Showing Posts For Dagrin the Ethereal.8371:
It has been very bad for the wife and I today. Nearly unplayable, anytime a fight begins where there are more than two player characters on the screen. Lag shoots sky high and performance goes in the toilet. Anyone else having simialar issues?
It depends on what degree of “Soon” he is referring to. I fell in love with Sapience’s explanation of the degrees of soon from another game’s forum in the past. It is still as relevant today as it was 8 years ago. Enjoy:
Please keep in mind; the measurements below are highly accurate (as are their relationships to each other).
NOW! =
Never gonna happen!
At some point in the future (also, At some point) =
I am in pure Nostradamus territory here. I have a magic 8 ball and even it said, “Ask again later”.
In the future =
This isn’t going to happen during any variety of soon you care to use. In fact, it’s pretty far out there. Not as far as ‘at some point’, but I’m certainly not suggesting you book vacation time just yet.
I’m probably talking about something that is possible within the current time line. Assuming, of course, the Mayans, Vikings, and 47 other random stone carvings were wrong
and we’re still here after all that crazy ‘Apocalypse’ stuff.
In the near future =
This is absolutely, positively, without question, a possibility. In fact, it might even be a real possibility. But as to when, I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
Soon™ =
No lie. It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen really; like, eventually. But it will happen!
“Soon” =
It’s official! I have given consideration to a possible date and I now have several possibilities!
Soon =
I’ve narrowed the date down to something within the calendar year!
soon =
No really, I have a date now! It’s even penciled in on a calendar somewhere!
MoreSoonerish =
I have a date, and I’m probably going to tell you what that date is…soon!
Incredisoon =
OK! I am done messin’ around. We have a date, I’ve found the calendar I wrote it on, and I am going to tell you. Like right freakin’ shortly! Seriously!
Tomorrowish-esque™ =
This is going to happen within the next 24 hours. Give or take some random number of hours which may or may not exceed an amount equal to the number of miles between the reader
and the International Date Line divided by pi. Unless the person is actually standing on the International Date Line at the time of reading, in which case the world will
end in a cataclysmic divide by zero error and none of this will matter anyway. This is all barring any conflicts with ‘The Schedule’, of course.
As soon as possible =
Time being the slippery thing it is, this has quite probably already happened. If not, it is very likely to happen while someone is typing up the message telling you when it will happen.
Assuming, that it is in fact possible.
Modifiers, adjustments, and other fun stuff.
Capitalization =
As a general rule, capitalization will tip you off as to a measurement’s place in time. Capital letters denote a longer period of time than lower case letters.
This applies to all uses of capitalization when dealing with time. Thus Soon is longer than soon. Likewise, MoreSoonerish, Moresoonerish,
and moresoonerish are all incrementally shorter periods from longest to shortest.
TM and its uses =
The notorious ™ has very specific meanings. It denotes a longer period of time than the word or phrase would otherwise represent without the addition of the ™.
“Quotes" =
The use of quotes, like the use of TM and Capitalization has specific meaning. It is another measure of extending the noted period of time.
Though it denotes a shorter extension than either ™ or Capitalization.
Combined notation =
When you see a combination of modifiers (™, quotes, and capitalization) you must consider the impact of all modifiers on the base measurement.
The more modifiers, the larger the expansion of time from the base measurement.
Addendum A: Spooky Stuff
It’s on schedule =
This relates exclusively to a highly theoretical method of calculating time commonly referred to as, ‘The Schedule’.
The Schedule is part of an emerging understanding of time called Quantum Space Time. Schedule Time has the amazing ability to exist, not exist, and potentially exist or not exist all at the same instant.
It is only the act of observing The Schedule that forces it into a fixed state in which the normal rules of Space Time apply. This is commonly called “entanglement”.
Entangling one’s self with The Schedule is a very risky proposition as it can lead to temporal disorientation. Especially as it does not require one to be in any physical proximity to The Schedule.
Albert Einstein himself referred to this as “Spooky action at a distance.”
Addendum B: Backward Causality:
I told you so =
Any attempt to look back upon or view the flow of Space Time from a future point will amplify and enhance the predictive and pre-deterministic nature of soon.
