Showing Posts For Danto.6748:

please no kylo in tournament map rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Khylo is a great map I agree. Although there are some problems with it, like for example:

1. the fact that you sometimes can’t hear the Treb shooting
2. sometimes you get hit while being in the air dodging
3. sometimes it simply explodes in the air and you get hit because it was too early to dodge

It’s been like this since August <3 eSportsyoloswagmlgscope420 <3

If you get hit in the air dodging it means you haven’t actually dodged yet, you just have lag. To an observer you would not have dodged yet, it’s incredibly frustrating.

I also have problems with the treb not sounding, also sometimes it’s extremely quiet. Today I had 4 treb shots in a row I had no chance of dodging due to the sound going extremely quiet.

I’ve never seen it explode in the air, are you referring to when it just hits the inside of the wall and explodes? That does give the appearance of exploding mid-air when it doesn’t.

Mainly happens on side points from what I saw. It simply explodes way before it hits the ground and before you would be meant to dodge.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

please no kylo in tournament map rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Khylo is a great map I agree. Although there are some problems with it, like for example:

1. the fact that you sometimes can’t hear the Treb shooting
2. sometimes you get hit while being in the air dodging
3. sometimes it simply explodes in the air and you get hit because it was too early to dodge

It’s been like this since August <3 eSportsyoloswagmlgscope420 <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

[EU] Masters of the Mists by Guru/Curse

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


It will be fun.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Can we buff the Leaderboards please?!

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Are we a joke to you? Are we seriously so insignificant?

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Hey! You said 1 (one) week! I am super sad!

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

When will leaderboards be visible? [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


I’m sad because of this

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Looking for A Guardian Perspective

in Guardian

Posted by: Danto.6748


Ahahahah guys, really nice names! It’s going to be hard to decide which one to pick

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Apo's Tigertank build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Danto.6748


Depends on play style in my opinion, Getting the might stack during the 2secounds the block is up for a rough 50% decrease in healing amount is in my opinion not worth it. Tried the 10pt Virtues but the gains from the might and the 25% duration retal on 1 and 5sec duration skills is for me the lesser choice since blind can be very devastating used properly.

Thank you so much for the feedback Danto! happy to see someone reading it trough

It’s not about playstyle. Shelter will provide less healing per heal, but it has a lower CD and it provides you with an excellent counter to most burst while it also grants you might. The GS symbol is not the only source of Retal that you have, there is the Combo from the Light Field + the Leap and there’s the SyG. Consider that you apply Retal to everyone with either of those 3 sources and thus you will grant them extra retal + Might/Regen/Prot from the 5pt trait. A blind is good for 1v1s and in general for small skirmishes, but you will get more benefit overall by putting those 10pts in Virtues.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Apo's Tigertank build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Danto.6748


Use the block heal so you can stack might while blocking from the 25pt trait. Move the 10 trait points to Virtues and get 25% more retal since you’re playing with GS. Rest looks good, nice build.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Soild pvp class

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748



  • Pros: Immortal, OP dps build is OP (shhh -sub to tvesportsgaming on youtube and stay tuned), lowest skill floor in game, great peals, great support capability, best wep skills in game (all weps are viable), great condi clear, tons of blocks/invulns, perma vigor in many builds, you’re usually the last one to die in team fights, low individual skill cap.
  • Cons: SLOW – will take you 5 hours to run from mid to home, low hp pool, low dps in bunker builds, can be boring bunkering a point that isn’t being contested, takes patience -if you blow all your defensive skills 10 seconds into the fight you’re screwed (if you freak out and button mash when attacked this isn’t the class for you, try ele).

What ?! Please teach me how to be Immortal. All weps are viable? Perma Vigor? Low skill cap? :S Five hours to get from point to point ? (W00T ?!)

I must have played Guardian wrong all this time, kitten :/

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Top Tier Tpvp team open tryouts for....

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


A lot of new teams are showing up lately, good luck!

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Looking for A Guardian Perspective

in Guardian

Posted by: Danto.6748


Hey there, I’m Danto, the Guardian of Team Curse and I’d be interested to join you in this podcast. Please let me know through PM if you require any particular info or any other details.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Helseth is amazing.

