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Question for pure dungeon running guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635



I’m using full clerics gear. I generally melee next to the other melee players. The mace heal, symbol regen/heal, shield heal, healing breeze, protection, dodge heals and correctly timed virtue of resolve activations help them stay in the fight forever.

The three shouts and virtue of resolve serve as group-wide condition removal, which is just as important, if not more, than healing in some dungeons.

People generally say that running dungeons is way easier with me, but I don’t know since I’ve never run one without me.

(edited by Demosthenes.4635)

Healing Power is the most useless stat ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Actually no since rune boon duration increase from rune does not stack (at least it doesn’t stack with Virtue path boon increase), reported already but still no input if it is working as intended.

From my experience, they do stack properly. I have +60% boon duration and my boons from Save Yourselves! last 16 seconds. Not just from the tooltip, that is the actual duration of the boons.

Writ of the Merciful

in Guardian

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


I don’t think Writ of the Merciful is anything to write home about. The bonfire in Heart of the Mists near the game finder npc is an easy way to test how much each ability/trait heals for (you take burning damage).

With upwards of 1k +Healing, it would tick for ~170 hp/s. Some symbols don’t always benefit your allies based on positioning too, also if you’re taking Mace main hand, the trait does not work with the symbol.

Writ of the Merciful does work with the Mace symbol.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Maybe the Story Mode rewards could be increased for everyone in the group if at least one group member has never completed it before?

AC Route 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Defending the collectors:
I’ve found this to be a DPS check. Basically, all of the group should hit the same burrow. No defenders. When it is down, move to the next. With enough DPS and swiftness, there will never be more than 1 burrow up and the gravelings will never reach the collectors since you intercept them as they get out of the burrow.
If a pack of gravelings heads for a collector, hit them once and kite them to the burrow your team is hitting. It’s important to hit the burrow and the gravelings at once, or else pretty soon you will be overwhelmed by the burrows.
I’ve seen people saying that you need to concentrate on breeders before moving to the next burrow, but IMO this is a mistake. Kite the breeders to the next burrow and fight them near or on top of it, such that the whole team is hitting both the breeder and the burrow at once. Otherwise you will have to deal with 2+ burrows at once and this is where teams get overwhelmed.
If near the end of the event, you can’t keep up with the burrows, split into two groups. At this point, you are trying to keep the gravelings off the collectors until the event is complete.
The burrows are easier to hit if you keep moving while attacking (melee). Once their “hitbox” is fixed, these events should be easier, but I think the same tactics will apply.

AC Explorable Path 1 and 3 too difficult ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Protecting Hodgins:

There are at most two burrows active at one time. When you kill one, another spawns. The first burrow (in front of the door) only spawns weak gravelings, so keep it for last.

Have 1 person defend Hodgins, the other 4 focus on a burrow. When the burrow is destroyed, immediately move to the next burrow. Normally you will have hit any remaining gravelings/breeders at least once, so they will follow you to the next burrow. Fight near the burrow so that you hit it and the gravelings/breeders at the same time.

After about 4 burrows destroyed, there will be only the one at the entrance left. First, clear the room of the breeders, then destroy the burrow near the entrance. After this another burrow will spawn; all 5 can attack it at once. Once it is destroyed, one last burrow will spawn. Again, kill it and you will have won.

Defending the collectors:

I’ve found this to be a DPS check. Basically, all of the group should hit the same burrow. No defenders. When it is down, move to the next. With enough DPS and swiftness, there will never be more than 1 burrow up and the gravelings will never reach the collectors since you intercept them as they get out of the burrow.

If a pack of gravelings heads for a collector, hit them once and kite them to the burrow your team is hitting. It’s important to hit the burrow and the gravelings at once, or else pretty soon you will be overwhelmed by the burrows.

I’ve seen people saying that you need to concentrate on breeders before moving to the next burrow, but IMO this is a mistake. Kite the breeders to the next burrow and fight them near or on top of it, such that the whole team is hitting both the breeder and the burrow at once. Otherwise you will have to deal with 2+ burrows at once and this is where teams get overwhelmed.

If near the end of the event, you can’t keep up with the burrows, split into two groups. At this point, you are trying to keep the gravelings off the collectors until the event is complete.

The burrows are easier to hit if you keep moving while attacking (melee). Once their “hitbox” is fixed, these events should be easier, but I think the same tactics will apply.

Edit: What I mean to say is that, with the correct strategy, these events aren’t too hard. I don’t think they need to be made any easier, apart from fixing the bugs when targeting burrows.

(edited by Demosthenes.4635)

Dungeon BUG on hitboxes - Ascalonian Catacomb ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


do you think this is intended for us to keep circling the burrows?

Maybe you were being sarcastic, but just in case, it’s most likely not intended. I’m just mentioning a workaround.

IS there a DR on experience now? 9/27

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Since you post in the Dungeons forum, I suppose you are doing dungeons for experience.

Dungeon XP and coin rewards suffers the same diminishing returns bugs that tokens now do, since the September 17th patch.

Dungeon BUG on hitboxes - Ascalonian Catacomb ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Keep moving while attacking. I run in circles on top of them when trying to hit them. I never miss. Then I finish the dungeon and get treated unfairly by the DR system.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


OK, I ran dungeons tonight again, here are the results (sorry, no screenshots and no precise timing).

1. Did AC Ghost Eater with a PUG. They were already halfway through when I joined. I finished and got my 60 tokens. Didn’t check with the others what they got. Took ~25 minutes.

2. Did AC Story Mode for a guildie who recently hit 30, another 80 guildie Warrior and two strangers. Took more or less an hour. Got 9s 65c or something.

3. Did AC Howling King with the same 80 guildie Warrior, another 80 guildie Elementalist and 2 lower level strangers. Took about 45 minutes. Both of my guildies got 60 tokens. I got 30. One of the strangers got 15, but I don’t know how often he’s run this dungeon today.

4. I knew I would be hit hard by DR again so I just did Ghost Eater again for my guildies who hadn’t done it today. Took 35 minutes. The Warrior (who also did AC Story Mode with me earlier) got 60 tokens. The Elementalist got only 45. Logically he should be eligible for at least the same amount of tokens as the Warrior. I got 15 as I expected would happen. If the system was working as expected, I think I should have had 20.

Thank you for looking into this. I believe the first two AC paths should have netted me a total of 120 tokens.

Dear Devs, Dungeon Clarifications Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Just did 2 dungeons:

1. CM Asura, took 40 minutes, everyone got 60 tokens,
2. CM Seraph, took 50 minutes, two guildies got 60 tokens, I got 45.

Did 1 run of AC Ghost Eater yesterday, and a few runs of CM Sunday.

The weird thing is that I always group with a specific guildie when doing dungeons, we always do them together. It’s strange that he wasn’t impacted by DR, but I was.

Edit: 3rd run, CM butler, took 20-25 minutes, got 30 tokens, guildies got 45. Punished for being efficient. Skipped only the second large group after the corridor with the spike traps. Should have AFK’ed before killing last boss.

(edited by Demosthenes.4635)

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


I haven’t tried the changes yet, but from what I see in these forums, even if the DR system is working as intended, the fact that it’s confusing so many players may be indicative of another kind of problem with the system.

Caudecus's Manor Explorer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Some things that I remember were useful in CM:

- Group condition removal (as a guardian with Pure of Voice and specced in Virtues I have 4, and our warrior was bringing Shake it off!). Some bandits can stack bleeds very high. Whenever an ally had a bleed on him, we would remove it.
- Thugs heal other bandits, so they are usually our first priority.
- Once we understood that the riflemen 1-shot you (or almost) if you are moving, we stopped moving when they target us. You can tell when you have this orange/red circle at your feet.
- Keep archers for last since they don’t hurt that much and are hard to kill.

Now when I run CM explorable, as a 0/0/10/30/30 Guardian with Cleric’s exotics, I only die 1-3 times per run. But at first I used to die a lot. Our group is usually 3 members of our guild, me, a Warrior with high toughness and condition damage, and an engineer who changes specs a lot. The other two are usually random people we pick up outside the dungeon. So with a well coordinated guild group, if you keep practicing, eventually you should stop dying so much,…

Caudecus's Manor Explorer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Hi. I’ve done CM explorable maybe 6 or 8 times. The pull you mention in your complaint #1 is for me the hardest part of the dungeon. The only time our group didn’t wipe is when we were with a mesmer using the phantasmal defender with +50% health from the signet (maybe more from traits). We pulled the group around a corner so that they would all bunch up. I tried to keep regeneration, AE heals, aegis and protection up on the group as much as possible. We used AE/PBAE knockdowns, knockbacks and blinds. We had an engineer with bombs that healed the group. We used AE damage to kill the enemies. When someone went down, we didn’t try to bring him back up, instead we tried to kill an enemy as fast as possible in order to rally him. It’s a very hard pull.

I think it’s intended that people try to avoid the thrown bombs, which seem to be the highest source of damage from that pull. However I’ve found that there are so many red circles, so little space and we have so little endurance that this doesn’t work too well.

If someone else has a better strategy for that pull, I’d like to hear it.

Now about your 20s repairs, that seems excessive to me. There are probably some things you could do to reduce the amount of deaths/wipes you have. I’m not sure about your situation, spec or group makeup, since you don’t really go into detail about those, but make sure that no one in your group is using a glass cannon build. Everybody needs to pull their own weight. It’s not like other MMOs where you can expect someone else to take the damage for you, and just concentrate on DPS. Also try to bring as many group buffs or AE conditions like blind and weakness as you can.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


As much as I would like to do a “This is what we’re working on” – doing as such hurts iteration. Because if I say something now, and after its focus tested we have to change that system, then I’m considered a liar, and our integrity is diminished as a result.
We play this game too. We know that the dungeon rewards aren’t where they need to be, and we’re going to work on it until we are happy with how it feels. Monday’s patch will be the start of our efforts to correct the problem.

Would you recommend that we hold on to the dungeon tokens for now, or can we spend them this weekend?

2.6 Silver and 17.7k XP?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


It’s good to have an acknowledgement that this is a bug. Thanks.

Dungeon rewards reduced for the first run of the day.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


Similar experience here. I just ran AC explorable twice after not having touched it for a week; first ghost eater, then howling king. The second run only gave me 9s. According to Jon’s post, I should have gotten the full 26s reward since I was running a different path.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


1) Run the same exact chain over twice in a row
2) Complete multiple dungeons in 30 minutes or less each.

Sorry Jon, but it’s not working as intended. I just did 2 runs of Ascalon Catacombs explorable, the ghost eater (where I got normal rewards, took almost an hour) and then howling king (took more than an hour). On the second run, I got one third of the normal reward (9s, 66k xp).