The effect of this observance is to reveal the perfect accuracy of all predictions within the fabric of the Space Time Continuum.
In short, the act of releasing content will cause the time line to become self-evident and clearly predictive of the exact moment in the
future at which the release will happen when viewed from that future.
2) Spear III: Please don’t ever make me type in “Kamohoali’i Kotaki Vol. 3” to delete that item again. Seriously
This cannot be bumped, marked, highlighted, bolded (if that is a word), covered in glitter, set on fire, lit up with LED’s and spotlights, put in front of the Rockettes, etc. Not just for this collection item, but for every item that requires it for deletion. Why can we not just type “Delete” instead of the item name? I realize that it is not as though we are having to write it by hand, however, some of the item names are infuriating to type in just to delete the item. Please Please Please Anet, can this be updated for the future?
Same error here, 64-Bit client.
The error occurs after a character is chosen and the map begins to load. So far, Gendarran Fields and the Verdant Brink end in the same error code.
Update, I just tried the 32-bit client and I can load just fine.
(edited by Dagrin the Ethereal.8371)
100 Replies on this post and Anet still no response, please, at least say us something like “we are aware”…
Anet is aware of the issue and they are working on it. I received a map completion on my 100% World Completion thief. Although I did not receive the Gift of the Fleet as we are supposed to. I received a green, a blue, and 10 Aurillium ore. I entered a support ticket and received this response:
Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support.
I have looked into this issue and it appears our Team is aware of the matter and working on a solution as quickly as possible. We do not currently have a time frame for this fix, so please keep an eye on the official Guild Wars 2 forums ( for any updates.
We appreciate your information and patience while we work on this issue.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional issues, questions or concerns.
GM Jericho
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
I doubt that this will quell the posts regarding the issue, but be at rest knowing that they are at least aware of the problem and are actively working on it.
I have 100% completion on Verdant Brink as well with no rewards chest. Also pretty sure I never received rewards for Dry Top or Silverwastes also.
I finished the map completion in Verdant brink as well and all i received was a green pair of leggings, a blue pair of boots, and 10 Aurillium. Take about a ridiculous underwhelming reward. I thought a Gift of the Fleet was supposed to drop!?!?!
I am currently boiling in Zomorros’ oil…I don’t think that this was intended…
Well, its gotten worse on 64bit machines too. The supports answer (“The best thing you are able to do right now is upgrade to a 64-bit Operating System. Once that is done, the problems should be gone.”) just delays the problem and doesnt fix it.
My point was more, that the players cant do anything about it other than reducing detail. Disabling the high res textures in the options seem to help a bit (I havent done a lot of testing with it though). The Windows 7 (and above) memory management is pretty good. No need to fiddle around with virtual memory settings, unless you crippled it by trying to disable it in the past. There is nothing you can do about it.
The client needs a fix and/or a 64bit version. Trying to sit this out wont work for anet.
I’ve been on a 64 Bit install and mine still crashed constantly. Sometimes when trying to zone, sometimes when just running through a zone or Halloween event. Within two hours last night (post patch) I crashed no less than 10 times.
I am currently unable to complete the prolugue mission. At the last rally point before the portal to verdant brink (after the escort and talking to all the LS npcs), I approach the green star. At that point the UI hides as if starting with a cut scene but instead the game becomes unresponsive. The standard anet crash UI does not appear
Same issue. Reloaded and repeated. Same result in the same spot.
Because they need to sell HoT and what is better way to do it than create artificial demand by nerfing thief to oblivion and give rev all that thieves ever wanted?
They didn’t even stop there. They nerfed the core game as a whole and put all the goodies behind the pay wall. You want legendary? Too bad, the precursor will no longer drop after HoT since you can craft it there. If you want a legendary, you need to buy HoT.
You will have to have HOT to craft the new Legendaries. They require items that are only obtainable in the new zones. Much like the Bandit Crests and Geodes. The zone completions of the new areas is also a requirement. Take a look at the Points of Interest posts on the GW2 website. It lays it out.
You can certainly run something other than meta for thief. I do not PvP often, I run WvW mainly and I can ^^^^^ most of these posts by saying that if you aren’t set up for the meta or a meta-like build, you will either not have the burst damage to down your foe, or you will melt faster than you can clear the conditions and/or escape.