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Will the whole Mesmer meta change to Mantras now? Is that how it works?

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


+1 Teldo
+1 Helseth
I think most of “top” players are agree with teldo and helseth.

That’s exaaaaactly where you are wrong Posiqtpie! Not only top players would appreciate it: 90%+ (just a rough guess) of the playerbase would.

Why? Because SoloQ’îng in a rated environment is “the best” way to improve your own mechanical skills, solo decisions, etc that any player can find because he will be matched with and against players of the same skill level who also are playing by themselves and share the same goal: improving (well, this one does not stand true for the very top and very bottom of the ladder in which a lot of people will troll around, but still!).

Please allow me to list a few pros:

- All players would get a place where they can improve their mechanical skills by playing against opponent’s of the same skill level;

- Team players would not have to be scared about affecting their team’s average rating by playing SoloQ;

- Team players would have something to do whenever their full team is not online to play, gathering 5 people is a lot and sometimes you just want to play more;

- Solo players would have a solo ladder to show how good they are whenever they want to join a team and/or create one with people of the same skill level;

- New teams could be born from this system, which would make the game more competitive.

Here’s a little something on that one: In any team-based game that wants to be anywhere near competitive you need to give players an EASY way to create Networks.

Networks are the most IMPORTANT thing a player will need in such games, the good old “be noticeable and get noticed” has always and will always be king in team-based games because it’s what starts everything: joining/creating a team.

As of now, there is ABSOLUTELY no easy way for people who want to be noticed to actually do so because they have no Solo rating, nothing. Guys, in competitive games numbers are THE FIRST thing people will know about you! You know how important a first impression is in life right? It’s the exact same thing in gaming, the only difference is that you’re not judged on how you look, the way you speak or the ammount of money you have in the bank, but on your rating. If you have no rating, you are no one. It’s that simple, really.

Now, let’s think of a game in which being no one was a problem…. from what I gathered we could even take Guild Wars 1 as an example (I’ll be using the ladder type of game, which was GvG and pardon me if I make a mistake). It ended as an elitist-lair in which if you weren’t known no team would bother with you and you would never manage to get into the system, never manage to become “somebody” in the eyes of the people who played the game the way you wanted to play it. Why? Because a player had absolutely NO WAY to get noticed by himself.

Unfortunately, that is the exact same path GW2 is taking. It’s pretty simple. I’ll use my example as someone who’s been playing at the “top” since day 1: the only people I know and would play with in a serious environment are all the other players from top teams with whom and against whom I have played a countless ammount of games. Why? Because I know how good each and every one of them is.

Would I play with someone I don’t know, if I have never heard of that person and there is no rating to show me how good that person is? Obviously, because I’m a fluffy guy so I’d enjoy fun games with anyone. However, there is absolutely no way for me to play seriously with that guy!! I wouldn’t be able to consider him as a trustworthy player.

That is the worst possible path to chose if you hope the game to ever become a big name in the e-sports industry or even a big name in the amazingly fun team PvP games circle.

Please Anet, do not let a game as beautiful as this one become the elitist-lair it’s steadily becoming;
Please, do not let it become GW1;
Please, give players the opportunity to prove themselves to everyone else by themselves.
Please, give a way to people to get noticed.;
Please, let players become part of the networks they need to make your game a successful one, both as a fun and enjoyable game and as an e-sport;
Please, give us a SoloQ-only ladder.

I beg your pardon for my poor English.


Awesome post! You’ve said everything there was to say about it! We need this and we need it now!

ArenaNet, you released this game early in order to build it up together with the community! We are trying to help you as much as we can so make sure to at least hear us out!


[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

GW2 sPvP Streams!

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Danto, Guardian.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

List of players helping new players

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


You can add me as well. I’ll help with everything you listed in the EU part. Danto.6748

Just guardian I’m guessing? Or do you want other categories as well?

