Showing Posts For DivineRequiem.2710:

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


This visual effect nerf is really going to far. For those who want it, let it be, but don’t throw this horrible change on all of us. Make it a simple on/off option in graphics options tab, and everyone can get what they want. I personally love flashy and huge skill effects. That’s also one of the reasons I play fantasy themed games. So don’t ruin it for all of us please.

New LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Smashing, absolutely smashing! I applaud to you Anet!

Charr performing the searing again!!!

in Community Creations

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Had some footage from a dancing group in Divinity a while ago, added a few other clips..and this came out xD

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


I just looove the charr running animation xD

Does anyone use magic find amulet infusion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


I have it on 3 chars ^^

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Magus Falls (if it has waterfalls xD), otherwise Crystal Desert ^^

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Lets face it, every class has max of 3 rly good trait specs. That’s 21 traits all together, less than a half. So whoever complains about price, is down right lazy.

I agree that it’s not a perfect design, but some of arguments here are childish.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Well why such fuss than since most of you claim to be so hard working :L And since you’re so wealthy, how much does it actually hurt to spend some gold for those really time consuming traits? With 3 legendaries, even if you’d buy ALL of them , 43 gold? C’mon….. In most MMOs u gotta pay for each skill book, for main skills. And here you whine about this. I just find it redicolous

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


All of my hasty written examples aren’t the best thing I could’ve written, true. But still, this forum is flooded with “opinions” like “I’m bored here, nothing to do, I’ll leave; worst decisions ever; make this or that or I’ll leave; I want this easier”, where arguments/reasons in most cases are pretty pathetic – selfish and based on laziness.
Excuse me but I don’t see rants like “Give me that or I’m leaving” good for anyone, just because it would take you a bit more time to obtain it. Or “opinions” where you are jealous when you can’t get something, just because you don’t particularly like to play that exact content, and than demand another way to get it or just burst into rude comments etc etc
I do agree they are keeping development plans from us a bit too much, but if game would be as awful as many ppl are making it look up here, they wouldn’t be playing it.

And yes, this topic is a whine, but who cares when 70%+ of this forums content is whining anyway?

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Gaws you ppl are sooo overreacting over this just because you’re lazy! While I’d rather see traits being only pve event based, not 100% map completion and wvw mix, I’d never change it back to what it was. At least some incentive was made to explore a bit more, and I like it. And for those complicated ones, just buy it! It’s not that kitten expensive.
Saying stuff like worst decision in the game etc is a bit harsh

Leveling is too slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


I agree. Way way to slow. :/

hahaha xDD

But anyway, I don’t know what MMOs you have been playing before GW2, but I have never reached lvl cap as fast as here. Fastest levelling to my knowledge.

If you are into grindy fast lvl-ing, do WvWvW. Just follow commanders. Same as doing events all the time. Another way to speed up levelling is by crafting.

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


OP, do you do anything but complain? Gah!

Ow snap! :O

(edited by DivineRequiem.2710)

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


»Everyone has the right to voice opinion«, so here is mine. So many people complain about the game, and now I’ll complain about you!

It’s making me puke to read all the whining on this forum! I swear if I’d be the director I’d just close down the forums and say »Screw you guys, you’re on your own!«

“I want this, I want that, I wanna kill fluffy white bunnies to get 100% precursor drop!”

  • I don’t like this backpeace/weapon/armor – um…. don’t get it than?
  • Why do I have to do fractals for this ascended peace “weee weee” – Well where else would you actually “need” to use ascended peace’s than in…I dunno… fractals? :L
  • We want expansions!!! – »I want better topics on forums!« Anet is working its kitten off to give us as much as possible, with LS. True, its not as massive, but it’s there and its free. Your constant nagging for expansion won’t speed things up, so give it a rest. When they’ll decide to, and be ready for expansion, we’ll get it.
  • I don’t like LS! – cry me and many others that enjoy it, a huge river. A lot of work went into it, and even more will in the future, show some respect! You’re getting free stuff if you want it or not.
  • We want SAB!!! – while the community clearly made the creator feel bad last time around! So blame other players for not having SAB back any time soon, not devs!
  • I want mounts! – what for? So you can travel the distance between 2 WPs 5% faster? As if its not enough we have WPs every 50m and most classes have a way of having constant swiftness. What, you wanna be fancy and look down on mobs? Wanna be immune to combat as well while at it to make your ore farm even easier? It’s not practical, I see no need for it, and I don’t see how such a thing could bring new and old players to come play gw2 :L
  • Dry top sucks! – don’t play it?
  • I don’t like combat – make it like…. . …TERA! – go play tera than?
  • I wanna get whatever item whatever way I want it! – right right…so.. because you’re not a PVP guy/gal, you wanna get Balthazars backpack by killing 1000 frogs in the swamp? Or since you don’t wanna PVP nor do dungeons, you wanna get CoF from flame legion mobs with 50% drop rate? You can get a lot more stuff in this game by playing different content, a lot more than other MMOs offer! I support that some items should be available only to those who do certain things.
  • I don’t wanna work for X or Y – then continue to be a lazy kitten without X or Y cause you clearly don’t deserve it.
  • We want new dungeons!!! – while at the same time – “we hate dungeons and grouping up for content and grind them over and over!!!((” And when the last time they did something about dungeons, everyone just complained again.
  • and so on and so forth