While there are certainly some L2P issues out there, as always, the majority of the thief player in this forum are not of that mold. This is serious issue where the class has been slowly nerfed to oblivion and given very little in the way of return. Thieves were always set up to be high risk for reward…but I find very few instances anymore where the risk is outweighed by the potential reward. Warriors and most engineers are able the only classes that I can reliably down in a short period of time. Rangers became insane powerhouses about three patches ago. Mesmers & necros…need I say more.
I am not the best thief around, but can generally hold my own in solo fights. I am not looking to start a “you don’t know the class, learn to fight” argument.
We need a viable way to return to the forefront, or at the very least, the competitive arena of the classes. The glaring issues have been listed time and again from everything gearing us towards mobility and away from confrontational viability, to removing our class mechanic (stealth) to a parlor trick that just about every other class can mimic or even do better than us now, to our ridiculous lack of condi-cleanse (even with the new specialization). Giving us more mobility, while nice, is not even close to beginning to address the issues with the class.
Same issue here. No purchase, no sell. Will not even bring up the bid or sell out prices.
Update: I cancelled the story line completely and restarted it, this seems to have worked and i can now progress.
I am going back through all of the story instances for achievements and the ascended gear required for the Luminescent Armor. In the story instance for “Hidden Arcana”, you have to speak with Ogden Stonehealer to progress through the instance.
Upon speaking to him, a VERY fast dialogue window pops up and then goes away, bringing up a second dialogue window with non-progressing dialogue choices. (pic attached) Has anyone else had this issue?
I have restarted the instance and the client multiple times and I get stuck at this point no matter what else I try. This is preventing the user from even getting into Glint’s area for the facet fights.
Any input or suggestions are most welcome.
There are alternatives to D/P. I run D/D and S/D quite a bit to switch things up. I recently started using poisons as well. Thief is set up pretty well for bleeds and poisons. You can still CnD and Backstab for great amounts. The mobility that S/D and Shortbow provide helps out quite a bit. They did nerf our condition control quite a bit though, so going up against the pu Mes and Ele will likely end in a 2 second melt on your part. It all depends on the skill of the opponent. I have beaten slightly more than I have been killed by, but not by much. Condi removal in stealth helps, though it no longer clears roots; shadowstep can be your friend there, or in a pinch, Infiltrator’s Arrow to create space.
D/D is still a tricky beast. Your mobility is reduced and you can drain your initiative quickly if you aren’t careful. I will admit that I was pretty angry with the new changes to Mesmer and the seeming lack of love for Thieves in the recent updates, but we will adapt. Since the update, I ended up dumping Deadly Arts and picking up Trickery, it helps with the extra healing and initiative. I stick with my Traveller’s Runes so I am not wasting a utility slot for run speed.
I am far from the best thief out there, and I share your frustration, but we are all about adaptation. Hope this helps.
Next Elite Spec Reveal (question)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dagrin the Ethereal.8371
Show us Thief! ASAP!!! Other veteran Thieves as well I can’t wait anymore. Look at Ninjaed and Swaggins for instance. Rifle/Staff argument is overflowing in the Thief thread.
It is going to be a wand…
Will HOT come with new dungeons?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dagrin the Ethereal.8371
They have stated in the past that they will not be including more dungeons on HOT. They want to focus more on open world events like Triple Threat and Tequatl. For good or worse, that is the word I have seen.
You need to remove stealth gained via blackpowder and heartseeker.
1) Basilisk Venom Steal/cloak and dagger for stealth = dmge up to 7k
2) Backstab = damage up to 9k
3) Dodge/evade till reveal is over.
4) Attempt to Stealth with either cloak and dagger or
5) blackpowder/heartseeker for stealth/healing/condi clear.I don’t mind the steps 1,2,3,4. I do not do much damage per hit, but I can still win even if I get hit for that initial 16k damage. Other classes can win even after the insane burst.
It is the blackpowder/heartseeker that is an issue. We see it all the time. Problem is, in the forums, no-one has specifically pointed out where the issue of thief stealth lies.
All the thieves who use this are running remove conditions on stealth and regen in stealth.
They use this skill to remove all condition damage and heal up to 100% while their opponent is sitting visible the entire time with no ability to heal more then a modest amount.