Guardian / Overall strategy

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

List of players helping new players

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


You can add me as well. I’ll help with everything you listed in the EU part. Danto.6748

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


NA making a good show of themselves^^ Clearly they win over EU in the Drama Wars <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


lol, I was only trying to be nice >.<

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


I think he did it mostly cause of the 4 man EU pug winning against the 5 man NA pug?^^ I don’t think it was specific against the Qt team.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


“It was merely a setback!” <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guide to make this game attend the next MLG

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


+1 Crs Danto

Make sure to remove tickets once you implement the Matchmaking system!

I’m the best Guardian in the World, my opinion matters.
Make it happen ANet!

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

(edited by Danto.6748)

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


So much love for Danto in this thread! <3 Yay! ^^

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.

Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…

For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.

This is probably the biggest “lol” I had in a few months! Thank you for this. You think you can stomp any EU team 500-100 ?

First of all, no EU team would ever come to NA for a few simple reasons like the playtime hours, the ques aren’t as frequent, there aren’t as many teams to play against as in EU and so on. We instead have a few “no lifers” study your streams from time to time and see if there’s anything to learn.

Second of all, there is no actual full team here in EU that showed up in this thread and said “We can stomp NA easy mode, lol u bad”. It was only a few player’s opinions. You shouldn’t go around claiming to stomp any EU team if we were to come to NA.

Last thing, I already told you this in private, but I’ll say it here as well; every competitive NA team should try to come to EU instead, there are a lot more active teams here, the ques are more frequent and there is a general big clash of ideas regarding tactics and builds here all the time. I really think that it would benefit both sides a lot if this were to happen.

P.S. This thread is a goldmine.
P.P.S. I am the best Guardian in the World, don’t forget to quote me on that because it clearly isn’t a troll.
P.P.P.S ’murica! F£$k yeah!

Honestly, there is no team in particular I’m “calling out”. But, yes some of you would be in for a rude awakening. Whether you believe it or not, you represent your team even if your speaking for yourself. People say “Hey, that’s Danto from TCG.” when they see you streaming, posting, etc. When someone comes in here calling out NA, with no ground to stand on… Then expect to get flamed.

Now, this Ace of Spades guy (whoever he is) isn’t known… I had no idea who Super Squad was until today. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know 90% of the people in the last SOTG but that didn’t bother me. I knew that whoever was hosting it did their homework and tried to pick up some great candidates for it. I listened to it, and enjoyed it.

What IS the meta, EU players? Do you sincerely think you set the standard? Arrogance. To fill all you EU players in, NA used to send a bunker ele to side nodes and hold it down MONTHS ago. NA swayed away from that when people started figuring out the counters to it. Whatever works for you EU guys, doesn’t work for us, it isn’t our playstyle and tbh I haven’t met an NA player yet that gives a F*$K.

Why do most of these NA players take this personal? Cause you EU guys have such big ego’s (those that are on “top teams”) and seem to ALWAYS start the issue of NA vs EU. It’s this big loop, over and over again. Never will NA and EU grow together as a community if you guys continously bring up this reoccuring argument and not have any true factual information backing this up.

P.S. Word on the street is that “Super Squad” came to NA awhile back and got wrecked by some NA pugs. I heard it through the grapevine, so it must be true. Lmao….. EU comp players….

1. I never said anything against any NA team, in fact I support what some of you are doing for your PvP community and I said so in my first post.

2. You keep assuming that you will stomp the EU teams while I’m trying to have a constructive discussion with you.

3. That is not the EU meta. What arrogance are you talking about? Only a few players expressed harsh opinions on NA’s regards and you can’t possibly think that all EU teams are like that.

4. Because of a few singular cases you think that the whole EU and NA community will never grow together. Not only is this childish, but you have the arrogance to think that the whole of EU is a bunch of egocentric elitists and that NA is far too better for them to work together.

5. I gave you a suggestion to improve and help both sides and yet the only thing you could come up with was flaming EU and SS even more. Very mature of you.

You’re giving us a very good impression of NA, good job.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.

Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…

For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.

This is probably the biggest “lol” I had in a few months! Thank you for this. You think you can stomp any EU team 500-100 ?

First of all, no EU team would ever come to NA for a few simple reasons like the playtime hours, the ques aren’t as frequent, there aren’t as many teams to play against as in EU and so on. We instead have a few “no lifers” study your streams from time to time and see if there’s anything to learn.

