Showing Posts For Dorregaray.7126:

Questions about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


It would be awesome if we got some answers for those questions from ANet .

Also, how are you guys planning to keep players from leaving the game? Because the latest patch really encouraged them to do so.

(edited by Dorregaray.7126)

New Paid Tournament idea

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


Agreed, good idea.

Amulet+Jewel, Not A fan

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


Imagine bunker guardian with +toughness + vitality +healing power.
Or necromancer +power +toughness +condition damage.

Enough said.

The game Methodology

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


If not the downed state, all teams would be running 5 times thieves. Why? They’ll burst someone down in a matter of seconds, switch target to another enemy, burst him down, and repeat. They wouldn’t have to worry about someone ressing those dead guys. Hell, the whole point of the game then would be burst the kitten out of people and dont worry about anything.

That would be just wrong.

The game Methodology

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


Oh, it’s this thread again…

Seriously, give this game a few more months and then you can say something like that.

Again the bunker problem: Anet said they will be looking closely at bunker builds on the next update.
And, it’s not true that bunker/burst builds are the best in tPvP. Look at some of the top teams – they use max. 1 bunker and often heavy condition builds.

And downed state…. You all just need to unlearn what you learned in WoW and other MMOs, because GW2 IS kittening DIFFERENT, for God’s sake, its not WoW!

Requesting Guardian class name change

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


Next time a Guardian Banishes you, you can sing “My dream is to fly”

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


People dont play because of the insane 5 tickets per player…

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


I think that 5 mins is just fine, ‘ready’ is the problem.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


I actually think people forget about hitting this button, because they often go out fighting with the other team, and click ready just after telling them to.

My idea is to make this button big and annoying, so people wouldn’t waste time fighting and waiting pointlessly.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126



everyone who has played Tournaments in GW2 know about how annoying is the 5min waiting on the match start.

My concept is: make the “I’m ready” button bigger(in fact HUGE), so people wouldn’t actually forget about clicking it, forcing other players to wait the whole 5 minutes.
Also, it should be located in the middle of the screen, and should disappear(or minimalize) after clicking it.

What do you think?

Stuck loading screen after respawn in pvp free tournament

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


My team and I also have this problem. The latest patch did this, because it never happened to us before.