Showing Posts For Death Henk.7143:
Why would Anet remove items based on how well an item sold? These items are digital and so don’t cost money to keep them in this gemstore. Also ain’t a wider variety of offered products better, or does Anet think otherwise?
Understood. Thanks for your dedication in writing this reply. I take much appreciation towards your effort and honesty in informing me that the items on the gemstore are returning. I hope you have a nice day and god speed my dear Behellagh, may thy be blessed with Dwayna’s grace.
I haven’t played for a while, but I see I have missed some interesting items which were sold a while ago such as some cool dagger skins and the super explosive finisher. Will they return?
Unless things have changed, there was a build you could do to get infinite stealth for a theif. I believe it involved pistol/dagger skill with other deception skills. Its on youtube, Id link it but I am at work and do go on youtube whilst at work.
People still getting beaten up because they can’t understand stealth are bad. WvW players are bad in general. Try that P/D ‘infinite’ stealth in sPvP. All the higher ranked people will laugh at you.
You already answered your own question.
…. I don’t want to be a 2shot kill, even though I know that the the class is squishy…..My gameplay will be go in stealth whenever it’s possible with the spells and regenerate…..
It would be best to understand what each stat does and what kind of effect it has on you. So I would suggest to go out and play an easy dungeon like AC, SE or CoF with rare items which will give you a better understanding and feeling what stats fit each playstyle.
@OP Do you know why the higher ranked people don’t complain about Thieves? Guess what, they know what to do. You just start calling for changes (be it good or bad) while you have no clue what you are talking about. Just like you said, you never played a Thief. Start playing one for a day, maybe you can beat one if you are competent enough to understand the profession.
Oh please no, no Ascended or Legendary gear. Its just another grind. No fun at all. There is currently so much inflation that getting a legendary for someone with a live is impossible.
The dyes sounds pretty awesome tho.
Thiefs do not need buffs for PvE. They are fine. I do Fractals lvl10-16+ with no Agony Resists and I’m fine. If you die too much you need to study the Thief more and start to learn what the Thief is about. Instead of calling for buffs. When I read what you are struggling with it gives me the idea you have no clue playing a Thief. Sorry, but Thieves are fine in PvE.
Please no size increases. It’s like Word of Warcraft and a 3 meter Human looks lame and silly. A Norn is bigger than a Human, so how big do you want them to be? What about Charr? If we get World of Warcraft size bosses the PvE side of this game is getting kidded down by a ton. Watch any World of Warcraft Raid do Icecrown. In that game (supposedly) Human or undead bosses that are at least literally 3-5 times the size of normal players. In my opinion that is the dumbest idea they had in that game. It looks silly and if you have troubles seeing an animation you just need to practice harder.
Then there are people who say that bosses are increased in size because the bosses are so powerful! So powerful that hes bigger than you and evrybody else! Well you know how that sounds…
For the passed few days I’ve been thinking for a name for my guild and my new elementalist. Almost every name I tried was taken. I’ve ran out of ideas and I’ve tried literally over 30 different names.
So this problem brought me here to ask for your opinion if we were allowed to use more characters in guild- and/or characternames. Such as dots(.) or numbers(1,2,3). This would greatly increase possibilities in names and give people a chance to get the name they want with a small unique feature.
If you want to beat a D/D Ele you need to know when their defensive cooldowns are up. A broad knowledge of what every Element is able to do is very much needed. When Elementalist switch their Attunement it sets their previous Attunement on a 15 s cooldown. The current Attunement is shown as a buff by an unique icon for every element which is very easy to keep track of if you have any sense of combat awareness.
I would suggest visiting the wiki pages of the Elementalist to help you improve your gameplay
GW2 Version is ;
Alpha strike with high initial burst. You messed it up? Who cares, instant reset and try again. Messed it up again? Ow well , have another free escape. There is no penalty to failure as a thief.
This is absolutely not true. Thieves have no infinite resource of initiative enough to spam Cloak and Dagger or Black Powder and Heartseeker. A Thief cannot down someone with no initiative. Thus by just spamming Cloak and Dagger or Black Powder and Heart Seeker, alot of that initative is wasted and hurts the Thief more than his opponent because he will not be able to deal enough damage with no intiative left.
Here is information that might help you the next time you join spvp or wvw:
Weapon skills:
Dagger Main-Hand
- Heartseeker (activation time: ¾s, initiative cost: 3)
Dagger Off-Hand
- Cloak and Dagger (activation time: ½s, initiative cost: 6)
Pistol Off-Hand
- Black Powder (activation time: ½s, initiative cost: 6)
Healing Skill
- Hide in Shadows (activation time: 1s, cooldown: 30)
- Shadow Refuge (activation time: ¼s, cooldown: 60)
When Stealth is broken by the player, the user gains a Revealed effect which prevents him/her from re-entering Stealth for three seconds, regardless of the skill used. The Revealed effect is not applied if the stealth period ends without being broken.
We can’t decide what’s best for you. Study this page to get a broader idea of what you want and what your goal is.
@ Kasma, I don’t think you’re fully understanding. Thieves, in order to do the “OP dmg” they do, sacrafise a ton of defensive stats and with such low health pool and only access to medium armor (not complaining about that) it balances out. Warrior on the other hand, can go full power/vit/toughness, have minimal crit dmg and still plow through people. They’re brutes in both defence and damage nothing to sacrafise for them so they hardly even need mobility with how much damage they can take. I’ve messed around on a bunker build warrior with a hammer in spvp a couple times. I lived, with 3 or so players attacking me for almost a minute. Was hardly fighting back, I just would dodge, stun break, or knock down/back a couple times. I also managed to down a player but he got back up since I was unable to finish them off. Point being, even a complete idiot at warrior (me) they can perform greatly. Thief takes knowledge to get the skill you’re describing, which not many have (talking to you, HS spamming thieves out there).
Heres a video that demonstrates just that
I’m from Spain and… this is completly wrong. Spanish people is caucasian. Most of my friends and me, we’re actually very pale.
Maybe you’re thinking about latinos, but spanish people looks like most europeans do. We share some physical traits with italians, protuguese and french (countries around us), nothing to do with old GW1 Krytan NPCs.
Please tell me you’re not one of those who think Spain is actually located in South America instead of Europe U.U
PS: Of course this has nothing against latinos, just pointing how many times people tend to confuse Spain with South American countries speaking spanish too.
Spain hasn’t been exclusively caucasian for a long time, much earlier than the explorations of the Conquistadores. Spain(and Portugal) were both territories of the Moors in history. They blended, hence you get people with dark hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. This has been pointed out by others as well.
Go with looks, you will have to look at your character for hours to come from the back (and front depending on what kind of activities you plan on doing) and generally I think it bothers alot of people if the armor available doesnt suite to their taste, so heres a link to a website which has any armor in any race/gender combination.
I’d also suggest to watch at how both races use their skills and run around.
Wow. Really guys? Really? Why so mad and offended? Not once did he said that thieves were OP. He’s not trolling, you guys are just spamming. To the thief that said 100blades was the OP skill: no it’s not. If you forgot, thieves have the luxury of stealthing, thus making bs more consistent then 100blades (even with their knockdown).
Hello. Lifetime ranger and newborn thief here.
Just over an hour ago in WvW, a thief and I engaged one another in the open field. I managed to defeat him, however after checking the combat log it appeared he had hit me several times with a Backstab of 5.8k+ damage.
5.8k+ damage, against my ranger, who has 1800 toughness and who gets the protection boon for a second or two on every dodge. How is this much damage even possible? If those 5.8k hits had been crits instead, how high would it have been?
What build was this guy running? And do you think this much damage is fair?
1800 toughness, using GS, dodging for protection, while taking multiple of BS? I call bunker build! What was ur 2ndary weapon? bow or S/D? and which pet were u using? Classic case of bunker vs glassy thief. 5.8k probably IS his crit damage imo. When you stealth, BS on autoattack is given to you on default, but the dmg increases if you can actually pull off BS the the rear. The backstab skill is pretty balanced imo. What makes BS hard to survive against is the setup. Most thieves would prolly go basillisk venom, cloak and dagger+ steal, (basillisk venom stunning for 1.5 seconds), then backstab. If the invader is still alive they’ll just Heart seeker to finish you off. Keep in mind all of this is being pulled off within 3-4 seconds on average.
If he was specced in stealth, and wasn’t able to kill you, it’d be vice versa too. That being said, it’s prolly typical 25 deadly arts, 30 critical strikes, 15 trickery.
I was running a bunker build (0/0/30/10/30) with two drakes which I was testing out after the update. Said drakes now have a blast finisher and I was testing these out with Healing Spring and Frost Trap – with great succes. My weapons are indeed the Greatsword, and Axe/Warhorn.