Everyone would have everything – just make a “casual” content merchant where you can buy every single item in the game for max 50 gold, right? Lets all have everything very easy, and die of boredom 2 weeks later, with no more goals to achieve, and leave the game empty till next LS.

I hate RNG, like many others, but I don’t bother devs about it. If you don’t like gathering for mats, do something that you enjoy doing in the game and BUY it. Every part of content awards you with some kind of reward you can make money off.

To sum up – lets just change everything about what GW2 is!!! :LLL
One game will never have everything that everyone wants. So after so long, just deal with it. New things will be implemented when they are ready.
If you don’t like things in GW2 soooo much, just go back to WoW or w/e game you like better, and give this poor people a break.

This is by far the best MMO I’ve played, and I’ve tried tons. Anet, you’re doing a smashing job! Thank you!

And for all you who’ll be all smart about my ranting – there is a difference between improvement suggestions and str8 up whining.

No expansion content

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


“I want this, I want that, I wanna get ascended weapon by killing bunnies all day long!”

So many I WANT whiners. GW2 IS going somewhere, by getting new stuff every LW patch. It goes somewhere in the story, and in items they add. Sure, its not as wast as a whole new continent, but it’s there and it’s free. Many of us like LW system this game has, and I don’t see how they could continue with it in new expanded areas, without being forced to make 2 separate living worlds for each area.

Ascended Back, Nope nope nope

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


An item you actually have to work for and can’t outright buy… THE HORROR!!! What is this world coming to… having to work for rewards… disgusting..

My thoughts exactly

Underwater combat: remove alternative weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Just say that the water in Tyria is oxygenated enough to breathe like air.

Might as well use torch xD

Human Male New Hairstyle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


thats what she said

Tengu in S2?

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Don’t rly like Tengu that much. But if we do get them, I hope they’ll have ressing animation like this xD

More slick and elegant weapon skins please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Agreed. Weapons in this game look hideous (with a very few exceptions which are very hard to get).

But a lot of you have a problem with a “realistic” look of them. There is already bezillion weps that look nothing special and dull. If you want realistic approach we’d have only weapons like

Its a fantasy game, I don’t care how short the handle is, how many belts it has or what it’s made of – I prefer the priory crystal weps over most other (at lest the swords) in that price range and don’t give a kitten about how inefficient it would be. I want them to look GOOD, not realistic :L Staffs look pathetic in this game. Staffs, focuses, scepters, they are suppose to be magical weapons, yet there is NOTHING magical about them. It’s a fantasy game, so I expect fantasy/magical feel about weapons as well – without tons of extra work…

You're making us an outsider anet...

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Ow please, PLEASE list me few MMOs where players are more significant than here in GW2.

Very Impressed

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


It’s reading whining like this that is putting me to sleep.

I also love the execution of season 2. Simply amazing

Discovered unfinished future area?

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Dunno…maybe they just underestimate our exploration spirit xD But yes as i said – wasn’t rly trying to get anywhere special or challenging, we were just on hunt for coins xD

Discovered unfinished future area?

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


We were searching for Lost Coins in the new map, when we stumbled upon a very empty level of this map, above everything else, that looks unfinished. It has a cave covered in vines, a cave underneath, what looks like asuran camp, etc.

Maybe a rough set up for next patch?


Very very little to do in new areas

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Bad timing than.

I think these maps are amazingly designed and have plenty events for their size.

(edited by DivineRequiem.2710)

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Went on a walk with Arctinus and stumbled upon this vine tickling a WP in Kessex ^^

Random funny moments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Haha the female laugh animation under baubblehead effect xDD


Pink Quaggan figurine :P

in Community Creations

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Just wanted to share a gift i made for Arctinus


Festival Of the Four Winds

in Living World

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Cantha? It’s not even part of the map we have so far, and even this one is missing loads of areas. I wouldn’t waste 1 joule on thinking about it.

Digital art and figurines

in Community Creations

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Here are a few of my creations ^^ Took me forever, but finaly got to finish my Reapers Anima

Pendants of Princess Doll mini and Quaggan backpack:
