Showing Posts For Darkrachet.8732:

Reward tracker not progressing!

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


they somehow think putting a cap on having fun is a good idea.


in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


What’s wrong with skyhammer? /new to pvp

wait until you fight a team with more than 1 engineer on it….you will start to question if life is worth living.


in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


I hate being forced into doing tournaments just to have some feeling of accomplishment… I love the changes to spvp, but the pain that comes along with doing skyhammer in tournaments is just not worth it to me.

Either remover Skyhammer or add map voting

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Skyhammer is so painful to play I now just leave if it comes up. Please allow map voting so raid on crapricorn and skyhammer will never be played again.

Countless Mesmer PvP Montage 4

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


op noob class gtfo

PVP Rating system

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


I am also tired of this 4v5 BS in solo arena

PVP Rating system

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Please add a way to see your arena rating in game.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Have they actually said they’re making it? Sorry haven’t been keeping up with this game lately.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


There was in gw1, it was pretty much all I did. I would like to think there would be arena.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Anyone have any idea when arena will be out? Wow arena is like complete crap atm and really want to play some competitive arena.

Down state in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to change anything. I’m assuming that that don’t put partial groups vs partial groups? In other words if I queue with one other we have 3 randoms and then basically go against 5 people that are working together with voice chat? Seems legit

Down state in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


I’ll admit I didn’t know that i could do tournaments with less than 5 people. I’ll being trying some of those maybe just maybe there will be better players there…

Down state in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Hey that sucks man. Try free tournament by yourself, you can enter solo. Tournaments are 5v5, I agree 8v8 is a bit much.

I’ll try them as a last effort I suppose, thanks.

Down state in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Greetings, I am Darkrachet a r22 engineer primarily, but I also have leaned to play warrior, thief, and guardian at a moderate skill level as well.

Please make a new game type or something where the down state does not exist (arena maybe?) It is no long possible for me to enjoy playing the game all because of the downed state garbage. First to state the things I hate about it. In the regular games (not tournament) it is nearly impossible to revive people because no one other than me seems to know that you can revive. It is very frustrating not being able to revive since there is no one else on your team trying to play well at all. Downing people isn’t too terrible, but often if you have 3 or more people it is just as fast to dps the downed players dead rather than plant the flag. This looks quite silly I might add.

-I don’t know 4 others that want to do tournaments and quite frankly I don’t want to do them much myself I like small arena battles in games and bigger battles like 15v15 not 8v8 it is just an odd number and I don’t like it.

My suggestion: Make arena and remove down state from it. This makes everyone happy the way I see it. Anyone who likes it can play the god forsaken battlegrounds and then anyone who enjoys competitive same group arena based gameplay can act like the downed state never existed.

I really hate to say it, but I will not longer be playing the game until something is added to ease this pain in spvp. I really was hoping that this game would be the answer for balanced and fun pvp, but it is clearly not. The balance is there in spvp, just not the fun part.


Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Im r22 now and I hate the downed and water combat.

Rank 22.
The fastest glory gain is running around with glass cannon in pug spvp.
Downed state helps protect against high dps builds.

“I hate downed state because its purpose is to help counter-act my burst.”

I run 30 in vital..not glass gannon by any means. Also an engi btw

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Im r22 now and I hate the downed and water combat. It slows the game down soo much and it really just sucks. The water combat as well as the downed garbage is bearable, but I find it hard to believe that anyone would miss it if it was gone. The main problem is that 2 players that have even half a brain and know how to press 1 can beat the best player in the world (obviously there are exceptions a warrior/thief and pop quickness and crap on bad players).

Please remove it. I went back to wow today and it is a hell of a lot more fun, but the balance is not there so I will stick to GW2.

List of QoL improvements for engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


3) Jump shot locks you in the air for about 0.5s, even when you jump in same place (make JS more responsive)
this one is the only one I don’t agree with. All you have to do is net shot on blow them back b4 you use js

Why can't Engineers use hammers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


toolkit is terrible along with most kits (pvp wise). Please give us hammers only class w/o true melee! would be fun to play around with

Flamethrower, Elixer gun, and Bomb Kit Suggestion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Can you please make it so these kits automatically have the 1 ability set to auto? It is painful to have to ctrl right click it every time we engineers switch from kit to primary weapon.


Thievies: When are they going to be fixed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


“Extremely biased posts with no evidence to back it up..”

What sort of evidence would you like? I play pvp a lot and just got mercenary today. I can fraps thieves doing 12k dmg in 2hits or scoreboards with 8 thieves in one match. Please tell me and i’ll get the evidence.

Thievies: When are they going to be fixed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Yeah 1v1 is not so bad but when half the team is them it just gets stupid.

Thievies: When are they going to be fixed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


I know I am not the only one when I say I am tired of getting one shot by X amount of thieves. It is getting to be absolutely ridiculous. In the beginning there was only 1-2 thieves on each team. Now there is 3-4 thieves on each team. This needs to be fixed sooner then later. Clearly there is something wrong when half of the team is composed of thieves. Please fix this. Until then I will be playing a thief, because the way I see it I will either quit until they’re nerfed or join in in the ridiculous one shot fest. I assume this will be fixed if you want this game to become MLG because at its current state MLG would laugh at this.