Showing Posts For Demonoid.1974:

Bugged pet field skills?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Issue: Fields with duration annotations do not blast after the pet is swapped.

Is this intended?

For example, if I use the F2 ability from Smokescale and then swap pets, the field (smoke cloud) stays out. Then I immediately try to blast it well within the duration of the smoke cloud, and it does not work.
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Mesmer Portal vs Search and Rescue

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Why are you comparing portal to search and rescue? What next? You gonna compare plague signet to blink? Mesmer has illusion of life, compare that to rez utilities. vs.

I second the nerf though. Ranger already has amazing utilities on top of beastly pets finally, it doesn’t need the best rez in the game too (short cd 1200 range teleport pet help rez). Nerf it, rework it, develop things properly. Since when are pets wizards…?
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(edited by Demonoid.1974)

[VQ] Dueling Tournament 2

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Bump for competitive promotional purposes. Enjoy some individual competition everyone.
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Spamwich 300k op necro condi damage guide

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


“Everyone there was using their thumbs!” Best match ever: forehead players vs. thumb players.
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[NA] Competitive Team LF Revenant or Druid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Then you’re just another egotistical and normal player in the mix of a basic scheme bigger than yourself. It goes without saying that anyone here that you insult, wager towards, or claim dominance over should in return not care about you or your impressions. No person should care if what they say makes any sense to you, because they are the better than you. You are bad, I know it, and I need no video proof of this because I am saying it on a forum. I bet you 1,000 USD that you are bad at this game, and I have already won, because I say so. You blocked me in game when I wagered you on stream, some joke. Good day subpar troll.

Okay I accept your bet. When you do want to duel?

You say you accept my bet here but you are telling me by messages that you will not duel me. Big forum talker. I am done with you.

Read this: I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your impressions. I don’t care if this makes sense to you. I don’t care if I offend you or make you angry. I simply do not care. I am the best, whether there is video of it or not. And anyone that accepts my wager will lose. That is all the proof needed. You’re welcome to watch.

You are a waste of oxygen.
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[NA] Competitive Team LF Revenant or Druid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


If you’re so confident in your abilities, in your truth, why do you simply taunt people to prove you wrong? Mind games for the duels to come? What good does beating on the average doubter, or in this case Countless the uninstaller, do for you? Why not just show us your proof of beating the actual pros of PvP? Wouldn’t that be more accurate proof than beating on every scrub out of the thousands that doubt you? If you are the best, beyond simple self proclamation, then prove it. Where is your constant footage of destroying members of the abjured, of orange logo, of tcg? They are the best until you have such proof. Beating me up or any of us forum dwellers proves nothing, nor does any amount of currency you attempt to wager upon such. Inb4 you make an excuse: I face them all the time in solo matches, so the opportunities are vast if you truly are the best.

I offered to prove it on live stream for a 1k USD wager. I’m awaiting his official response. I taunt people and play mind games because that is part of my strategy. And I’m unaware of where I mistakenly implied that I care to impress you. You quoted my text but you fail to comprehend it, leaving me with the impression that you cannot read. I am the best 1v1 player in the world. I’ve proven this by never losing an official 1v1 wager duel or any unofficial ones, beyond occasionally being jumped.

I’m not here to gain support, or else I’d record every second of my excellence. I’m here responding to unfounded insults. If you read my response to OP, it clearly says that I was planning on recording my matches that evening. This suggests, if you were able to comprehend the sub-basic language contained, that I don’t have any footage prior.

Read this: I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your impressions. I don’t care if this makes sense to you. I don’t care if I offend you or make you angry. I simply do not care. I am the best, whether there is video of it or not. And anyone that accepts my wager will lose. That is all the proof needed. You’re welcome to watch.

Then you’re just another egotistical and normal player in the mix of a basic scheme bigger than yourself. It goes without saying that anyone here that you insult, wager towards, or claim dominance over should in return not care about you or your impressions. No person should care if what they say makes any sense to you, because they are better than you. You are bad, I know it, and I need no video proof of this because I am saying it on a forum. I bet you 1,000 USD that you are bad at this game, and I have already won, because I say so. You blocked me in game when I attempted to wager with you on stream, some joke. Good day subpar troll.
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(edited by Demonoid.1974)

[NA] Competitive Team LF Revenant or Druid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


If I wanted easy cash I’d reinstall the game and compete in pro league season 2. Besides I don’t believe in taking money from the less fortunate.