Second of all, there is no actual full team here in EU that showed up in this thread and said “We can stomp NA easy mode, lol u bad”. It was only a few player’s opinions. You shouldn’t go around claiming to stomp any EU team if we were to come to NA.

Last thing, I already told you this in private, but I’ll say it here as well; every competitive NA team should try to come to EU instead, there are a lot more active teams here, the ques are more frequent and there is a general big clash of ideas regarding tactics and builds here all the time. I really think that it would benefit both sides a lot if this were to happen.

P.S. This thread is a goldmine.
P.P.S. I am the best Guardian in the World, don’t forget to quote me on that because it clearly isn’t a troll.
P.P.P.S ’murica! F£$k yeah!

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


It’s only game, why you heff to be mad?

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Americans make the game, Europeans take the game and Asians break the game.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


there is a huge gap between eu and na atm
a good eu pug can probably take down the best team on na its not because u are bad
u just dont have any decent players to play against so u naturally not as good as us.
so ye u should not have a spot in the state of the game atm till na evolves to be decent.
u can just break the game.
the meta on na is so broken you guys think it works cuz you are playing against kitten teams
so ye.
and i agree about the rest with spades.

Please I beg you EU pvp gods, come to NA and show us how to play

But there aren’t any ques in NA :/ QQ

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


The whole US paid tourney scene is a joke. You are 2 months behind the meta. I’ve watched all your streams, you are utterly bad. Shut it.
This thread is boring.
Angry americans are angry.
I kind of agree with Ace of Spades.
This thread is so boring that I can’t even be annoyed to make a proper response.
I like pies.

This wins the whole post.

Gi Gi no re for everyone. Naito <3<3<3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Guru-State of the Game is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Hey guys, I’m Danto, the best Guardian in the World and I think that this post is pure GOLD. I only agree with Ace of Spades on the “Xeph” part and only because I know that TP was out of the scene in EU for quite some time now. Xeph is an awesome player and TP is a very good team, but I doubt they are on track with the current EU meta.

We love America and their contribution in the NA PvP scene. <3

P.S. Please quote me as much as possible and make sure to highlight the part with “best Guardian in the World” because it clearly isn’t sarcastic. <3

P.P.S. ’murica! <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

Random "State of the Game" on Twitch

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


I love Purie <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

A big thank you video ft. Everybody!

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Best video I’ve seen in ages, gratz mate <3

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


@Danto: So a bunch of teams will be running a certain kind of comp. whats to stop players from observing this, and building a new comp to counter that comp? And for that process to happen again and again into a loop. And isn’t what I just illustrated how a metagame works?
Also with Anet tweaking around all the time, certain skills are bound to be nerfed or buffed at some point, also skills that are perhaps too useful will stand out much more.
Anyways, build is hardly the only factor that decides a match, competence, teamwork and environment also play factors, and it’s also possible that someone clever might see major drawback in how most teams play the game (for example, 3 bunkers, 2 roamers) and find a comp that can undermind that strategy.

You can’t play 1 comp that counters another for a whole tournament? I mean the way you are seeing it is this: ok team A plays with this setup, let’s counter it with setup B, then you get in the match and team A is instead playing setup C.
You can’t hope to play a setup that will directly counter 1 team because that team might have more than just 1 setup. So instead you will try to go for a more balanced setup that will do good against most matchups. This is how’s it’s working at the moment.
I see your point tho, every team should have as many setups as possible and be able to play them and counter other teams with it. This is the true side of competitive gameplay, just like for LoL, but for now we don’t have THAT much diversity to put this into act.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


To find the best/most balanced setup you can simplify the process by asking yourself what do I need for my team and where can I find that. Do that, find what you need and that’s it. You don’t need to test everything like you are saying. Try to do it and let me know how many balanced all around setups you will find.
My current position is based on mine and other’s theorycrafting, as well as first hand experience from tournaments. The only thing I saw was an increase in Rangers and that’s about it. However Ranger teams seem like an easy matchup.

