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Great Fractal change but I have one ISSUE.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Ascalon dungeon run P1 – 15minutes = 1.55 gold as reward
Fractals – 3hours (depends on random fractal dungeons) = 1.40 gold as reward + 1 ring selable for 10silver

Sorrows Embrace - why nobody plays path 2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

So I just need few moletariat tokens (about 7k) for scientific purposes of course. Ppl only play sorrows embrace p1 + p3. Nobody wants to do path 2. It is annoying. Really. Would love to play this path more than 2 times in 6 months.

This is simply silly because you can earn more tokens and gold if you do all paths in one day.
For me, it is easy as every other path, in fact much easier for me than p3 and quicker but no matter what nobody wants to play it.
I asked why. Answers from crowd (map channel, local chat): it is long. It is hard. Difficult last boss.

Now tell me. If this path is hard and long, whatever, you still want to make more challenging content in new expansions and updates? :-D Rolling on the floor laughing :-D I´ve seen whole two guilds doing triple trouble in 3 months. So much for more challenging content. For me, I dont care. Im in very small guild so always playing with random.

Point is: as a result I wont be able to play with nobody but few wannabe elitistic, hardcore grinders totaly addicted to this game with ascended gear equipped to the teeth which I really hate in game because they only play with builds from web and cant do anything else besides raising ach. points above 15k and are still noobs. Most of gamers I meet in game are like 1,500-3000 achievement points noobs who just learned how to survive personal story and are not fit for dungs requiring more than auto-attacking mobs (you can find those in Ascalonian catacombs, CoF).

Of course it is easy as fart for me to do SE p2 but for everyone else its super hard. You see people are blocking my progress. Its just sadly ridiculous that people could spent 3hours in GW1 in dung nowhere near stage 3 final boss and enjoying with heroes HM battles but ppl refuse to do 30minutes dungeon run in GW2 Europe megaserver.

1) give me heroes
2) find a way to learn people how to play your game because right now its super hard for most of them in PvE
3) remake sorrows embrace path 2
4) or just add me for every unpopular “superhard” pathes of unpopular dungs (which I really love) like sorrows embrace, HotW, TA, arah.

LF HEROES for dungeons [suggestion]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Having new heroes is not gold spending. It is, like it was said, orgasmic RPG feel. To customize new characters, to conquer the world with new tactic which cant be done with boring people. It has only pros. No cons.

Personal Story issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Well I am unable to reclaim rewards for already finished story like Toy Tank and many others. I have 7 toons at lvl 80. Some of them completely finished different personal stories = different rewards. All lost.
This is big letdown.

I love the new levelling system, but

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

I was with my new alt lvl 28 in edge of mists yesterday. For capturing castle 200XP, for killing guard 26-60XP.
So I can confirm this insanity in leveling curve.

SPOILER! All My Feels...

in Living World

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Please erase the whole Sylvari race as a result of new dragon) Those who have created Sylvari toons will be unique in further game. No Pale Tree, no newborns. That would be awesome! A new race can replace them. Destroying LA was a starter point, let´s take it further

The best would be to erase cows but unfortunately this happens in jungle – trees.

[Suggestion] More weapon skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

They stated that GW2 won´t have the amount of skills GW1 had. It was paradise for player but coffin for developers to balance them , etc.
Just do what you like to do. I still play GW1 even whens GW2 out for almost 2 years. It´s just more entertaining game for me. Nice graphics in GW2 but I keep coming to GW1 more and more for everything else.
They wanted to make new game (250years later, new system, new races, …) instead of follow up so GW1 and GW2 can´t be really compared. You like GW1 or GW2. Didn´t find many people who like both.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Just one drop in the sea.

Introduction: 8800 AP (achievement points), 6 lvl 80 toons, 1515 hours of gameplay time (/age command in gamechat).

The problem: I play mostly AC (ascalonian catacombs). I know every path by heart. When I start LFG in the LF panel, everyone just leaves because I decided to play with my alt lvl 50+.
It´s really funny because those lvl 80s leaving have mostly about 800 AP – 1500 AP while when I´m lucky for mature people, I can survive with my “low level” (you know AC exp paths are for lvl 35+ right) better than lvl 80 characters who just lie down most of the dungeon :-D Spider boss, kholer… oh man how those newbies try to dodge roll his attacks and fail everytime :-D
I mean they have lvl 80 toons but they suck. I have lvl 50+ alt and I´m usually the only one who still stands with at least 25% of HP while they are downed and useless,

Solution: Can someone introduce me to players who are not “super strong fast zerg geared” glass canons who can play this game? :-D It´s just really funny how they always leave my party while they look at my level in party panel, takes them about 5-15seconds usualy, but forget to look at AP count. That is the only one thing that matters in this game. No gear, no weapon. Achievement points makes experienced and newbie player difference.

Fractal rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Guys I´m even surprised that someone still plays fractals. Everytime I open LFG panel there are like 2 groups doing lvl 10, 1 group doinf lvl 20 daily and if I am lucky theres one group doing lvl 38 which has the worst conditions (mistlock instability) from all levels :-D

1) how can I safely remove AR from my ascended gear? Nobody´s doing fractals anymore and those versatile infusions are just waste of slots fr my guard now. Any way? Gem store remover of some kind? I want to have intact ascended gear and versatile infusion as final result if possible.

2) or another thing: is there some list of players doing fractals? lvl 40+. Weekends mainly if possible. If you know about some fractal guild or group, theres PM function in this forum you could use.

Why Don't Players Use Potions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

I never use potions because I don´t need them. Is that satisfying answer? :-D
I can survive any dungeon without being realiability to team – yes, rangers can be glass like but it is matter of proper build, armor and skills.
Potions need crafting (money sink), buying from TP (money sink), merchants (money sink) with very poor effect not worthy of mentioning.

Why aren't the cinematics like GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

GW1 had for sure better cinematics and the overall effect was far better than in GW2 but they wanted to do new style, time pressured them so they came up with this GW2 face 2 face model – simple, less time consuming, easy to make.

If it downgrades GW2? Yes. I´ve skipped all those because it´s just horrible to watch face2face boring cinematic. Well on the other hand, more time while actual gameplay :-D
You can´t compare GW1 cinematics and GW2´s. It´s like comparing the king and his infant son, yet prince, still sucking milk.
GW2 has great graphics, holiday events. If it is not enough… another story

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Im casual player so to achieve whatever takes me 25-50 times longer. I finished my weaponsmith to 500 last weekend. Was it worthy? Of course not! Lost tons of gold (earned maximum 200g after year of playing), materials and if I want to craft ascended I cant even sell it because its account bound :-D but I managed to get that crafting impossible milestone (for me). It was a hell of a grind but I did it freely, voluntarily.

Nobody makes you to grind. Only yourself

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642


1) a lot more people around you → game fells less empty
2) absolutely empty regions like Orr have people now! wow :-D
3) mixed servers makes WvW fun again. Its like spies in enemy city. It was dull running from point A to B, C, bla bla bla before patch and megaserves. Now enemy can change plans very quickly if some wannabe wvw guild shouts in city the strategy plans for attack, ect.


1) giant slayer title is impossible to finish now. Everyone farms the spots wrote about and I gave up on this title. Yet it was perfect spot and title to farm.
2) some events perfect for soloplay are unplayable now. I cant even “tag” single enemy and event is done.
3) It didnt change my opinion about dungs, fractals, name it… Still the same for me. looking for party tool, dung, fracts, wait 5-15minutes and voilá. Expected time between 10secs – 2minutes

Proposed solution:

a) Maps with soloable events → limited players count. Less people actualy make some events more fun.
b) Maps with dungs and world events → huge loads of people please

Personal Story (PS)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

When GW2 story aspect was anounced I decided to play all of story versions. Well, finished human, sylvari… I´m not going through all of them at least now.

When I struggled in my progress I had to practicaly beg someone to help me. Nothing encourages people to help someone else in their personal story. Not even newly released LFG system.
Those helping people will obtain only “killing XP” if there is some killing mobs involved in your story chapter and that´s it. Well, this is bad, really bad.

How to improve this and encourage people to help:

- more rewards
- new reward system for personal story or specificaly for helping players
- new achievement tree (helped sylvari, charr, norn, human with their story, experienced the story way for the first time, etc.)

Right now the PS status is this: “It is soloable, do it solo.” This is the only answer you will get asking for help in your PS. Although PS could be bloody hard and time consuming and it´s not fun at all when you waste 2 hours and that chapter can´t be finished :-P
or the best solution: just give me back my heroes from GW1 and I will happily do personal story SOLO over and over.

Why was and still is GW1 so popular? Because it is SOLOABLE game with no stupid overhyped social aspect where you don´t feel extremely lonely like in GW2 actualy. In GW1 heroes were always 24/7 ready friends around you to help you and it was fun to read their conversations. Give me back my heores!!!

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

I found this interesting post and finaly! I´m not alone.

When I heard about personal story in GW 2 I was thrilled. When I saw how personal story is told, um, I got back to earth and when I played through whole personal story I was disappointed.


1) your personaly story have zero impact on what´s going on. You are still nameless “hero” running around like thousands others. For example I saved that hospital. Those poor children were burned but when I entered my home instance again about 3-4 quests later, there was nothing reminding I chose hospital. Both building were just fine like nothing happened.

2) 2D dialog scenes. Well, sometimes it had nice artwork, scenery. That´s all. It just bored me so I clicked SKIP as soon as I got the chance. It´s passive and everyone is so naive, always cheerful, supportive, eager for great fights to save the whole world but without touch of realism. Most importantly, it´s all passive watching 2D images in movement.

3) Home instance. The only thing that could make difference between nameless hero and good feeling from personal story failed. Who knows what you did? Where are statues of your glory? None ending cutscene in your home instance after Fort Trinity? “I got back home from saving whole world”. The only one who is there on square is merchant selling food for few coppers. No record what you did on your way to defeat master dragon? With what weapon did I slay the dragon minions or the master boss? No kids running around you gossiping? No tales inside houses? No tapestries?
Thank you that we can see what we did in hero panel but who else can see that? Ah, only me.

4) I miss plot changes, sudden surprises, evil characters pretending to be good while using world saving for its own benefit, most importantly humor, characters I could love/hate/don´t understand them and ask what those rats are up to, schemers, more action from allies (Order of whispers infiltrated some base and you can decide whether go with Trahearne the traditional way or be witness of something else with the Order).

I enjoy GW 2 almost every day. Doing dailies, trying to save money, learn more about skills, etc. But personal story is something I skipped from some point. I was looking forward to experience it but it lost my attention very, very soon. And it´s pity.
On the other hand. Star Wars TOR completely hooked me. The personal story (dark side) was the best I´ve experienced in any game ever.
GW2 best MMO gameplay, 2/10 personal story. SWTOR 2/10 (thanks to skills that could push enemies from cliff, etc.) gameplay, 10/10 personal story. What now? Please copy their lines, converstaion and plot making styles and adjust them to fit GW2 universe

Have a nice day

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

I must admit that LS is content I´m skipping while playing GW2. Of course I did try it. Molten dungeon was challenge for the first time and it was fun realising what skills to change from the normal “I can survive anything with this one old, build”.
But: searching lost properties, destroying annoying “radars”, crab minigame, whole refugee plot… Living story is something that doesn´t interest me.

Why some people got achievements even if it´s not interesting then? Because they love achievement points no matter how bad content seems to be and when it says limited time content those achievement lovers are semi-forced to do play that content. That´s not good at all.
Limited time to play something is good for holidays event. Everyone loves holiday events. Would be interesting to let people vote. LS or holidays events?

OK, this should bring people back to game. Hook their attention from month to month, keep them playing, buying items from game store.
→ Updates, fixes, polished things, revamped dungeons, adjusted loot would do that too while people responsible for events could make more events to fill empty spaces in the map. I had that feeling “this map is empty” more and more I was closer to max level.

Voting for old version – release updates, fixes, balance to the game and once a year release big content. I don´t mean new powerful gear, weapons. I mean new content with good story lines, new dungeons or completely revamped old ones due to world changes, whatever big. I´ll give you my money for it with happy face. And I miss Elona the most from original GW…

Login Screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

the welcome screen should have more information about toon or account. Auction – sold items, mail – unreaded number, own achievements selected, picture from screenshots saved on hard drive, the own order of toons – no rotating thing, etc. customization, customization, customization.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

achievement: i have many titles in GW2 but don´t really know for what. Achievement panel doesn´t work as AP in GW1. F. E.: Been there, done that. You need to browse all achievement list to see what it is and for what. In GW1 were list of achievements and under it it was for what.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

6) Hidden content in the game. I made my first ranger (yeah I have more) and went exploring the world. It wasn´t bothering me as low level that my toon is pulling arrows from thin air. I was joking about this as I have magical ranger with Gandalvish relatives. When I hit lvl 80 it was very annoying so I searched for quivers. Vendors don´t have it. Auction, nope, water again. Asked players in WvW (highest density of players on one place), nothing. Then I suddenly got accross one player who put quiver in chat. It was December 2012 I think. I typed my question about where did he get that quiver and no answer. So I went to google. Browsed many pages, read many articles and then I started to grind and farm materials. Used mystic forge and got my quiver. The point is there is absolutely no sign in the game how to obtain or craft this item. You need to use google for this game…

7) Currencies. Well, laurels. Another currency added into this game? Seriously? People are laughing at Underworlds server community that they are just CoF runners. I´m not laughing at all because they are practical. You can´t deposit dungeon tokens and they consume bank space like tsunami wooden cottages on the shores of ocean :-P

8) Hearts. Um, any chance we can re-do hearts with the same character? Events are not enough and some hearts were even more fun than whole event system.

