Showing Posts For Duke of Thorin.7425:

Legendary Armor and Juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

As most folks know, the player character’s armor gains a shimmering effect when wielding the legendary hammer Juggernaut. However, I’ve noticed that if a player has even a single piece legendary armor equipped (with its original skin), the Juggernaut effect isn’t applied to any of that player’s armor, regardless of if it is legendary, has the legendary skin, or is any other skin.
Is this legendary effect cancelling intended?

[NA][Raids] Raid Responsibly [RR] Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Bump, still recruiting!

Warrior Build for Easy Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Cool, thanks for sharing!

[NA][Raids] Raid Responsibly [RR] Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Raid Responsibly [RR] is recruiting fellow raiders for weekly clears!

We’re part of a raiding network between various guilds and friends that hits up raid clears whenever folks are online and available. We don’t have any statics or set raid times, choosing to instead host our own pick ups with whoever is around at 3-8pm eastern time all week long. If you’re into raiding but don’t want to sync up your schedule with 9 other players (read: join a static guild), you’ll fit right in with RR. ^^

Member Requirements
Preliminary note: We maintain a friendly, fun, and constructive vibe in our raids; abusive elitism need not apply.

1. Be experienced in atleast 6 raid encounters.

  • Note that at this time we primarily host kill groups, and as such are looking for players who have experience in raid level content. However, we are more than happy to teach members any encounters that they are inexperienced with.

2. Be experienced with atleast two meta raid class with appropriate gear and build.

  • We ask that you are able to fill whichever role you bring to a raid, as 9 other people are depending on you. =p

3. Discord is required for all raid clears.

  • You don’t need to talk if you’d prefer not to, it’s just so the raid leaders can communicate with the squad efficiently.

No rep requirement. Feel free to never rep us, sometimes rep us, or always rep us.
No activity requirement. Raid with us whenever you want!
No set time expectations, feel free to raid with us whenever you’re on.

There are no applications, no trial memberships, no gear checks, no kill proof; just be honest with us about your experience.

Full disclosure on how we operate: we can’t guarantee when a raid will fire. We just do a wing whenever folks are online and need one, so it varies. This can be good or bad depending on what you’re after. Good, no commitment that’s tied to static raiding. Bad, you might miss a wing if you’re not around and we fire a run. If you’re looking for something more structured, you’d probably be happier in a static guild.

If you would like to join up with our ranks, leave me a message in the thread, shoot me a direct message on the forums, mail me in game, or whisper me at Duke of Thorin.7425 ^^
Happy raiding everyone!

(edited by Duke of Thorin.7425)

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Wow, this game becomes alot less fun when all your classes get destroyed in one fell swoop.

Reasons to play Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Hammer. It’s sooo good.

As an ele main; Diamond Skin OP

in PvP

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

As an ele main with 2000 exclusive hours on ele, diamond skin is absolutely fine.

Ele base hp sorely needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Ele base hp is pretty awful; sustain doesn’t matter when you die before you can react. This leads to needing to take preemptive action (say, against thieves) to prevent just dying in one hit. This kind of play isn’t positive, isn’t rational, and leads to generally worse end-user gameplay.

frac rewards are balanced

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

This thread is gold.

Raids: Will anyone take thief?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

I will! Because meta-based exclusion is an idiotic system.

HoT suddenly unplayeble hard.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

I do and it’s been awesome. The mobs are perfect and I love the challenge.

Megaservers are having issues with not enough players, but that’s being addressed.

Basically took the words from my mouth.

Worse than Cursed Shores...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Cool, so this is a great opportunity for you to practice gameplay that isn’t press 1 to feel good, and in turn become a better gamer. Cheers.

ArenaNet please stop nerfing content.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Yeah, keep it challenging please.

ANet might've overreacted?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

The content in HoT is absolutely fine, and geared toward meaningful play-time. I’m sorry if you’d rather just pick up a game and blow through it, but a great majority enjoy improving their play-skill and conquering challenges.

Crafting 20 Slot Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Yeah, use Sonder the sellers bags.

So.... pearls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Omg lol, and I thought fractal encryption arbitrage was bad.

No chance for Future Elite Specs during HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Now that it requires a metric ton of HP to just unlock our elite, the likely hood we get another elite spec with this expo is basically zero.

Good luck to all of you with 9 + characters and enjoy your endless grind of hero points to play what you paid for!

Sorry ele players, were stuck with tempest -_-

+1 for both points. Tempest needs so much work, and cost is just insane.

You can have your cake and eat it too!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Yeah, it’s madness to open all your Christmas presents on Christmas, when you can instead savor the gift-wrapped boxes all the way through July. Why open them at all?

