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R9 270x Gaming - FX 6300 6x3.5gh Low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Welp. GW2 engine is lil bit silly… I mean before latest update I had 60 fps. now its barely can go up to 25 ~ with same settings.
Same happened 2~ years ago… And I could do anything about it.. what eventually made me just leave the game.

FPS stuck at 30

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319


In game settings have the option to Limit your Frame Rate. This setting should be set to Unlimited to have no resctrictions.

Also if you have a 30Hz monitor (early 4K monitors?) and have the option “Vertical Sync” enabled then this could cause the same issue.

Hope this Helps.


Most likely he got same problem as I have. And we both got already active unlimityed fps resctiction. Also it shouldnt drop to 20or lower if you have 30 restriction

when before all was running at 60+ fps at max settings.

It have happened few times already in gw2 history. And it takes a lot of time until everything is back in place : /

FPS stuck at 30

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Same thing … Used to run 50~ fps now its 20 ~ . I guess again time to take long break from gw2. As last time when it happened it took … a lot of time until that was fixed : /

(edited by DeT M.4319)

NERF Bloodtide Coast Farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

let people do what they want to. They not telling how to play gw2… arnt they?
If Anet would saw it as huge problem they would fix it long time ago.

Tired of Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Im completely ok if they add 3 armors for each class every month.

after ~ first 100 sets they shouldnt run out of an ideas.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

I think people who play other genders are creeps (unless it’s a game where you have no choice. Then it’s fine. Or if you get some bonus out of it like in Fire Emblem)

really bad ROLEPLAYERS. if y ask me. =3.

I find this way of thinking quiet silly.

I find people who have these thoughts…
A true creeps who trying to blame others for their feelings and trying to hide it cuz ashamed of that .. : )
If you feel a creep when u create opposed gender char it doesn’t make everyone else a creep who make opposed gender char in Videogame.

For me personally. I never play as human if there are other races. Also I usually have 50/50 gender variation in my character selection.

(edited by DeT M.4319)

New trait system Good or bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

I dont see this really that.. big problem…
Full Zerk gets squishy. And yet more damage.
People wont go full zerk builds..only.
Traits getting free from stats. Thats good thoo.

And I dont see any point to compensate us for our own CHOSEN actions. Its not like you are going to change whole your set. to get back your current build if they buff armor stats.

Tired of Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Personally… I find it ok… it dosn’t harm anyone anyway. And its nice to see bigger variation on them.

Anet can add as much outfits they want. I dont see point to change anything about them. As its one way how they still get money trough gem store.

Actually it would be even better if they would be even more active about this.. making more Outfits … and cosmetic armor skins, adding more gw1 armor themed stuff and so on.

As this is one way of getting money for their company and it dont hurt anything… I dont see any problem about it. Maybe they even could go for cosmetic mounts … like currently we got carpet and so on.. Its fine till they stay as cosmetics.

Noone will be hurt by that … and we will get bigger variations on our appearance customization.

Underwater weapon trio

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

move weapons like spear and trident to ground weapons. And all thous skins will be saved as there are a lot of good looking ones. Give thous 2 weapons to some classes and its done. New weapon for class. I doubt that its that hard to make them as underground weapons. Only hardest thing would be … to chose what skills they will cap.

Black Wings and White Too Please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Capes.. Yes please.
What about wings? Well I find them useless as u cant fly with them or at last be a little bit above the ground. Its just silly looking… when people running around with thous dead wings attached to their back. : )

Kinda regret crafting a GS.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Is it too old to run with appearance which like you instead to try get other attention on you?

This Community is the worst.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Soo.. insulting whole community basing on few people… Sounds like you are part of that toxicity.
In what community are u in? IF you describe them all soo terrible.

Personally from my experience in last 2 years..
PVE isnt salty at all… one of friendliest place ever.. If it dont come to ToT farmers… but even then they dont trash talk every time when someone doing hearth or trolling them. No need to trash whole community basing on few individuals.

Events? In what events does people get soo salty? as u trying to describe?

Dungeon? Depends with who u run them… With people who want run trough or people who looking for gameplay? I can see people getting salty if your not trying to cooperate with each other.

PvP UNranked? I run 80~% of time non meta build or heavily modified meta by myself. And I have never had experience some bullies who would directly turn on my build. And not running for meta build u get instantly / trash talked to death? Nop.

PVP ranked? Well there I can see people getting salty if your not running the most effective build. And not cooperating with team.

WvW? nothing on this one. Its just being salty sometimes.

Why thief is most likely getting rifle.

in Thief

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

didn’t devs said that they want to give some different experience for each class?

So rifle? Sniper? get over 900 range? Sounds fun… but does thief even need it : / …
is it going to be really a new experience?….. Most likely it will end up into fast burst… only from distance .. what really dont brings that much of new experience.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.

Suddenly they are skins?
You said it like you could only get mounts through the gem shop earlier.

You already can. Magic carpet … you dont get any bonuses from it anyway. So u shouldn’t get from others as well.

Soo. Mounts will be just a visual coz we really can travel faster with WP then…. it will be fine. Add as much u want cosmetic in gem store.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Sounds more like a description or a tittle and not a class name… are we all Dragon Hunters after all?

Isnt elit spec / profession name… a title anyway? : 3

All Dragon hunters? Well we all are warrior as well.. So rename it as well.

“There exist only three respectable beings: the priest, the warrior, the poet. To know, to kill, and to create.” ~ Charles Baudelaire

As well to ask, where are the priests and poets of GW2? Our priests are no more, alas, and our respectable poets ne’er existed.

So we can only kill… ;_;

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Sounds more like a description or a tittle and not a class name… are we all Dragon Hunters after all?

Isnt elit spec / profession name… a title anyway? : 3

All Dragon hunters? Well we all are warrior as well.. So rename it as well.