Again, I will repeat myself, teams now will try to go for balanced setups since you can’t swap utilities/weapons, but there aren’t THAT many balanced setups out there. I would be optimist to name you 10 (keep in mind I’m talking about balanced all around good setups that will have a good chance to win).

Your are approaching it the wrong way, is not “what do I need for my team and where can I find that” but, what do we want AS A TEAM and what do we need. Do we want be mobile? and be able to pressure constantly every point, ord do we want to be tanky and hold 2 points for the whole match?
everybody thinks this will take teams to just play more balance and it may be true right know, but this also opens more ways also to unbalanced teams with specifics tactics behind. Stuff that we have not seen yet.

And trust me i have experience from tournaments. As much as you do.

You are just playing with words at the moment. I was intending the same. “What is my team suppose to do, what does it need to do that and where can I find it”.
I don’t see how this new feature will help the unbalaned setups against the all around good balanced ones, since they all seem to lose, but ok, we’ll wait and see I guess.

I don’t need to trust you, I need to think for myself and have my own ideas, also why are you trying to measure your epeen with me here?

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Also, to make things clear, I like the current change where they only lock weapons. I think it’s good that they allow us to swap utililies for now.

don’t want troll or what, but the thread title is ‘’No weapon swapping hurts competitive play’’ . so you are changing your mind?


before patch you could have an ele in party.
against condition you could use cleansing fire if needed, if a lot of conditions you could swap at staff to be helpfull for the team. now you must decide before starting what is your role and during fight your team strategy should adapt to opponent’s.
and it will force you to decide before the tourney which will be your team—>balanced—>diversity

ofc it is a bad example, but i hope you can see through the mere (bad english) words and understand my pov.
otherwise peace.

The title is a few days old and it reached max lenght, couldn’t add utilites QQ. You can still swap utilities now for Cleasing Fire. Staff won’t dispell that many conditions unless you trait it to and that meant that you had relog to another Ele or redo your build pre game (considering you would start the game as SD or DD).

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Also, to make things clear, I like the current change where they only lock weapons. I think it’s good that they allow us to swap utililies for now.
I can see how this will be a good feature in the future when we will have a lot more builds/setup choices, but for now I think it’s not needed.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


I’m in no position to make such a statement? Wow.. ok anyway tell me how many teams came up with awesome new builds/setups since patch ? All I saw was same setups with the only difference that everyone was now stuck with a ressing utility.

Simply because you cant possibly know exactly what can cross in ppl minds to be completly sure about what you’re saying. Unless you’re a genious and have already tested avery class build in every team setup in every matchups and in every map of the pool to make such statement. Otherwise is just your modest opinion, and that’s your position.

You actually, already have more choices, not many yeah but I want to believe that they are working hard to give me more. The simply fact that now bunkers will be slow as freaking hell adds quite a lot. Now for example as a warrior, my high mobility will actually matters even out of combats.. before it wasn’t that big of a deal.

To find the best/most balanced setup you can simplify the process by asking yourself what do I need for my team and where can I find that. Do that, find what you need and that’s it. You don’t need to test everything like you are saying. Try to do it and let me know how many balanced all around setups you will find.
My current position is based on mine and other’s theorycrafting, as well as first hand experience from tournaments. The only thing I saw was an increase in Rangers and that’s about it. However Ranger teams seem like an easy matchup.

Again, I will repeat myself, teams now will try to go for balanced setups since you can’t swap utilities/weapons, but there aren’t THAT many balanced setups out there. I would be optimist to name you 10 (keep in mind I’m talking about balanced all around good setups that will have a good chance to win).

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


There aren’t enough viable builds for each profession to encourage what you just said. And again as I said, the only utilities being swaped regularly are the Ressing ones.

You have plenty of choices. Just because you don’t see it in tournaments doesn’t mean a particular build has no role.

You saying there aren’t enough viable builds makes me laugh. Locking utilities would force people to maintain their choice for team support or otherwise.

Judging by your comments though, I guess you can rest easy and wait for some of the better players to try out new strategies you view as “nonviable.”

Looking forward to see these “better players”.
Anyway on a serious note, what I’m talking about is balanced all around setups that work. There aren’t many of them and for sure you won’t see them growing like mushrooms after the rain now after this feature.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


This would limit the number of builds you can use during a single tournament, not really because you can still use what you want, probably just sacrificing some mobility….but you need a better sutup for your team…so less choices for the single player but probably more teamwork and tactic…it would just lock single roles

That’s what I’m saying. Most teams will run with a balanced setup, but given that nowadays there are a handfull of balanced setups out there you won’t see much diversity. You will see for most of the time the same balanced setup. This is simply due to ANet not giving us enough choices for each profession.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


Locking down utilities will encourage making new builds? No.. it will only force a few classes with play with Ressing utlities for the whole game..

Also this is wrong as kittening hell. Your are not in the position to make such statement.

I’m in no position to make such a statement? Wow.. ok anyway tell me how many teams came up with awesome new builds/setups since patch ? All I saw was same setups with the only difference that everyone was now stuck with a ressing utility.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


alright maybe an idea to keep both sides happy…. lock everything exept utility’s and give every class a swiftness + additional boon utility…so that when swiftness is needed they can switch utility for swiftness….

That’s not a solution either, cause ppl will start to equip their utilities with a passive speed buff just to travel around the map and then immediatly switch back before join the fight. And since not avery class has that kind of utilities it will unbalance things out.

About what Danto says,
Your right, at the moment there are not many builds out there for each classes, but are you 100% sure that nobody will come up with something new? I mean bro, this change is not even completely up and running yet. Also Anet said many times that the plan is to give more variety of the viable builds, and this is one big step to accomplish that goal. Ofc they still have a lot of work to do, but trust me this change will actually help them, how can you not see that.

In the current state of the game there are not enough viable builds to encourage this change. First give us more choices and the lock utilities/weapons down. There’s no point to do it the other way around, is it? It’s actually counterproductive since they will only limit the playable/viable setups to a few balanced ones and that’s it.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


For there to be true competitive play, everything needs to be locked – weapon sets, traits, and utilities.

You say locking things hurts competitive play? Since when is running around with my inventory and hero menu open fun? It certainly isn’t competitive when I can build wars anyone who approaches me or that I approach.

Locking things in tournaments is going to ENCOURAGE build diversity by way of people having to finally consider their build, their team build, and how the builds are going to intermingle in a match.

Utilities need to be locked as well – they are utility, utilitarian. They are meant to either cover your weaknesses or expand on the abilities you want to take the most advantage of. Being able to do both, at all times, throughout the entire team build is not competitive at all – it’s extreme build wars.

Some may say “But Bear, that just means that you are going to limit the number of viable builds/team builds/strategies/pigeon holes!!!!oneone11!” No, it’s going to expand the competitive of the game, because it’s a TEAM game. At present and previously, there was no onus to be a synergistic team aside from a rough outline of the positions you wanted people to fill, now things can finally start getting more specific, more complex, more team oriented, and by extension more competitive. At the moment, being able to build wars mean you don’t have to be as team focused and is, by extension, less competitive.

There aren’t enough viable builds for each profession to encourage what you just said. And again as I said, the only utilities being swaped regularly are the Ressing ones.

It’s not like you’re going to see a full condi necro or a pistolwhip thief or a shout warrior that much, is it? Those builds exist, but they are not as viable as the “mainstream” ones and that’s a fact.

Locking down everything will only mean that most of the of the professions that have Ressing utilities will be stuck with them from the start of the game and that’s it. Nothing will change, there will be no “new” builds or balanced setups. I’ve played it and I saw it so don’t tell me otherwise. The current “mainstream” builds and setups will hardly change and that’s because not all classes have other viable builds.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


First of all it’s not about, or not mainly at least, about weapon swaping. The ability to do it out of combat was just an extra for the majority to move around the map and to allow you to do some sort of comebacks (very few tho), so overall not many actually care about this feature.
The real “problem” was the ability of swaping utilities getting locked, since that prevented ANY sort of comeback for every team. Basically if your setup, as balanced as it could get, got somehow countered by another setup, then you would lose the match no matter what. Whatever teamfight you would get it it would have been a loss.
Now you can come and say that you need to make a balanced setup in order to win with the smiple fact that you get “balance utilities”, but that doesn’t work, there is no such thing as a balanced setup with balanced builds and there will always be a counter to counter and so on.
I can also see that the “fans” would have a hard time to follow a live match if the players were to change utilities, but let’s think about it for a second. What does it actually mean to change utilities and what utilities do you think get changed the most? Well, let me tell you. Usually it will happen that just a few classes will swap utilities around a match and those utilities will be Ress Signets or the Poral for mesmers and then that’s about it. Not many other classes will be doing Utility swaps. So let’s count it up: Warrior, Mesmer, Ele, Engi and Necro are the ones that will mainly focus on utility swaping.
As I just said now, the main focus on ulity swaping will be on Ress utilities, so let’s think what’s gona happen if they lock that down. Well, we will have a lot shorter teamfights, a lot more of a boring game and that’s about it. The way I see it, the team that will start the match with the more Ress utilities will probably win (depending on map and other factors).
Now, obviously this is not some sort of Godly skill or anything, but it helps most teams with some comeback opputunities, which otherwise they would lack; also, in my opinion, it makes the game a whole lot more interesting.
Every casual in the forum post called it a “l2p issue” for the “pros”. Well, I got news, this is just a BIG buff for us. Winning has never been easier than these last couple of days (at least for my team) and losing will get a whole lot more frequent for the casuals because they will have no way of coming back.
Now let’s focus on the actual facts, ANet is allowing us to still Utility swap and they plan to completely lock down the ability to Weapon swap. I personally think it’s a good way to go with at the moment, it will “fix” the roles of each class mobility wise (without weapon swap) and it will keep the game interesting thanks to the utility swaps. I’m happy they are going for this choice and I really hope it works out.

Other than that I just want to say that ANet should start looking into the Mesmer Macro issue ( casting 2-3 shatters with the same set of illusions/phantasms ).


[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


You all keep missing the damn point. This change has very little effect on the “pros”. They will keep winning no matter what and that’s because, as Oni said, 99% of them already run with balanced setups and balanced builds. The only edge a pro had over a more casual player was the fact that the “pro” was adapting his gameplay to win games faster. With the new patch it’s impossible to adapt your gameplay during a game and that’s ok, the teams that used to win will keep doing it, the only actual “problem” is that it will take more time to win and it will make games more boring and more static. This however is not a real problem for those who play the game at any level, those who were winning will keep doing so and those who were losing will keep doing so (the game will be even harder for them due to the lack of comeback opportunities), the real problem will be to watch this BORING game. It will have a lot less exciting things to show now to the fans.

Also, for those who keep saying “This is how GW1 was”.. who gives a damn about GW1 ?! This game is called Guild Wars 2 and it should follow it’s own path to success. It’s not meant to be a full remake of GW1…

Last thing, when I say “pros” I am referring to that handfull of teams that has a good success in tournaments. By no means I’m entitling them as almighty gods or w/e.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

How are things doing on the EU side?

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


More or around 10 active teams. Que times are pretty short. Peak time is from 18:30 to 01:00 GMT+1. Sometimes you can get a random que outside of those hours.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


I am voicing the common feeling of some of us and thus I’m raging on the forums. I’m trying to reply with constructive feedback and thus I’m raging again. Now the casuals are calling it a “l2p issue” of the “pros” (when the actual problem will be for the casuals once they start to do tournaments). I am being poked with ignorant and useless sarcasm for trying to give some feedback from some of us.

Let’s keep going in this direction dear forum users, it will make this game awesome for sure.

Obviously you all know better and don’t need any extra feedback, GL HF in tournaments.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


if this change kills tpvp as we know it (it wont), then all the better.

So you are saying that one team managed to do a good cheese start and therefore should automatically win because of that?

no actually. cheese strats just dont work on balanced builds. this change in itself restored a lot of my faith in ANet. really seems like they know what theyre doing.