Oh god, yes, I love it.

Okay, that aside, 400 points is an issue. It’s not that it isn’t a game mechanic built around instant gratification, I don’t support that, the problem lies in having to commit an exorbitant amount of time and energy into a choice with a very hit or miss result. Players are going to have to expend a significant amount of HPs just to see what an elite specialization will initially be like, let alone spend a boatload of HPs to test the final product. This is not an okay progression model; in the end it’s gonna lead to alot of playerbase frustration due to buyer’s remorse. If we scale down the cost to something reasonable, say 150 HPs, then players will still have to spend some time to get an initial first look to see if a specialization is what they’re looking for, while also not being heinously punished if they decide it’s not for them.

Preparations were Trivialized

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Op is on point with his argument. It’d be a different case if Anet officials didn’t release relatively specific information on incoming expansion systems, but from what they directly said in interviews it feels like people who were preparing were deceived.

PSA: 2 Factor security rewards a new mini

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

:0 Finally! Thank you Anet. ^^

Things you actually LIKE about the class

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

1. Mallyx Skill 8. This skill is the actual nuts in small numbers pvp.
2. Heal->Swap->Heal being a possible line for high burst healing.
3. Mace Might combo ( fire field Mace 2, Mace Blast 3) being included in the 3 skills mace has. In addition, the possibility of multi-blasting off of Mace 3. Mace in general is a model for what Rev weapons should be. All the mace skills are useful and interesting, whereas other weapons have obvious filler. (Staff 2 anyone? Make it a stun or daze at least. It’s basically an auto.)
4. Swapping having effects ( heals, stun break, condi clear).
5. Hammer concept, but not execution. It’s a sick design, and having a lifesteal combo weaved into it is golden. The issue I have with it is speed and energy cost, it’s just too slow to be of any use outside of WB spam parties.
6. The professions flair and style. Really neat and unique visuals, A+.
7. Hearing Jalis make funny noises.

remove energy from weaponskills

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Agreed, posted in a different topic so not making this long-winded.

New trait system Good or bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Not writing a book on this, I’ll leave that to you who are more versed in the forums.
Bad, the removal of trait attributes and forcing of three trait lines decreases diversity, something that’s been under attack for awhile.

[BETA] Fierce Infusion and Ventari Tablet

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Summoning should imo, honestly I thought it did.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Outclassed and Underpowered.

Outclassed: Other classes can do what the Revenant does in an easier and more effective way.

Underpowered: For the limitations placed on Revenants ( no wep swap, weapon costs and CD, locked utilities, etc.) their output is not where it should be for a balanced game.

So Disappointed After The First Beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Hello All,


I have tried a zerker and condi build with all weapon types. All I have seen is crazy low DPS, to the point where it took about 8 mins to kill a vet with other players.


Yeah, I’ve tried most of the damaging routes that we have the option to use so far and I’m seeing pitiful damage. At this current rate, I feel like I’m doing the same damage as a Nomad thief. Sure, we can heal, but we apply so little pressure that a lone Healing Signet on an unarmored warrior can probably out-heal Revs. Everything feels fluid, neat, and thematic, but that isn’t worth a copper if it’s not functionally useful.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

So basically revenant couldnt fight its way out of a wet paper bag. DPS so low ambient creatures make fun of you.


Really dig the last boss

in Living World

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Yeah, this fight was fantastic. I was impressed with how interactive it was, especially for a large-scale enemy fight. Keep up the dynamic combat.

Next LS before HoT

in Living World

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Don’t expect anything on the edge of an expansion ^.^ It’s not really that long a time anyways. But hey, if they would swing SAB back around, that would be cooool.

Replacing Trahearne

in Living World

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

I nominate:

The Player Character.

Final battle and trailer almost made me sick

in Living World

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

I actually found that the final battle was super interactive and enjoyable. So many games
(even a bit in our very own GW) present dragon fights as a linear, non-interactive whack-fest. The battle with the Shadow on the other hand actually made a fight out of it, you weren’t just standing somewhere jamming a button. Kudos to you Anet, I was really impressed with the dynamic combat you brought in this dragon fight.

Relating to the OP, as others have said, this is a skill issue. I was able to solo the dragon in a short time on a berserker elementalist, it really isn’t an imbalanced fight. It’s the final battle of the season, it’s not meant to be as face-roll as the intro fights presented to newly created characters. Challenges are good, people seem to be forgetting that. At any rate, if you encounter something you are struggling with, go get a group! There are always people willing to help, and I’m sure people who are looking for help to.

