to each his own. We wont be helping our server’s anytime soon.

I understand where you are coming from. It sounds like you prefer open world PK. I miss that as well sometimes. However, trying to shoehorn it into WvW seems to end in people upset because their duels get interrupted…

<rant>I think its ridiculous theres no proper dueling mechanism!</rant>

However, in a previous “RvR” experience, I ran with a small man strike group. We laid ground work and captured key points so the zerg can do the boring caps and we can move on to something else ([invi] reminds me of us). We found that while we are doing this, you run into similar teams from the enemy with skill level on par/greater than yours. That’s how we got our good fights in RvR!

Outside of “RvR” its back to free-for-all PK though, unfortunately GW2 is too carebear for that..

NA T8 Matchup 5/10/13: HoD, FC, ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Yeah ET is known as the ET.


ETtins? lol

Nothing is as fun to say as Ferg Zerg tho!

T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Interesting! Was there a dev post somewhere?

So portals cannot be used behind gates – sounds like this might affect alive mesmers hiding in keeps as well? No more mesmer sweeping?! haha

You misunderstand, you can still use portals to travel anywhere within its range, you just cannot use a portal on the other side of a wall from where you are standing.

For example, if you were up against a very thin wall, and there was a Mesmer on the other side of that wall, if they placed a portal, even thought your character is standing “on top of” the portal, you are not able to use it, because you don’t have line of sight to the portal you are attempting to use.

Oh I see! Thanks!

T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


They fixed using portals from behind gates so the code is written. they just need to implement it.

Interesting! Was there a dev post somewhere?

So portals cannot be used behind gates – sounds like this might affect alive mesmers hiding in keeps as well? No more mesmer sweeping?! haha

T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


And if you continue, then I hope you get banned for this obvious exploit.

—ok, it appears the posts I am replying to have mysteriously disappeared—

From a programmer’s perspective, I will be curious to see how they will fix this ressing-mesmer-inside-enemy-gate business….obviously, I don’t know how the game is written lol, just hope it doesn’t open up a whole other can of worms for them.

I totally applaud the ingenuity of the person who thought of this ressing though. Love stuff like that!:D

@moobs : I feel for your forced name change. I’m scared to play my warrior now (named after a inside joke..)

GW2 seems to have a large community of entitled, immature psychopaths, who would report someone for $FABRICATED_REASON because they don’t like something they’ve said or done….

This is also the reason I haven’t joined a guild. I want nothing to do with such a poisonous community. I’m more comfortable with the worst of EVE Online’s sociopaths than I am with GW2’s pants-on-head insane psycho children.

T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


@ET did I break your morale?

Not a chance mate.

SF had more numbers (and more class) than the HoDgoblins I’ve seen so far lol

With all due respect:

Having been subjected to SF for a few weeks, I doubt it since I’ve yet to see HoD/FC/ET threads closed once let alone 4-5 times. Not all SF’s fault, but to label all of HoD with your tacky name choice shows YOUR classlessness. However, I won’t hold it against your server since I’ve had some great fights with them.

Takes all sorts to make a world – if I wasn’t tacky, you couldn’t be the bees knees!

T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


@ET did I break your morale?

Not a chance mate.

SF had more numbers (and more class) than the HoDgoblins I’ve seen so far lol

With all due respect:

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Oh, and for the engineer’s unite thing, those of you who play engineer seriously should check this out, it’s really funny:

Lol! Made my short lunch

So if FC is the SS, what does that make ET and HoD in this WW2 scenario. lol

I’ve only been around last 2 days, but it seems ET is the drunk crying in the hallway~

I must say those new AC’s are certainly….something…when your on the receiving end! I ordered a therapeutic acupuncture by a skilled professional, not administered from a Gatling gun

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I’m having a lot of fun on my engi with grenadier. I stay WAY back and sweep walls, until someone gets close and I start dropping grenades and elixers right at my feet. I LOVE he fights recently. Thanks to the guy from [KREW] who actually cried to see the fight end last night after I was harassing AP for a while.

I saw a couple grenadiers at ET Garrison last night!