The balance is way off. I refuse to play this way just to win a fight.It makes sense to not allow people the ability to nearly God Mode an aspect of the game.
1) I can’t kill diamond skin ele’s. I’m ok with that.
2) Some of the mesmers stealth so much I can’t kill them either. I’m ok with that.
3) A thief with good morals hits me for 16k (steps 1-3) total and I’m ok with that too.I’m not ok with a god mode thief build. It ruins the game play and enjoyment of far more people then the number of idiots who use it.
If you remove the blackpowder/heartseeker stealth you will see far far less people complaining about thief stealth in the forums. The only people who will complain will be those who abuse the god mode just because they are bottom dwellers who feed off of ruining other people’s game play.
They will never kill me, but I am writing this post for those who can never escape a fight with a build that should never exist. As it stands, with issues like this, I have no inclination to buy your expansion.
I would honestly like to hear a suggestion for correcting this issue. I theif main, and have since inception. I can tell you that without stealth condi-removal, thieves are extremely limited in options for removal. Signet of agility is the only other viable condi-removal. Shadowstep has a crazy long cooldown so cannot be used reliably in an extended engagement. There are a few heals, yes that will remove select condis, but nothing else that removes them quickly as is needed in WvW. The nerf bat has been swung at thieves quite a bit since launch, not undeservingly in some cases, however currently I see more issues with thieves than OPness.
Our burst damage is not really the threat anymore, condition builds, P/D, S/D, with SB backup are among the most viable builds out there right now. Thief damage is mitigated by our awesome lack of armor and defense. It has been said time and time again, stealth, mobility, and regen are our defenses. Just my two cents.
TLDR: Thieves don’t need another smack with the nerf bat, our limited condi-removal nearly pigeon holes us into using Shadow’s Embrace for removal. If you want to talk about condi-removal that needs a nerf, look at the guardian.
Info on underwater combat will be provided, as Roy says, “soon™.”
Lower case s with quotes and a trademark….interesting. This time table sounds staggeringly familiar. Does this mean that the date has indeed been though of and perhaps penciled in on a calendar somewhere? But alas, I forget, the TM and use of quotes potentially extends that period of time…
Now I’m observing t4 EU EB – I joined Piken Square.
On Sanctum of Rall, WvW was unplayable last night and is little better this morning. Whether I am fighting 1v1 or 1 v many, lag spike are inevitable. I was unable to fight NPC’s in a camp for crying out loud. This issue is far from fixed.
Hey Sevei! Thank you for the report! I have a few quick questions for you which could help us substantially in trying to identify the root of the problem (pun intended):
- Did you create the first tier of the back-piece (the Exotic-level item) before today’s patch?
- Was the seed in your bank or in your character’s inventory?
- Have you progressed through any of the construction steps introduced in Episode 4? If so, which steps have you completed?
If you could also provide a screenshot which highlights the issue, it would help us greatly!
Thanks, and see you online!
I have the same issue. I completed the Exotic backpiece prior to the patch today. I had it stored in my bank as the Cultivated seed. After the patch, without completing anything in the new story, it has changed to the Pet Seed. Attached is my screenshot of the Pet Seed in my vault. The item help box did not save in the screenshot unfortunately, but the caption says “Pet Seed”
Not only do I want a Taimi…I will join Zardul.3952 in the ruthless tracking and merciless slaughter of the slanderous, murderous, twisted spawn of Lucifer that even remotely considers offing my sweet Tami! Tybalt was bad enough.... if Taimi goes….Anet….I will make Voodoo dolls of each and every member and mercilessly taunt you with them!
Necro + Mesmer was my goto in GW1. Hard to beat Spiteful Spirit and Arcane Echo. I loved watching the mobs kill themselves. That being said, Dervish was a beast as well.
This is not OCD.
OCD relating to the Mystic Forge would be something like always using it an even number of times and having to make sure you have no rares or crystals or whatever you were putting in left in your inventory at the end, which may require an entire sub-routine of what to do if you do have odd items left to make sure you can get rid of them.
Not because you think it will give you better luck but because you cannot stand the thought of doing it any other way. If you tried to leave that left over crystal in your bag you’d be unable to stop thinking about it, even after logging off and going to do something else.