What Armor/Outfit is this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Title says it all, haven’t seen this skin before. Anyone know what it is?


Why Im Glad Lion's Arch As We Know It Is Gone

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Put concisely, I think this evolution is impressive. The destruction of Lion’s Arch has such a realistic punch to it, it’s not just the usual stuff MMO companies brew up. This was the annihilation of our main city. Personally, this Living Story was the first one that I’ve experienced that made the world feel dynamic, though we all have our own opinions. Concerning the near future, I hope Anet doesn’t just tidy up LA and we all go back to acting like nothing really happened. Of course it would be nice to return to our city at one point, but it would be an outright shame to invalidate this major point in Tyrian history.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

This entire situation is an outrage. Both the creation and release, and the proposed solution are extremely unprofessional. By so blatantly re-skinning — there is no way this is an oversight — a unique item, Arena Net degraded the value of the item, and in turn devalued the time of original consumers of T3 Human armor. The consumers work and time for a unique item was now wasted, destroyed by Arena Net’s decision. Any opportunities they missed to acquire this armor are now forever gone.

Arena Net saw the harm this caused, and responded, but their offered solution is far from correct. They offer an unknown remake of the skin to the consumers, or a refund on the purchase. This solution takes no account of the work or time any consumer spent to integrate the skin to his/her character. Without knowing what the updated version will be, any consumer’s resources spent to obtain this form of the skin are devalued; as they can only act in concerns to what they know, their current skin. All time is valuable, in more than a monetary sense. The other opportunities that were bypassed to work for the skin/gems/items to go with the skin and the investments (whether intellectual/monetary/etc.) are lost with this solution. This especially affects the uninformed consumers, who are still out there working to acquire items to go with the Flamekissed skin. All of the time they spend becomes nothing with the update of the skin. The refund option does not credit consumers for any time that has been wasted, only crediting the sole purchase.

In short, Arena Net is rectifying devaluation of one party by devaluing another party. They created a devaluation of human T3 consumers by removing the unique aspect of the armor, thus the work and time of many T3 consumers is devalued and lost. The solution they present, to revalue T3 users, creates a devaluation of the Flamekissed consumer, in a very similar way to the T3 party’s devaluation. Any work or time the Flamekissed consumers invested is now lost.

No company should, in any form, devalue its consumers. To correct this wrong, Arena Net needs realize the value of both parties of consumers. First, the skin must be removed from sale, and be reworked, to prevent the continued devaluation of T3 users. This has been done, and was a correct decision. Next, any consumer who purchased the Flamekissed skin needs to be allowed the option to keep the current version. This takes into account the work and time they spent to acquire it and adapt to it, thus respecting their invested time.

For those who purchased the T3 Human skin, their armor will remain slightly devalued, an unfortunate outcome of a poor decision made by Arena Net. No solution will completely rectify this wrong, but the current proposed solution only harms the entirety of another party. Arena Net needs to take responsibility concerning this substandard decision and their devaluation of one party, and not in-turn devalue another.

In response to Rialen:

Extremely well said. Both parties have worked for the items – whether earning money in the real world, or earning gold in game – in addition to the time spent on obtaining the items and modifying their appearance, etc. They clearly underestimated the attachment some players have to the exclusivity of cultural armor, despite it belonging to the most played race in the game. Perhaps this would have led to updated armor sets from other cultural tiers? No less, Arenanet made the blunder and the players reacted.

By devaluing those who purchased the gemstore armor, Arenanet undermines the consumer confidence in those they depend on to financially support the game. By devaluing those who feel attached to the exclusivity of their T3 armor, they risk the satisfaction of a portion of their playerbase. There is no solution in this circumstance that will make everyone happy, and other games who have fallen into very similar blunders have made the move to allow the original to remain for those who purchased the original (like the flamekissed) set, and from that point on only offered the redesigned set for future purchases. This would be a better solution, as it doesn’t undermine consumer confidence, it doesn’t leave consumers who made additional purchases/investments in the lurch even with refunds, it pleases those who do not want modified reskins of a cultural tier set in the gemstore, and it prevents Arenanet from taking a loss with the ensuing refunds if their replacement set is not satisfactory.

Both Rialen and islarose have a very logical and reasonable response to the problem, and how it should be handled. Arena Net cannot simply fix the first wrong (devaluation of T3 consumers) with another wrong (devaluation of Flamekissed consumers). These posters’ solution is the best I have seen so far concerning what the thread has to offer, and attempts to minimize all the damage dealt.

(edited by Duke of Thorin.7425)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Jade Quarry is open.