To everyone who keeps saying I am calling thieves overpowered, you might want to reread all of my posts. I defeated the thief. It took some very quick reactions and button mashing, but I defeated him.
Greatsword is a very good choice to counter any Thief or melee. All Greatsword skills have great utility in a melee fight and the damage is not bad. Hope more people will realise this, because the Greatsword gives a 1100 range Leap (3# skill) and a 3 second activation time Block+pushback (#4 skill).
Anyway, your first post slightly implies you find Backstab damage not fair. And since you also suggest it was a critical hit, while its not possible to normal hit for 5k with Backstab, people do react as such.
(edited by Death Henk.7143)
Heres mine. T3 Cultural Chest, Legs and Boots with T1 Gloves. Also have the T3 Mask but I like to see the face I have the shoulders hidden. For colors I’m using the glorious Midnight Ice dyes for every armor piece. This set also looks lovely with Midnight Fuchsia. I use a Molten Harpoon in the first picture and a Wolfborn Shortbow in the second. The item on the back is the Guild Assassin Backpack.
So my goal with this post is to give people who struggle with stealth the tools to counter it. This is all information you need to know to predict and dodge stealth effectively.
- Activation time has a casting animation so you can see when a Thief is going to stealth.
Blinding Powder and Steal do not have any activation time, however steal will go on a ~3 second cooldown if you use it while your target is out of range. Just thought I’d point that out.
Thanks, I added activation time to Blinding Powder and Steal for clarification and it’s actually a 5 second cooldown.
So my goal with this post is to give people who struggle with stealth the tools to counter it. This is all information you need to know to predict and dodge stealth effectively.
- Activation time has a casting animation so you can see when a Thief is going to stealth.
- Cooldown time lets you know how frequent you can expect a stealth.
- Initiative cost is information you must know. Thieves have 12 Initiative total by default and use Initiative for all skills.
- Meld with Shadows – Stealth skills last 1 second longer.
- Hidden Thief – Stealing grants you 2 seconds of stealth.
Profession Mechanic
- Steal (activation time: 0, cooldown: 45) Shadowstep to your foe and steal from them. This skill will go on a 5 second cooldown when the target is out of range.
Weapon Skills
- Dagger Main-Hand #1: (Stealth skill; while in stealth the Thief changes his #1 skill) Backstab (activation time: ¼) Attack your foe from the shadows, striking for double damage if you hit from behind.
- Dagger Off-Hand #5: Cloak and Dagger (aka CnD; activation time: ½ , Initiative cost: 6 ) Stab your foe and vanish in stealth, leaving them vulnerable. Stealth: 3 s
Healing Skill
- Hide in Shadows (activation time: 1, cooldown: 30) Vanish in stealth and gain regeneration. Cures burning, poison, and bleeding. Stealth: 3 s
Utility Skills
- Shadow Refuge (activation time: ¼, cooldown: 60, must stay in the ring to gain a full 10 s stealth) Create a pulsing refuge at the target area that heals allies and cloaks them in stealth. Stealth: 10 s
- Blinding Powder (activation time: 0, cooldown: 40) Blind foes in the target area and grant stealth to nearby allies. Stealth: 3 s
(edited by Death Henk.7143)
There is alot of QQ and trolls on this forum and a downvote button would be great to counter this. Why only give us upvotes if we cant even downvote anything?
I recently changed my character to female and the emotions it has unleashed are incomprehensible.
First I thought I was the only one that did not like Trahearne. Then many more from my guild. Now I found 8 pages long of Trahearne complaints. Beautiful.
But guys/girls I feel your pain. My first playthrough the storyline was very much hindered by the precense of our not so beloved friend Trahearne. I chose Whispers and get this funny lovely lad named Tybalt to hang out with. And we all know what happens to our boy Tybalt ;{ What we get in return still feels bitter after many hours of GW2. A bitter taste of a bitter plant we are forced to swallow named Trahearne. Just a guy out of the middle of nowhere. Wait, thats not the right name for such person. Trahearne is arrogant and generally a kitten nobody would love. In addition for a person like me who did not read all books or lore, we have next to zero affinity for Sylvari. I’m sure they are lovely lads, but let me explore this new race on my own pace. Don’t let our relationship with the Sylvari go too fast. I need to think about where I want to go with them. Maybe I like Norn, maybe I stick to Humans, I don’t know. Just don’t put them in my face. Don’t let me go on a 8 month trip with the average joe23495, also known as Trahearne, who I could not care less who he is.
