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WTB harsher punishment for leavers/AFKers

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I really don’t get how people are upset at AFKers. Personally I’d much rather have AFKers in my team, than try-hards that just prolong the inevitable.

Most matches the winner is clear before the match starts and if the “lose” team doesn’t manage to do a good start? well it’s going to be rough seas. Its much more rewarding at this point to simply just afk and let the other guys win, than struggle on for 7-10minutes with a 300-500 lose.

Sure, I’ve been in a few matches that’s turned around and won, even after a bad start, even after trailing by 200+ points. But those are rare, and you can usually size up the potential of those kinds of turn-overs. The other 9 out of 10 “lose” teams just doesn’t have it in them to turn it around. Making the effort simply not worth it.

At that point you should punish the try-hards rather than the AFKers, because at least the AFKers are helping the team.

However. The solution to the problem is very easy to grasp. Reward. reward reward reward. the pvp system, especially the ranked matches, are flawed because the only reward is winning. There is nothing to keep you fighting in a losing match.
The only reward for a losing team is to lose as fast as possible and gain the small conciliation prize reward track progression.
This is why people AFK. Because it’s the 2nd best reward for playing a pvp match. Winning is top reward and losing really quickly is the second best.

If you want people to keep fighting, you need to change the second best reward.
This needs to be either,
Don’t lose a Pip over a certain range, say 300+
match-based challenges that either reward pip lose safety and/or higher reward track gains.
Add reward track gain based on team score. Winning 2k, close lose 1,5k, wide lose 1k, blowout ,5k.

Rewards and incentive will help nurture a better player base. Using the stick to punish will never improve things.

The freezing idea seems like a good idea from afar, especially if it freezes the entire match and match clock until the new player arrives. However.
Would you want to join a losing team, that’s 150 vs 400 in score in a ranked game?
I seriously doubt anyone would want that. The only incentive at that point would also be to not lose pips if you’re a joining player. Because you’re always going to get thrown into a losing match.

Though.. thinking about it for a bit.. that could also be a way to redeem lost pips. Imagine losing a game and a pip, after which you’re allowed to sign up for a replacement queue and join anyone that leaves a lower tiered match. Giving the losing team a second wind by inviting a higher tier player to take the spot of the one that leaves. If you help and manage to win at that point you’ll get two pips.
hmmm, idk maybe that’s crap.

anyway, the way to break the AFKers is to break the problem with the second best reward of losing quickly. Add incentive for losing.

Matchmaking seems good. A lot more enjoyable.

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I don’t see much of a difference.. it’s still stacked heavily towards one team before the match even starts.. it’s just the same as last season.

S: Category for Reporting

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Why have a report? why not just add a way for them to leave and get replaced?

I’d much rather have a working Leave button during the warm up phase. When someone uses it, the countdown pauses until he’s been replaced.

Seems like a much better solution than throwing reports, frustration and general hatred around.

Class that takes the most skill

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Class that takes the most skill is always going to be subjective. Since the only one that takes the most skill is the one that you find most difficult to play.

I’ve only got experience with core specs, and playing as a core thief in this meta, isn’t all that easy, but I couldn’t say it’s the most difficult class for me to play, simply because I grasp the gameplay and enjoy it.

I play all classes on and off. I try my best to learn all of them, because that’s what I do in every game. The challenge for me is to master all of them and be just as good/skilled with all of them.

So I personally find Mesmer to be the hardest. But that’s simply because I can’t really wrap my head around it’s mechanics and rotations. I think part of it is that I’m playing it too power based, and can’t really adapt to the condi gameplay.
It’s a class where I need to step out of my comfort zone and think differently, so it becomes harder and feels more “skill based” to me.

Some pick engineer as the hardest/most skill based class, but for me it isn’t. I find it easier and more enjoyable than mesmer, simply because Engineer feels more straight forward to me. Sure it requires some setups and fields, but it also adds a lot of fun and interesting experimentation which no other class really does.
With Engineer there’s just so many ways to mix and match skills and kits that you can toy with your opponent until it dies.
But with Mesmer, i’m always left wondering what I’m suppose to do. Nothing feels lethal or useful. :/ I just feel stomped.

I’m guessing this is what most feel. The hardest one for you is going to be the one that feels highest on the skill chain.
The only exception is what a someone else mentioned, and that’s winning even with inferior specs/classes.

I'd be good too if I paid for Heart of Thorns

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Name one game in which expansion content isn’t better than core.

That is a slightly stupid argument, since every expansion in an MMO also comes with a level increase.
This is the problem with these HoT specs. It’s lv90 players fighting lv80 players in an environment that’s suppose to be leveled and balanced without any gear advantage.

I can’t think of a single MMO with this same situation. Every MMO divides it’s core and expansion players with levels and different pvp brackets, simply because the expansion players have a huge gear and stat advantage.

Whether they promise or not they need to add incentive for you to buy the expansion. It’s not pay2win, it’s buy2play. And this is how ANet is making money.

I know, most of you believe that servers operate on hot air and whatnot, and the people at ANet work there day in and day out for giggles and kitten. But that’s far from the truth.

Whoever is complaining about should really cut off the kool aid. I know it sucks but business is business and they need to provide incentives for the players to pay. Other MMOs deal with this through subscriptions or increasingly P2W cash shop. Gw2 has none of that, so I kindly prompt you guys to cut the crap.

If you want to be playing with the top dogs, get the expansion, support the game and most importantly, have fun.

Actually it is pay2win.
sPvP is built on the foundation that we’re playing on even footing. Whether you were a f2p player or Core player, week old player or 2year player, none of you had an advantage over the other. Now, however, HoT has a huge advantage over the rest of the players. This advantage is hiding behind a pay wall, making it a clear pay2win option.
Anyone who actually argues against that is just in denial and doesn’t want to accept that you’re streamrolling “noobs” because of your HoT spec, not skill.

I get that whole incentive to buy argument. I do. But it’s the wrong kind of incentive. It should be incentive enough that they’re adding gameplay variation, more content, quests etc.

“Pay2win, streamroll everyone who hasn’t bought the expansion yet”, should never be an incentive. That only brings toxic to the community, because we all know who flocks to these kinds of things, and catering to those kinds of toxic players is detrimental to bringing in new players. Especially in a game with a F2P option.

The thing is, in PvE and WvW, I don’t really mind having the elite specs be stronger. Simply because those environments are already based on levels, gear and player advantages.

My issue comes with having them dominate the sPvP scene.
It’s a game mode that’s suppose to be based on skill and building the right spec for yourself. Having one, clearly stronger and better spec, locked behind a pay wall, destroys the whole concept of the game mode.
Instead, it becomes a pay2win gear advantage.

The only fair thing to do, is either lock HoT specs into only queuing with each other, or unlock it for everyone within sPvP.
A possible middle ground would be adding a Gem cost to unlocking the elite spec in sPvP. Something like 200gems per elite spec.
This would make Revenant the only pay2win spec. Which, imo, would be ok. one class that is out of bounds is fine, but having every single class outperform you because of a pay wall is just cruel.

Keeping the current structure in sPvP is just a big middle finger from Anet to it’s f2p and core player base.

Can you do something for afkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


You’re looking at the problem from the wrong side.

Why does someone afk?
Usually it’s because the match is terribly lopsided and it’s a pointless effort to even attempt to keep fighting. So the incentive at the moment is to lose the fight as quickly as possible in order to get the reward track progress and hopefully get into a new match with better teammates.

The only way to fix this, is to give a larger incentive to the losing team.
Close fights, give higher reward track progress or doesn’t lose a pip.
You don’t get far by punishing those that already feel punished by the matchmaking system. No one is going to like that. That only spreads frustration.

Instead, you need to reward good behavior. In this case, keep fighting for you fellow teammates, even if it’s a lose, and get rewarded.
If you get punished, then I’m guessing people will simply just alt-f4 instead of afk and take the punishment.

Another idea is adding secondary personal goals during sPvP matches.
Even if you’re losing, Caping/decaping 5 times, give you something.
Getting 10 kills. etc
These kinds of small secondary objectives could also be used to incentives losing.

So About S3 and losing Divisons

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Yes, there needs to be losing division, otherwise we will constantly get uneven fights.

You won’t “balance out” your division unless you can actually lose and drop down. Everyone has a division that’s suited for them and their skill level. if you aren’t allowed to be dropped back down to that skill level.. you’ll constantly get farmed by better players and p2w elites.
Pips and division needs to be separated. Use Pips as a means to gain the rewards, but divisions to find your suitable skill level. Higher division means greater rewards, lower division means lesser.

Personally though, i believe the sPvP is structurally flawed, because you need to be able to track skill level, instead of winrate. Otherwise you’ll keep getting uneven fights.
Also, i believe that 5v5 setup is also flawed. It works in a premade vs premade tournament setup, but because people can actually have very different builds(Yes, most probably use meta builds, but that doesn’t change the fact that they CAN have others), this makes the 5v5 very tricky. A bad player with a bad build makes the game 4v5. if you have more bad builds and bad players that simply lowers the odds even more.

what I’d like to see, in order to increase the playtime and queue time, is for instance adding a team of 4 high winrate players, Legendary division vs 6-7 lower division players.
Sure, they’re worse players, they have bad builds.. but shear numbers on their side would at least give them a fighting chance against the meta.

That would give the legendary players a new kind of challenge from time to time, and give lower players a fighting chance.
It could be a horrible idea, but I’d really like to see it in practice. possibly start it in unranked playlists to see how it works out.

What is the PvP team doing?

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I seriously doubt there’s an actual “pvp team” of devs.
If anything, they’re the same developers working on everything else, and they’re most likely getting forced to prioritize everything else. Probably because pvp balance is to big of a cookie and i’m guessing the money comes from all other avenues within the game.

We get tossed a bisque from time to time that switches up the meta into some other overpowered class, simply because there’s not enough time and money to work on a real balance.

This is probably the big reason for the insane p2w meta we have at the moment.. because they’ve finally got a way to get money from pvp players.

I shouldn't be in Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I shouldn’t be playing in ranked either, but what choice do we have?

I started playing in unranked, it was fun at first, but very quickly it turned into farm mode. losing blowout after blowout. Getting pushed back to spawn and ganked as we exit. Tardmates that doesn’t listen, charges solo into 3+ enemies, no rotating etc.
My team would very seldom get over 100 pts.
The only times I won, was when I had the off chance of getting on the winning kitten team.

So.. I was forced into ranked simply to get a closer to leveled playing field.
Sadly, that doesn’t exist in this current game because of the imbalanced core vs p2w.
But at least ranked is closer to balance than unranked.
With unranked I know i’m going to get farmed, with ranked I at least know there’s a slight chance at victory. Even if it’s quite minimal.

I wouldn’t say the rewards of ranked is the only shiny thing for people to go there.
As a solo queuer, the slightly more balanced teams is the only incentive I have in PvP and ranked is at least a bit closer.

PvP Season 2 and my take on it.

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


so in short. Class imbalance is fun and existing, so long as you’re on the winning side.
Go figure!

The matchmaker isn't bad...

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Losing divisions wouldn’t really help, since the issue that’s messing everything up, is the mixture of rewards track and league progression.
It’s a horrible idea. Especially with the MMR that gives wins to those that keep winning. I’m personally sick and tired of joining a game and knowing full well before everyone has clicked ready, that I’m gonna be losing a pip this round. Doesn’t have anything to do with team comp, I can just feel that I’m in the B team. The game thinks i’m bad, so i keep getting the same horrible teammates.

If they wanted to mix a league progression and reward track.. then this was the worst way. How could they not see this would lead to a lot of grieving and frustration.. Did they really believe that people would gladly get farmed a over and over, without ever getting a fair shot?
No. No one volunteers to be farmed!
Everyone wants a fair shot, at every turn. This matchmaking is based on removing that shot before the game even begins.
Horrible design decision.

They need to separate these two things. if they wanted a reward track, that’s fine. But in the end they need a separate track for actual player skill that would divide those with higher skill quicker into higher divs, and those with lower to lower.
Now everyone is at the same level until ruby, where things change slightly, but if you’ve struggled to get to ruby, you’ll get farmed forever within that tier. You won’t ever get out, simply because the game remembers how much you’ve lost and that you’re clearly a bad player. doesn’t matter if you start getting better, because your teammates clearly haven’t..
Losing divisions at that point wouldn’t help. Since the MMR hell is already in effect. You’ll just get bumped further and further and slotted with every single bad player until you’re at the start of amber again, and can’t even get past the first tier. because every teammate you’re getting at that point will be a bucktooth sisterkittener from the country, who continually bashes his head against the keyboarding, thinking it’ll help.

They need a new way of determining player skill. You can’t solely judge it by winning or losing matches. If they figure that out, and remove the stupid reward track/progression mix, then the next season might be playable.

Here’s a thought.
You could possibly keep the track as 3-4 wins = tier reward. 10-15 = division reward.
But lose the pips and using the division reward as a climb/lowering mechanic.
then add a player skill tracker that would determine division lowering or raising depending on how you play, the player skill of those you beat, get beaten by etc.
Possibly add a commendation system after matches as well. Can only vote on those outside if your party. Getting a lot of commendations/MVP votes could also add to player skill, since you’d be recognized through game play that you played a vital role.

This could leave “elite skilled uber amazing pvp” players in their legendary division beating each other up much quicker, and getting larger rewards for their tier and division rewards. and the PvE crowd that’s just in it for the rewards, would keep their skill level low, only climbing from time to time, only to be lowered because of actually meeting tougher opponents. Having to win more low tier/division rewards to get the same stuff, IE Wings, as the top divisions.

There has to be better ways then the current clusterkitten that we have… please.. go back to the drawing board.

From nearly-legendary to MMRhell -sufferers

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Don’t trade close or mid for far if you have them. It’s a bad trade.

Every match I lose, this is what I always see. As soon as we’ve won Mid, at least 2 rush off to cap far, thinking we’ll just win by blowout.
Instead, it just tips the balance which leads to our loss… almost everytime.

I’m a core player, so keeping a player advantage at mid, or close, is the only way to really win. As soon as someone starts pushing far, that’s when the elite classes just auto wins.

I’ve got a question though.
I don’t switch classes at the start, mostly because I’m trying to learn one class at a time in PvP but also because my char slot is full, so can’t add anymore.. anyway.
Which would you recommend as a counter to necro/mesmer as a core player?
I’ve been running various Engineer builds, the latest is a P/P condi build focused on a lot of might stacking that’s actually been able to toe-to-toe against some elites, but Necros and some mesmers are still too rough, dunno how to counter them.
Switched to a rifle warrior for a bit, which was pretty strong, but quite glass cannony. As long as I had 1 elite on my side, we’d win every time because my support dmg would ruin the other side, but as soon as I was in a core team, we were fluffed.

Any advice for a core to counter necro?
I don’t have char slots for a mesmer or necro :/ but I’ve got all other classes.

Enable elite specs in pvp for everyone.

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I’m tired of getting the finger from the matchmaking in every match simply because i’m a core player.
I bought this game long before it went f2p, i’ve enjoyed it etc. Mostly I just lvl in pve and pvp, because i hate endgame in all mmos. But this crap has made PVP unbearable.
I don’t want to spend a cent on an expansion that currently treats me like kitten, simply because you want more money.
I get it, you need to play the bills, but this strategy of making all core players farm fodder for p2ws is just horribly evil.
Make the elites specs fun and different. Add a new nuisance to the classes. Give players a WANT to get it.. rather then need to get it unless you wanna be farm fodder.

You have 3 choices atm.
Balance this kitten quickly or
Enable elite specs for everyone in pvp lobbies or
Give elite specs their own matchmaking for sPvP.

Anything else we should just consider as a big finger from Anet.
I’d imagine you’ll probably get more expansion purchases from enabling the elite spec in pvp for everyone. Since the imbalanced bullkitten they’ll probably enjoy the elites so much, that they’ll spend money to get them in PvE and WvW, because they ENJOY IT, rather then feel forced to get them.

People offering gold to AFK

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


People are starting to offer payments of gold for their opponents to AFK and throw the match. It’s that bad. It’s that desperate.

Last match in a would-be 3-win-streak to hit next tier, some guy was begging the other team. …and I thought, why not offer the same, as I was also in the same position. So I did, they didn’t accept, and we lost.

I hate this new system, it’s rigged.

is this a troll post or someone admitting of violating eula agreement. thats manipulating matches and considered as bannable offence.

you get banned for rigging a match? yet the matchmaking is rigged to begin with.. I guess Anet needs a good banning atm.

The reason why mm doesn't work properly

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


seems to me that most games end up in the same pattern.
My first match the other team is just slightly stacked against me, they have p2w elites/better players etc. If i get decent teammates then it’s a close fight.
If I win the first match, the next match i’ll get slotted with “winning players” and it’ll be a complete blow out win.
If I lose the first match, then the next match i’m always slotted with the “losing players” and I get farmed at the spawn and lose. If we’re lucky we might decap a point but that’s usually rare.

On the third match we’re back to the same basis of the first, but depending on winning or losing the first match, I’ll be on the stacked to win side, or stacked to lose.
And again, depending on the teammates it’ll be a close win, or a decent lose, about 500-350ish

This is the pattern i’ve seen for the last few days.. but as I’ve gotten higher I’ve also noticed that if I lose 3 matches in a row.. Then there’s almost no way of getting out of being put in the farmed team. It will just snowball into farm match after farm match.. until I get lucky and get thrown into a blowout win match. At that point the whole thing resets back to the first match basis.

It’s getting very frustrating to keep playing when the matchmaking decides whether i should be farmed or allowed to continue.. Especially since it has nothing to do with my own personal skill, but rather the teammate lottery.

I really don’t mind a system based on prestige or whatever they want. I know I would ultimately belong in the mid to upper mid tier division. But the current system isn’t based on personal skill. It’s based on p2w meta.
As a core player, any elite spec feels like a lv100 beating up a lv80.
You do get the occasional early elite player that hasn’t quite grasped the mechanics yet, but anyone who’s spent a little time with the elite spec is almost untouchable.

Pvp better without Elite Specs?

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Yes.. after playing in ranked for a bit, it’s pretty clear which side is going to win, simply by looking at how many elite specs they’ve got.
If one side has 1-2 reapers, it’s almost an instant win. would be really nice with a separate queue for Core and Exp players, at least for ranked play. otherwise we’ll just keep getting this p2w crap.

I’m a core player. Had the game for a long time, but i’m not at all interested in the pve endgame aspect. I enjoy leveling and pvp. So i have no interest in buying the expansion, apart from the p2w elite specs, but it’s not worth it, and I don’t like playing the imbalanced/OP classes. just feels so cheap.

It’s frustrating.. is there even one class that can do a decent job against elite class?
Been playing rifle engineer and have been able to shut down elites from time to time, but usually it’s the bad elite players and non-reapers.

Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Im with gloflop. Make the mmr redundant and have losing tiers and divisons throughout the whole league.

Currently anything prior to ruby is a tutorial, or ranked play with training wheels, this means the group of players in ruby is way way waaay too large. You’ll have good players struggling to get up, bad players getting stomped and all kinds of horrible things.
If the losing players were instead bumped down a division, found more level headed opponents, they’d slowly move up the ranks again. Giving the whole league a better climb.

Everyone has a plateau. That’s just the way of things. At some point we will stop, unless we challenge ourself and keep learning and really go for it. Now, most people won’t do that. They’ll just throw bodies at a match, thinking if they just push they’ll win, instead of taking a step back and learn.
This means we all have a divison that is suited for us, and that is where we should be. This means we need more divisons, not less. Having the first real divison in the middle is ruining the experience for both good and bad players.

The divison ranking and the rewards from the divison should be seperated. However, Gaining higher divisons should give some exclusive things and not everyone should be able to get there by simply grinding.
Im not saying that because i want cool stuff for myself. I know my plateau, im upper middle tier, always will be, i wont get the cool stuff cuz im not good know. But that doesnt mean im cranky because of it. I understand the prestige of gaining that level of play and it should be rewarded. Same as any pve raider.

(edited by Dyze.1580)

New map - secondary mechanic idea!

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


If he can choose then the whole map turns into a grieving match. One person will be constantly pulled, against his will, over and over into a buttrape room.
How do you think that would end?? He will afk/dc out to get away from that bs. This makes the ground game 4v3, because The dueler now picks the next victim to abuse and this keeps happening until everyone has afk/dced out of the match..

If you want a duel mechanic, then it needs to be fair. The duelist has to invite someone and if no one shows, you’ll hurt your team. If someone joins and attempts to beats you, they get more points for winning, then you would get. That could work, since some would build specifically to go duel. Otherwise you’d just get a gank room.. But maybe that is what you wanted?

(edited by Dyze.1580)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I cant say for certain but a similar thing happened to me, but i was on the receiving end.
I was playing my warrior on the forest map, and i wasnt losing any health.. At all.. I 1v1 against a necro. I knew i was going to get slaughtered, but for some weird reason.. I wasn’t getting hurt. I seemed to just heal up, and he was throwing everything at me.
Didnt see anyone healing me or helping me.. So i’m guessing its a bug??

Didnt get hurt or damaged during that whole match. It was very strange. It felt like i had the passive non-combat health regen active while fighting.

Like any true evil player, i tried to recreate the bug in the next match, but didnt have any luck

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I kind of like skyhammer, but i think the problem with the map is that its two maps rolled into one.
The overall design with jumps, glkittens and various dangers is one secondary thing to watch out for. It gives an edge to those with pulls and pushes. Gives a slight game changing mechanic right there.
I’m guessing the cannon was added to kind of counter this change?
Imo, you should split these things into two maps.
One that wholy embraces the pitfalls and jump pads part. Where we have multiple vertical levels of fighting. Los pillars for melee to use cover etc
And another map that is fully based on the skyhammer. The object is to hold it. Four players defend it, five tries to take it.
Swtor has a map design where holding 2 out of 3 points allows you to fire at the enemies ship, the ship that gets destroyed first, loses. Skyhammer could be a similar thing. One player holds it, four defend it. The player with the hammer has to choose, support his team or blast the enemies objective in order to gain objective points.
Gives us a sort of king of the hill game mode where the hill holders are limited to one less player.

I think the treb is a good comparison. Since its a good added mechanic in a point capture mode, but i believe the skyhammer should use its own game mode.

I liked the idea of feeding ammo. You could spawn an ammo container randomly on a map. Your team needs to hold the cannon and escort the ammo holder to the cannon in order to get 3 shots on target. While one player is locked down firing 3 rounds, the next ammo container spawns. Giving the losing team a slight player edge in order to grab it.

I can probably spin a lot of ways to give the cannon a more central role. Imo, thats where the focus should be. Introduce something different with the skyhammer and keep the current map as it is, just without the cannon.

New map - secondary mechanic idea!

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Seem like a bad map imo..
Does the summoner choose whoever he wants?? So he’ll keep picking the same guy to rolfstomp ?? Does the second player have a choice?? If so, the summoner could simply br left standing in the ship for 6min without anyone to fight.. 5vs4 map.. Weee

I think s duel mechanic would lead to alot of grieving.. And would also remove the team aspect of pvp.. Which is what the game mode is based on..

Would be nice with a 1v1 arena though, but it should be a seperate thing.
Best thing, imo, would be adding a proving grounds arena to the lobby. Where people sign up to fight openly. This gives player something to watch while in queue, and also gives bragging rights.
Though could also lead to alot of drama heheh

Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


The current system isn’t based on Skill. That’s complete bullkitten.
It’s based on winning. Winning doesn’t take skill, winning simply takes class imbalance.

Whenever I join a match I check my team. If I see at least 2 imbalanced classes, I know I’m on the winning team.
If I only see one, it’s going to be a tight race.
If I don’t see one, I know I’m going to be farmed.

I see no skill what-so-ever in this matchmaking system.
The most important factor in the league is Pips. If you really wanted to impact the skill level or at least the teamplay rewards for players, then there needs to be a way to NOT lose a Pip.
Things like, losing while on a winning streak shouldn’t lose a pip, but simply lose the winnings streak.
Or, in a losing team you still retain your pip if you manage to get above ~180 in score.
If you still held your own, if you still fought to the bitter end, You should still be rewarded.

The system now doesn’t incentives fighting a losing battle. If anything it gives incentive to lose faster, rather then trying to keep fighting.
If everyone knew they could still fight to keep a pip? everyone would still keep fighting. even if they were getting farmed by the other team.
The way the game is now, you can clearly see which team is going to win from the first tussle at the mid-point. I’ve seen a few turn arounds, but they are very far between, and I’m pretty sure the league system that only rewards winning is the issue.
When losing players keep getting farmed, and keeps seeing the same pattern of imbalanced classes wiping them out.. what incentive do they have of even leaving the spawn? They’ll lose anyway.. why even run out to be farmed?
Fighting to NOT lose a pip would give incentive to lose with dignity and improve your game.

That, imo, would add skill to the leagues. A good player, in a bad team, would still rise to his proper level. Instead of getting penalized by other peoples mistakes or a bad matchmaking system.
Instead of just lucking out with imbalanced teammates, or changing to the OP of the week class.

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Mkay, going to find the tech support ticket page.

I don’t think my power supply is in question, since I’ve never had this issue with any other game. Everything else works just fine.

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


How often does that temp folder generate?
Since I know I’ve deleted it and tried this once already.

Anyway, I tried it again, and it didn’t change anything. As soon as the world was generated, I got black screen and the computer froze. :/

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


So yes, Black screening.
I bought the game this weekend, after spending some time playing the trial weekend.
I had black screen issues from the first time I tried to play, but after googling, I was able to over come it, by under-clocking my GPU.

Since then it’s happened once or two, and it’s always the same. The screen goes black and the computer is locked down. can’t do anything, but the sound stays for a bit. After while I’ll have to do a hard reset in order to get the thing working again.

Anyway, tonight the game seem to have caught up with my mischievous attempt at bypassing the black screens with under clocking, and since then I havn’t been able to do anything.
Now it simply black screens as soon as the Character Selection screens loads, or from time to time, I’m lucky enough to load a character and the world, at which point it’ll black screen.

I’ve tried all the miracle cures, and none of them work.
Deleting Local.dat
using -repair
using -image
Bypassing my router
Updated nvidia drivers
restore nvidia 3D settings
reinstalled directx
deleted temp files

The only thing that did work, was under clocking the GPU, but alas, it does not work anymore.

So I’m stomped, what is actually the issue?
I’m adding a game advisor log, in hopes it’ll clear something up.
I was kind of hoping to play the game I just purchased.. yeah? ..

(edited by Dyze.1580)