Again, hide behind words. You’re a bunker mesmer. There is no statistical chance of you beating me. You can type all you want, but until you actually follow through and win, you can’t categorize me with any adjective. You have no idea who I am, how much capital/currency I have attained in my life so far. Your attempt at such an assumption only serves as another example of your weak tendencies, as I previously pointed out.

Instead of proving or disproving me to be a troll, as you are claiming with your gif, you resort to a slightly sophisticated insult. If you were of any notable intellect, you’d realize what kind of perception ad hominem creates around your character. It makes you look like a coward, hiding behind the fact you uninstalled the game.

Let me set this straight: if you don’t currently have the game installed, and you refuse to duel and prove superiority, please keep your comments somewhere private. You have little relevance here beyond your mildly popular youtube channel (for GW2 standards…kek). I know my arrogance isn’t pleasant, but it is founded upon fact. Your assertions, however, are not.

If you’re so confident in your abilities, in your truth, why do you simply taunt people to prove you wrong? Mind games for the duels to come? What good does beating on the average doubter, or in this case Countless the uninstaller, do for you? Why not just show us your proof of beating the actual pros of PvP? Wouldn’t that be more accurate proof than beating on every scrub out of the thousands that doubt you? If you are the best, beyond simple self proclamation, then prove it. Where is your constant footage of destroying members of the abjured, of orange logo, of tcg? They are the best until you have such proof. Beating me up or any of us forum dwellers proves nothing, nor does any amount of currency you attempt to wager upon such. Inb4 you make an excuse: I face them all the time in solo matches, so the opportunities are vast if you truly are the best.
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The most fair match ever.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


The kind of game that makes you question the things they tell us and their efforts in general.

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Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Bumped since so many people are still asking these same questions.
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Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Overall I am satisfied with these system changes. Though won’t the newly added title “Primordial Legend” always feel like a tainted accomplishment due to the fact that it was acquired by many players through a flawed division system, aka Amber Shopping? It would be awfully nice if you guys just waited until season 2 to allow players to acquire it.
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Problems and Solutions, Divisions and Queues.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Inb4 anyone says it is too harsh to reset all divisional titles and icons: I believe no quality PvP’er who loves competition and honors the developed systems of rewards for accomplishments would argue such a point. I think most if not all people would take the temporary accomplishment wipe in order to appropriately segregate the exploiters from the hard workers. That’s just me though.
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Problems and Solutions, Divisions and Queues.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Problem: Legendary queue time is so high because there aren’t many legendary full teams on at once. So people manipulate the queue system by getting their friends or team to play on lower division accounts. It diminishes the teams combined division rank, right? This is also problematic because it allows players to get an easy pip over and over until they are legendary.
Solution: Player X cannot party ranked queue with Player Y because the difference in division is too great between the two players.
New problem: Now you present the issue that my friend is on vacation, and I got to Diamond, but he is back now and is Amber. I cannot play with my friend.
New solution: Then allow me to play with him with a mask division of Amber. I cannot attain any divisional gains until my party is at my division. It stops me from exploiting my way to Legendary.

Keep the system, just change the way party queue works.
Reset all division titles, due to a vast amount of unchecked exploiting in your game.
Extra Solution: Add fractional gains and losses instead of just entire pips. It would allow for over powered teams to get more queues instead of waiting for a 2 hour queues. Nobody would feel bad if they had to lose to The Abjured if they only lost 1/4 of a pip.
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Bristleback + Wilting Strike bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


The pet skill “Spike Barrage” from the pet “Bristleback” does not cause weakness on an enemy when using the trait “Wilting Strike”.
Further details/thoughts:
It is not a range error on my part, the trait applies weakness on every other pet no matter what range their F2 skill hits an enemy, such as the spider pets using their immobilize ranged venoms. I imagine it has to do with the Bristleback’s F2 skill being the only F2 channeled skill among ranger pets. This bug happens when the entirety of the “Spike Barrage” hits a single enemy as well, so it isn’t a timing error on my part.
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Expanding reports to punish quitting.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I’m wondering why after so many years there is no report feature to appropriately punish regular quitters in PvP. There’s really no excuse for this. These players who stand in the base moving from time to time to avoid the “if you do not move in 50 seconds you will be kicked” message after losing the first engagement or being down a couple hundred points deplete the competitive atmosphere right out of your game. New players will see other players do this and follow the trend or simply be discouraged from PvP’ing. They will never know the 300 point comebacks that Temple provides, the lord rush at the last moment for the win over the dominant team in Foefire, or the solo thief carrying his team to infinity and beyond on Forest with boss kills and steals. Why is there no feature to let players know that it hurts this game to be a sour puss quitter? I guess there’s some grand reason for not adding a “quitter” report system to competitive PvP. I remember in GW1, when players would quit or purposely throw games, how even the enemy team would report them. Then they’d have dishonorable status for an X amount of time depending on their recent offense count. But hey, that sounds too convenient.
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Tedious PvP reward tracks solutions?

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


How hard could it be to add reward tracks that gives only gold/silver currency through it? I don’t have to complain about the many, many issues that most exclusive PvP’ers have with this current reward system. It’s a click game within PvP designed to bring dungeon/PvE rewards to PvP’ers. Fantastic idea. Some find it appealing, even I did at first given my lack of PvE experience and desire to only PvP. Though is it so bad to just have a standard track that rewards players with some fair amount of in-game currency (an amount that doesn’t detract worth from the other tracks of course)? It would be really, really cool and appreciated if such could be considered.

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Some guy from ...

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


It’s toxic to say people cannot be kind or helpful but instead totally hateful towards bad and new players. So I’m sure no good person actually believes that’s what everyone will become. But, instead of making a Q.Q post next time you should understand everyone has bad days and forget how to handle frustrating situations. Yes, even some top tier players (in this case as you say a top tier guild representative) can get so frustrated to the point of insulting someone instead of remembering that they are a source of hope and learning for newer players. That’s that. More importantly, you should always take negativity as motivation to become better instead of crying. That’s the real solution instead of hoping to get some sort of closure from showing the world minor things like this. GLHF.
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Class swap gives no win...

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I understand the leader board rank and win/loss punishment for swapping. It’s a solid way to stop build wars, counter compositions, oh and totally kill off anyone’s drive to multi-class anymore. Well done, right? Yeah whatever. That’s not my point. My question is, does the punishment of dishonorable status fit the crime of swapping classes as well? It seems like overkill. Shouldn’t multi-class players who don’t care about your new noncompetitive grind-style of a leaderboard be allowed to have fun playing things they like still? You solved build wars, but in return you’ll punish the little guys. That’s cool. It’s cool that the casual players and the new players: the solo mesmer fighting for his life against multiple thieves, the solo necro getting trained by dps guardians and warriors, and so forth will be punished. It’s cool that [TCG] comps have died completely, and everyone will be The Abjured or something else. But now you’re just even more so forcing everyone to swap to jack of all trade classes like celestial D/D elementalist and celestial rifle engineer. Is celestial wars 2 better than build wars 2? The new system is tolerable or celestial amulet is tolerable, but please not both. It seems sad to me if they are both around at the same time. Skip the rant? Point: the lack of build wars is only going to contribute to a stale game state of most, if not all, competitive teams running celestial amulet based team compositions. It’s just the most forgiving choice, in this new unforgiving system.
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(edited by Demonoid.1974)

"Pro" Level Elementalists?

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I have no idea who this Nova Stiker guy is, but it is rather sad how bad “pro” eles are. Thaddeus, Skovex, Phantaram, they all seem to basically be at the same level of elementalist as someone who has played it for a month. Now, I don’t generally see better eles because the class is so easy to play and offers no incentive to get better, but hey, that’s what this game is about now. #celewars2 for the next 6 months until feature patch 3.

It’s funny that you say this, because I’ve literally only played this game for a month and a half (I’m Thad).
As far as skill goes, a lot more goes into this game than mechanical rotations (which as far as ele goes, phanta and I are the top 2). With that said, phanta has a lot more game knowledge, rotational knowledge, and positional knowledge than me (since I’ve only played a month). This makes phanta, in my opinion, the best ele in the game (better than denshee) because of how far ahead he is. Every class in this game is easy to pick up and do well with, it’s all the other kitten that makes you a better player.

Silly thread, but you’re putting yourself ahead of so many better eles than yourself. You’ve been playing for a couple days with strong teams and you put yourself above eles like “insert 10 very good ele names here”? Hmm, no offense and your team is great, but you died to me without having to use corrupt boon (and I’m a casual pvp’er). You used cleansing fire early too. Is that mechanical skill or lack of? The ego of some people, sigh. Reference material on why you aren’t top 2 ele:
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in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


10/10 to bluberblasen.9684.
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So its an L2P issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


It’s a team game, sometimes a class has the advantage. Even insert pro thief name here has a terrible time against guardians. SoloQ lacks many key components (communication via voice, total comp synergy, etc.), so I wouldn’t let a few bad experiences there make it seem as if the game is totally unbalanced for your class. One example of how we used to beat turret engis (decap engis or whatever else) back in the day was have our thief train him as soon as he left the base each time. A.) He has to put his turrets and overall defensive and offensive cds to fight a thief in the streets, a terrible idea. B.) Enemy thief has to attempt to 2v1 their thief in the streets, still not a great idea. C.) Ignores thief and dies due to tremendous thief damage, typical outcome. Some classes beat other classes, but in a team game that shouldn’t be a very big issue if you rotate properly. As for actually 1v1’ing an engineer on point with traditional D/P, not sure.
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Class stacking in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


you can take a guess who won that match, yep engis

meanwhile anet just can’t stop nerfing thieves because they are sooooooo OP!!! and buff engis because those are soooooo weak…. says a lot about devs

I can also guess who the guardian was on that team who was swapping characters each time he died to a class or build that could support thieves quicker and fight the enemy team easier, while the thieves complained about how class x is better than class x and how there’s no chance. On that note, Chaith is right that it’s a player issue. No offense to you, but you four decided to play thief, and 3 out of 4 of you are/were complaining about it (one guy even raging at me in that game about it). Arena net doesn’t force people into these situations, the players do, then they whine about class x being overpowered. That’s a loser mentality. Nobody HAS to be a team player (swap classes/builds and try to create team synergy), but in choosing not to do that (or at least trying to learn other stuff for that goal) I think you lose your right to blame anyone but yourself. Good day all.
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Goodbye Frands!

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


It was a joy seeing you interact within this community. Good luck in other games and hope to see you return.
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Stop Pushing Far

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I push far all the time. I do it even more when people all caps at me to stop going far. Sometimes I say I got home and then change my mind and run straight to far. Deal with it. Running to far at the start of the game is a great tactic. Sometimes I run in circles around the far point while the enemy team chases me. I’m winning and I know it. #HatersGonnaHate
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Noscoc's necro build is OP, balance broken.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Warrior should typically beat necromancer (assuming you haven’t blown certain cooldowns like Beserker’s Stance, Balanced Stance or Signet of Stamina). You get free condition removals through cleansing ire too. Avoid getting flesh golem charged into a wall (example: Try to make your hammer stuns and longbow aoes hit both the necro & the minions. You’re that warhorn warrior, so that’s even more condition removal. If you’re having an even worse time against this build only, run a sigil that removes conditions via crits or hits (not like you need sigil of battle in team fights anyways with permanent might upkeep via team fields and blasts especially not when you die to every necro). Position is key to fighting any class as well, if you let someone line of sight you (use the environment to their advantage) constantly while you sit on a point or blatantly out in the open then you’ll most likely die to any class. Lastly, play necro, you won’t be very good at beating another class until you understand how it works. Playing > reading in the scheme of training.
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A challenge for the wvw community

in WvW

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Opinions differ. Sadly this will only be truly settled when ArenaNet releases actual GvG & Deathmatch modes in an organized instance environment. Also, GvG is now a loosely used term from Guild Wars™ which referred to: (imo the epitome of esports). What most WvW’ers call GvG now is actually just a mass death match between two guilds (still somewhat a guild vs guild but most likely never going to be a real bragging right or game mode). The closest to a real GvG game mode in GW2 were these: (close but no cigar). Anyways, until the day these modes actually come, kids!
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Pvp isnt skillbased.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Here goes the crying. One day you’ll complain the meta is the reason you lose to players, that the build is your counter or total cheese and mindless spamming, the next you’ll complain it was lag or your pizza fell on your neckbeard in the middle of the game and that’s why top players aren’t even good. “Gosh. Jeez nobody is good and the game fails because I die and cry and can’t play or understand basic game mechanics like los and dodge.” #ToxicPlayers
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Stop the rank farms!

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Unfortunately after the feature patch 5v5 became the standard in hotjoins. Hotjoin used to be fun chaos before that, 8v8s everywhere, capricorn and much more. Now in between Qs you can either 1v1, participate in a 4v5/3v4 spectate auto balance war of a hotjoin, or WvW roam (yawn).
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Returning to streaming pvp - pick my class!

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I request you do a few games of spirit weapon guardian or trap ranger, and venom share thief or zerker staff ice bow elementalist. I would enjoy the high level plays with such builds very much. Give us something exciting to watch!
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Solo q worse joke ever

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974

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[EU or NA] LF Teams to play with.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hi, I am Demonoid. I main Guardian (Virtues) and often play Warrior (Ham/Bow, Axe/Bow, Bunker Banner support) and sometimes Necromancer (Terror variants, Power Lich) depending on the teams. (Trivial leaderboard information: around 100s+ ranks when played regularly NA and 150s-250s on EU with alt. Top 10 soloQ on normal basis over months.) I am looking for tPvP teams to play with or sub for as I only have one or two teams I casually play with at the moment. Chances are I will know your name if you contact me (I lurk the PvP forums daily). Look forward to any games if any.
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A day in the life

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974

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Warhorn war improvements

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


50% movement speed? Absurd. Double condition removal per skill? That’s op even if it is also a trait requirement, you do understand it is condition removal for the surrounding party as well correct? Thus you’re potentially removing 5 conditions from 5 people in tournaments at a time, even more if immob’ed/crippled/chilled. Warhorn offhand is the warrior method of providing support (team IMS, condi removal and vigor). You are sword/warhorn, which can either be a condition warrior with a subpar offhand, or a weak condition warrior with strong support and immobilize which is useful on all aspects of PvP since it doesn’t scale with condition damage anyways. I assume you have the howler or just love blowing your horn in people’s ears while stacking 15+ bleeds in WvW food? While in PvP you lack the food or gear to be a condition spamming tank. Good. Warrior’s warhorn is fine where it is.
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New PvP Streamer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I recommend taking bear and countless off of the list, neither of them play or stream GW2 PvP atm. Here’s two guardians to fill in the empty guardian spots too once you do that: (NA) -Kensuda (EU) -Tage

Engineer: (NA) -Hiba
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can someone help me with some tips

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Sometimes watching videos, asking questions and trying to memorize other classes abilities on the fly is difficult. Just play warrior, learn the mechanics and how to be decent at it. A really good way to learn how another class thinks and plays is to become it for a while. It’s much harder looking at X class builds, asking X class players for tips, and just jumping into duels against X class to get beat up over and over. Instead just hop on X class, spend a while learning the basics, strengths and weaknesses (watch a few videos of really good players playing the unfamiliar build to get ideas of where to start). Be on the look out for the opportunity of running into a good necro too, and see how he outplays you. After getting comfortable with the general build you’re attempting to beat go back to your class and see how you’ve improved at outplaying it (duels and games). You’ll see quick results.

P.S. Also consider your build. Does it have the capability to beat X class in the first place?
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Courtyard and 2v2

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hey guys check this out, it’s a weekly event held by some cool guys. It’s 2v2 on Courtyard. Be sure to sign your team up for it weekly if 2v2 is what you’re looking for.
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in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


We need to start a petition to for this!
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in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Bump. Doing many try outs this weekend.
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in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Here’s the order of classes we’ll take as our fifth. You must know the class and be proficient with the build.

Elementalist (team fights support), Warrior (Hammer or Axe proficient), Support ranger (spirits with different weapon set preferences like sword/warhorn and axe/torch with shortbow of course), Thief (be very reliable in communication), Engineer (if applying for this class be very good).

We’re 4/5.
Our mains are:
1. AH / Virtues Guardian.
2. Axe / Hammer Warrior.
3. Thief / Mesmer.
4. Engineer main / Elementalist / Necro (multiclass home point).

Playtime typically starts at 6PM MST/5PM CST/8PM EST.

Just a small bit about what we’re looking for from you coming into our team new:
Map and overall situational awareness. Have a strong sense of communication and be prepared to relay information back and forth with me and the rest of the team as needed. Don’t be required to be told to decap (when it’s good to) or to peel for someone all the time. If you need to break off of a fight at the first sign of help needed somewhere else more, if a fight is a lost cause and you see opportunity elsewhere, do it and take it. Don’t expect to be told everything. Everyone makes mistakes, but don’t be the player who dies in the most inconvenient areas during team fights every time with little to no warning. We don’t expect a 1v1 master. Sure, be experienced with your build and class, but the above is key to what we’re looking for. If you relate to these requirements and lack tunnel vision in tournaments then hit us up. We’d be happy to play with you.
Whisper me in game for further information.
IGN: Trauma Kit Demonoid
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(edited by Demonoid.1974)

Shameful PvP in gw2

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


You’re awarded personal and team points and can nearly win entire games for just killing enemies and capturing alternate objectives in tpvp. That is of course after killing the enemies (an objective within itself) you decide to take the few seconds to capture or at least neutralize the nearby point. I’d honestly have to say point neutralization/capture and rotations are only half the battle. Yeah, one game mode in over a year for PvP’ers sucks and can be a solid way to lose certain players and is somewhat shameful. The reason I comment is to let people know it’s misinforming and also shameful the way he generalizes our current tournament mode. There’s a lot more to it than the common “cap cap cap” mentality. That is, if you’re actually willing to go in depth and learn all of the components of s/tpvp. Cheers!
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Need a late night team/guild?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hi! Are you usually on late night/early morning north american time and find no teams to play with late at night? Well I’m currently using someone’s alt to lead pick up teams off and on every night anywhere from 1AM to 11 AM given the day and schedule. Hit me up in game if you have TS and would like to have a team/guild to tournament with early morning/late night. We have some great runs and people learn a lot and have a lot of fun.

IGN: Trauma Kit Demonoid
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NA [AyB] LF Thief.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hi, we’re usually top 150-250 on LB and all r55+ pre patch, if concerned with either of those that is. People usually are. We don’t care about rank or leaderboard as we’ve beat our fair share of teams that were high and lost to our fair share of unknown pugs. Anybody can makes mistakes. We just try to have scheduled fun in a team of close knit PvP’ers and win, which usually includes trial and error.

Our mains are:
-AH / Virtues Guardian
-Terror Necro / Support Ranger
-Shatter Mesmer / Warrior
-Support Elementalist / Engineers

-D/P Thieves / S/D Thieves

Just a small bit about what we’re looking for in the roamer:
Map and overall situational awareness. Have a strong sense of communication and be prepared to relay information back and forth with me and the rest of the team. Don’t be required to be told to decap or to peel for someone all the time. If you need to break off of a fight at the first sign of help needed somewhere else more, if a fight looks like a lost cause and you see opportunity elsewhere, do it and take it. We don’t expect a 1v1 master. Sure, be experienced with your build at least, but the above is key to what we’re looking for. If you relate to these requirements and lack tunnel vision in tournaments then hit us up. We’d be happy to play with you.

Whisper me in game for further information.
IGN: Trauma Kit Demonoid
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add seppuku to downed state

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


If an enemy team is letting you bleed out and your helpless and void of any help at all, swap characters, unless your computer is a potato then this is your so-called seppuku. Swap anytime the rez timer is 15 seconds. Have a backup counter character ready, or just log back on to that character if it’s your best bet. Be ready to rotate where needed, don’t let the enemy waste 30 seconds of your time forcing you to take a nap. That or cleave (dps) the enemy team while they’re focused on stopping down state recovery. Cheers.
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Spar teams.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hi other teams out there. We’re a team looking for other teams to spar against. Hit me up and we can organize some times for fights, whether regular tournament style or straight up team fights. Only have 3 or 4 players? Let’s do some 3v3s or 4v4s then! Look forward to the practice matches.

IGN: Trauma Kit Demonoid
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PvP Guild recruiting. [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Hi we’re a north american server PvP only guild and this is the “about us” part which doesn’t mean much. We’re a casual (not a negative term, we just don’t play as much as other teams due to real life things) PvP team of friends with a weekly set schedule for tournaments. We each have multiple champion titles each and are usually in the top 150-300 on the leaderboards given the day. We spend a lot of time dueling (1v1s, 2v1s, 2v2s, 2v3s) and testing builds in custom arena/hot joins.

I’d like for us to have a larger player base and a second dedicated tournament team to spar with on a regular basis. With the new heart of the mists server merge quick teams are easier to find now, just lie about your rank when someone spams GLF rank X+ lol. For us though there’s no rank requirements, we’ve found the better teams are the ones who play together often.

We’re offering practice. Whether through hot join, dueling or simply talking about tournament strategy, roles and rotations.

Who we don’t want:
People who complain about an enemies build. Anyone can recognize a commonly used class set up. Nobody cares that you can point that out to them in a negative way. So if you’re one of the neckbeard crybaby individuals who will end up screaming in my ears on ts over something the enemy is doing that you think is unjust or stupid then we don’t want to play with you. Bunker, petting zoo, condi spamming and crowd control spamming builds are all parts of the game.

Who we do want:
You got beat by a spirit ranger or minion master in a one vs one? You couldn’t solo a bunker build? Your reaction should be, okay how do I counter that, how do I get better so I can win next time. Just be positive friends. In short we value teamwork, cooperative attitude, and skill above numbers and titles. So have a mic and TS access. And don’t think you aren’t experienced enough, our goal is to help players new to PvP, not berate them and tell them to go back to PvE or whatever other rude things people say.

Edit: Please send me a mail in-game or on these forums with this information: Your classes you enjoy and are experienced with, your amount of matches played, your past team experience, and your available times to play GW each week.
This is just to know where to begin with people, too many people have been sending me mail saying “hey I’m interested” or “hey invite me” and I know nothing about them.

We look forward to hanging out with anyone who wants to join us in our PvP adventures.
IGN: Trauma Kit Demonoid / Legion The Demonoid.
Guild: All Your Base Are Belongg To Us [AyB].
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(edited by Demonoid.1974)


in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Final bump, closing soon. Ferox (mass) couldn’t make it and going to work on training a fifth if no experienced player shows up.
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in Looking for...

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Bumping for updated recruiting purposes. See you guys in game.
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No reward chests.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I appreciate this information. Thank you. Case closed.
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No reward chests.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


I’m originally NA. I transferred to EU in the last few weeks. So I have to go back to NA in order to get rewards from tournament wins in PvP? In other words I have to go back to that the region where there’s two top 100 teams beating a bunch of random pug teams every night? I transferred to EU because it seems lively, and more challenging as a whole. Arena Net, help me please. I’d like to receive tournament rewards for my wins if possible.
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No reward chests.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


That’s terrible, so I have to get another thousand wins on EU because I was previously NA? Or is it just a few wins?
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No reward chests.

in PvP

Posted by: Demonoid.1974


Just noticed after a few solo queue wins I’m not getting the normal reward chests I get after a win. Did they change something?
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