What you’re talking about is superstitions. Things you think improve your luck, or at least make you feel like you have a better chance even if you know it doesn’t make a difference.
I haven’t used the Forge enough to have one there, but I always close my eyes when opening chests because I think I get better drops.
For me it is an OCD thing, I cannot go to the forge without doing these things. It does seem to help, at least in my mind. So I suppose that i am being superstitiously OCD? :p
RNGesus, Who art in The Mists.
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy sword will be swung.
Thy sword will be swung again.
Thy precursor will be given, on Tyria as it is in the dark crypts of RNG. Give us this day our daily achievements.
And forgive us raging at the forge,
as we forgive those who get a precursor before us.
And lead us not into champ train farming,
For great justice, Amen.
Slightly blasphemous, however HILARIOUS! I love this!
Does anyone else have a routine or “lucky thing” that they do before placing items in the forge or doing anything that requires the RNG to rain blessings (or curses) down upon you? I find that it takes the depression out of clover recipes and exotic combos.
Anyone willing to admit their OCD tendencies and share? I will to to a specific rock on the forge and then turn counterclockwise three times, bow three times to that jerk Zommoros, then salute three times and BLAMO! instant success….or sometimes not…
<sniff> <sniff> Here be mine… With a photobomb by Squizzle….
Thank you for the response! Is there a fix in the works?
Please forgive me if this has been brought up before. I am a returning player and I found it quite odd that whenever i put my Arsuran thief into stealth, the graphic looks like a black and grey Rubik’s cube. Everyone that I play with sees me this way as well, so I know that is is not my graphics card or drivers. Everyone else that have seen looks normal in their stealth. Is this a known issue?
You can still do the other Tower of Nightmares achievements as well as ToN dailies; these will provide you with more than enough ways to complete the ToN meta during The Nightmares Within release
After the newest patch (November 26) the daily offshoot killer does not count for this achievement…
I too cannot finish the “Tower of Nightmares” achievement since the daily offshoots do not work and you cannot complete the story achievement…No obelisk for me i guess…
Same here no credit on Sanctum of Rall. Finished my 25 offshoots and none of them counted for the daily.
HOORAY! Another jumping puzzle!
And this time it looks like it’s designed for 4 year olds.
Welcome to what is turning into Jump Puzzle, a platform game.
It;s a great April fools joke from the devs- you thought you were playing a MMO with some maturity and intelligent gameplay? hahahahahah fooled you! We’re one of those platform games that came out 30 years ago!
Nice rewards- I’ll ask the neighbours to borrow their 4 year old so he can rack up the baubles for the weapon skin.
God Forbid people have fun while playing a game…
People are looting baubles without having to kill the mobs…was this by design or a bug?
Sanctum of Rall / Frostgorge Sound
Finally found this thread again! general running around is frustratingly unplayble, let alone trying to do Jormag’s Claw. I was d/c’ed at least eight times during the event for him tonight.
This was a specific issue that arose after the January Patch was issued. Certain servers and certain areas in the servers are experiencing crazy lag and disconnects. The devs had asked that anyone experiencing these problems to post. I just could not find that thread to add this to it
(edited by Dagrin the Ethereal.8371)
I remember seeing a thread somewhere about the Devs asking people to post when and where these issues are occurring. On the Sanctum of Rall server, in Frostgorge Sound, you cannot walk 100 yards without lagging horribly and getting disconnected frequently. Tonight is the worst that it has been since the patch.
Forgive this thread for being created out of turn, I searched the forums for a while and could not find it. If found please merge this post with that thread.
There are three of us in my guild that have noticed this specifically on warrior. I have been mining ore on my thief and getting the stuffing beat out of me and never have I received a ruined ore chunk, ruined log, etc. But when i am on my warrior, i do not even have to be in combat to receive these ruined items. If i had thought about it, i would have captured this on Bandicam and submitted it here for evidence, but a guildmate , my wife, and I were running in Malchor’s Leap yesterday and we were not in combat. Three mithril nodes in a row, he received three ruined chunks of ore. Then he hit the orichalcum node and the first mine gave him a ruined chunk. He logged out after that and re-logged. The second and third mines of that same node gave him ruined chunks. He logged again and re-logged, the next node gave him normal ori. ore. This happens too often for me to write off as a blanket “you have a chance of getting ruined gathering materials if you are in combat” This occurs on warriors…a lot. It is the only character class that I have where this happens.
