I really don’t get how people are upset at AFKers. Personally I’d much rather have AFKers in my team, than try-hards that just prolong the inevitable.
Most matches the winner is clear before the match starts and if the “lose” team doesn’t manage to do a good start? well it’s going to be rough seas. Its much more rewarding at this point to simply just afk and let the other guys win, than struggle on for 7-10minutes with a 300-500 lose.
Sure, I’ve been in a few matches that’s turned around and won, even after a bad start, even after trailing by 200+ points. But those are rare, and you can usually size up the potential of those kinds of turn-overs. The other 9 out of 10 “lose” teams just doesn’t have it in them to turn it around. Making the effort simply not worth it.
At that point you should punish the try-hards rather than the AFKers, because at least the AFKers are helping the team.
However. The solution to the problem is very easy to grasp. Reward. reward reward reward. the pvp system, especially the ranked matches, are flawed because the only reward is winning. There is nothing to keep you fighting in a losing match.
The only reward for a losing team is to lose as fast as possible and gain the small conciliation prize reward track progression.
This is why people AFK. Because it’s the 2nd best reward for playing a pvp match. Winning is top reward and losing really quickly is the second best.
If you want people to keep fighting, you need to change the second best reward.
This needs to be either,
Don’t lose a Pip over a certain range, say 300+
match-based challenges that either reward pip lose safety and/or higher reward track gains.
Add reward track gain based on team score. Winning 2k, close lose 1,5k, wide lose 1k, blowout ,5k.
Rewards and incentive will help nurture a better player base. Using the stick to punish will never improve things.
The freezing idea seems like a good idea from afar, especially if it freezes the entire match and match clock until the new player arrives. However.
Would you want to join a losing team, that’s 150 vs 400 in score in a ranked game?
I seriously doubt anyone would want that. The only incentive at that point would also be to not lose pips if you’re a joining player. Because you’re always going to get thrown into a losing match.
Though.. thinking about it for a bit.. that could also be a way to redeem lost pips. Imagine losing a game and a pip, after which you’re allowed to sign up for a replacement queue and join anyone that leaves a lower tiered match. Giving the losing team a second wind by inviting a higher tier player to take the spot of the one that leaves. If you help and manage to win at that point you’ll get two pips.
hmmm, idk maybe that’s crap.
anyway, the way to break the AFKers is to break the problem with the second best reward of losing quickly. Add incentive for losing.