Balanced setups will have a hard time against cheese starts. Many teams are already looking into double mesmer portal play.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


i agree with the decision. it brings in the unpredictability factor, something that tpvp has not had. once you commit to a build, you have to make it work, period. constant switching was just silly. so if one team decides to do something out of the ordinary, and they pull it off well, why should the other team have the capability to directly counter that almost instantly? this change will encourage planning and organizing before a match. and as poster above me said, it encourages balanced builds that can adapt to different situations.

if this change kills tpvp as we know it (it wont), then all the better.

So you are saying that one team managed to do a good cheese start and therefore should automatically win because of that? You are saying that the other team should just lose (even tho they might be even better) just because they got cheesed? No comeback scenarios? No evolving gameplay?

God.. posts like these make me so damn sad..

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


1. There was no rage from any of us about the timers. The only thing we wanted to point out was that it would make it a lot harder for newer players to get into the game without spawn waves, which is true.
2. This new feature will severely damage the PvP streamers and their teams.
3. This feature will prevent any “big plays” scenarios, which are partially what fans would be attracted to.
4. The game will become a lot more boring, to play and to watch.
5. There is an inbalance with and without this feature, but the gains from not having this feature are better than having it. For some professions it’s a good thing, for some other it isn’t in both cases.
6. Nobody is on a high horse here, we are just very alarmed.

Case in point, a player as I described would pretty much respond the exact same way you did.
1: Raging might have been a bad choice of word, but you “top players” cried out, loud! Claiming it would ruin the game, and oh how wrong you were. The only ones experiencing problems with ress timers are the teams still stuck on the pre-patch meta setup.
2: So, don’t stream? It’s not like you get a lot of viewers any ways.. You talk a lot about that e-sports has to be fun to watch. And I just can’t see the fun in watching you practice day out and day in. The things worth to watch would be tournaments/show matches.
3: Big plays? Do you mean zergs? I personally so much more prefer to watch a good 1vs1. Or a team outsmarting the other team. Besides, with the ability to swap abilities, traits and weapons constantly (while out of combat granted) it would be so incredibly much harder for a viewer to follow the matches. Would be a mess to try to keep up with the teams constantly changing tactics and setup.
4: More boring to watch? No I doubt it, since people actually will be able to try to analyze the matches, follow with the tactics and setups this way.. More boring to play? So the fun for you is to run around trying to predict what your enemy changed for abilities/traits so you can change yourself, to try and counter it? Yeah..sounds fun and not at all random.
5: You just mentioned like one of the most fundamental physical laws..There is always two sides to one coin. Of course there is pros and cons with every feature, and this one might very well be very con heavy with you “top players” current meta. Granted there might be a scenario where we can’t find a balanced meta with this change either. Haven’t even touched the game last weeks so can’t speak too much about the change yet.
6: How can you be alarmed about a change before you, the community and the game have had a chance to adapt? Step outside of the box (which you yourself ((top players)) claim you are so good at doing..) and change up the meta and adapt your setups to it.

And the whole argument “Oh with this change you will have to sacrifice something, like mobility for burst or survivability for mobility etc.” is just so hilarious. It’s being used like that is not how it should be! Of course you should have to sacrifice certain things for some things. I personally was bored with the tedious work with changing weapons/traits just to try to get that extra swiftness or the small advantage a trait change gave you in a certain encounter/map etc.

You just have no idea of how games are going to be played now. The game will be a HUGE snowball where one team will dominate the other just cause they counter picked. The fun in not having this feature was that games could evolve constantly and you always had to expect something different.

Also, to quote someone: Balanced builds were actually more popular than “extreme bunker” or “extreme burst” builds. Talking in general.

Example of a “big play” that the fans would love to see: mesmers switches to focus for speed, gets blink to move even faster, get illusion of life with portal, resses a dead guy from another point and portals him away to the mesmer’s orginal point while the mesmer takes the guy’s place. Stuff like that you can’t do anymore. The guy will die and the mesmer will stay AFK on his point waiting to get snowballed. This is an example only.

I personally think that this feature will cut off a lot of creativity from the gameplay, but whatever, I’m not here to dictate how this game should be ran. I’m just sharing a common feeling amongst some of us.

We are all here to play this game because we like it and we believe in it.

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian