Showing Posts For Dsmagleby.6217:

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


To the Deso Group who ran past our GvG, Thanks for not interupting !

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

solo final instance... or... laugh at me

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Did it on a lvl 37 thief with lvl 14 gear ;| only died once….

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

10/18 Gunnars Hold|Aurora Glade|Millers Sound

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Video from the WBC vs. FIRE GvG, Really great match, to bad that it went the way it did.
Another time plzz don’t take the decisions that quick, being called cheater is never fun.
Enjoy the Video ! ;D

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Banners Hold-Underworld-Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Don’t mind the troll, <3 the fights you guys are giving !

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Support SSL certificate expired

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


INSANE that it’s not fixed yet o.0

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Support SSL certificate expired

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


page still safe ? cuz i need to create a ticket …

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Costumer support and gems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


I did it right before the bug with full account and the money have been taken from my bank !

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Costumer support and gems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Heyy i wanted to create a ticket because i didn’t recieve my gems but my computer says that the site is not secure !
something about an expired certificate.

So im gonna need some help.


Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


You obviously have no idea…

/edit: But just for you: Vabbi basically means fighting outnumbered at every given time of the week with skilled opponents against one. If there is no zerg to back you up, you have to get better personally, makes sense, no?

But i’m sure WBC will do their best to kick you butt a few times. They’re from WSR after all

@WBC: If you meet a [Fun] asura warrior from Abaddon, hit him a few times for me ^^

I don’t hit people sorry.

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

8/2 Underworld vs Arborstone vs Gunnar's Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Yeah sorry Botinhas we were camping outside bay. As this picture of the battle shows, we clearly outmanned you 2 to 1, maybe even 3 to 1. But even with such odd in our favour we were just too scared to push on you. I do apologies, you’re too pro guys. Just too kitten pro.

Smart of you to take the print when you had guys on walls manning ac’s and cannons and prolly WBC had already left at 2am, you should have taken that print at 22gmt, but i yeah, we only have proof of what suits us, right?
Just like when you both go to our BDL with 60
ganged up, nothing aggainst that, infact, i love it, just didnt expect to be fighting more numbers + ac’s or any other siege

Honestly, i rather face Aurora or even RoS with which we can have amazing fights than you guys,

Or you could look on the map of their screenshot and see you are wrong……

I was about to point that out

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Lose Keyboard and mouse function on quit

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Is it only in GW2 or also in other games?
if so i had a simular problem a while back and it turned out to be a mallfunction in the mouse all though it was a cable mouse. It simply made a power overload and my USB turned off for safety.

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Gunnars vs Millers vs Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Thx for the loot Miller’s :P nice fight in MS hills

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Whiteside Ridge - Fissure of Woe - Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


There’s only one thing you can do when a gate makes a disco…..



Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Whiteside Ridge - Fissure of Woe - Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


I was surprised by the numbers ystd

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Loot Error - Not Getting Rares

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


your just unlucky bro, got two ystd and 250 tokens :P

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Suggestion about sunrise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


that all sound resonable.

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Dynamic Events: Trophy or Karma Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


you can’y just give laurels away in events ! They are special (or was).
TBH i don’t see the problem in the rewards.. Im on a low pop server and ppl only show upfor the bosses and im fine with that.
I do not want a 100% rare at every event that would just be stupid.
Point being i just don’t think the events are something most ppl care about because they are the same over and over again.

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

more than one trait set !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


My suggestion is very simple (or atleast i think it is)

And before you read then sry for the bad english

allright here we go, i would like it so that i could have multible traits that i could customize then so that i could have my MM build and my Condition build in traits without having to cleanse and repeat the trait over and over again.
I understand that it would be a problem to be able to switch when out of combat and cost free, so i would recommand that the trait master could “Hold” you traits and then to switch it would cost the same as normal.

This would save me from alot of irratation so take a look and see what’s possible.

-ZIP Comments ! ?

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

RoS / Dz / Wsr

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


This thread sure is dead atm :/
Thanks for the fun fights RiOT in WSR border !

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Sclerite karka shell, mystic forge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


so i could get a Fractal capacitator, make it ascended, and then transmute ?

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Sclerite karka shell, mystic forge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


are there no fixes ?

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Sclerite karka shell, mystic forge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


anyways i can fix it ?

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Sclerite karka shell, mystic forge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


I have a Karka back that i wanted to ascend and i brought the stuff needed and went to the mystic forge to upgrade it when i encountered a problem…
The back didn’t show up in the forge.. :/

I have transmuted it and put a gemstone in it.

Am i doing anything wrong or i it a bug ??


Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


“And I woldn’t say FIRE joined any bandwagoning”

cough cough cough… FIRE moved to Gunnar’s Hold from SFR and took off to Surmia a week later once they discovered Riot, Vcy and Votf moved there, so much for bandwaggoning, no offense :P (i wrote it down now, will NEVER mention it again :P) On another note its amazing seeing RoF still in the lead against RoS, very suprising to me. Greetings from a relaxed matchup against Dzag and Arborstone going at each other’s throats while we be chilling.

Hmm, we are flattered but what makes you think RiOT is uberhaxt1professional? We are a casual PvX guild, infact most of ours members are PvE, what “we do” any guild can do.

Randoms run with us a lot and you may think of it as “blobbing”, but those randoms we try to shake off all the time.. they just see RiOT tag and stick with it, this is no good for us because they die and rally opponents.

The last part can’t be all true my friend, look at this RiOT vid:
I would call that getting the pugs attention (Leader has CC on)

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


Very unlikely RiOT blobbed up today.. but hey, I was offline all day.. we run max 30 people (after a guild mission for example) but usually we run with about 20ish.

We don’t have the numbers to create a “blob”, but nice try… theres a lot of whining already which is a pitty..

I think that people are trying to say are that your often seen in a blob. i mean WBC was assulted by a of mix RiOT, vcy and randoms, and that’s a blob if im not wrong

BTW respect to the RiOT guys, we’ve had some fun fights against you

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Dz vs WSR vs BT

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217

Dsmagleby.6217 thx for some epic fights DZ and BL

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Graphic card ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


hey i was wondering can MSI geforce 8400 gs run gw2? and if how good ?

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


42:6:3:2158 here
Whiteside Ridge EU

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”