Grenades are fantastic for tight packed peeps, and the psychological effect of “omg red circlez” opens up opportunity to herd people around. And lovely vuln/condi stacking! But I just can’t get into them somehow. I get the urge to go make a cup of tea as I watch them slowly arc through the air…..and most people just move out of the way. Area denial is sort of the point though.

When assaulting a tower or keep, I feel my necro does a better job…the explosion radius and “oomph” of grenades isn’t enough to significantly ruin anyones day.

But, I love bombs and pulling a Rambo – pushing a group or defending a tower/keep is what I really like to do! I’m built to hassle!

For actually killing people I use a HGH/might stacking rifle build that hits like a truck, with control on the target when and where I need it, without having to kitten about with aiming things ~

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I saw your engineer with the flamethrower Nice build you got there.

That’s not me. I run rifle, bombs, tool kit and elixir s running a very tanky build. If you find an engineer that’s really hard to kill bombing around from [CATZ], that might be me.

Too bad I have too much work to do recently and haven’t found enough time to go online. Last time I was online, I was desperately trying to defend a tower in EB by myself against a group of 6-8 FC. Couldn’t do anything at all… But someone from FC added me on party just to say “Turtle much?”. I guess that’s a statement that I’m tanky.


I run basically the same thing. (Except I do it alot worse) It is mad fun isn’t it?!

You know your doing your job when once in a while you have a thief chase you across the entire effin map to dance on your corpse. (Disclaimer: if I wanted to roam I would use my spvp build! /bow)

Or an enemy rushes through the entire zerg to go for just you. This is more a problem on my necro though. Unfortunately I’ve yet to see it work..

P.S. Engies unite. Let us share a moment of silence for Cloaking Device – it was too good to last.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


Great fighting at hills

Is your Lord room drab? Boring? Lacking that “va-va-voom”?

Never fear, the Eredon Terrace Interior Decoration Brigade is here! We will adorn your Lord room with only the finest selection of deceased players, brought to your door from exotic lands far and wide by our Guardian train.

“But it’s simply too much! How can we possibly repay you?” I hear you cry.

Gentlemen, please, take heart! Until midnight tonight, ETIDB is offering our services FREE! That’s right folks, you heard it here! And for a limited time only, if we are not satisfied with our results, we will come back and do it all again – at no additional charge!

Act now and return some “chutzpah” to your keep today!

Your thoughts on an all Engineer Guild name!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


With our “traveling junk show”1, broken glass bottles from elixirs and dirty bandages all over the floor, Litterbugs seems appropriate.

1: I love that!

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

I think it depends what you want to get out of WvW.

I can’t speak for other players, but I can offer my perspective as a recent transfer to ET from Seafarer’s Rest [EU]. I dislike higher tier communities, and was impressed with the relative maturity ET presents on the forums. PvDoor is also boring, I like defending and smaller groups.

I’ve seen these things happen time and time again for years. It doesn’t matter what game it is, the higher in the pecking order you go the more you attract the following:

1) Compensation seekers – This is the worst and largest group. They lack success somewhere in their lives and seek to fill it by “pwning in pixel-land”. Alternatively they feel they have something to prove. Stereotypically these are your basement dwellers, unemployed, and raging adolescents. Attention seeking goes along with this to some degree as well.

2) Genuine win-win-win overachievers – There aren’t many, nothing wrong with being that way though. It takes all sorts to make a world. Personally I find them tiresome after a while.

3) Useless hangers-on and leechers that will jump ship as soon as the tide turns.

These sorts react poorly to failure. It usually manifests itself as:
- Temper tantrums
- Blaming others, often turning on team/nation/server-mates
- Excessive whining and looking for excuses
- Snark
- If someone knows less than them it is time to gloat in their false superiority and proclaim them a noob.

Because WvW is persistent (you can hide in there 24/7), and the rest of the game world isn’t open PK, bad attitude festers and doesn’t go away. I have never seen it so bad. I played Cabal on and off for years, and if someone way oversteps the line, vigilante justice takes care of it….

I transferred on Monday and have yet to see any of the above in ET. I am impressed by their will and refusal to give in without a fight. I can only hope I contribute something useful. All the cool stuff seems to happen while I am at work though