I think though, it’s not just Trahearne’s personality alone. It’s also the Sylvari race. You either love it or hate it. We can all relate to soft fluffy creatures such as Charr, but to plant-like creatures its just another thing. Maybe we as the players should not have cared so much about who we are set up with, but the fact is we are listening and playing with these characters for hours. It generally makes it harder for you to get into the story if you (the main character) of the story goes around with someone you cannot relate to. To me, as said before, this person is a kitten and my character just blatantly follows him wherever he goes. Now how is this right. Trahearne speaks lowly of me and I’m treated as garbage compared to Trahearne (as other people quoted) yet I’m happy to work with this work. After a few quests I lost interest in Zhaitan and wanted to focus my powers on Trahearne so I could move on.
Anet, whatever you do with this post, don’t follow Mass Effect 3’s footsteps and make a ‘change’ in storyline just because a certain number (although probably higher than the forum is showing) are complaining about it. ME3 made a bad move in the gameindustry. Don’t be like EA.
ps. kitten is a bad word in my post.
(edited by Death Henk.7143)
Anet has confirmed it will be coming. Their last reply in the Thread is 6 days old, so I’m pretty sure it will come. It’s just a matter of time.
Heartseeker is the most annoying thing besides culling in WvW. Its not that big of a problem in 1vs1 but theres less you can do when you get jumped by a 2-2-2-2 thief in the middle of a fight.
I also noticed many thieves start running as a duo just spamming 22-22-22-22 from out of stealth. Awesome fun.
ATM heart seeker has it all: gap closer, decent damage, cheap/ repeatable. Remove 1 of 3 and its fine.
First of all Heartseeker does very low damage when a target is above 30% hp. Try it out in HotM on a full hp target and see that Heartseeker damage will not be able to take a target down by just using Heartseeker. Secondly a good Thief player will never spam Heartseeker above 30-40%, because he will not be able to deal enough damage and more importantly he will run out of Initiative quickly when Heartseeker is spammed.
The point of being jumped by multiple opponents isn’t something you should blame on one profession but rather on your team not defending you or you caught in a bad position. When someone gets primaried by two players, of course hes going down quicker. But it would not have mattered if it was a Thief or a Warrior or even a Guardian.
……. i don’t enjoy playing a class that only takes 2 buttons to put down any other class in the game that isn’t a full bunker build. So my feedback on the thief and it’s gameplay? Fix it fast because it’s no fun fighting something that presses the same button 5 times in a row for a guaranteed win…..
This is pretty much what I think of the current state of thieves. The only way to really survive (not even taking killing in account here) a thief’s burst is being fully focused on survivability. If you are not a guardian or warrior the fight is literally over within 5 seconds. With either you dead, or you succesfully repelling the jump and him resetting in stealth walking away.
If other professions cooldowns would match the thief’s stealth cooldowns I would have no problem with this. However the cooldowns of most classes for survivability are longer than restealthing. This makes it very easy for a thief to simply put the target on cooldowns and killing him the second time by resetting the fight. Again the killing part is not with alot of effort and I think this bothers alot of people. Also at some point or to the least to say, some professions might feel obliged to take certain utilities specifically to survive a thief and thats just wrong in my opinion when there are 8 professions in total. Moreover it destroys the whole concept of changeable utility skills.
No, you could just get toughness or vitality gear, you don’t need to fully bunker.
‘Just’ getting toughness or vitality gear to stand a chance against a thief isn’t a fix and thats why people are still complaining about it.
……. i don’t enjoy playing a class that only takes 2 buttons to put down any other class in the game that isn’t a full bunker build. So my feedback on the thief and it’s gameplay? Fix it fast because it’s no fun fighting something that presses the same button 5 times in a row for a guaranteed win…..
This is pretty much what I think of the current state of thieves. The only way to really survive (not even taking killing in account here) a thief’s burst is being fully focused on survivability. If you are not a guardian or warrior the fight is literally over within 5 seconds. With either you dead, or you succesfully repelling the jump and him resetting in stealth walking away.
If other professions cooldowns would match the thief’s stealth cooldowns I would have no problem with this. However the cooldowns of most classes for survivability are longer than restealthing. This makes it very easy for a thief to simply put the target on cooldowns and killing him the second time by resetting the fight. Again the killing part is not with alot of effort and I think this bothers alot of people. Also at some point or to the least to say, some professions might feel obliged to take certain utilities specifically to survive a thief and thats just wrong in my opinion when there are 8 professions in total. Moreover it destroys the whole concept of changeable utility skills.