Can we get a dev to chime in on this and verify if this is a known issue? It would be nice to know if this is a tracked or even a known problem.
Go to Bloodtide Coast and enter the Order of Whispers cave. That completed it for me, even though i had been in there before. The nearest waypoint is: Deadend Waypoint. Hope this helps.
I apologize if this is already a known issue, however, My guild and I have noticed what seems to be a disturbing trend when it comes to getting ruined gathered items. This issues appears on warriors most often. I noticed it first when i started completing daily Orichalcum ore runs throughout Tyria.
It happens when you are in combat on a warrior and trying to gather a material. 8 times out of 10 it will result in ruined ore, wood, plant fibers, etc. On my Thief or Ranger, my wife’s Elementalist, Mesmer, or Guardian; this does not happen, but on every warrior I have in my guild and others I have spoken with, this problem occurs. Is this a known issue? Is there a planned fix to either make it fair for all classes to have this happen or remove it from the warrior?
The green snots he throws and the circles are accurate but they bounce around after hitting the ground, thats why it seems like they arnt accurate.
That being the case, I submit that the circles be adjusted to account for the “bouncing” or not have them bounce. There is enough going on in that fight than to have to worry about random deaths due to explosions that happen ten feet away from where you are standing outside of a circle. Just my two cents, the thread was begun with the premise that people submit things that appear broken… to me dying when outside of the circle, the instant that globs hit the ground is a problem.
(edited by Dagrin the Ethereal.8371)
You should pretty much ignore the circles and use immunity skill or 2-3 dodges/blocks.
That being the case i would submit that this is an issue that should be addressed by Anet. Why have the circles if they are not accurate? It is misleading and quite frustrating. Being that the majority of players have 2 dodges max and only a few have immunity, if you can dodge out of the circles at all, then you should be rewarded by not having your face torn in half by a bouncing green snot ball.
Has anyone else noticed a decided lack of accuracy with Lupicus’ and his projectile circles? three different members of our group tonight in Path 3 were killed by the mass projectile attack when we were decidedly out of the circles. We are going to try it again tomorrow and i will take video of it if no one else has seen this issue. The attack is difficult enough to dodge as it is, but if the warning circles are inaccurate, that is just mean. Any tips would be appreciated.
Good to know. I did not stealth for fear of that happening, but I was down
@ Zogyark, Thank you for the response. We had him near the back wall. I wonder if it had anything to do with me (thief) being in the downed state when the other players re-entered the arena? We were still in full combat and the other player in the arena was still up and firing at GL. We will hope for a fix soon. Thank you again.
Please forgive me if this has been questioned and answered before there are so many posts and i did not care to research them all. I have a small guild and we are far from pro players. We have been attempting Arah explorable mode path 3 in recent days and have yet to successfully complete the Giganticus Luipcus fight. This most recent attempt was our most successful attempt yet. However we are getting extremely frustrated with this fight. we had him in the third stage, three of our members were dead and running back. The remaining two of us were fighting in the room with GL. We never left the room. Yet when two of the members that had died returned to the room, GL reset completely. Is this a bug, or is it intentional.
We love this game, however, things like things, if intentional really detract from the overall pleasure of the game. If it is unintentional, is it a known bug and is there a fix in the works for it? Any help that can be offered is much appreciated.
Can we please get a chime in from A-net, whether or not there is a fix in the works for the ice shield issue? I can see perhaps making the shield less vulnerable makes sense (albeit not a way to improve the fun IMO), but why place it below the surface so that it is difficult to even target? I have also noticed a decided lack of confirmation that myself or any of my guildies are even hitting the shield (i.e. damage indicators not showing up when you hit/shoot at the ice shield.)
We have had this occur several times as well; different groups and levels. Reported it a few times. Hopefully a fix will arrive soon.
It is not a one time event. You can re-approach the void and it gives you the option to re-enter. There are tons of players looking for group to complete the event. As stated previous and in bold print on the entry panel, It does recommend 5 players.