Missing Closed Beta Invitation Compensation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

It was your choice to farm it. All that was your own choice… Anet didnt obligate people to farm it.

And if that was a bug…
Then maybe… if there will be some more closed beta tests… then maybe u should get invitation if even it still needed for thous who already had portal.

And ANET dont have any obligation to reward individual person for this incident.

How much will gw 2 heart of thorns cost?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

No thnaks 40euro for 1 weapon for each class and reworked traits ? maybe a few maps …
Not worth …. max I’m willing to give is 20 Euro and only to check what Necro Great Sword is about …

You’re missing a few features there, like, 90% of them.

Also all following content which will be add later after release… just like it was with gw2 release.

And trait change will be free and updated before expens… u get 1 elit spec (1 trait line+weapon)in HOT

When we will see all content in polished release state… Then judge about price. And 40 Euro isnt that much what so ever. Its any way a choice … Dont want… dont buy it.

(edited by DeT M.4319)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

wow… 42 page just for Dragon Hunter name? I find Dragon Hunter good enough.

And renaming it…. wont change anything.

Why dont suggest to rename warrior? I mean all classes are warriors. By that word definition.

Gw2 coming to console ? PS4 & XBOX

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

I dont get all this “being fancy” console stuff..
PC have way more function and capability.

If people really what soo much that “console” feeling to pc games who SUPPORT joystick… Just take your pc. > connect your biggest screen . plug joystick > sit 2-3 m away from screen and play. Non are going to stop you.

Dont see any reason to even own one of these consoles… Sure there are few nice games who are playable only on xbox or ps. (one of the things that keep them alive.)
(Would be perfect if all PS, Xbox games would be on pc as well… then there wouldn’t be any need for these consoles.)

(edited by DeT M.4319)

So, tengu playable? please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

I really want Kodan as playable race…

New Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Sad that we cant get our hands on all 4 of them… Raven, Bear, Snow Leopard, Wolf ..

Female Asura Clothing Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

but….but….im not talking about breasts here T_T
as the title says (Female Asura Clothing Options). many and NOT ALL just many outfits and armors are the same for male and female asura. more like i want my asura to be female but if i wear that certain armor then there would be no difference if my asura was a male or a female. it really bothers me

you see. thats the problem.. Asurians dont split Their clothing by gender. Thats why they are the same… Just by reading lore about them… u will get that they dont care about such thing.

And I like that they wear the same clothing.

Female Asura Clothing Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

It would be really nice if you guys over there at ArenaNet took the time to give female Asura feminine sets of armor instead of giving us the male options.

How You can be sure that its Male Or Female based armor?

People looking on new race design from completely wrong perspective.
You shouldnt compare Asura society with gw2 human one. They are 2 different races… different needs, different ideology, culture, traditions and so on. Soo that also will lead to their appearance and criteria for what is appealing for Asurians. As far as I know Asura isnt really interested in their outside appearance but more interested in their intellectual level… and ears ":D

Asura =/= Human

ANET did good job with Charr and Asura.

No need to over sexualize other race by human standars. Its just poor design to create new looking race and not giving their own lore / community and so on.

Also you can make your asura more fem looking.

(edited by DeT M.4319)

Meet The Reaper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

but guys if we look from one side.. isnt “reaper” as generic sounding as “Dragon hunter” : ) ?

They are almost in all games. Now I really dont get it… why there was such big WhoOoO about DH

I don’t consider reaper generic at all. Only game that I know about has reaper as a class name. Though mostly garbage f2p games, I’m sure there is at least a half dozen with dragon hunter classes. The problem is more with what dragonhunter symbolizes in Tyria. We are all hunter of elder dragons and their minions. Yet Guardians get a specialization that makes them extra special at fighting them? It just doesn’t make sense. Reaper for Necro? It makes all the sense in the world. How can you even compare the two?

Also we all are Warrior. : ) If we look by it definition.

Meet The Reaper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

but guys if we look from one side.. isnt “reaper” as generic sounding as “Dragon hunter” : ) ?

They are almost in all games. Now I really dont get it… why there was such big WhoOoO about DH

Reveal new weapons so we can collect skins

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Spear would be nice for warrior …

so much good spear skins.. and all of them wasted in water combat only =,, (

Charr need a rework !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Charr and Asura are really a master race in gw2…

Charr shouldn’t be reworked… they should run on all 4. Charr isnt human..
No need to make them humanlik. Why make other races look more human like?

I find it quiet poor way to designing.

edit: Anet have done well job so far with their race introduction in gw1 / 2. Im not really sure about sylvari.. why they are made quiet similar to humans… is it by lore or something else.

only thing what actually would be good change for charr .. fix armor cliping and that it.
Both.. Charr and Asura are well designed races.

(edited by DeT M.4319)

Why do you play female characters as a guy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

This is actually silly question… In fantasy rpg video game world.

Why I wouldn’t? If I have choice to chose female gender for my character.
Why we must play male as male and female as female… What logic is behind this?
its just dumb. Its ROLE playing game. It eventually dont Switch YOUR gender.

Does gender change something? Not really, only visual look.
Does gender have privilege ? NO, it doesn’t. Actually nobody will think that if your characters is female in game then you must be female irl as well… And “going easy on them only coz its female character”? never seen that one happen. Personally I dont care what gender is your character or irl. Please dont bring silly world stereotypes in videogames.

So I have same lvl logic question. Why human would pick other race besides them?- _-
Personally I never pick human. I just dont want be human in fantasy game. Their lore mostly are as cancery as in … nvm = )

I thankful to Anet that they didint sexualize Asura and Charr by human standard. And they are mine 2 most favorite races in gw : ) Edit: Beside Kodan. =)

(edited by DeT M.4319)