9) Dragons. OK, so I took the time, found the timer on the internet because otherwise I wouldn´t know when they spawn at all and got loot. Junk, greens, 1 blue item. Seriously? :-D Dragons chest and this kind of loot :-D Make them harder, fight longer, more stages, more dead players, less spawns (1 spawn in month) but make the loot worthy of dragons. Even low level harpy from human starter zone dropped me rare item and dragons give greens and blues? Even the nail from dragon claw should be more valuable than any exotic item…

10) Map – events visual. Have you ever been in Orr area? As soon as you enter the chat is filled up with: “grets up” or “plinxs ready”. After 15min it´s getting annoying as hell and I want to block all of those shouters in chat. Can you make events visible in the map? You are in the map, you can see every events and their stages no matter if they are on the other side of the map or near the place you are standing.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

1) Customization: I don´t care about ugly UI. I can take it as it is, press Num0, hide it all and just run around the world. I´d love customization GW had – heroes.
- you could customize many heroes, upgrade them, use different weapons for their class, armour
- they added extreme depth to the game with their personal stories
OK, they were / will be heroes so can we have them for personal stories at least? They will live in GW2 their own lives, fight mobs, pursue their own goals while players can meet them in persistent world.
Hero called Jonah will fight the charrs. You will meet him during one of the personal quests. Customize option reveal for your instance. After quest is done and personal instance is left, Jonah comes back to his script routine. Wondering the Charr lands and killing them one by one, gathering resources, hunting animals, living in his tent hidden at the top of the mountain f. e., having his own events like preparation for charr hunt, spying the charr camp, whatever.
The orr is now filled up with bots. Oh, I´m sorry, “people”. They are drones running from point to point, fighting mobs and farming chests and loot while typing into chat.
I feel lonely in this game. Yeah, we have guild, there is friend list with some account names in it but still. Heroes in GW made that game more sociable than GW2 is for me. I could woke up at 3am, prepare them in 2mins and go to dungeon. Try this in GW2… try anything to do out of main hours -> lonely world. That´s why I adore GW and just like GW2.

2) Auction: preview of items, more options to search (what stats I´m looking for or upgrades on weapons, armour, etc.), buy more items at once with just check/uncheck->buy, maybe bidding system for limited time like 7days max and normal posts (sell) unlimited as it is now.

3) follow command. absolutely basic mechanism is missing. Game wants us to be active, OK, but why I have to be 100% of time when we run from POI to POI sticked to my keyboard just to hold W as run if in the group with friend or whoever? Player is not getting any reward from events, hearts, kills, etc. if he is inactive so why not to allow follow command? Events can´t be leeched this way. Sometimes you are in party and your game pocket is empty or you don´t want to use waypoints so 3-4 people have to hold W. No bio break for the rest, no refreshment, nothing. Everyone has to nailed to keyboard just to run from A to B.

4) crafting. Um, redesign it completely? :-D Discovering recipes is the only fun element. Otherwise you just stand there with open tab and clicking the mouse. Not even craft animations :-/

5) UI again. Did you open more than 2 tabs at once in GW2? Nope? Try it. Minimize, maximize the tab would be really helpful or at least option of transparency.

Czech Heroes [CzH] Underworld

in Guilds

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

Casual gameplay

mail ve hre posilat na Draaq Cz

Community's Voice: Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

HOFTW dungeon, story mode: I´ve been lookig for people for this dungeon over 2 months.
It´s time to make henchmen or heroes because people are useles thing in GW universe when it comes to making party for action.

Story Mode Dungeon Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

First, story modes:
Tried AC dungeon, it was OK, quite fast, not rewarding loot.
Tried CM old version, super fun, fast, good loot, good money, good xp!
Tried TA, didn´t finish it because of insane wiping before second boss and I don´t have money for repairs to throw away.
Tried SE, 3 hours run, frustrating, white or blue rewards while I get rare-gold items from mobs over the world, those golems in Kudu fight… second golem took us 40min of gameplay and white drop from him!!! Blue, useless light armor piece for me as a guardian. Really rewarding…

I am not interested in wasting time for nothing. Dungeons are NOT fun, it´s waste of time, not rewarding, frustrating. I´ll keep playing PvE, events, etc.

Features in GW1 But Missing in GW2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

As a another GW1 veteran!

I miss heroes or henchmen. Player in this game feels lonely like in every other MMO on the market except SWTOR or GW1.

- no waiting time in dungeon play (bio break only when I need)
- no leavers in the middle of instance
- no gameplay destroyers (everything depends on skilled/unskilled player)
- company available 24/7
- the feel of being in party of people I know (Not, I´m not felling good in guilds. It´s just very poor system where everyone is strange to me no matter how big the guild is.)
- I knew by heart some of heroes stories, their sentences during AFK time
- they are big part of SWTOR too and I loved SWTOR for story line and NPC lines and their influence based on your behavior
- I couldn´t make several HM instances in GW1 with people. Then I spent a lot of time equipping heroes and voilá almost everything done with 4 “men”: me, 3 heores (I passed on super extreme hard nightfall endgame)


Would really loved to see companions in GW2 in some form. I just hate people in MMOs because they ruin everything and even now, few weeks after game release people stopped to revive others in battle (Mainly in WvWvW and less but stopped in dynamic events.).

Willing to pay 5000 gems for 1 hero/NPC/companion.